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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.65 MB, 2700x2031, ARS-habanero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12332436 No.12332436 [Reply] [Original]

Which hot peppers are the best to ween my wife onto spicy food?
Looking for under 250,000 scovilles. I tested her spice tolerance by lacing her food with habaneros and Carolina Reapers to really pull the bandaid off so-to-speak, but she just stopped eating altogether instead because I'm refusing her food that isn't spicy so I'm going back to square one.

>> No.12332443

based abusive foodie husbando

just remind her that it’s back to normal physical abuse if she doesn’t shape up and eat right

>> No.12332444

I will. She lives in constant fear, thank you for your kind words.

>> No.12332445

it won't happen, just be respectful of her preferences and put the hot sauce on your own food

>> No.12332449

It will happen or she will only be eating dog kibble or starve for the rest of her life. I will not tolerate her insolence.I fucking dare her to get in my face again.

>> No.12332452
File: 87 KB, 425x1400, 15MCEUBRSPRYXXXXXHUA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bear mace?

>> No.12332455

things that never happened for 300

>> No.12332456


>> No.12332462

(You) losing your virginity.

>> No.12332464
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>hot peppers

>> No.12332469

For me it's the bird's eye chili. The best medium pepper.

>> No.12332786

There's no 300 clue.

>> No.12332795
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>> No.12333157

Ween is a band you fuckwit.
The word you want is ‘wean’.

>> No.12333167

OK, OP, I’ll bite: serranos aren’t that hot, but if she really is intolerant of heat, those or bird’s eye are a good start. Do a bunch of Thai curries that have both coconut milk and sweetness to balance the heat.

>> No.12333269
File: 102 KB, 543x655, 1555267940722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

habaneros arent even hot anymore, they dont let them grow long enough to develop heat.
>pic is you

>> No.12333461

if this was my sister your were doing this too ?

I would crush your right index finger with hammer for hurting my sister.

not everyone like hot peppers ,

you can call me edgy or whatever internet insult you like, but I would hurt you badly irl

>> No.12333479
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>> No.12333496

You stupíd moron, that is the worst way to get people into spicy foods, you nitwit!

You develop tolerance to spicy food by consuming it in small quantities, over time the burn gets weaker because of your tolerance going up. You have to give her some mild pepper sauce first to add over food slowly. After a few months she will be ready to moving up in the scale.

The burn feels horrible when you have no tolerance, she will simply not enjoy eating the food and will just stop eating rather than getting used to it.

Try banana peppers first, or some weak store bought sauce.

>> No.12333518
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some weak fucking bait

>> No.12333564

no your post is bait..
think what want, but remember the world is not a nice place, and you are complacent , and you will say or do some stupid shit thinking no one will care , and then someone's reaction will catch you by complete surprise, possibly even ending you ....
and your last thought will be " I was just joking what happened ?"

>> No.12333567

Watch out, we've got a badass over here

>> No.12333570

people who speak the truth are always ridiculed

>> No.12333584

you are weak and you hide behind a keyboard and video screen saying shit to to others thinking you are safe, but you will make the mistake and say it to someone in real life,
and then act surprised at the consequences , claiming you are innocent

>> No.12333590
File: 47 KB, 512x408, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this upset by a post on a Vietnamese wood carving forum

>> No.12333591

What truth? That you can 1v1 me irl? Child, please

>> No.12333596

I'm not the one threatening to smash people's fingers online. Sow wind etc

>> No.12333601

no ,
it wont be me ,
but you act like there are no repercussions for the things you say and do,
and one day you will make this mistake in real life ,
you act like you don't even listen to or read about the shit going in even the united states,
its okay ... you live your life however you want..

>> No.12333622

I said if someone hurt my sister like he has .
how I as her brother would react to some one torturing my sister ... forcing her to eat something that causes pain or starving her because wouldnt eat those peppers ?

I realise this is a bait thread .... but there are people who protect the ones they love,
while you are alone and it appears that you are not even cared about by your own family , because you are angry that there are people who protect there family.
you have a sad and lonely life.

>> No.12333626

based anon

>> No.12333652

I hope your sister gets raped by a few BBCs

>> No.12333677

and I hope you become a christian or some other religious nut then you will have all the excuses you need to become as perverse as want to

>> No.12333682

lol, this guy is really going all out to bait!

>> No.12333685

>you have a sad and lonely life.
Says the guy who threatens other people online and then attempts to take the moral high ground when you get called out on your autistic threat. I bet you're the same type of faggot who says "mom doesn't love you" to your family and relatives in order to make them feel bad for no reason.

>> No.12333687
File: 3.06 MB, 5312x2988, 20180829_163921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grow my own peppers, heres one of my many harvests from last year

this year I'm going for less spicy ones so that my parents can actually use them. Banana peppers and some ancho

>> No.12333710

smoke screen
but you keep trying.

>> No.12333733


>> No.12333742
File: 74 KB, 320x454, nanami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate you

>> No.12333745

And you don't "wean" somebody ONTO something. "Weaning" is the act of gradually getting somebody to stop doing something.

>> No.12333748
File: 244 KB, 1024x768, 1442129754429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a gun

>> No.12333782

start by gradually increasing the level of cayenne and then when her, her son, and her boyfriend are satisfied with the consensual spice levels you can gradually increase the amount you massive cuck. maybe close your soy mouth sometime

>> No.12333806

Why is bear mace only 2%. Id want that shit at least 50%

>> No.12333807
File: 40 KB, 387x437, 1556255020295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mild food

>> No.12333936
File: 47 KB, 432x444, 1557755181920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the world is not a nice place
>crush your right index finger with hammer
which rerun of oldboy are you on man?
>think what want, but remember the world is not a nice place
and just how do you say this and arrive at the conclusion that YOU will get your fair revenge?
you are a pseudo-hardened and pseudo-intellectual individual and i have just as much disdain for you as i have for op. go ahead, threaten me. because calling someone an internet tough guy while threatening irl violence is totally not being an internet tough guy.