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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 1160x560, Chick-fil-A-1160x560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12321032 No.12321032 [Reply] [Original]

>Chick-fil-A is set to become the third largest fast-food chain in the United States as their signature chicken sandwiches and waffle fries continue to soar in popularity.
>Over 50 years after opening the first restaurant in the Atlanta area, Chick-fil-A's sales numbers have risen significantly, bested only by McDonald's and Starbucks, according to food-service consultancy Technomic Inc


What is their secret?

>> No.12321034


Good employees, good food, good atmosphere. McCucks may have a cheaper chicken sandwich, but I'll pay the chick-fil-a premium for the above mentioned.

>> No.12321038

It's crazy to me that people complain about this companies politics when there's no such thing as a progressive fast food chain. Only the most ruthless capitalists can develop such companies, it doesn't matter whether they sell toothpicks with rainbow flags

>> No.12321098

Certainly won't be any misleading, biased reporting in that bloody rag, wat?

>> No.12321107

>What is their secret?

They represent racist white supremacist Trump supporting Americans.

Not really much of a secret though, which is why all these people are flocking to it.

>> No.12321180


What is the liberal answer to Chick-fil-A?

>> No.12321201

they sold their souls to the Devil, typical Protestant behavior t.b.h

>> No.12321249

Tyrones AIDS Smegma Cock Butt-Fet

>> No.12321334

*tips fedora*

>> No.12321401

Progressives don't eat megacorporate fast food pig slop especially when sourced from a corporation that funds gay conversion torture concentration camps. Locally sourced restaurants and food trucks or cooking at home is the progressive answer. As always, an intelligent, sustainable, compassionate option vs. a knuckledragging, scorched earth and inhumane conservative option.

>> No.12321413


>> No.12321422

Nice, here's hoping it doesn't affect the quality of the food/establishment

>> No.12321685

Whenever I go to Chick-fil-a it's a diverse group of Americans. White, black, asian, latino. I guess they're all white supremacists too ; )

>> No.12321696
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>corporation that funds gay conversion torture concentration camps

>> No.12321710

this tho. I even felt bad about the whole gay thing, but Chick-Fil-A is really fucking fast, really fucking clean

Ding ding ding!

>> No.12321713

I've been a vegetarian for 5 years now and the only thing I miss is Chic-Fil-A. Not fried chicken in general, just Chic-Fil-A specifically.

>> No.12321714

/our guys/

>> No.12321718


>> No.12321722

most niggers and spics are christians

>> No.12321726

>bested only by McDonald's and Starbucks
And here I was thinking it was BK or Wendy's or some shit. Why the fuck is a shitty coffee joint so damn popular?
Like fuck man it's not hard to make a cup of fucking coffee.

>> No.12321728


>> No.12321729

Vanilla Bean Frappes are fucking good.

>> No.12321732
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>> No.12321794


/r/atheism on suicide watch

>> No.12321806

Redpilled and based rankings
1 - Chick-Fil-a
2 - In-n-Out Burger
3 - Papa Johns

Fakenewspilled and fiftygenders rankings
1 - Starcucks
2 - Ben and Jerrys
3 - Panera Bread

>> No.12321883

They are honestly way too expensive considering the tiny size of their sandwiches and the fact that they give you exactly 10 fries

>> No.12321924

Their breakfast is the main selling point honestly

>> No.12321967
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>Fakenewspilled and fiftygenders rankings
4. Burger King


>> No.12322082

>3 - Papa Johns
Now I know you're just /pol/baiting.
CFA and In N Out are god tier but Papa Johns is bottom of the barrel garbage, barley above Dominoes.

>> No.12322094

Dominos and Marcos are the only half decent chains

>> No.12322097

>What is their secret?
Their chicken actually tastes good.

>> No.12322105

Ironically, the actual chicken breast sandwich at McDonald's is more expensive.

>> No.12322111

Enjoy your pure sodium, losers

>> No.12322295

People don't go for coffee, they go for liquid desserts

>> No.12322309

Wow they beat wendys and bk? We still don't have one yet in alaska

>> No.12322310

something filled with AIDS served in a niggers asshole

>> No.12322348

I lived there for 20 years, they didn't have a lot of things.

Basically Taco Bell, Wendys, McDonalds, Burger King, and Arbys.

>> No.12322362
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People debate all the time over whether CFA food is great or just average, but there is no debate over its customer service; it's 10/10 and the true secret to CFA's success.

>> No.12322380


If you're white. If you're black/Hispanic you get the suttle racism that we recognize but white people are oblivious too because they consider it normal treatment.

>> No.12322382

you can relax around CFA's employees

>> No.12322387
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>What is the liberal answer to Chick-fil-A?

Anything with Instagram-worthy, outrageous-portion-size dishes.

>> No.12322408

Absolute truth rankings

>> No.12322416

fuck off. most chickfilla employees in my area are black and they still have great customer service.

>> No.12322424

Chick-fil-A always has the cutest girls working for them.

>> No.12322430

All gay men are pedophiles.

>> No.12322436

I wish more degenerate homosexuals were put into conversion therapy to make them right again. Its tough love but needed. I dont want them molesting children and acting like a flaming faggot like that billy herrington and the other less than scum filth on the streets and bred by our liberal school system and neglectful parents.

>> No.12322479


>White guy speaking for ethnic denominations once again.

Fuck outta here. CFA is great regardless of how booty blasted you are that they don't like child molesters.

>> No.12323322

I live in Austin full of these gay degenerates, decided to pay CFA a visit today and much to my surprise, the place was fucking packed. They had TWO drive through lanes and both had big lines on them. No other restaurant nearby had this. If CFA can have this much success in a place like Austin, I can only imagine how they're doing in the rest of the South.

>> No.12323336

It probably depends on the locatiob. The Papa John's by me is pretty damn good, but you absolutely must ask for well done or it's not cooked enough.
Also, the Wendy's where I live now is absolute ass. Can't even enjoy the baked potato with chili, everything tastes like absolute shit.

>> No.12323356

It's really not that bad at all, compared to the compitetion. The chick fil a prices haven't moved much where the others have.
It's $5 for an inferior crispy chicken sandwich with a small fry and small drink at BK, and that's WITH a coupon that doesn't come around all that often.
A better chicken sandwich with a medium fries and medium drink is $6.50 at chic fil a WITHOUT a coupon.
The inferior to both mcdonald's crispy chicken sandwich is $5.50 by itself, regular price.
To be fair, it'd be 40¢ more for lettuce and tomato on the chic fil a sandwich like the others, but, like the chicken and breading itself, the produce is also far superior a CFA.

>> No.12323359

Oh, and also, the chicken sandwich is bigger at CFA compared to McD and BK, in addition to being juicier, meatier, and better tasting.

>> No.12323361

>What is their secret?
Restaurants are properly clean
Staff are always friendly (and usually cute, and almost always white)
They don't over-extend their menu. They sell chicken. And their chicken is fucking good. And they don't fuck with that. Whens the last time chic-fil-a had a limited-time offer or even a new fucking item? It's just chicken sandwiches and chicken nuggets.

>> No.12323363

Nah. They're more white than most fast food places where I live, but there's still minority customers and the elusive friendly minority employees.

>> No.12323371


The minorities that go there are one of three groups

1. too stupid to realize chic-fil-a is racist
2. actually fell for the "it tastes good" shit
3. attempting to strengthen their relationship with god because they don't think church is enough

>> No.12323383

Sounds like you just have an inferiority complex, my dude.
I lived in the ghetto of one of the blackest US cities a bit over a decade ago, and nobody black hated on chic fil a. They loved it, but said it was too expensive compared to cheaper alternatives, which was very true at the time

>> No.12323424


I know a lot of people love chic-fil-a. Matter of fact I hardly hear anyone complain about the place. They all love it. So, yeah I guess I want to let you know that's not what I'm trying to say. Most people love the shit.

>> No.12323425

>expand chains
>Quality disappears

Pls no

>> No.12323438

Not all that likely with CFA. Pretty sure you have to work at one for at least a year before you can be an operator, and you can't outright own one, so no carpet baggers looking for a quick buck.

>> No.12324355

Who are the first two?

>> No.12324357

is chick fil A an alt-right friendly chain?

im not an american

>> No.12324366

They already have over 2,000 locations.

>> No.12324367


>> No.12324375

Yeah, that doesn't happen. Both the chick-fil-a's in my area are staffed by predominantly black folks. The hispanics are usually the management. The customer service is still amazing and on point.

>> No.12324383

Who hurt you bro? Did you not get hired at a cfa?

>> No.12324384

the papa johns in my town is run by an all-italian family, and every pizza that comes out of it tastes like it was kissed by God himself

>> No.12324385

Those restaurants that create disgusting meme shit before going out of business 3 months later after everyone has gotten bored of the new 17 patty burger covered in molten cheese.

>> No.12324388

It's not even company politics, it's only the CEO. He donates to gay rehabilitation centers, that's about it. It's for people who don't want to be gay.

>> No.12324393

>It's just chicken sandwiches and chicken nuggets.
Don't forget the tendies.

>> No.12324430

No. It’s boomer conservatism.

>> No.12324434

This. All the white people (everyone in the store) stared at me when I went into chikfila and there is def subtle racism by the staff. They r polite tho.

>> No.12324437

All of them have pimples from eating formaldahyde dipped “chicken”.

>> No.12324548

Dicklet cope

>> No.12324552

Based and redpilled. Also a white man made this post lmao

>> No.12324557
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But can you get a passport?

>> No.12324563

Finally some good fucking ethics

>> No.12324574

Good. Fuck brown people. Stupid nigger.

>> No.12324599


>> No.12324602

That’s ostensibly what those places are for, but they’re actually more like re-education camps that Christfag families force their gay kids to go to and have the gay beaten out of them(aka being abused physically and psychologically until you start saying the right words and pretend to like the opposite gender out of fear). Spoiler alert: no amount of abuse and/or love for a fake god is gonna change what gives you boners.

>> No.12324605


>> No.12324613

shouldn't the person spewing anti-gay propaganda on a food board be the one going there?

>> No.12324619
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One step closer to ancap paradise

>> No.12324624

God returns 2000 years after Calvary. Hope you're ready, profligate.

>> No.12324630

Based. I’m glad there are at least some sane people on this board.

>> No.12324641

but 4chan really is a majority of progessives...if /pol/ was really running shit like they think, every thread would be they them just patting each other on the back and telling them that they are right. Instead its like two fuckers in every thread and everyone else just mercilously mocks them. Don't let them make you think they run shit here, they are just loud and annoying, but they get shit on every single thread I see no matter the board

>> No.12324644

Sodomites carry disease and it is undesirable trait and behavior. If your child is afflicted with it, you have failed as a parent. It would be better to chemically castrate them than let them further tighten the noose.

>> No.12324648

says the incel who will never have children...

>> No.12324649


>> No.12324651

Ancap is hell on earth, capitalism is pure evil, greed is not good, socialism is the best solution.

>> No.12324668

I remember eating at one of these before.

>> No.12324679

>not subsistence farming off the grid while stealing wifi from your neighbors and posting from behind dozens of proxies

>> No.12324689

I wouldn't want to bring children into this hell.

>> No.12324696

What do you do if the person you're insulting with these terrible ad hominems actually has kids? Because I agree with everything >>12324644
said and my wife is pregnant right now. Who's the incel?

>> No.12324699


>> No.12324752

based and homophobe-pilled

>> No.12324776

>not international

>> No.12325557

I wish they had one in my area but the closest one is about an hour or so away

>> No.12325563

>actually fell for the "it tastes good" shit
what does this even mean

>> No.12325580

Make sure you don't vaccinate the kid so your kind dies off quicker.

>> No.12325583


It can't be broken down any further. Concratulations, you're retarded.

>> No.12325588

on /v/ someone argued that fun is just a buzzword and should not be used as a metric of quality of a game

>> No.12325651
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan really is a majority of progessives
How is your first day of 4chan going? Visited any other boards yet?

>> No.12325661

Tell me more about your food endeavors. What are your go to veggie meals and why did you go vegetarian?

>> No.12325677

>They represent racist white supremacist Trump supporting Americans.
I fucking HATE that I am associated with Southern Protestant cucked fags.

>> No.12325697

Straight people have anal sex too, incel

>> No.12325712

God's blessing

>> No.12325747

they predate and will outlast the trump presidency.

>> No.12325756

non-american here, can someone plz explain carpet bagger

>> No.12325769

this desu

>> No.12325771

South lost civil war

Bunch of Yankees (means Northerner here, not just American like it prolly does to you) moved down south to open businesses.

South was not used to free enterprise and business, you either owned a plantation, were a slave, or a poor white sharecropper with no land.

Being a bizman was alien to them, so they crew resentful and called the Yankees 'carpetbagger', kek

It only took 160 years but the South appears to have the "copy a Californian named Ray Kroc" free enterprise figured out and Chik Fil A is almost the size of A&W now.

>> No.12325781


>> No.12325803

awesome. thank you anon

>> No.12325827


The difference between a Southerner or a Northerner is that Southerners act like African-Americans.

If you ever run across an American white Southerner, just imagine them with a tan, curly hair, and big lips, BANG, that's what an African-American is like.

Right down to the accent, behavior, and cuisine.

>> No.12326755
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>> No.12326764

I don't get the appeal. It's just chicken. Chicken is just so boring no matter what you do with it. I'd have a good burger over any kind of chicken any day.

>> No.12328088

Its well cooke, and delivered by super nice attractive people

And desu I really go there for the fries and sauces. Nothing like their fries, and nothing like chick fil a sauce.

>> No.12328095

Smash burger

>> No.12328235

California Pizza Kitchen

>> No.12328244

so everything except the food itself
that's gay
no offense to the south

>> No.12328245

Why don't you let us have just -one- place to ourselves, fucker?

>> No.12328249

Tell your professor that you converted me so you can get an A on your project.

>> No.12328251

You mean you want to start a north american fast food chain apartheid?

>> No.12328257
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>> No.12328258

Chicken is boring.

>> No.12328261
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>Papa Johns
Yeah no.
Would Five Guys fit?

>> No.12328347

Straight people don't go through hundreds of sexual partners throughout their life.

>> No.12328353

Time to go back to ŕeddit.

>> No.12328360

Anal sex is a perversion.

>> No.12328413

Starbucks isn't fast food so I don't know why they're compared

I'm black and get great service at cfa. Poltards need to go

>> No.12328458

Christian values.

>> No.12328465

>burger king
Absolute bottom feeder tier garbage. Worst shit in fast food.

Who even goes to wendys?

I'm surprised Subway wasn't on that list considering they have the most locations by a huge margin.

>> No.12328487

You don't know "too expensive" until you've been to Whataburger. Like 10 fucking dollars for a meal that's just a sandwich, fries and a drink.

>> No.12328537

>All of them have dimples from eating Thier fresh chicken served with a smile.

>> No.12328543

I'm probably going to be executed and probably rightfully so, but I want more gay men to exist so that there will be more women available.
That and eventually it will lead to the male(gay) population plummeting resulting in us being valuable to women

>> No.12328545

Why is such a big deal being made of chicken. It's still just chicken, no matter how you prepare it. Chicken used to be for pussies. Now it's for "big white men". You all are pussies if you eat chicken. End of story.

>> No.12328553

Based and ChikFilApilled

>> No.12328558

Bottom line is, chicken is the most boringest of all the meats. Even pork is better.

>> No.12328672

t. homosexual tendencies
*writing noises*
yep. This one's going in my patient notebook.

An organ where shit comes out of, loaded with hazardous flora, isn't where it's meant to go. If you "eat ass" or fuck it, you're a health threat and should be put down.

>> No.12328743

lmao imagine getting this upset over food because the owner has political differences
there is nothing manly or feminine about food and there is nothing political about it you fucking s o yboy

>> No.12329054

My wife worked at a CFA all through college. Now she's a doctor and mother of our three WHITE children. We still get CFA once every other week as a family. Feelsgoodman

>> No.12329547
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>What's their secret?


>> No.12329782


Food is NOT about how it tastes.

>> No.12329799

Jack N the Box chicken sandwich unuronically tastes the same as their Chicken sandwiches, just a bunch of meme spouters. Don't be dumb and fall for the overpriced meme.

>> No.12329839

But Anon, the most dangerous bodily waste that can come from a human being comes out of a vagina. Admittedly it can only come out once every nine months instead of daily, but that doesn't make it any less foul and toxic.

>> No.12330542

Starbucks gives their part time employees health insurance, sells fair trade coffee, and Ethos water. I think that pretty well would qualify it as progressive as far as fast food goes

>> No.12330557

Chipotle is very concerned about ethically raised ingredients so maybe them? I don't know of any pro gay chains

>> No.12330558
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Can we be friends?

>> No.12330561

starbucks sells food. also after drip coffee they get the best margins on their coffee milkshakes

>> No.12330580
File: 441 KB, 3630x2722, 1553552945484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandpa always said "you don't get to decide what makes your dick hard" and he's right

>> No.12330588

Are these national? There's one on I94 outside of chicago

>> No.12330595

>but 4chan really is a majority of progessives
You are a complete and utter spunk-trumpet. 4chan has been libertarian right since WT Snacks was still around

>> No.12330599

Look up the Gay Uncle Theory incel

>> No.12330602

speak for yourself basement dweller

>> No.12330610

Basically a bunch of northerners with bags made out of carpet full of money went down south after the civil war and bought up a ton of the land. It's basically a way to insult the victors for having decent business sense and is a subtle cope to explain why the south is so poor and retarded. One could call it a weird flex these days

>> No.12330617

No so go kys faggot

>> No.12330624

they have drive throughs and sell milkshakes and food, it's not like it used to be

>> No.12330630

wow rude

>> No.12330687

This has to be ironic lol, ya'll need time away from politics

>> No.12330693


>> No.12330710

>trump is progressive

>> No.12330716

Anon I hate to break it to you but...

>> No.12330734

follow the conversation retard before you comment

>> No.12330742

its funny every time there's people bitching about bad service or shit food chicfila is never on the list. its just some butthurt faggot

>> No.12330746

Fuck Chickster and their bigotry.

>> No.12330750


nope. all anal sex is gay, whether it's with a man or a woman. it doesn't matter. it's fucking sick.

>> No.12330755

it's the one place I won't say "thank you", I usually can't stop saying it, but I feel so bad for them having to keep repeating 'my pleasure'
it's just such a fucking terrible corporate big wig idea that doesn't do anything except annoy the employee. service doesn't mean shit, people go there for the food.

>> No.12330756


you shouldn't want more women to be available, you should only want one woman in your life.

>> No.12330773

>annoy the employee
It probably doesn't.
As is writ in, for example, Colossians 3:23-24
>Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

>> No.12330787
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But their food is so expensive. Why?

>> No.12330815

I see niggers at CFA all the time.

>> No.12330867

Starbucks, Panera Bread, Chipotle, Ben and Jerrys

>> No.12330877

Not really?

>> No.12332687

Good, they make good food.

very true.

Stop pretending to speak for minorities you faggot, because that's the only type of person I see actually hate Chick-fil-a. I see plenty of spics like myself and blacks at the one I go to.

>> No.12333123

>poor fat fuck detected

>> No.12335016

Two different things. You keep that one women by having a higher sexual market value, which is achieved by having more women available than men.

>> No.12335036

So call the police. What, are you afraid you'll want to suck the cop's dick too hard?

>> No.12335323

That restaurant that was run by the openly gay chef with proudly loving with aids

>> No.12337006

>racist white supremacist Trump supporting Americans
Nothing wrong with that

>> No.12337007

>tfw there is no Chick-fil-A in your country and you cant fund gay conversion torture concentration camps

>> No.12337060

I've never had Chick-fil-a but chicken burgers > beef burgers

>> No.12337084


Yeah, what's up with that? Chick-Fil-A employees always seem way more attractive than other fast food workers.

>> No.12337088


Go to a Chick-Fil-A in California. They're always packed. If you make good product, you can do whatever you want. People will make noise, but nobody *really* cares.

>> No.12337089

How does it compare to a Carl's Jr chicken sandwich with their waffle fries

>> No.12337092


I remember eating at one of those when I was very young, and somehow I remembered it as this gigantic arch that towered above the road.

Seeing the photos of what it actually looked like were very disappointing.

>> No.12337097


When I go to Chick-Fil-A I feel satisfied and wholesome. When I go to Carl's Jr. I feel weighed down with my sins.

Carl's Jr./Hardees is so greasy and heavy it makes me feel ill. Chick-Fil-A is surprisingly light given that it's fried chicken.

>> No.12337099

I figured chick fila would be equally as greasy, from pics and videos I have seen it does. I need to go try it I guess

>> No.12337107


Nah. It's not greasy at all, really. Not sure how they manage that.

>> No.12337113
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>implying christcucks belong on 4chan

>> No.12337117

Easy to avoid when you don't have 5,768 different menu items.

>> No.12337120

>What is their secret?

>> No.12337127

Could have sworn this was a unique mickydees in NE Oklahoma. Had the sticking point posted everywhere in it that it was the largest McD in the world.

>> No.12337138

A more thorough definition would be someone with outside interests that moves into a different state to take advantage of a business opportunity while funneling profits back to where they originally came from.

>> No.12337196

And still not one within 40 miles of my town.
And my town isnt even a small shithole.

>> No.12337199

>Spoiler alert: no amount of abuse and/or love for a fake god is gonna change what gives you boners.
So non-acting pedophiles are completely innocent...

>> No.12337214

>What is their secret?
oil and salt?