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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 112 KB, 1023x682, cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12313869 No.12313869 [Reply] [Original]

The cabbage not the girl. I know what to do with girls: Tell them I will defend their honor from boorish and rude males.

So while I don't have and never have had a girlfriend, I am the proud owner of a giant cabbage.

I understand this is the Eastern European potato?

So how do I cook a cabbage to go with my meat in the same way I would cook a potato?

Like I'll make meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

But if I was cooking ME food, I would use lentils, onions, and rice to make a Mujadarrah.

So how do I make a cabbage into a simple Comfort Food?

>> No.12313871

the humble jacket cabbage is a staple of Eurasian cuisine

>> No.12313886

Toss it aside into the dirt and harvest the cabbages for myself.

>> No.12313904

Maren Morris is a great songwriter. Anyone like her music?

>> No.12313981

Cabbage soup is top tier poverty food

>> No.12314006

How do you make this? I can search but what is your go to poverty recipe?

>> No.12314010

>jacket cabbage

>> No.12314031
File: 155 KB, 1024x1024, cabbage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not her. I don't know who Morris is but she has brown eyes while Cabbage Thot has blue eyes like a human female.

>> No.12314223


>> No.12314228

I’d put my dressing on her leafy greens... if you know what I mean

>> No.12314244

Cabbage is the thinking man's potato. You've made a good decision there anon.

>> No.12314253

Just boil it. Salt the fuck out of it if you were brought up on fast food.

>> No.12314271

Try making "kupus kalja" it's king tier food and in my grandmas village its eaten at weddings.

>> No.12314279

There is Photoshop and there are contact lenses. You are insane if you think you can trust a woman's eyes anymore.

>> No.12314283

goes good in a beef stew

>> No.12314286
File: 98 KB, 682x1023, cabbage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so too but I'm looking for working recipes from practical people.
You mean dot her eyes?
>Cabbage is the thinking man's potato.
Cabbage has greens which we humans need.
>Just boil it. Salt the fuck out of it if you were brought up on fast food.
But do you have any tips about boiling it? How long, how far, what is the way that you can live on it?
>kupus kalja
Looking it up now, sounds exotic and maybe practical

>> No.12314351

Like most vegetables, bring the water to the boil and turn it off to let the vegetable continue cooking in the cooling water. Pretty much everything turns out nice when you do this.

>> No.12314538

honestly, fermented cabbage is best cabbage. cooked regular cabbage is generally pretty shit and I've only found a few exceptions so far - it's pretty good stir-fried with a bit of soy sauce and chinese vinegar or blanched in salty water (savoy cabbage only). that said, if you can find young heads cabbage salad is pretty awesome - just grate it and toss with whatever dressing you fancy

>> No.12314545

jacket potato but with a cabbage

>> No.12314550

Op is the homie

>> No.12314551

Chop it up and make it into a stew. As for the cabbage....

>> No.12314556

biggest alpha on /ck/ like woah. I would do anything to suck your dick while you ate that cabbage.

>> No.12314835

>slice into straws
>saute with onions, garlic, chilli pepper, tomatoes, carrots, zuccini, green peas, mushrooms
>add chestnut or wallnut chunks
>lots of parsley and coriander
Borsh (soup)
>saute onion, garlic, chilli pepper
>beetroot, carrot, taters, sliced cabbage
>celery, parsley, coriander
>water or meat broth optional
>saute onions, garlic, chilli pepper
>add cabbage cut in small chunks, saute
>add chestnut or wallnut chunks
>put in dough as a filling and bake
Cruciferous veggies are good for bones and synovial joints.

>> No.12314842

Ok, fine slice it, julienne some carrot, ultra fine dice cooking onion, mix it up, then mayo, freshly squeezed lemon, double vinegar, salt and pepper.

Yahtzee, you have the best cole slaw you've ever eaten.

>> No.12315107

Finely shred cabbage.
Finely slice onion.
Peel and crush a tomato, separating solids from tomato juice.
Melt bacon grease. If you're vegetarian, use oil. Use lots of cooking fat. Don't skimp.
Add cabbage, onion and crushed tomato.
Salt generously then reduce heat to medium-low/low and sweat the vegetables of excess liquid.
Up the heat once the liquid is reduced out then add some flour.
Stir to make a compound roux then whip in vegetable broth and the tomato juice, dissolving the roux throughout.
Season with paprika, parsley, dill and additional salt, to taste.
Serve hot, garnished with sliced green-or-yellow wax pepper and a spoon of strained sour cream per serving.

>> No.12315116

>the cabbage not the girl
Sorry but I came for the tits.

>> No.12315123

I am surprised no one has recommended cabbage rolls!

>> No.12315125

How to get rid of the sulfur flavor?

>> No.12316332

Oh hell yes, this was exactly what I was asking for. Thanks.
>How to get rid of the sulfur flavor?
I don't find it has that. Maybe it's the soil for the cabbages you can get?
Solid recipe.
All solid, this is real food not meme recipes, thanks.
Certain cuts of long pork are succulent.

>> No.12316673

That sulfur flavor only comes about when cabbage is boiled too hard for too long. Cook it for shorter amounts of time on lower heat. If it already stinks the dish is ruined.

>> No.12316689
File: 67 KB, 600x459, 1526171763572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12316690

Do as your ancestors and ignore it.

>> No.12316696

make some cabbage roulade

>> No.12317041
File: 801 KB, 167x167, 1529763819322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am the proud owner of a giant cabbage.
No. I do not believe anyone on /ck/ has the means to acquire such a prized possession.

>> No.12317089

>So how do I make a cabbage into a simple Comfort Food?
Ferment it and make sauerkraut, then you stir fry it in olive oil with onions, pulled pork or bacon bits. You can add other vegetables in it if you want, like bell peppers, carrots, brocollis andother such veggies.

Aim for a 40% meat 40% cabbage and 20% other veggies ratio.

>> No.12317299

Top notch if its got out. Seconded.

>> No.12318720

More pics of cabbage slut please I want to catch ecoli with her

>> No.12318787

What makes a giant cabbage such a prized possession. Is this like giant pumpkins?

>> No.12318815
File: 304 KB, 1500x1125, 20151218-braised-chicken-thigh-cabbage-pancetta-recipe-kenji-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Think of this more as a technique, not a recipe, you can change any of the ingredients, but cooking the meat with the vegetables like this means your meat juices flavor the whole meal.

>> No.12318985


Cabbage is delicious, but overcooked cabbage is some of the worst shit you'll ever taste.

>> No.12318989

Fancy version, cook up carrots, celery, onion, garlic ect. Add can of tomatoes and some veg/chicken stock, can of them beans for protein, and a fuckton of sliced cabbage and boil that shit till the cabbage is tender.

True poverty. Slice a whole purple cabbage and boil it in water till it's tender (maybe add sliced onion and/or a handful of lentils for meh protein) season with soy sauce and vinegar. The purple cabbage turns the water purple which makes it seem more like a real soup for some reason.

>> No.12319028
File: 192 KB, 908x666, angry cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see her cabbage pusy

>> No.12319054

it's full of centipedes

>> No.12319125

Interesting. My new fetish.

>> No.12319144

>That sulfur flavor only comes about when cabbage is boiled too hard for too long.
I thought it was the opposite. Steaming cabbage until it's pretty soft always makes it taste sweeter to me. Raw cabbage is what has a bit of that sulfur taste and a bite to it, almost like an onion.

>> No.12319163

Imagine the feeling of hundreds of little legs swimming around your cock and smelling fresh cabbage

>> No.12319406


>> No.12321000

This is exactly the ingredients i have on hand. Thanks Anon.

>> No.12321172
File: 185 KB, 1922x1160, cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these ^^ are getting tried. I'm picking up a mason jar after this post.

I went with a bell curve mean based on the suggestions in this thread. I processed a word cloud and chose the peak of the curve for my first cabbage outing.

1/3 of a green cabbage, about 1 lb
1/2 cup of water
salt and pepper
2 tbsp leftover baked chicken pan scrapings (I save all my scrapings and fats, I'm no savage)

Put some water and the chicken fat in a pan.
Brought to simmer
Added some sliced cabbage ~ 1lb raw
simmer 5 min, stirred once
uncover, brought heat up to med-high
stir for 2 minutes
remove from heat

Pic related was 1/2 the meal

Fuckin. Magic.

I now love cabbage.
What are tits?

I have a warm, happy glow from all the pepper and whatever angel tears are in the cabbage.
The cabbage was tender with a 'tender crunch' on the inside.
Sweet and softly vegetable taste, with that wonderful chicken schmaltz infusing the leaves.
Sopped up juice with dry bread
Licked plate

A-am I a Jew now, or a Slav?

>> No.12321179

Probably about $0.11 including electricity, soap, and hot water for cleanup.

>> No.12321195

slice it
add salt
punch it or whatever until a lot of water comes out
put it on a jar
let it rest until no more bubbles are formed
wa la
sauerkraut is really easy to make

>> No.12321227

Yep, I'm moving on that today.

>> No.12321279

I like to quarter a cabbage; cover it in oil, salt, and pepper; then bake it until the outer most leaves start to crisp

>> No.12321557

IIRC those sulfurous compounds are released when the cell walls are broken. They may be detectable when eating raw cabbage, but cutting into a cabbage doesn't stink the way a pot of overboiled cabbage does. Steaming or simmering may be gentle enough not to disrupt the cell walls.

>> No.12321584

>snowniggers shitposting again
Ok we get it, you have small penis

>> No.12321624

In a large pot, Sauté the cabbage in butter before you add crushed and diced tomatoes and let that cook while you boil potatoes in another pot to be mashed. Add the water the potatoes were boiling in to the large pot, mash the potatoes, add them to the large pot, cook for a good while, add salt and pepper. Best soup next to borsch. I also love to ferment purple cabbage in rice vinegar with red onions and radishes.

>> No.12321651

You'll still have cabbage farts though