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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 366 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20190511_104434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12309553 No.12309553 [Reply] [Original]

This cost about 500 rubles or $8 which is a half of my daily wage.

As you can see no fancy stuff like avacado, shrims or even grapes.

>> No.12309556

Forgot to clarify. The red thing is a sweet pepper, and cмeтaнa is sour cream

>> No.12309557

Where is the vodka

>> No.12309562

Damn that sucks. Even mcdonalds workers can afford to eat like kings compared to that

>> No.12309565


>> No.12309573
File: 557 KB, 2160x3840, metric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This what I eat for $6

>> No.12309577

maybe stop sucking Putin’s dick

>> No.12309581

Something funny? You retarded ape.

>> No.12309586

Yeah, i see a starving russian. Huehauehauehauheauhea

>> No.12309592

how can your wage be 330$/month?
even here in shithole Romania the minimum wage is more than that

>> No.12309603
File: 293 KB, 478x351, 1526543648438-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I care? Eat some pelmini.

>> No.12309606
File: 104 KB, 872x685, 1555354142854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you eat shit like dog-food on toast? Sounds almost as bad as beans on toast

>> No.12309608

Fuck that looks suicidal

>> No.12309610

Feed dog before yourself if it comes to it

>> No.12309616

That's probably after taxes

>> No.12309619

time to put Putins head on a stick

>> No.12309620


>> No.12309625
File: 458 KB, 616x821, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seethe so hard when I see Burgers speak about avocados, tuna, nuts, spinach or skirt steak like an ordinary cheap products. Motherfuckers have no idea how easy they have it. On top of that they don’t have to dig through FUCKING PILES of rotten shit when buying vegetables at supermarkets.

>> No.12309629

Yeah uhhh maybe not be a subhuman slav. Take the creaturapill

>> No.12309631

Your fault for living in a post communistic hellhole

>> No.12309633

Sucks to not be American man, my salary works out to around $350/day and food is way cheaper here in Texas

>> No.12309638

I dont even work i just ubereats on my moms card

>> No.12309641

I thought everyone in Russia got rich after they got rid of the communism.

>> No.12309651
File: 53 KB, 727x728, 1557214031214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin kek, feels good to be american

>> No.12309672

inwas gonna compare my depressing diet but i spend tenth of my daily wage of about 190USD on bread and vodka and thats fucking it because my job is licking butter off of a spoon and stealink chimps and aguacatls :(

>> No.12309685

Lose the mushrooms, get another carton of eggs. Maybe a small jar of mayo. Bam, egg sandwiches for the week my man.

>> No.12309691

Mushrooms are a good source of vitamin d if you're deficient or live in a northern shithole

>> No.12309696

Just stand outside for an hour dude it's free.

>> No.12309700

reassess what do you do for a living you motherfucker

>> No.12309703
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 1fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is better. But I drink much anyway. Being drunk alone is kinda boring.

Would I be able to become a mcdonalds worker if I illegally stay in USA?

I don't.

Pelmeni is more expensive. I mean decent ones

What? This was for my cat. I had to buy it because there wasn't any food for cat in the shop.

I would live in Texas.

>eating egg sandwiches for the week

>> No.12309720

Is that dog food, or dog meat?

>> No.12309727

Look on the bright side. At least you'll be thin and sexy

>> No.12309729

>woe is me I'm so poor
>has a pet to care for

>> No.12309731

le funny...

>> No.12309735

Only when there's sunlight of sufficient intensity, and if you're semetic and have some genetic issues like me you need way more sun to get enough vitamin d

>> No.12309744

Cat is a backup plan if the food runs out completely, free range cat.

>> No.12309751

>Would I be able to become a mcdonalds worker if I illegally stay in USA?
I dont know, a lot of mexicans live here illegaly but they didnt have to come by plane. Its probably pretty easy

>> No.12309756

If you’re serious, you could easily work construction. It’s heavy labor but lots of immigrants do it, as a matter of fact it’s mostly illegals and they make about minimum wage and a half. 15-20 an hour.
Source: stepdad had a green card and a whole construction company full of illegal Mexicans. Got ICED and lost every worker in a single day. Based Houston.

>> No.12309771

Pretty easy to stay in USA came by plane?

What an immigrant do if he gets injured or become ill? It is well known how expensive medical care in USA is

Also what is ICED?

>> No.12309774
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that was bretty based tell him to hire properly or rat him out next time

>> No.12309777

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

>> No.12309780

Does it mean they send the mexicans back?

>> No.12309783

No tipping in Russia, faggot.

>McDonalds wages
>Eating like kings.

OK Retard ....

>> No.12309786


>> No.12309787

where do you work

t. texasfag

that's food is a little overpriced and that wage is terrible, i am sorry.

>> No.12309788

You're up shit creek, but you have the basics at least.

Now combine that dog food with some flour, and make a burger patty worth choking down

>> No.12309790

$6 worth of sadness.
I can't believe you pay money for such a shit diet.

>> No.12309798

Don't feed dog food for your cat. It's not good for them.

>> No.12309799

I'm a programmer at a retarded startup with no real product and a bunch of vc money

>> No.12309801

Learn how to read

>> No.12309803

If money is tight, just grow some yourself

>> No.12309804

Ha Ha Ha
He's on a Salary, not an hourly rate with overtime, after 35 hours.

Woah, he doesn't even have a trade!!

>> No.12309816
File: 15 KB, 365x365, 1556511549424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

350/day can you read

>> No.12309826

Holy shit Russians eat dog food?

>> No.12309832
File: 12 KB, 261x193, Без названия.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look on the bright side. At least you'll be thin and sexy

>> No.12309841

>stealing chimps
based zoo burglar anon

>> No.12309842

Nah. We didn't get rich, we just ended up at least getting some food without it.

>> No.12309843

Is that why Russians rush and destroy all "all inclusive" buffets like their life depends on it?

>> No.12309846

Ever been to a hotel in any location popular among middle class Russian tourists?

>> No.12309848

I don't know where Russian middle class begins so maybe?

>> No.12309852
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, opposites-attract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically every motherfucker who has enough money to buy plane tickets and rent a hotel room at some cheap tourism destination like Turkey or Egypt at least once in their lives is a middle class.

>> No.12309859

why don't you take aliyah to israel, anon?

>> No.12309861

Why the dog food?

>> No.12309864

>get on a plane
>get to the states
>go straight to the middle and keep a low profile
>hang out for a couple years
>who remembers if you're foreign if you're a team player in east jesus, nowhere
How many people overstay their visas in America? Come over here and succeed, you fuck.
>and then teach me how to make pelmeni

>> No.12309874

Then yes and they were always rude.

>> No.12309881

what's your paypal anon

>> No.12309886

I was gonna ask if you're on Far East or something but then noticed "г. Bлaдивocтoк" on the bread label. Rest in RIP, brother. In my area I can get the same foods as you for slightly less than 350₽/$6.

>> No.12309894

Where am I gonna live? Rent a room? What about medical care? Will I always be a no one without citizenship?

I don't have one.

Why not? Cheap and nutritious

Which is still a lot compared to our salaries

>> No.12309895

What is Russia like

>> No.12309923
File: 390 KB, 700x527, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12309934

Cold, also hot, very north and also very south. Very wealthy and also very poor. Big country. Generalizations are impossible.

>> No.12309960

It's okay though. You people are good at starving.

>> No.12309964
File: 123 KB, 650x392, 728317149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Putin is the savior of the white race, yadda yadda

>> No.12309967
File: 52 KB, 480x360, msq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pics of the great capital of Russia, Mosque-ow

>> No.12309969
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, msq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12309971

Neo-nationalists who are incapable of wrapping their brains around the fact that Russia has always had a large and valuable muslim minority is the real issue in current day politics. "Pure" white Russia would be a tiny little ulcer with the same strength as Belarus. The tsar would have gone nowhere without kalmyks, tatars and other turkic-mongoloid muslims to scout and fight and intermarry.

>> No.12309972

Don't feel bad OP, this is the future for Americans as well if Trump takes a second term.

>> No.12309979

>10 eggs
80 rubles tops
>sliced supermarket bread
40 rubles?
>one pack of dog food
idk, 30 rubles?
33.11 rubles as says on the bag
>frozen mushrooms
Not sure, but around 150?
Looks like a 200g pack so around 80?

This doesn't add up to even 400. Where the hell do you shop that this'd cost you 500?

>> No.12309982

The minimum wage in Russia is under 200 USD a month.
You don't understand just how pathetic this country is.

>> No.12309991

Wait shit it says Vladivostok, are things really that bad there? I thought you'd be from Moscow or something with their jacked up prices.

>> No.12309994

>Russia has always had a large and valuable muslim minority
Before fucking sovok muslims were on a short leash

>The tsar would have gone nowhere without kalmyks, tatars and other turkic-mongoloid

Check your facts, jew.

>> No.12309995

>not sure
>looks like
Top notch estimation work there, friendo

>> No.12310001

I flew over siberia at night and saw lights on in remote places and was like ... fuck living out there. I've watched documentaries about villages who have to forage in the woods for about half of their calories. I'm a brewer and like to read beer blogs, stories about yeast bio-prospecting, traditional beer and brewing techniques and some of the shit ... People travel out there to preserve this culture, learn about it and take yeast samples because of the divergent evolution in relative isolation. Like housewives malting their own grain, mashing overnight in baking trays using raked wood ash, sparging through old clothes in hollowed out tree trucks using leaves and branches as filtration. Fermenting without boiling using bread yeast stored in a hole in the ground to keep it cool. Medieval shit.

OP if you had paypal I'd kick you a few. Your shopping would cost me half of that here though so that would be the worst thing, how bad your buying power is. I could buy you a 55lb bag of rice, but not at your prices.

>> No.12310006

Russia looks comfy

>> No.12310008

That's why we laugh at US accusations of subtle Russian interference with anything.

>> No.12310012


>> No.12310032

Are you the genius who thinks everyone in Oman is rich because one family is rich?

>> No.12310060

Mongols quickly adopted Islam my dumb bydlo friend. Mongoloid =/= Mongolia. Turkic =/= Turkey. Tatars were muslim, good luck fighting Lithuania, Poland, the Swedes and Livonians without your muslim tatar horsemen. Good luck doing literally anything without your tatar influenced cossacks.

>> No.12310067

>Before fucking sovok muslims were on a short leash
Before 1863 everyone was on a short fucking leash, and after they were figurative debt slaves instead of actual literal slaves. Big fucking difference.
>le epic white russian race war now XD
Your country is 90% mixed race, drop dead kike.

>> No.12310103

I believe that in it's current economical and cultural state Russia is incapable of creating and supporting specialists and technologies that allow such fine and subtle manipulation as multiple accusations suggest.

You see, we're only capable of obvious military involvement or crude assassinations now, the age of fabled sneaky KGB is over.
Ah, looks like I got meself here some triggered noviop churka.
I won't speak for the whole country, but my entire region is whiter than thou.

>> No.12310146
File: 65 KB, 507x384, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Germany. Almost nowhere in Europe is food as expensive as it is here.

I get by on 3 eur a day, easily. You're a liar and a retard

>> No.12310157

If you used the money you spend on bread to buy flour instead you could mix flour with water and cook at least three times as many calories for yourself.

>> No.12310176

Germany has some of the cheapest food in Europe, the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.12310179

If food is more expensive there than almost anywhere else and you manage on 3 eur a day 'easily' then you are lying about something because 1 eur per meal isn't easy.

Compare any shitty UK city (exclude the bath, london, bristol, brighton and so on) to berlin and you'll see food prices in Germany are quite cheap in comparison.

That said, I still think I could live on £3 a day here, but it wouldn't be very easy. If it cost £6-7 for all the shit in OP's picture then no, I couldn't live on £3 a day, it'd cost less than half that here.

>> No.12310188

It's an utter shithole unless you live in Moscow, Petersburg and maybe Kazan. People look bored and bloated, agressively ignorant and generally unpleasant. It's pretty hard to imagine the general hopelessness of living here. Nature is kick-ass though

>> No.12310209

>Nature is kick-ass though
Unless it's in winter, then it's freeze-ass.

>> No.12310224

based and austinpilled

>> No.12310242


I'm not lying. Here's what I buy each week:

1kg rice
500g bread
2kg assorted veg
1kg muesli
1kg assorted fruit
1kg (including bones) chicken
and then some pasta or something. also every now and then I buy stuff to make sauces etc

for me, the day is usually bown of muelsi with fruit, rice, veg, chicken and sauce for a big meal, and bread for the evening. I spend between 18 and 22 eur a week which puts me at almost exactly 3 eur a day (under, if anything)

>> No.12310246

oh and also OP is a lying shit, no way that shit costs that much money. russia is incredibly cheap. it probably costs half of what he said, and even then, he's buying brand quality food and probably cherry picked the most expensive types of food where he's from

>> No.12310254

Based. I have a hard time getting in my green myself.

>> No.12310263

>russia is incredibly cheap.
Okay, let's check it.

These are also on sale, prices are usually 20-30% higher.

>> No.12310264

texas fucking sucks, if you wanna live in the south move to some place like georgia and not with the wanna-be southeners with shitty barbeque who shoot each other over fucking trashcans

or go to anywhere in the east coast there are a lot of slavs

>> No.12310273

I can't read russian, I can't be bothered coverting the currency, and even if I did, there is the matter of the purchasing power of the country. Use the link from >>12310242 , it's much easier (and also proves my point)

>> No.12310276
File: 120 KB, 802x490, 11993041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use the link from >>12310242 , it's much easier (and also proves my point)
>Reee if it doesn't prove my point I don't want to look at it!

Pathetic blyad.

>> No.12310280

Are you imagining the individual ingredients eaten plain?

>> No.12310281

Cool website, though even in your source Germany has the cheapest food among almost any developed european country except spain and italy, and I'm not sure how UK could possibly have cheaper food than Germany though I haven't been there in a looong while - might have something to do with the goods basket they use for measurements.

>> No.12310287

Imagine being so poor that you have to eat dog food, just fucking LOL

>> No.12310289

I can't read russian you fucking retard

it's not my fault for not wanting to use something I don't understand, especially when a literally PERFECTLY FORMATTED SUBSTITUTE is one click away

>> No.12310291

OP lives in Vladivostok, where wages are piss-poor, food selection is non-existent and prices are higher due to logistics. Russia is cheap if you're from a richer country - no fucking shit

>> No.12310292

I'm calling bullshit. I'm from a way richer country and there is no way this would cost more than 5 dollars (unless that dogfood is literally like 4 bucks or something)

>> No.12310296

>Russia is cheap if you're from a richer country

yeah just keep defining "being poor" dude. my point remains that OP is a lying retard and his food did not cost that much

>> No.12310303

OP's pic costs like 6$ in Moscow - not unreasonable for it to be around 8$ in Vladivostok

>> No.12310306

Is it true that Russian women dream of marrying foreigners to escape the country?

>> No.12310312

bread and eggs are cheap everywhere. the other stuff is brand name shit and he has no right to complain. feeding your dog something from an expensive brand is literally the most retarded thing I have ever seen

>> No.12310319

гдe ты тaкиe цeны нaхoдишь? гидpoцeфaл штoлe? или в питepe живёшь? я в иpкyтcкe в янтe зa 500 pyблeй нa нeдeлю зaкyпaюcь. вмecтo зaмopoжeннoй хyйни пoкyпaй бyльбy, лyк, мaкapoнны итд

>> No.12310333
File: 1.52 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_20190511_223250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I am sorry. I checked my sms history and the food cost me 384 rubles or 5.90 us dollars.

Its a different sour cream package but I think it will serve as a proof

>> No.12310335
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>> No.12310337

I Wagecuck $80/day and eat fresh high tech food all the time but it takes 1/2 my $

>> No.12310354

He has a dog.

Eggs or proper size with bright yolk like these are $1.5 per 10.
Sour cream with 15% fat - $1.5 average for standard can.
One sweet pepper - $0.5 as you can see
Bread similar to what OP bought - about $0.7
Cut champignons of this brand - $2
Dog food - dunno, I have a cat, but it should be the same, so kinda $0.7-1 I guess.

>> No.12310365

>bread and eggs are cheap everywhere.

Cheap bread in Russia is made from feed grain, it's fucking awful and cheap eggs usually have small bleak yolks.

>> No.12310381

>cheap food is lower quality

wow, really?

>> No.12310404

Based. Send those fucks back

>> No.12310443

So what do you usually make with that?

>> No.12310785
File: 2.78 MB, 540x302, manlet tears makes pork with peas.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i know you from somewhere?

>> No.12310793

You need the USSR back, clearly.

Also, is that frozen bagged mushrooms?

>> No.12310826

>shitposting and 0days is like building a self driving car

>> No.12311212

caм жe нaпpaшивaeшьcя

>> No.12311213

While these people are right about how easy it is to stay in the States and work illegally, there are some things that are basically impossible to do without a green card. You can't open a bank account, you can't rent places, etc. You'll have to live with other illegal immigrants the rest of your life.

>> No.12311219

the ones that do 'dream of marrying foregneigers to escape a coutrny' and low class bydlo with no even english skill
but they do, really

>> No.12311222

>high tech food

>> No.12311231
File: 7 KB, 267x168, Yikes_Boo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Russian

>> No.12311233


>> No.12311236

4hank you for sacrificing to take care of based doggo. Sorry wages and prices suck.

>> No.12311258

They use someone elses SSN and are entitled to care from the emergency room, it's illegal to turn someone away for emergency services (except maybe emergency abortions?)
The fees are either written off by the hospital (amazing, Americans a
do that), paid for by charity (amazing, Americans know what charity is) or defaulted. Rarely wages can be garnished depending on legality.

>> No.12311278


>> No.12311295

Lol decimal eggs

>> No.12311311

How's that capitalism working out for you?

>> No.12311382
File: 130 KB, 467x314, sievernich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to Czechoslovakia and get some svíčková, Johan.

>> No.12311397

Check out the methodology, most of the stuff that kicks the living index up is optional and can be ignored.

>> No.12311554

Paccкaжи чтo вхoдит в твoй paциoн, кaкиe блюдa гoтoвишь? Пpeдcтaвить нe мoгy, чтo тaк жить мoжнo. Cyп чтo ли кaкoй-тo нa нeдeлю вapишь и хyячишь eгo цeлыми днями c хлeбoм?

>> No.12311978
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>frozen mushrooms

>> No.12312452

Burger here. Depending on where you shop all that would probably be around $8 - $10. Less if you went with the cheapest American equivalents (white bread instead of rye, etc...).
Yes I make a lot more than you, but I'm pretty sure your rent is a bit less than $950 a month and you aren't having $50 a week deducted from your pay for health insurance. Being a wage slave sucks no matter where you live.

>> No.12312592

Ivan, pls, haven't you done enough damage?

>> No.12312611
File: 53 KB, 366x488, Activated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not nibling on activated almonds and chuffing down homemade coconut

jesus anon,

>> No.12312766

$10 US is about 650 rubles. I've noticed then before. The price of goods in Russia is really not all that different than the US. Even cars cost roughly the same (it's around 75%). But their wages are just shit.

I'm not an economist, but I never understood how their goods could have the same sell value when their wages are so much lower. Wouldn't a lower wage increase the value of currency and lower the price of goods? It's like the cost of goods is being artificially forced to stay at a certain point. It's like they say in the US, if minimum wage went up to $15 nationwide, pretty much everything *should* increase in cost by at least 20%. So the inverse should be true in Russia.

>> No.12313026

хлeб мaгaзинcкий гoвнo, нe пoкyпaй. пoкyпaй килo мyки pyблeй и кycoк гpибкa и caм пeки дoмa. cyп oтcтoй, oт вoды жилyдoк зaпoлнишь, бyдeшь "cыт" нo "гoлoдeн", пpoтивный фил. я пoкyпaю paзныe oвoщи, occoбeнo кapтoхy, лyк, кyкypyзa, peтькa, пoмидopы и вcё в eтoм poдe + мaкapoны и кг кypицы, вapю вcё c пpипpaвaми, пoтoм в cкoвopoдe c coycaми и пpипpaвaми жapю. ~700p нa нeдeлю, yчитывaя пpипpaвы и coycы 800

>> No.12313056

but thats not true you waterhead, in my russian home city i can buy a kg of chicken for 200 rubles, here in germany where i currently study its 6 euro/kg or twice the price. potatoes are also about 3,5 times more expensive, most vegetables actually

>> No.12313084

I'm sorry, anon. At least you weren't born in Nigeria or something.

>> No.12313098

>this is the country that the Democrats purport rigged our elections

>> No.12313117

Growing up on history Port Arthur deep water port memes, Vladivostok always seemed like a really neat place. But this thread makes me think otherwise...

>> No.12313163

That sucks. sorry. t.usagrl

>> No.12313200
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>> No.12313235

How much is internet in Russia? Shouldn't that be expensive as fuck if you're making minimum wage? Or does everyone have internet?

>> No.12313254
File: 88 KB, 562x806, gpdiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just as hard in America.

>> No.12313302

Today in venezuela I bought a small bag of 200g of peanuts to make peanut butter for 10.000 bolivars ($1.7), our monthly minimum wage is 40.000 bolivars ($7).
Thankfully I'm not a wagecuck but still. Peanut butter came out nice tho.

>> No.12313313

Living in South Korea, I noticed that meat is now cheaper than vegetables.

I'm mostly eating tofu and my own sauce made from cheongju (Korean equivalent of sake) with instant noodles.

>> No.12313338

South Korea is an American ally and we South Koreans are eating poorer than the Chinese for some reason.

>> No.12313364

American here, not how us being allies would fix your agricultural issues. Are you importing all your vegetables from California?

>> No.12313399

If I'm reading this correctly, despite prices on goods sent your country costing LESS, customers are now paying a lot MORE due to a really fucked up distribution system. Basically your infrastructure over there is disorganized as hell.

>> No.12313412

I blame the pro-Japanese pro-free market right wing governments for destroying the logistics systems for food supplies.

>> No.12313417

From the Philippines

>> No.12313604

Hey OP is it true that a joke in Russia is that if you sin too much you will be born in Russia in your next life?

>> No.12313613

>South Korean manages to find a way to blame Japan

>> No.12313628

what is the grey guy with the axe symbol?

>> No.12313631

You can do just fine on the carnivore diet, no need to buy bread or any 'healthy' veggies that actually harm you.

>> No.12313667

>how their goods could have the same sell value when their wages are so much lower

1. A lot of stuff is imported, so it can't cost less than it's original price + transportation fees.
2. Retailers here are fucking insane, they'd rather suicide than lower margin rates.
3. Most Russians have financial awareness of a fish and will easily fall in loan traps over some shiny new iphones.


>> No.12314322
File: 420 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20190512_143058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys. Op's here
My mom has visit a shop with the cheapest food around and here is a receipt.

Frozen sliced mushrooms 750 g - 2.15 usd
Plastic bag - an atom of dollar
Rye bread 550 gr - 0.61 usd
White flour 1 kg - 0.55 usd
Roll of paper towels - 2.67 usd
Onions (from China) 822 gr - 0.49 usd
Sunflower seeds 100 gr - 0.68 usd
Sweet green pepper 120 gr - 0.28 usd
2 green apples (from New Zealand most likely) = 0.51 usd
Chicken drumsticks 700 gr - 1.83 ud

Total is 9.69 usd

>> No.12314349

>Tartar influenced Cossacks
Are you ignorant or retarded? Tartars and Cossacks hated each other read A Prisoner on Caucus by Leo Tolstoy it's all about a cossack fighting for his life to escape savage Tartars keeping him prisoner and killing him if they didn't get a ransom. Tartars didn't even speak Russian for fucks sake

>> No.12314643


>> No.12314746

Quit your bickering and post more Russian food packages you fucking assholes

>> No.12314754

Try to forrage some wild mushroom in the forest when it's season, then process them and freeze them.
Hang the spoiled ones on branches, for that spore distribution tho.
Buy in bulk
Dirty cheap, nutricious and healthy.
It's tasty, if you know how to cook them.
>with sauteed onions, garlic and chilli pepper
>lots of parsley and coriander
t. post-soviet anon you've invaded 3 times already ღ

>> No.12314757

Eew, disgusting vegan fag

>> No.12314769

In Soviet Russia, Grape eat you!

>> No.12314778
File: 35 KB, 765x758, Pic related, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12314779

Really needed those seven limes lmao

>> No.12314797

A lime a day isn't at all unreasonable.

>> No.12314810

In what world. And with those other ingredients?

>> No.12314813

Yes, lime juice is a standard condiment for that kind of food.

>> No.12314815

>Russians have to eat dog food

>> No.12314832

You need 7 limes for just juice in maybe 2-3 meals. Why not just buy a little bottle of the juice for a dollar. It's obviously a 'budget' list.

>> No.12315410

If it ain't broke don't fix it
Russia is clearly doing something right if common ducks have a 20 year life expectancy

>> No.12315531

This is similar to USA Walmart (very inexpensive) prices, cheaper in several cases--green pepper and the green apples especially stand out.

Frozen vegetables (450 grams) usually costs $2 USD (130 rubles). But, yeah, the vast difference in earnings makes this all pretty fucked.

>> No.12315668
File: 57 KB, 606x454, 1d63a1a186cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you weren't retarded, anon, you wouldn't buy overpriced packaged miratorg shrooms.

Somehow I can afford 'fancy' stuff like avocado or shrimps when I want them, and grapes that I can buy any time of the year, and rarely spend more than 15$/1000 rubles per day on food.

Maybe get a better paying job, anon?

>> No.12315674

>he can buy grapes ANY TIME of the year
woah russia are advanced

>> No.12315716
File: 27 KB, 480x325, дебил блядь said the cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he laughs at a lack of infrastructure in Russia

boy you're in for a surprise

>> No.12316444

Don't be a pussy. Your ancestors had to make do with less.

>> No.12316466
File: 97 KB, 749x493, ground beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is ground beef per KG in Russia?

>> No.12316470

wtf is kg you mean POUND?

>> No.12316519

In America we buy new kot

>> No.12316538

The US being the biggest food producer in the world probably helps keep our prices down a bit. Also is food in Russia subject to VAT taxes? As far as I know most states in the US exempt food from sales taxes which is the nearest thing we have to a VAT tax.

>> No.12316561

Can your cat not hunt for itself? I have never fed my cat, sometimes it offers me a dead mouse though.

>> No.12316562

I'm guessing pork or horse are the cheapest meats in russia,

>> No.12316611

What is it with frozen mushrooms? We don't even have that in the US. You either buy fresh or canned, maybe dried. At least the bread is cheap. You'd pay $2.50 or more for a decent rye bread here. The cheapest bread is supermarket brand white bread for a bit over a dollar. It's pretty flavorless and has no texture to speak of.

>> No.12316618

He said the bread sucks. Agree on the mushrooms, I figured that must be some Russian staple.

>> No.12316624

No you are not, faggot. What part of Russia are you living in? Don't try bullshitting, even in Moscow that's not that expensive.

>> No.12316829

Argiefag here, minimum wage is ∼230USD.

>> No.12317120

Yeah I missed the part about the bread. Feed grain though? That's usually heavily GMO'd in the US. I'm not even sure it would be legal to use it for bread here. They probably add cellulose (aka sawdust) for that old fashioned "Siege of Leningrad" flavor.

>> No.12317727

Nah, horse meat is really expensive because there's almost no industry for it's production. All horse meat products I've encountered in my life were domestically made.

Pork sure is cheap, but still about twice as expensive as chicken.

>> No.12317819

Of course red pepper is expensive you fuck, it is all imported at the moment because it is out of season. The answer to your problem is earn more money, 30k ruble a month is what central Asian plebs make working at KFC in Moscow.

>> No.12317842

Thank you for buying all out shitty produce thats too Bad for us to eat ourselves
Enjoy your dogfood

>> No.12318196

paper towels are a scam everywhere it seems

>> No.12319257

>Looks at the bottom of the image

>> No.12319270

I highly doubt thats 8 dorras, unless its some bio/premium bread and shit. In my balkan shithole for 8 bucks i get a weeks worth of food from cheap kraut stores.

>> No.12319494


>> No.12319724
File: 97 KB, 402x604, upog-a0k-Z8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~10k RUB a month
>buys "Miratorg" frozen shrooms

I didn't know that this country had iq-based wages.

>> No.12319733

Internet in Russia is piss-cheap and fast compared to the US of A.

>> No.12319738

that costs like maybe $5 here, but you're picking wrong foods to begin with. i am sorry for your hardshit anon, i know how it is.

are you murmansk-arhanghelsk or magadan-anadyr ?

>> No.12319742


>> No.12319744

Do Russians outside Bashkortostan even eat horse any regularly? I'm from that region and we do, but I'm not sure if it's any common in other places.

>> No.12319745

Read the thread, he's Vladivostok.

>> No.12319750

I used to live in Novosibrsk, and now I live in Moscow oblast. I have literally never seen any russian eating horsemeat. I've only seen people doing that in Kazazkhstan.

>> No.12319773

>30 rubles for a loaf of bread
fuck me, when i lived in volgograd you could get a loaf for like 11 rubles

>> No.12319777

Yeah I thought as much. The Bashkirs were originally nomads so a lot of ethnic cuisine involves horse, like kumys (best drink in the fucking world by the way)
Yeah and when I was a wee lad you could buy an ice cream cone for 4.5 rubles, those days are long gone.

>> No.12319803
File: 28 KB, 500x375, d579ab393e1fecae3d71f72a39d34094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average price for 1kg of wheat bread(rye is cheaper) is 30RUB. Loaf is usually around 500g, so go figure.

>> No.12319829

hey egg sandwiches are great. that should last a week.

>> No.12319987

What is of wrong with Miratorg))

>> No.12320121

1.All of its products lay in price range between "Expensive" and "Holy shit, who the fuck would buy that".

2.Frozen mushrooms are awful. There are much better ways to preserve them.

>> No.12320132

I can't believe Vladivostokians are retarded)))))

>> No.12320138

I don't think that either, but OP sure is.

>> No.12320182
File: 277 KB, 690x518, 26157217_0a96431a6f3bd2be5af4e5d0291bbc54_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Зaчeм cтoлькo capкaзмa?

>> No.12320259
File: 54 KB, 529x450, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not suiting about half of you diet on rice and beans and may some bread and noddles and eating lot of cheap carbs
That's is most brazillians do, and food here is expansive than USA and Europe, even our average wage, also lot of umployment people is about 250 U$, if you will go to any grocery store and make you cart fulled even buying cheap stuff you never spend less than 150 U$.

>> No.12320976
File: 1.97 MB, 854x480, Исповедайтесь, грешники-164236033-[00.00.100-00.32.867].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become a streamer

>> No.12321046

Internet is usually under $10 for 100Mb/s up and down. Also you can get mobile internets with 50Gb of data for like $5.
I've heard some twitch streamer talking about 20 down/5 up for $300 (in upstate NY). That seems extremely expensive.
1kg of ground beef is $5-$7.
Horse meat is very uncommon, aside from a few regions. Turkey is also kind of uncommon.
Pork is a bit more expensive than beef.

At least we can get bottom shelf vodka for like $4.

>> No.12321056

I think you should loose the mushrooms and find something else. Bagged frozen foods are usually expensive no matter the country.

>> No.12321075

Loose the tomato and limes, too expensive. Use the money to buy a larger bag of rice. Or potatoes.

>> No.12321087

Cute girl and she at least owns a bible.

>> No.12321105

Yeah, internet is expensive in the US. I pay $60+ for about 12 Mb/s. Bottom shelf vodka starts around $5 here which by the way is how much a bag of heroin goes for as well.

>> No.12321112

Texas is only good if you live in a White town. Spics are like gopniks, except twice as bad

>> No.12321126
File: 68 KB, 604x600, Duchess Digust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90 for 120mps here. You're getting ripped off, or your connection is faulty somewhere. What does it say in your contract?

110 USD used to get me a good cable package and high speed internet that was around a Gig in St Paul, then net neutrality was allowed to die. Now I won't pay for cable TV and internet is one tenth the speed. Thanks Congress. Good fucking job.

>> No.12321211

>loose the tomato
>loose the
based retard.

>> No.12321259


>> No.12321431

I get where your thought of bread is coming from.