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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 640x626, pesticides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12319094 No.12319094 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesnt eat organic whenever possible

what is your excuse?

>> No.12319098

I am not a giant faggot.

>> No.12319100

Please don't tell me this is real.

>> No.12319128

the mindset behind it is real but the picture itself has no basis whatsoever
this is something a 40 year old mom shares on facebook

>> No.12319164

If you're shopping at a grocery store the pic on the right will be the gmo strawberry 99 out of 100 times.

>> No.12319166

You shouldn't have to ask. This isn't 2001 when 50% of the internet was naive about such gags.

>> No.12319169

I looked up 5 at random, they all seem to be pesticides actually used

>> No.12319173
File: 217 KB, 1377x768, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spinosad A

Anyway, I can't afford no storebought strawbs, man. I just grow them myself.
They grow like fucking weeds here.

>> No.12319178

>eat food grown without the use of pesticides
>get parasites in my tum tum

>> No.12319230
File: 68 KB, 640x480, Have+fun+tripping+and+bisecting+yourself+on+a+shard+of+_eeeaa744d821b422f35ab960c8d2f9f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an insect, so I don't have to worry about pesticides that come off with a simple rinse

>> No.12319245

Organic food is grown without antibiotics and opts for "natural" pesticides like straight poison instead of engineered formulations.
They also require 3-4x more water and arable land to grow because they only have 25% the yield of conventional because no antibiotics

>> No.12319251

I forgot to mention that even transporting organic is wasteful since it can't touch conventional stuff so it comes on separate trucks and/or shipping containers even if the order volume is low and those containers are nearly empty.

>> No.12319280

>shilling for non-organic foods this hard

>> No.12319287

proportion would matter

>> No.12319288

Not him, but it's fine if you like organic foods, but usually organic food people are also pro vegan and pro animal life and all this other shit when organic food actually causes more harm than good when it comes to animals.

>> No.12319380

> usually organic food people are also pro vegan and pro animal life and all this other shit
Stop using 4chan as your primary source for information about the world. Try getting out more.

>> No.12319384

>living in a country where organic isn’t the norm
Lots of shithole dwellers around here.

>> No.12319391

I don't. Everyone I know in real life who is eating organic food are womyn who have cats as friends and post about their veganism on facebook for validation.

There is only one exception and it's because he's a body building health nut.

>> No.12319425

I'm poor, I'd have my own farm and livestock and live independently... one day I hope, I'd rather homestead, hunt and gather than work 8 hours for $20/hour but getting to that point isn't cheap. But spending all your money while poor on organic foods makes little sense

>> No.12319461

You could do well with an acre
Land is pretty cheap if you look
It's not that easy and you need to invest time and ideally some extra hands unless you're completely diligent, especially if you plan on having livestock
Look into starting a coop

>> No.12319473

One day, for medical reasons I can't be purely self sufficient, but I'm young and educated. Because of my limitations I can't put myself in a comprising position, but it's a goal I'm working towards within my means

>> No.12319507
File: 629 KB, 1240x1753, ingredients-of-an-all-natural-strawberry-english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has big words, therefore it's scary.

>> No.12319511

Wow, karen certainly did her research. Just didn't apply it.

>> No.12319721

there are no non-organic foods except water and salt.

>> No.12319736

Um, okay. Sure whatever you want to tell yourself.

>> No.12319854
File: 44 KB, 640x450, 2321342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non organic eaters BTFO

>> No.12319858

Organic farmers still use pesticides however they are pesticides with "organic" compounds. Your idiocy is exploited by marketers.

>> No.12319861

I use organic fruits when I need the zest (lemons/oranges). Am I a retard?

>> No.12319891


This is literally the one case where using organic products make sense

>> No.12319911

Where do you live that strawberries grow like fucking weeds?

>> No.12320123

This isn't true for many orgsnic farmers. One reason they get into it is to create sustainable balanced systems. There are myriad cultural practices for controlling pests that don't require broad spectrum pesticides. The megacorporations strong armed the USDA into permitting the use of pyrethrins so they could continue their unsustainable scorched earth monoculture under the umbrella of "organic." You'd know that if you *gasp* talked to local organic farmers and visited their farms to see their operation. But by all means stay ignorant.

>> No.12320131

>t. goblino

>> No.12320141

>he doesn't only eat fresh local strawberries picked at the peak of freshness at his local farmers market or roadside patch and then buy extra flats to make preserves or freeze them for smoothies for year round delicious strawberries that don't taste like Satan's red sour and bitter anus
I've never bought fruit in a grocery store desu its fucking disgusting.

>> No.12320163

>he thinks he can wash the pesticides that go into the cells of the fruit
oh sweaty

>> No.12320577
File: 85 KB, 679x960, Ingredients Banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont scare the normies or they will starve

>> No.12320583

I'm a farmer. I only use water and compost on my crops. I grow/raise 90% of what I eat.

>> No.12320918

Thread ended here

>> No.12320989

How ironic. Youre the one that looks at them and just sees big meaningless words. Those arent pesticides in that banana and strawberry

>> No.12321028

Only person BTFO here is the guy who cooked the over-boiled egg on the right.

>> No.12321154
File: 1.92 MB, 2048x1152, 20190331_154331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strawberries are one of the easiest crops to grow organically. You heavily mulch with straw so weeds aren't an issue plus as they spread they block the weeds like a living mulch. The only pests (at least in my area) are snails and slugs which can be controlled with plates of cheap beer. Tortoises are a minor pest and birds can be blocked with nets.

>> No.12321847

Organic doesn't mean it's pesticide-free. There are plenty of pesticides that are 'natural' and 'organic'

>> No.12321886

>eating fruit with seeds in it
no thnx