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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 180 KB, 1280x720, chinese steamboat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12312748 No.12312748 [Reply] [Original]

great fucking job, /ck/, you sure showed me. just to be clear, this is the last time i ever came to this god forsaken board and i hope you all die a painful death. what happened, you're wondering? here's what fucking happened.

>boss told us we'll be having an office potluck this friday
>trying to impress asian qt that works with me so i came to /ck/ for an advice about what i should bring
>couple of you absolutely retarded motherfuckers suggested i bring one of these damn things
>spent $200 bucks last week on supplies and steamboat itself
>came to potluck two hours early, barely managed to install it properly
>food cooking it in smelled like LITERAL SHIT
>NO ONE even tried A SINGLE off it
>got hundreds of weird looks and questions because of it
>people openly made fun of it
>at one point i ran to the toilet to cry my eyes out, when i came back everyone noticed
>stayed an hour late after everyone left disassembling it
>guy from accounting went home with her probably fucked her or whatever normal people do after potlucks
>now i'm stuck with giant fuck heavy chinese saucer in my single bedroom apartment
>will probably throw it in trash tomorrow

you really couldn't suggest me to bring deviled eggs or guacamole dip and chips, huh? fucking retards...

>> No.12312756
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>> No.12312758

Why would you take anything said on 4chan seriously, you kind of deserved this.

>> No.12312768

Big if true

Hilarious either way and I really needed a good laugh so thank you bro

>> No.12312807
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>at one point i ran to the toilet to cry my eyes out, when i came back everyone noticed

>> No.12312865

>seriously participating in an office pot luck
everybody probably thinks you're gay now. the crying probably didn't help either.

If you're a straight male, you should be the slacker that volunteers to bring drinks, or paper plates

>> No.12312869

Should've just made some Char Siu you absolute cretin.

>> No.12312894

I want to believe

>> No.12312934

Why did you even bring anything. I would just avoid it completely. Go to work to work not to socialise and have picnics

>> No.12312960

to fuck a girl apparently or whatever normal people do after potlucks

>> No.12312972

to further add onto this shit pile
why would you cook anything or use any equipment for the first time for anyone except yourself and your closest friends?

>> No.12312989

Gonna need a pic with a timestamp of said steamboat in said appartment

>> No.12313245

what is the point of potlucks even

>> No.12313325

Literally you could’ve just done something you’ve already done before or something simple, but instead you let a Congolese dirt eating board convince you to spend 200 dollars on something you didn’t even know how to use and then fucked it up massively.

The icing on the cake is just how pathetic every last bit of your story was, and if your only hope of fucking Chinese bitch was using an autistic Chinese cooking utensil, you really didn’t have much of a chance to begin with buddy.

>> No.12313334
File: 48 KB, 960x651, 1547525290360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12313342

How would it take that much time to set up and take down though?

>> No.12313347

you never operated one of these, ask me how i know

>> No.12313351

Please don't leave.
We need more potential pasta OC like this.

>> No.12313361

>>guy from accounting went home with her probably fucked her or whatever normal people do after potlucks
this made me lmoa for some reason

>> No.12313372

That's not an answer, btfo fgt

>> No.12313374

How do you know? Genuinely curious, I suspected but him asking about it through me off

>> No.12313376

Threw, fuck

>> No.12313381
File: 26 KB, 500x500, cylinder_propane_13kg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need one of these in the first place so retard in OP carried one too

>> No.12313386

>Ask a board full of autists who can't even cook and have no social skills for how to behave at an office party?

>> No.12313395

Nice made up story. But since we're having this thread, never EVER take ethnic food to a potluck. For one, you'll stink up someone's house or the rec center where it's held. Two, yt people usually find ethnic foods off-putting. You only eat ethnic food as a mixed group if everyone knows what they're getting into and asked for it. Like the company going out to a jap restaurant or for indian food as a group. You bring a nice flyover pleb dish, or just bring utensils or ice or something. This is common sense.

>> No.12313400

It takes two hours to turn propane on...?

>> No.12313475

Which one of you stole my thread and reposted it to /r9k/?

>> No.12313498

I made monster cookies once for an annoying coworker bake-off, and they looked like fucking vomit but were pretty good. Everyone else's looked way better. Very few people ate mine.

>> No.12313506

Which flavor monster did you use?
I'd imagine the sugar free ultras wouldn't work too well

>> No.12313516

>never used something before
>dddurrrrrr i'll use it for this important social/work event


>> No.12313557

You can also do stuff that looks like a flyover dish. I brought Thai papaya salad to the last potluck I was at, and people ate some, presumably thinking it was some shitty coleslaw

>> No.12313564

It had a bunch of things in them--probably too much to be honest without enough dough, it was a chunky mess.

>> No.12313568

>bring three bags of various doritos/lays
This is how you win potlucks unless you know what people like and can make a very delicious version of it.

>> No.12313593
File: 550 KB, 679x830, 1543689728446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahahahaha holy fuck dude

>> No.12313747

Fucking retard

>> No.12313797

how do you fuck up hotpot? it's literally just boiling random shit in soup.

why would you buy a special pice of equipment? just use an electric or camper stove with a pot.

why are white people so fucking helpless and dumb?

>> No.12313899
File: 49 KB, 500x338, we_are_rook_same.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>why are white people so fucking helpless and dumb?

Hey, at least we can see

>> No.12313939

>OP decided to be as racist as possible to Asian culture and succeeded immensely in front of his (probably now former) co-workers.
I hope you get denied your unemployment.

>> No.12313954

You should have maybe learned to do it properly first before trying to "impress" people with your lack of cooking skills

>> No.12314014

i dont believe the story at all, not because i dont think OP is a pathetic faggot, but because it's literally impossible to fuck up hotpot

>> No.12314028

What a load of retarded bullshit

>> No.12314054

isnt hotpot just soup?

>> No.12314059
File: 95 KB, 963x985, chef-john-cropped-headshot_July2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plz be real
Seriously post a timestamp next to the dirty steamboat or something I want this to be true

>> No.12315053

It was unironically a good idea

>> No.12315092

this totally happened.avi.psd.mp4

>> No.12315828

The moral of this totally true story is that you must under no circumstance try to impress a woman with something you never did before.

8/8 thread.

>> No.12315871

thai here who worked in a place where we served our food on/in these. you usually put a piece of coal in the middle, not propane

>> No.12315891

Based. You can also try not going to a potluck in the first place.

>> No.12315897

>blaming everyone else for your own mistakes

Deserved it.

>> No.12315900

Lol nigga u dumb.

>> No.12316551
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>> No.12316593
File: 82 KB, 800x600, comment_1L07j5uSDfKqK6GCMzK5MaQRUbD4CP3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no timestamp

cool strory brah

>> No.12316604

I don't even care if this is true or not, it gave me a good laugh.

>> No.12316643

I really really hope this is fiction. It saddens me that people can be like OP if this is true.

>> No.12316656

Probably didn't happen but in the future remember that Chad brings buffalo shrimp dip to office functions.

>> No.12316679
File: 2.02 MB, 370x250, QuerulousBlaringAmericanratsnake-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what you get for racemixing faggot.

>> No.12316719
File: 765 KB, 1001x1001, 1487081735345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>at one point i ran to the toilet to cry my eyes out, when i came back everyone noticed

fuckin' lol'd

also, you deserved it. chinese food is garbage tier and you should know it like everyone on Earth.

>> No.12317582

coal is fine for 30min dinner don't last for 6 fucking hours though, you fucking mong

>> No.12317685

Fuck you cancer retard and your chink shit
Hope you’ll forever be the office cuck

>> No.12317736

That guy on the left looks like Mitch "turtle" McConnell.
>waaalll, yup, ah needs muh lettuce leafs, yuuuupp.