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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12306486 No.12306486 [Reply] [Original]

Well when you put it that way...

>> No.12306614

>the right to
Rights are just made up bullshit. Reality doesn't owe you anything. There is no good and evil, just winners and losers.

>> No.12306618
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sounds like something an asshole would say

>> No.12306628

Confirmed for not understanding what a “right” is.

>> No.12306635

Define it then.

>> No.12306643 [DELETED] 


No, but in all seriousness, guns are fucking based. Keep it up, America. Fuck what the sjws and the jews tell you.

>> No.12306644


>> No.12306659

A right is something that cannot be taken away according to a nation’s moral code. Freedoms of speech, assembly, and self-defense are not granted but are protected from infringement. In the same way, healthcare, education, and jobs are not rights because they must be provided.

>> No.12306726

>according to a nations moral code
Aka made up bullshit

>> No.12306761

Made up bullshit with a man with a gun behind it
don't pretend it's irrelevant

>> No.12306783

Yes, you're getting it. Rights are things that cannot be taken away according to made-up bullshit.

>> No.12306928

based brainlet

>> No.12307454

What are they asking?

>> No.12307472

89IQ anarcho-communist

>> No.12307474

This image makes no sense. As in, how does a pile of food ever have rights? Who are THE PEOPLE. Who is supposed to be infringing their right to keep food?

>> No.12307485

It makes sense if you have over 68 iq

>> No.12307505

The Constitution does not grant us any rights.
It outlines our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS, and limits the government from infringing on these rights.
Every free man, all born equal, share these rights.

"The People" refer to US citizens, permanently residing non-citizens, and even free non-citizens. The 2nd applies to all, except the last unless they acquire a license to hunt.

>> No.12308196
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>You only have rights because some man with a gun says you do
Exactly. You only have rights because men with guns say you do.
Rights in and of themselves are made up bullshit. What is and isn't a right is just shit the majority of people agreed to. But if you're attacked by a wolf and try to defend yourself by saying you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness the wolf is just going to rip your throat out. Your rights mean bullshit to the wolf. Anyone with an IQ over room temp. could understand this. But let me guess you're a dark skinned individual who just wants more gibs.