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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 811 KB, 1260x630, 323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12305854 No.12305854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why can't white "people" handle spicy food?

>> No.12305855

Go to sleep Raj.

>> No.12305858

Raj means "king" so thank you for honoring Indian people as the rightful Gods among men on Earth.

>> No.12305859

Spixy food is for tastelets who can't detect subtle flavors and just need their tongue burned before they cam raste anything

>> No.12305860

It's the high percentage of neanderthal DNA. They're literally the living remnants of primitive "humans".

It's sad, really.

>> No.12305862

Racist stereotypes. Do you want me to apply your’s to you or is that suddenly not ok?

>> No.12305864


>> No.12305869

so does Rex but it's also the most popular dog's name

>> No.12305874
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>> No.12305876

There are three types of spicy:
>Many Spices
>Hot but flavourful
>Fuck your mouth, you'll never taste food spoilage.
The first two levels are almost always palatable, and probably goes up to habenero in terms of heat. The last one is for Thai Chinese and Indian people who literally cannot eat food without destroying their mouth, because of historically poor preservation methods. That shit sucks.

>> No.12305878


>> No.12305886

japanese don't even make spicy food, they're the mildest of all asian cuisines

>> No.12305888

Do you believe that your post in any way improves this board's culture?
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism
Fuck off with your tired shit. And I'm not even white, but your attention whoring, racebaiting shit has nothing to do with food or cooking. Die of cancer, you cunt.

>> No.12305889

So you're just saying white people are dogs. I agree. The white man belongs to Indians.

>> No.12305891

White boomers think black pepper is too spicy. Zoomers try to overcompensate by pretending to enjoy 1 trillion scoville meme shit.

>> No.12305909

>in a very competitive program
>one of 5 white people out of 60
>everyone else is brown with fancy degrees from their home country
>every single white person recieved an internship
>75% of Indians with marks to graduate did not
>The ones that did were articulate, knowledgeable and had good work ethic
>the ones that didn't worked as a group on absolutely everything, cheated whenever possible, and talked shit in Tamil or Urdu nonstop
Nah, y'all just piggyback a few exceptions as hard as possible.

>> No.12305912

This thread is extremely low quality.

>> No.12305913

based angry ineffectual backseat moderator

>> No.12305917

Truly blessed and based trips of truth.

>> No.12305929


>> No.12305930

>forgetting that Europe colonised the entire world because they loved spices so much
Brush up on your history you retards

>> No.12305984

>exploited other countries for spices they didn't even use
Other natural resources, yes. Spices were just an after thought to monopolize and jack up the price to sell back to the countries they were stolen from.

>> No.12305994
File: 34 KB, 400x386, 1548425554420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to sleep Raj.

Kek. Pajeet bfto.

>> No.12306001

Is that the iron dragon slayer from Fairy Tail?

>> No.12306006

If this doesn’t present 100k scovilles or up im asking for a refund.

>> No.12306034

For the record, I like a good webcomic (sexy losers, Oglaf, C&H) but after the sixth or seventh time I saw this cringey wypipo bait on /ck/ I actually went to the site and started reading the comic from the start.
It's shit.
Not shit as in 'digested food'. Not shit as in 'poor quality in some aspect of delivery'. Not even shit as in 'fails to tick multiple boxes including being funny which is the whole reason it exists'.
It's shit because it demonstrates the greatest weakness of the online media sphere: Everyone Has A Voice Whether They Have Talent Or Not.
The background concept is painful. The main (self-insert's) character is pure wish projection. The supporting characters (including the Goku ripoff in OP's image) simply show up, fully formed, not needing rhyme nor reason, nor demonstrating why they're there other than the author needing a couple of minorities to counterbalance their own relentless whiteness.
In short, the OP's webcomic is shit. OP is a faggot. And everyone involved in both is in desperate need of a fucking terminal lynching.

>> No.12306036

now THATS a real woman

sigh... if only I could jump into comics

>> No.12306043

they don't want to be distracted from improving the world by pain in their mouth

>> No.12306072

How long are you going to repost that thread on a daily basis?

>> No.12306077

not exactly a compliment if all you're king of is other pajeets

>> No.12306088
File: 783 KB, 1320x2040, 1kbxfwhlzdjbqA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this comic

>> No.12306094
File: 689 KB, 1038x517, pure tranny projection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure fucking tranny mental illness, projection and wish fulfillment.

>> No.12306103

Saiyans aren't Japanese, they just speak the language.

>> No.12306123

if you could she'd take all your money and cuck you with 6 Tyrone's.

>> No.12306221

Super Saiyan are Aryan
It rhymes.

>> No.12306226

Public defecation.

>> No.12306247

Ashkenazi Jews have the highest percentage of neanderthal DNA and are also the smartest people on Earth. The "neanderthals are dumb and primitive" meme is propaganda by brainlets who don't know shit about evolutionary anthropology

>> No.12306251

It's because white people knew how to store food much before others, and thus didn't need gallons of spice to kill out the bugs/spoiledness of the meat they ate.

>> No.12306258

Are you actually stupid or brainwashed enough to think Africans bought back their spices from the British? A quick trip to any third world shitholes shows you that the brown goblins inhabiting those countries have plentiful quantities of free spices at their disposal

>> No.12306262


>> No.12306265

This is a stupid meme. White people love over the top spicy shit more than anyone.

>> No.12306266

Apparently that's Florida man
Also the creator mentioned /co/ so I think (s)he posts there

>> No.12306281

What is it with /ck/ and Ennui Go?

>> No.12306289

because some reddit mod banned me from my sub because i insulted some wh*teoids mods fee fees

>> No.12306751

its evolutionary. white people had an abundance of food, thus it didnt require anything to help them eat it. PoC, especially those from african nations, have always had a hard time with a steady supply of fresh food, and often they would have to eat rotting food and rancid animal carcass's they fought from scavangers, and to be able to make it palpable, they had to drown them in spices.

this was all from a professor at ucla

>> No.12306891
File: 32 KB, 700x484, hellacrazy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the comic for you

>> No.12306895

Kill yourself you fat kike. I came here for food not for your jew posting
Fucking better shut up before I cause another holocaust

>> No.12306945
File: 71 KB, 475x477, Crawfish-Boil-TravisBlue-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Bayou Bobby Boudreux Thibodeau Lapeyrouse and I can eat twice as much spice as you partner. I was born in a magnalite pot floating down the bayou and lived off of nuthin but cayenne pepper and Tabasco sauce for 3 weeks. If you ever post on my board again sha I will pull ya toes.