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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 880x270, onion & garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12301912 No.12301912 [Reply] [Original]

> makes all your dishes infinitely better
Say something nice about em

>> No.12301916

They're too powerful.

>> No.12301923


>> No.12301928

I don't know what I would do without them. Onion is especially so versatile.

>> No.12301929
File: 212 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_8025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't drink datura tea

>> No.12301930 [DELETED] 

Fuck I mean Alliums

>> No.12301941

>putting a space after the >

>> No.12301956

>He doesn't eat a plain boiled potato

>> No.12302098

thanks for everything i love you

>> No.12302103

>calling out newfaggotry
>having strong opinions about formatting

>> No.12302113

onion and garlic are the base of just about everything that I cook.

How long before some contrarian retarded faggots start calling them a meme?

>> No.12302121

>try to make some fried chicken
>no onions and garlic left
>think "it's gonna be okay I'm using all those other spices anyway"
>it ends up tasting like shit
Onions really are indispensable.

>> No.12302122
File: 35 KB, 369x387, 1557425735755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time i left an onion in my fridge unbagged, and it soaked up on the smell from the fridge, and i ate it one night and it made me vomit.

>> No.12302123

garlic more like gimmick.

>> No.12302125

based retard poster

>> No.12302173

Same here pal.
I even keep onion and garlic powder just in case I run out of the real thing.

>> No.12302385
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>> No.12302432

I like onions a lot better when they're raw actually, mixed with other stuff that is. I find garlic a lot better for my stomach when it's baked or something like that.
When i'm taking a afternoon nap and i had pasta with garlic for lunch they're still present in my stomach, it's horrible.

>> No.12302436


>> No.12302443

You forgot green onion.

>> No.12302614

I love you, onions and garlic. Great job!

>> No.12302702

peeled and chopped 2 large white onions with a teaclothe around my lower face (blocking access to my nose and mouth) and literally didn't shed a tear in the process

bit crude, but fucking effective

>> No.12302713

>doesn't know how to chop onions without getting tears

come on anon, this is common knowledge

>> No.12302739

whata the fug is happening to the garlice on the right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12302763

have other methods but this is the quickest and least hasslesome

>> No.12302978
File: 186 KB, 1280x2048, best gote boi 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They deserve some pie

>> No.12302990

>quicker and least hasselsome than leaving the onion in the fridge until you need to use it

>> No.12303045

onions and garlic saved my marriage

>> No.12303048

they're the base because they're BASED

>> No.12303049

and redpilled

>> No.12303069

I was watching some thing about the former cook of the british royal family and he said that the royals don't eat anything with onions or garlic in it. I'd kill myself.

>> No.12303098

>british 'cuisine'

>> No.12303178

Please explain

>> No.12303228

Why the fuck not? Are they allergic or is it just some arbitrary bullshit rule?

>> No.12303241

they are inbred

>> No.12303242

Well, yeah.

>> No.12303264

I use both fresh and powder at the same time.

>> No.12303289

Don't know about the onions/garlic thing, but apparently they eat a lot of straightforward traditional stuff with high quality ingredients (fish, game etc).

>> No.12303315

onions and garlic have been in England since the Roman occupation.

>> No.12303329


The Queen banned it because it makes you stink. I'm serious.


>> No.12303334

Correct, they planted wild garlic/ gypsy onions to mark the paths they had travelled. I live near the fosse way and there's loads. Alliums are literally the best thing ever.

>> No.12303386

Yeah, I just meant I didn't know how true the onions/garlic thing was. They eat pretty healthily anyway. >>12303329 is correct in that garlic is out and onions are limited.

>> No.12303394

fucking royals and their chimp baby

>> No.12303415

keep your fantasies to yourself, lad

>> No.12303420


just being topical, bro

>> No.12303695

>Doesn't eat baking soda from the bag

>> No.12303724
File: 60 KB, 700x380, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a damn mention of shallots itt

The superior Allium.

>> No.12304593

Just got a few. What should I do with them?

>> No.12304605

fry em up in something

>> No.12304610

When you think about it that's basically the entire concept of modern dentistry in a nutshell.

>> No.12304614
File: 7 KB, 240x210, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any love for these in this thread?

>> No.12304625

no, you are just a bitch

>> No.12304629

I'll allow it

>> No.12304632

based retard

>> No.12304646

retard more like redpilled

>> No.12304652

I don't like ingredients being cold unless they have to be to prevent spoilage. It changes the whole cooking equation.

>> No.12304658

Cooking isn't a math equation, if anything it's more akin to a word search.

>> No.12304659

>cold onion changes the whole cooking equation

that's a pretty ridiculous statement

>> No.12304666

>red onion

>> No.12304673

There is absolutely no truth in this post

>> No.12304675

well it was only an opinion

>> No.12305101

there's nothing wrong with putting a > with a space afterwards. Maybe you are the newfag ▲
▲ ▲

>> No.12305134
File: 322 KB, 900x692, chivef2_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no chives

>> No.12305143

based and retardpilled

>> No.12305185

That is terribly written.
Some asshole got paid for this?

>> No.12305270


>> No.12305369

Anon... I

>> No.12305476

I love you garlic. You are always the first in my life. But onion, I prefer your skinny sexy cousin, the chive. Scallion when I’m tipsy.

>> No.12305815

Chives are in no way a substitute for onions.
Scallion kinda, but also not for a lot of recipes.
Shallots, maybe.

>> No.12305829

Aren't they really delicately flavoured, though? I don't want to use them in something pointless.

>> No.12305833

Yes they are. Slight onion taste without being overpowering. A superior form of onion salt.

>> No.12305838

Yeah, please make some caramelised chives and tell me how that goes.

>> No.12305842

Are you trying to meme me into thinking sweet=good?

>> No.12305846
File: 191 KB, 1200x1798, Caramelized-Onions-foodiecrush.com-012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you seriously not know what caramelised onions are?

>> No.12305852

Burnt. Soft. Soggy. Sweet. Gross. Nothing more to be said.

>> No.12305863

Shallots are the weak little brother who gets his ass kicked by garlic and has to be saved by his older, tough ass brother the onion. Scallions are the cute younger sister who ends up mixed into immigrant dishes. Chives are the downie who gets an award for having participated.

>> No.12305866

Nice bait.
That being said, chives are not a substitute for onions at all.
Anything that doesn't call for raw onions, chives wont work with.
Please sautee some chives in a pan, see how that goes.
Ever made chives soup?
But you don't actually cook, so this information is lost on you.
3/10 made me reply two times.

>> No.12305870

You’re still gross and trying to prove a moot point.

>> No.12305871

I use them too much

>> No.12305873

Chives are a garnish, retard.

>> No.12305875


>> No.12305877

Onions are for tastelets, retard. You can’t go one meal without at least a tablespoon of sugar.

>> No.12305880

I don't think you know what a moot point is either.
>I prefer chives over onions
>Chives are not a substitute for onions
>You are gross

>> No.12305883

Your single brain cell is suffering. Stop replying.

>> No.12305884

Wtf are you saying?
Have you ever cooked in your life?
Is this supposed to be bait, cause it aint really working.
It's just confusing nonsense.

>> No.12305890

Stop saying nonsensical things and I will stop correcting you.

>> No.12305895

Samefagging doesn’t make you look cooler. Go eat a candy bar since you can’t go a meal without sugars, tubby.

>> No.12305932

>Replying to separate posts
You are not even baiting are you?
What are you even doing on this board and what the hell are you talking about sugar for?
Literally google caramelised onions, it doesn't have to do with actual caramel, you absolute moron lmao

>> No.12305934

I love you

>> No.12305952

Can I make caramelized onions on a non stick pan?

>> No.12305971

I think an onion a day is the reason I have bad poos. The problem is that they are the only vegetable where I live that is cheap other than carrots.

>> No.12306012


>> No.12306239


>> No.12306534

We call those "green onions" where i live

>> No.12306708

Mmmmh yummy

>they are the only vegetable where I live that is cheap other than carrots
Where do you live? East Europe? Balkan area?

>> No.12306730

Eat more fibers.

>> No.12307227

>turning a vegetable into candy is gross

absolute state of (You)

>> No.12307230

I’m gay btw if that matters

>> No.12307385

Who here doesn't much care for raw onions but thinks sautéed onions are mana from heaven?

>> No.12307395


>> No.12307408

no one even got this, but I did anon

>> No.12307448

Is it not a datura flower or something?

>> No.12307522

datura is a deliriant. deliriant are basically like lsd except only the bad trip part.

>> No.12308438

based onion

>> No.12308443

At least you assholes know about red garlic, spanish garlic comes pre-mild. All the volatiles that ruin garlic while cooking are gone. If you don't use a large bulb with pink stripes in it, you're fucking up your food.

>> No.12309600

I'll put my large bulb in your pink stripe, mate.

>> No.12310117

I hate these guys. Too small to peel and cut.

>> No.12310256

>makes all your dishes infinitely better
I think you mean sadder

>> No.12310265

Rarely I get the little $2 bags of salad topper fried onions. I end up eating the whole bag at once. The rest of the day my stomach hurts and every time I burp it tastes like straight onions. It's an awful pain but man crispy fried onions are so good going down.

>> No.12310329

How do I chop an entire onion properly?
>Cut in half over the waist
>Cut in half again over the "ends"
>Make a 80% horizontal cut in the middle
>Make 4-5 vertical cuts towards the end
>Chop across previous cut towards fingers

>> No.12311324

slice one way
then the other
This is more then good enough for literally any recipe its choping a fuckin vegetable not open heart surgey

>> No.12311982

Vidalia onions or get the fuck out.

>> No.12312196

>only eat an onion that is in season for 1 month/year, only grown in a retarded area of the country, easily damaged in shipment and immediately rots if you try to store it
So you don't like onions? Why not just say so?

>> No.12312225

You could say the same thing about wasabi

>> No.12312569

spring onions

>> No.12312646

...am a faggot

>> No.12312701
File: 61 KB, 591x800, 1557618560758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GI tract is going to shit
>probably starting to get horrible gas whenever I eat onions
>I'm only 25

>> No.12312708

Thank you for your service.

>> No.12312713

Do you grate your own spice powder? I'm wondering how the whole onion & garlic enter into fried chicken.

>> No.12312716

Good for topping fried rice with.

>> No.12313282

Depends. DON'T caramelize them like you would a regular onion.

DO saute them for a few minutes to soften and slightly brown them, then top them on something.

DO slice them, macerate them in lemon or tangerine or lime juice, and use on beet salad.

>> No.12313522

cut top off
bisect longitudinally
slice each half radially
slice laterally

>> No.12313559

a sharp knife. to shreds you say..

>> No.12313569


bisect, chop off the opposite of the root tips, peel to good meat, place each half on the cutting board and slice horizantally twice, then choose your dice thickness and run down the bulb, then dice it accordingly.

>> No.12315333


>> No.12315361

read the datura trip reports on erowid