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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 750x1050, it-does-not-get-much-better-than-creamy-cheesy-homemade-alfredo-sauce.-this-recipe-is-easy-to-make-and-always-works-out..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12301261 No.12301261 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/
do you like Alfredo sauce?
Im from Italy and here it dosent exist, not even in cans. Should i try to make it?

>> No.12301264

Make sure you use eggs

>> No.12301270

Alfredo sauce is garbage invented by flyovers to pretend their aversion to flavor is exotic
Also, someone in this thread will tell you that you just need to get "good" alfredo sauce. Ignore this poster. They are either obese or a shitposter.

>> No.12301289

Fat and flour.
Fat and fucking flour.

People prepare for the worst… but hope for the best. They concentrate on the things that are important to them. All the things beyond fat and flour.

>> No.12301296

People shouldn't eat flour anyways
Makes you die from blood clot in the brain.

>> No.12301302

I like it when making a quick pasta dinner and I don’t have White wine stocked. I ignore the stuff you can buy since it’s very quick to make

>> No.12301306

I suspect you're not from Italy.
If the recipe is just burro and parmigiano, it is a fucking basic dish done everytime you cannot eat too much stuff, when you're ill for example, or when you really have just the time to cook the pasta.

We just don't call it alfredo and we don't make it with fettuccine because that would be a waste of the fettuccine.

>> No.12301307

You can add garlic, pepper, Parmesan, Romano, parsley, and whatever else to Alfredo sauce. It doesn't have to be bland.

>> No.12301328

Yeah lol those dumb Americans

>Serving fettuccine with butter and cheese was first mentioned in a 15th-century recipe for maccaroni romaneschi ('Roman pasta') by Martino da Como, a northern Italian cook active in Rome; the recipe cooks the noodles in broth or water and adds butter, "good cheese" (the variety is not specified) and "sweet spices".

Modern fettuccine Alfredo was invented by Alfredo di Lelio in Rome. According to family accounts, in 1892 Alfredo di Lelio began to work in a restaurant that was located in piazza Rosa and run by his mother Angelina. Di Lelio invented "fettuccine al triplo burro"[3] (later named "fettuccine all'Alfredo" or "fettuccine Alfredo") in 1907 or 1908 in an effort to entice his wife, Ines, to eat after giving birth to their first child Armando. Alfredo added extra butter or "triplo burro” to the fettuccine when mixing it together for her.

>> No.12301331

Op here

just because i want to try the sauce and i asked if its worth trying it, it dosent mean im not from Italy lel.
If it's just "burro e parmigiano" why call it alfredo? It can't be just that.

>> No.12301341

So Alfredo sauce is literally retarded women's food.

>> No.12301345
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>Alfredo added extra butter or "triplo burro”
I had an heart attack just from reading it

>> No.12301351

Speak italian so we know you are not an imposter.

>> No.12301353

The usual recipe I’ve seen is something like:

>1 tablespoon butter
>1 tablespoon flour
>1 cup milk
>4 oz Parmesan cheese
>minced garlic
>pinch of allspice
>salt and pepper to taste

Melt the butter in a pan, add the flour and make a blonde roux, gradually add the milk and bring it to a simmer. Grate the cheese while stirring, then add the spices and cooked noodles, simmer until thickened.

>> No.12301365
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Op here
il molise non esiste
e voterò il Gabbibbo alle primarie

>> No.12301367

Yeah but its totally *not* from Italy and only dumb Americans eat it.

>> No.12301372

im gonna try it for sure!

>> No.12301375

Cut that shit out you filthy Moor

>> No.12301379

Women it eat, which is worse.

>> No.12301380

I estimated the amount of milk and cheese so definitely adjust that if it seems to thin or too thick.

>> No.12301447

I usually do 1.5 tbsp of each per cup, 1 is a bit thin

>> No.12301451

>bothering to add a period when your words aren't even in the right order

>> No.12301534
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You know when an argument is won when someone out points your grammar mistakes instead of actually putting forth a rebuttal.

>> No.12301541

I'm a burger, and no, I don't like Alfredo sauce. I fucking never eat that shit. It's too heavy, it's too tasteless. It's like pouring wallpaper paste over your pasta. I don't know how it became a thing, but I curse those devils.

>> No.12301674

A resturant in Rome (Il Vero Alfredo, right next to Augustus' Mausoleum) scammed a bunch of burger celebrities by upselling a bitter and parmesan fish (for the record, that's something you eat when ill in Italy), who came back to the US and spread It, in turn also creating variante with chicken and suchlike.

>> No.12301738

>bitter and parmesan fish

>> No.12301751

>Grate the cheese while stirring
Physically impossible by yourself

>> No.12301758

Where do you get "retarded" from, you absolute incel?

>> No.12301770

he needs to be edgy apparently

>> No.12301819

am from america and have never liked it, but only ever had it out of jars. always found it to be either bland or weirdly sweet as a lot of foods here are, it'd be fun to try and make though

>> No.12301827

What kind of retard can only eat cheesy butter noodles after giving birth? Calling someone an incel for calling a woman retarded makes you sound like a fat bitter bitch who can't find a mate while all of your skinny peers are in comminted relationships. Are women not allowed to be called out for retarded behavior anymore?

>> No.12301836

That's a far cry from what passes for Alfredo sauce here in the US. Here is mostly processed bullshit from a jar made from ingredients like soybean oil and xanathan gum.

>> No.12301843
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mmmmh yummy

>> No.12301847

Loss of appetite has always been an indicator of possible health problems. If the guy's wife wasn't eating normally after giving birth that was cause for concern. As a good husband he did what he could to get her to eat.

>> No.12301848

>an heart attack
I will say this until I am dead. You do not put "an" before any word starting with "H". Its so fucking common here, I feel like its either a british thing because they don't pronounce the H, or its foreigners not understanding english grammar.

>> No.12301852

an hero

>> No.12301863

this. It clearly states that he did in a way to entice her to eat it, which is why it was so rich and creamy, it was literally made as a comfort food that most people wouldnt say no to. Youre literally an incel lmfao

>> No.12301868


was directed at >>12301827

>> No.12301872

She's still a retard for only being able to eat cheesy butter noodles. I guess the modern equivalent would be your wife eating nothing but Kraft maccycheese after birthing. That's a classic diet of spergs and tards.

>> No.12301950

There's a reason comfort food exists. Don't forget giving birth was a much bigger deal back then - a lot more women died in childbirth than do now.

>> No.12301960 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12301984

If more women had access to Pasta Alfredo in the developing world a lot of unnecessary postbirth maternal death would be prevented.

>> No.12302089

Fair, what I meant to type is "grate the cheese and then slowly add to the mixture while stirring" or something like that.

>> No.12302104

So basically it's roux/bechamel?
Just with fat instead of butter?

>> No.12302159

It's bechamel with Parmesan and spices.

>> No.12302205

Are you seriously asking mericans suggests on pasta? No. Just make some lasagne and cook your own besciamella bro
With hate from italy

>> No.12302228

It's probably too spicy for you anyway

>> No.12302242

have sex

>> No.12302276

An hour, an honor, an heir

>> No.12302338

your autism si showing

>> No.12302343


>> No.12302387

Never tried Alfredo sauce but I just made a cheesy bechamel and it seems like Alfredo would have been a better alternative. I'll look into that for next time.

>> No.12302422
File: 34 KB, 550x497, 59A1EC35-2D7D-49AA-B5E2-2A380D43AC1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Alfredo
>late evening at my restaurant
>tired from a busy day and about to close
>suddenly a large group of enormous american tourists barge in
>they keep shouting „bellissimo!“ and „gabagool!“ in an annoying nasal accent and taking photos of themselves behind dirty tables in the dining room for some reason
>slowly realize I‘m out of almost all produce and the market nearby is already empty
>tfw not even enough pasta to satisfy this herd of landwhales but could really use the money
>remember that americans have no idea what butter is and subsist solely on emulsified industrial fat
>send the kitchen boy to ask all neighbors for all of their butter
>meanwhile come up with some outlandish bullshit story in broken english about my wife only being able to eat stuff with triple burro (not even married lmao)
>they seem to think I‘m offering them donkey meat for some reason
>reassure them with my best smile that the dish is latest culinary fashion in rome
>they seem annoyed that there‘s no pie and apple pizza (wtf is this?) available
>still agree to try it because they‘re too tired to go anywhere else after walking across whole piazza Rosa
>serve them something that looks like disgusting cheesy butter soup with bits of pasta in it
>mfw they actually enjoy it
>mfw some of them start drinking butter directly from their plates and demand more of „zet deeleeshows smoov soss“
>finally they finish and leave me an 80% tip on their way out
>hear them discuss „pasta Alfredo“ in the distance
>mfw sold out my name for 100 liras

>> No.12302480

>Makes you die from blood clot in the brain.
Because that's how everyone who's eaten flour has died.

>> No.12302496

You are an immature, selfish brat, apparently. Grow the fuck up and realize that pregnancy and the birthing process can cause all kinds of complications and symptoms and is very hard on the body. A woman's body goes through a major physical change during pregnancy and during labor and delivery. Imagine you had a condition at least once (or most likely twice or three times) in you life that caused your bones and muscles to move and reposition themselves, caused your hormones to run off the charts, caused the blood flow in your body to change, along with more I can't think of right now. I bet you'd act like a little bitch, so shut the fuck up. Any woman who's given birth can eat anything she damn well wants to, and if she wants something like alfredo sauce (no matter what anyone personally thinks about it) she damn well should get it.
t. husband who's watched my wife be a fucking hero bringing my son into this world.

>> No.12302538

>t. husband who's watched my wife fucking a hero bringing his son into this world

>> No.12302558

should you make mac and cheese? yes of course you should you dumb wop just use good cheese and you are good to go

>> No.12302568

>t. bitter incel who married a houseboat sized woman

Not all women are histrionic fatbodied retards despite what your Schumer esque wife has made you believe

>> No.12302585

the thing is that we have "quattro formaggi" that's pasta with high quality blue cheese and others.

>> No.12302594

You're responding to the wrong person. My wife isn't the one who ate the alfredo. Actually, my wife hates alfredo sauce with a passion. The only thing she really wanted after giving birth was some ice cold pineapple (and then, the next day she wanted a burger). But, I'll still defend any woman's right to eat whatever the fuck they want after giving birth. And if you had any balls, so would you.

>> No.12302625

That is the same as alfredo but with a variety of cheeses instead and possibly less butterfat, you're not missing out by not having "alfredo"

>> No.12302654

If you had any balls you would be able to call anybodys food choices retarded when they're cleary retarded. You're a fedora tipper acting like women are fragile beings who are beyond reproach when in reality women are just people with different genitals than you.

>> No.12302663


>> No.12302684

LOL, goddamn your'e an idiot. First of all, women are not fragile, they're stronger in many ways than men. Giving birth is fucking proof of that. And I'm much too old to be a "fedora tipper". You, however, are obviously extremely immature and have very little life experience. Grow the fuck up, selfish boy.

>> No.12302749

Your insistence that all women are the same is incredibly naive and disrespectful to women who actually deserve to be celebrated. Don't lump caring mothers in with the ones who discard their newborns in dumpsters or get abortions at 8 months pregnant or abandon or abuse their small children. It sounds like you've known about 3 women in your whole life and luckily they're all great people. What you don't understand is that first and foremost women are individuals. You're patronizing women by insisting that merely being female requires some sort of unquantifiable inner strength. You also make blanket assumptions about people based on their use of a single meme buzzword.

>> No.12302750

Jesus Christ. Did a flyover fuck your wife or something? Why is every thread filled with flyover rage?

>> No.12302779

Please make higher quality posts in the future instead of making baseless accusations about products you know nothing about.

>> No.12302808

Food is food how is any of it retarded? I really think you have a disorder you’re not mentioning. I can’t understand how you think eating any food is retarded in the slightest. It’s all personal opinions, why shit all over people for it? Please stop feeling superior on an anonymous cooking forum, it makes me sad.

>> No.12302824

Because flyovers are literally the absolute worst people in US and wholly deserve to be mocked and denigrated at every possible occassion.

>> No.12302833

>Food is food how is any of it retarded?
The same way any choice can be retarded in a number of ways, you treehugging hippie.

>> No.12302841

Ok, that's all well and good, but how is Alfredo "retarded women's food"? Because you don't like it? And why is she "retarded"? Because she wasn't hungry after giving birth? Are YOU retarded?

>> No.12302849

You're right. Every diet is equally valid and worthy of celebration and not ridicule. Who cares if you die at 40 from Type 2 diabetes and leave your kids and wife behind? You lived your best life.

>> No.12302877
File: 82 KB, 600x600, zerofucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, you are reading WAY too much into my post, which just exemplifies how much of a wacko you are. Projecting your own thoughts into what other people say, instead of actually comprehending what another person is saying is a mark of being 1. Narcissistic and 2. Not the brightest bulb on the tree.

>> No.12302887

>get abortions at 8 months
Found the conspiracy theorist red hat dipshit.

>> No.12302909

>goes on at length how pregnancy fucks up a woman‘s system in a million ways
>somehow doesn‘t understand that it also applies to taste, which is why pregnant women can crave marmite-smothered marshmallows one moment and deer steak fried in sugar the next
>somehow can‘t understand that „pregnant woman found it tasty“ is anything but a fucking praise
Not him, but if you were to stop for a moment doing an pol9k caricatur-tier impression of a whipped feminist söyboy, you could actually come up with answers yourself thereby avoiding the need to type out autistic walls altogether.

>> No.12302924

That was my first post in this thread, I'm not who you think I am. Stop assuming things, you might make better decisions in life.

>> No.12302943

yes? It's your life. You get one, don't cuck yourself out of doing something you want for somebody else.

>> No.12302947

>n-no it wasn‘t me!!
Nice one. Go back to feeding your blubberous sow of a wife pineapple burgers, rebbitard.

>> No.12302948

Leave your bubble, fat boy

>> No.12302955

>Just with fat instead of butter?
>fat instead of butter

>> No.12302969

>n-no ure fat
Stop coping, flyover trash.

>> No.12302975

>so stupid he thinks only one person can respond to him
Keep digging that hole, retard.

>> No.12302987

If what you want is stuff your face with cake non-stop, then people are absolutely justified to call you a disgusting retard.

>> No.12303006

You sound life a leftist, which makes your opinion irrelevant.

>> No.12303016

>posts with exact same style, verbiage and punctuation in the expected interlocutive order and directly refers to previous discussion points
>gets btfo
>oh no no no no mommy it wasn‘t me I‘m totally brand new
Keep seething autismal faggot.

>> No.12303025

You‘re a flyover. Your anything is by definition irrelevant.

>> No.12303044

Now I'm not sure who I was arguing with. The point is that people with mental disabilities love cheesy pasta which logically means that Alfredo's wife was a waterhead

>> No.12303053

Gold level post, even if it might be copypasta

>> No.12303056

You couldn't find your bellybutton if it wasn't directly on the front of you. MORE THAN ONE PERSON IS RESPONDING TO YOU, YOU DUMB FUCKING FAGGOT.

>> No.12303312

If you're just joking, then yeah.

If you are being serious or trolling, then no.

>> No.12303781

And you're a cuckboi. I'm glad you fool yourself into think you're happy.

>> No.12303818

>people who aren‘t degenerate gluttonous beasts with no self-control are all miserable
Keep coping, Diabeetus.

>> No.12303877

>Im from Italy and here it dosent exist
Hard to believe seeing as how the fucking dish was invented in Italy by a dude named Alfredo.
You are just some retard trying to bait.

>> No.12304126

My sauce goes like this
Butter in a pan, ass garlic, rosemary, oregano, parsley, and bay leaf to the butter and fry it all. Adding more butter untill you have a good thick layer of infused butter. Then you pick the bay leaf out. Add heavy cream, then add romano and parmesan until it thickens. Flour if absolutely nessecary. Then add in a bit of white wine

>> No.12304157

>dish was invented in Italy by a dude named Alfredo

>> No.12304158
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>ass garlic

>> No.12304172

>my gay fanfic for why food I don't like isn't "real food"

>> No.12304183

>my gay fanfic for why my favorite flyover slop is „authentic Italian“

>> No.12304190
File: 31 KB, 645x773, 19571845-B3E1-4F1C-BD90-AEA3B01F9F94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ass garlic

>> No.12304219

Wow, very clever retort, saying the same thing I said but changing a couple of words. This must be the superior intellect of the coastal elite I've heard so much about.

>> No.12304225
File: 8 KB, 179x282, D09A3D26-2AB8-4EC8-AC80-2914D0B39E18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he‘s an actual flyover
Pure pottery. Stay mad, Alfredo.

>> No.12304232

And happy to be to where I am. If I had to live around smug faggots like you I'd have already gone on a shooting spree or just fucking slit my wrists.

>> No.12304233

It's just reduced cream with cheese, pepper, and a bit of nutmeg. People telling you to make a Mornay sauce are tetarded.

>> No.12304235

Are you the trilby tipper with the fat retarded wife?

>> No.12304238

I enjoy it. It's relatively simple: butter, garlic, flour (roux), milk (bechamel), hard cheese (mornay), usually a bit of protein, and parsley or something just to pretend I'm not just loading up on fat and carbs.

>> No.12304252

Not him but he has a point. If she was capable of thinking logically, she would know that she needs to eat whether she liked the way the food tasted or not. For example men can eat MRE's despite them tasting like crap because they know they need energy for survival. But apparently women are too retarded to understand this basic concept, and cucked faggots like you give them a pass because they were pregnant. Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.12304261

>if I had to live among my betters I‘d grow bitter and resentful
No shit, Cleetus.

>> No.12304263

Who? Stop projecting, faggot.

>> No.12304285

On the basis of what? The hordes of spics you live around? Or is it the other coast full of niggers and chinks?

>> No.12304296

Apologies. I don't blame you for not reading this entire bait thread.

>> No.12304408

The coastal areas have this odd delusion that merely being on the coasts make them more worldly and high class..

>> No.12304431
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Fuck you guys, I like chicken alfredo, here's some I made.

>> No.12304478

>managed to get an incompetent retard to be elected all thanks to their individual votes being worth more than c*ty cucks
Seethe more, libtard. 4 more years.

>> No.12304693

Complete shit.

>> No.12306091

Post your bmi.

>> No.12306272

We have proof that the resturant owner was scamming the American celebrity clients that ultimately brought about the "Alfredo sauce".

It didn't happen exactly that way (and, as a Romeanon, I can tell you he was proud of the escamotage, as are his descendants to this day), but it's pretty damn close.

>> No.12306278

Only thanks to a system that both sides want to abolish, but never get around doing it because it'd make them look like dictators.

>> No.12306492

Have you ever given birth? You think women are just fine and fucking dandy after and that there are no complications or side effects? Jesus christ. Next thing you know you're going to say giving birth is retarded why do women do it

>> No.12306495

>if she was capable of thinking logically and somehow eliminated all the hormones flowing through her body during pregnancy she's just eat the food.
I bet you think mental disorders aren't real, just don't be schizophrenic bro

>> No.12306499

I'm out of this thread. Retards wants a birthing woman to somehow overcome her entire biological imperatives.

>> No.12306988

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.12307005

It's true, go look at a can of Newman Zone

>> No.12307019

No. They want to be able to call some of the ridiculous dietary choices of pregnant women and new mothers retarded without being called misogynists which is pretty reasonable. Ask a pregnant woman what she thinks about her crazy food cravings and combinations and she'll probably tell you they're retarded. When my friend was pregnant she craved gherkins and velveeta which she laughed at and called crazy. You're mistaking joking about female behaviors with haing women.

>> No.12307081

There's simply no defense for the garbage that makes up about 80% of what's sold in American grocery stores.

>> No.12307298

You're a fucking moron. Do you see lots of severely injured soldiers asking for MREs? No, you don't. Labor and delivery is serious business, and causes serious trauma to a woman's body. The first thing they need is medical care, and the SLEEP. Not eating is an extremely normal response. Many women even have IVs hooked up to keep them hydrated and to give them pain meds. You're a pissy little tosser who doesn't know fucking anything about which you are talking.

>> No.12307313

Coastal cities do tend to be more metropolitan because they are port cities and tourist cities. Nearly every "new thing" that comes to a country starts with coastal cities and rolls inland. That's just how the world fucking works, dude. Don't be so butthurt about it.

>> No.12307326

If the posters weren't being so hateful, then people wouldn't be responding this way. They're not "lol women's cravings be crazy", they're acting spiteful and piggish about something that they can't even imagine and know nothing about.

>> No.12307388

If the word sounds like it starts with a vowel (hour, for instance) you use an. The anon who said "an heart attack" is in the wrong, but you can use "an" before an H word.

>> No.12307440
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Coasties butthurt that their soulless existence is outshined by good and honest heartland life.

>> No.12307468


>> No.12307528

Eh, I grew up in "the heartland" and it wasn't a fucking dream, either. I live on a coast now, and there's so fucking much better variety and things to do and explore. The one thing I miss about living in flyover country (besides my family) is the lower prices. But other than that, I like it here better. And, I tried to stay there and work, because I wanted to be close to my family, but there weren't any jobs that paid enough and let me use my degree, which is why I moved here. So, I'm thinking the butthurt one doth be YOU.

>> No.12308531

You're discarding the opinion of roughly half the country in one fell swoop. Noneof these 50 million people could possibly have an opinion that matters on cheesy pasta sauce.
A recipe literally invented to be blandest thing ever so his wife wouldn't throw up and keep some food down.
[spoiler]I'm not from a flyover state don't go there[spoiler]


>> No.12308553


>> No.12308569

gibe moni plias

>> No.12308572

well what do you expect from the people that lost us the war

>> No.12308584

No. I never liked it, too creamy and heavy. Also—and this might be shallow of me—I find it very visually unappetizing. With red sauce there’s a real visual pop, a contrast with the pasta. Alfredo everything just looks pale and bland.

>> No.12308607

i've lived on the west coast my whole life and i'll fucking vote for trump again just to spite people like you

>> No.12309689
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>> No.12309706
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How do you incorporate eggs into alfredo sauce? I know this is gonna sound dumb.

>> No.12309901

Look fucknuts, if she was capable of eating cheesy butter pasta then she could have eaten other foods too. It's not like she was fucking paralyzed from the nose down.

>severely injured soldiers
>ohhh no I'm dying... I can't eat... I'm going to starve... oh wait, cheesy pasta? Okay I guess I can eat that. Other foods, no. I would definitely just starve to death if it wasn't for cheesy pasta.
Yeah, great comparison you penis wrinkle. That sounds like an entirely plausible and realistic situation... if you're retarded, that is.

>> No.12309911

Why do the Americans in this story have a Russian accent

>> No.12311001

Have many babies have you had? I can assure you that not every woman acts like a autistic sonicfag screaming for maccycheese after giving birth.

>> No.12311027

They didn't have a term for post partum depression back then. She was depressed after giving birth so she wasn't eating. Not eating made her husband concerned, and rightfully so. They guy makes her a dish that qualifies as comfort food and she eats it. Eventually the dish makes it onto his menu named after him and becomes popular because people like comfort food. How is this so difficult to understand? Autism?

>> No.12311066

Boo hoo.