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File: 35 KB, 675x450, 228319-675x450-cubes-of-margarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12295106 No.12295106 [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't margerine been attacked and abolished?

>> No.12295109

Its cheaper than butter

>> No.12295112

it has been attacked? Where are you that it hasn't

>> No.12295113

Pretty sure people just stopped buying it and nobody really cares at this point.

>> No.12295115


>> No.12296408
File: 79 KB, 886x768, Country-Crock-Wounded-Warrior-Project-Tub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbass boomers are still buying it literally by the bucket because they're fucking retarded.

>> No.12296421

What's wrong with it? It spreads much more easily on bread than butter so that's where I use it.

>> No.12296425

the FDA banned margarine (true margarine).

>> No.12296441

LOL what a fucking loser you are. You can't even wait 10 seconds for the butter to become spreadable. Are you eating cold bread? Are you trying to spread rock-hard butter right out of the fridge? What a dumbass. LOL I'm laughing so hard at your stupidity right now. Every time you eat margarine for the rest of your life, just know that I'll be laughing.

>> No.12296445

My parents always called this shit butter so I never used actual butter when cooking until I was like 18. It has it's uses but real butter is so much better. They also called miracle whip mayo, so I spent my whole life thinking I hated mayo.

>> No.12296464

I think people like you are confusing "eating foods with fat causes people to be overweight" with "saturated fat is linked to health problems." Just because the former isn't true doesn't mean the latter ever stopped being true.

>> No.12296467

Stop refrigerating your butter. A stick of butter isn't that big, anyone who cooks would go through one before it goes off.

>> No.12296480

I only use it to stop eggs and s hit from sticking to the pan. $0.25 stick lasts 3 months.

>> No.12296486

unless you're going to lower butter prices then don't do this please
t. poorfag

>> No.12296496

Use a butter crock, brainlet.

>> No.12296506

Found the poorfag.

>> No.12296551

I'm not American. There are no sticks of butter here, just big blocks.

>> No.12296559

Come on, butter is nowhere near expensive. It isn't as cheap as margarine but it isn't expensive.

>> No.12296570

Butter comes in 110g sticks over there, they're half the size of our English blocks.

>> No.12296574

it's more expensive than chicken and pork per lb.
It's almost as expensive as beef where I am.

>> No.12296590

Yeah no fucking shit. How are you going to compare butter to chicken? How can you justify buying chicken when it's more expensive than oatmeal? They aren't comparable you mong

>> No.12296598

opportunity cost?
You'll figure it out when you start buying your own groceries.

>> No.12296608

Here in the US we can't get real butter due to the laws concerning unpasteurized milk products.
Margarine is fine by most people here so it's no great loss. I like it.

>> No.12296612

>Why hasn't margerine been attacked and abolished?
Because they make too much $$$ off of it.
Actually, there is plenty written about the evils of this shit. Anymore, I just use regular butter most of the time, unless a recipe calls for it. It does make a difference in texture when making cookies.

>> No.12296613

Again, you could just buy tonnes of oatmeal and save even more money. I earn a little above minimum wage but I live pretty frugally. I don't have to worry about buying fucking butter.

>> No.12296623

This (for the margarine part, not the mayo part), my mom always bought tubs of that shit because it was a lot cheaper than real butter, I didn't know the difference until I started working and buying my own groceries

They also used to buy like 4 loaves of bread and 3 gallons of milk at a time and freeze the extra

Milk tastes really watery and weird when you freeze and then thaw it

>> No.12296624

yes butter is more expensive that oatmeal too.
You don't make a point other than butter is expensive.

>> No.12296636

Huh... what?! I'm sure your mistaken. The long-running battle between the margarine and dairy lobbies continues today but it's not banned. It is regulated like most manufactured food products. I use both butter and margarine for specific reasons.

>> No.12296649

chicken is cheaper than oatmeal per pound.

>> No.12296662

um, thats butter dipshit, marj. comes in tub size, like your mom

>> No.12296689
File: 30 KB, 550x543, 53DEB82B-2771-4207-878B-E24724FD0D59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butter is more expensive than chicken and pork per lb
Do you eat half a pound of butter per meal too, you absolute retard?

>> No.12296700

margarine is a process that involves hydrogenation of vegetable oils. This process produces trans-fats and transfats have been been banned for years now by the FDA. Thus the margarine process has been banned.

>> No.12296703

>it's cheaper because I don't eat it.
That's not how it works, buddy.

>> No.12296750
File: 32 KB, 640x896, 6AC53707-287E-45D2-8959-43F2D2ECC226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american education
It is how it works, cretin. Comparing things with vastly different consumption rate by price per pound is pointless and not indicative of anything.
>hurr dae potatoes are cheaper per pound than ground pepper

>> No.12296772

No, butter is 3.99 per lb whether you eat all of it in one setting or not you absolute dumbfuck.
Consumption rate does not change the expense.

> $299/oz caviar is cheap if you don't eat it!

>> No.12296776

Sure it is. How much you spend on an ingredient when included at a normal level in a normal diet is a pretty meaningful metric.

>> No.12296788
File: 233 KB, 480x480, 1555511494751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats wrong with it?
>3 replies but no answer

Very, very nice.

>> No.12296811

Doesn't taste as good imo. That said it's not complete and utter shit like the faggots on this site want you to believe. It has it's uses.

>> No.12296840

spreads nicely even when cold, is dirt cheap and its a useful lubricant for sticking things up my ass

>> No.12296869

Easy. It doesn't taste as good. It is not fit for purpose where butter is called for in a recipe. It's fine if all you eat is sandwiches.

>> No.12296874

>putting butter/margarine on a sandwich

>> No.12296876

Even spreadable or whipped butter would still be much better.

>> No.12296881

Where the fuck do you live that people don't?

>> No.12296882

The point is that a pound of butter lasts a longer than a pound of chicken

>> No.12296889
File: 130 KB, 367x739, pappasitos garlic butter recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on board with the whole "butter good margarine bad" shtick for awhile, but it does indeed have its uses very rarely. This recipe, for example, is fucking great. I have tried leaving the margarine out and it does not taste the same. I can't think of any other thing within the past 10 years that I've used margarine for, besides maybe being at a restaurant and that was what was available.

>> No.12296893

This. I only eat vegetable oil and flour. Absolutely LMAOing at your lives lining (((their))) pockets buying unnecessary expensive food

>> No.12296895
File: 337 KB, 1200x1458, Tink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepper is several times more expensive per lb than chicken or pork, is that also a problem?

>> No.12296910

nobody is saying pepper isn't expensive.

>> No.12296912

A lot (if not most people) toast their bread using butter.

>> No.12296916

My mom called margarine 'butter' and butter 'red-haired butter.'

Sometimes, she called margarine 'Asian butter.'

>> No.12296918
File: 4 KB, 159x159, toaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people
no anon.

>> No.12296927

Anon you don't have to do that!
Just eat caviar very slowly! it's cheap that way, the thread said so!

>> No.12296958

>Consumption rate does not change the expense.
Were you dropped on the head as a child or something? Do you eat the same amount of chicken and butter in a year?

>> No.12296990

I haven't used an actual toaster in so long that I honestly forgot they existed. Sorry for being retarded.

>> No.12297071

Were you dropped on your fucking head?
It's 3.99/lb no matter what you fucking dumbass.

>> No.12297077

>Sorry for being retarded.
that goes with being so out of touch with other people. Visit other people and you'll stop being retarded.

>> No.12297092

When you have a family and go through a pound of butter a day that shit gets expensive

>> No.12297099

I think that anon is saying price is less relevant, since chicken might last you one or two days, but the butter can last you 1-4 weeks, since you use less butter for cooking, or consumption compared to chicken
you don't spread a small amount of chicken on toast, you use the entire pack, so the time it takes to consume makes up the difference in price
like salt pepper will last you months, butter can last you weeks, and chicken and pork can last you days, so the 3.99$ price will last longer
if you eat a lot of chicken, you will spend many many times more than you will on butter, since you may spend 3.99 once or twice a weak for chicken, but only once a month for butter

>> No.12297113

so given that consumption rate is factored in then caviar is fucking cheap. gotcha.

>> No.12297127

it can be if you eat it slowly, but caviar is more niche than butter/margarine
butter can be used for general consumption, or cooking/baking, so it has more application to justify it's price compared to caviar

>> No.12297135

guys caviar is cheap, so says this guy!
I'm going to look at anyone strange who says "I have caviar tastes". I clearly means frugal.

>> No.12297145

Is this an elaborate bait? Are you really to thick to understand that you use much less butter per day/month/year than chicken?

>> No.12297151

how do I develop this type of autism?

>> No.12297157

yeah bro, caviar is cheap.
I eat 0oz/year * $299/oz = $0.
Caviar is fucking cheap!

>> No.12297181

Are you okay? Do you need help?

>> No.12297184

What the fuck does caviar‘s PRICE have to do with EXPENSES on butter, moron?

>> No.12297189

this is top level autism

>> No.12297192

read the thread before you act stupid, retard.
People are saying butter is cheap if you don't use a lot of it. Well so is fucking caviar. Everything is fucking cheap if you don't use it.

>> No.12297193

because people still buy it

>> No.12297203

jesus christ it doesn't take more than 30 seconds to look on wikipedia, educate yourself retard

>> No.12297204

butter is cheap because you don't have to use it a lot, it's an ingredient that doesn't get consumed at the same rate as chicken
unless you're a fat sperg who eats an entire stick of butter like chicken, you don't use it in cooking as much, but butter has an application in cooking that caviar doesn't
you can't bake with caviar
you can't use caviar as a fat for cooking
you don't normally spread it on toast with breakfast
you can't make toast with it

>> No.12297231
File: 73 KB, 1024x904, 36DF9BD0-97EC-4DCC-938F-FBE9F5FCF00D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are saying butter is cheap because it IS fucking cheap and ubiquitous. YOU are the one who started comparing it to chicken and caviar even though they‘re absolutely fucking different products used for different purposes in different quantities. It‘s like bringing up price per pound of fabric softener, aspirin and cocaine - it is absolutely fucking useless and serves no purpose, you fat retarded mong.

>> No.12297233

>butter is cheap because you don't have to use it a lot
You use a lot of it mainly for:
baking with it
fat for cooking
spread it on toast for breakfast
make toast with it.

>> No.12297239

so how is butter cheap if you don't use price as an index?

>> No.12297273

Then you're out of touch. Most people in their 20s or 30s knows to use actual butter.

>> No.12297282

>looks at wiki
>the longest section is about the process
yeah and?

>> No.12297301

but you don't use a stick of butter to make a single slice of toast retard

>> No.12297306

nobody said you did, faggot.

>> No.12297311

ok, then if you use butter normally in all of those listed applications, you will use it slower than chicken in most normal applications

>> No.12297317

na you can make schmaltz with chicken fat and use it instead of butter; cheaper too.

>> No.12297343

You compare what percentage of average income does the average required amount of the good constitutes in a year. Average butter price in US is $4/lb, average consumption is about 6lb yearly, average american takes home about $40k after taxes. So a full annual supply of butter for an average American comes down to about 0.06% of his disposable income. Not that you really need all this shit to understand that $2 a month is not „expensive“ for anyone in first world.

>> No.12297350

>average consumption is about 6lb yearly,
that average is lowered because of the existence of butter substitutes.

>> No.12297353

Most people want it/deserve it.

>> No.12297360

how much caviar does the average american consume a year? If it's not a lot then I guess its a small % of is disposable income. So wala caviar is cheap as fuck because science!

>> No.12297430

Let me give you some perspective.

If you are so fucking broke that the savings gained from using margarine over butter is significant enough to you to act and think this way, then you would probably save more from hydrating from public water sources, bathing at the beach or pool showers/gym, wearing strictly donated/secondhand clothing, using purely natural lighting sources, etc. Whatever the fuck you think you're saving man, it isnt worth it. Just stop being autistic.

>> No.12297433

Because there's still stupid people out there who buy it.

>> No.12297444

I used the average consumption rate to approximate demand, my dim friend. Even if you overcorrect the price twice over for butter substitutes as another poster has pointed out, it still comes down to a fraction of a percentage of average annual income, or two put it another way for you an average American would spend 10 min of his worktime a month to afford a pound of butter.

>> No.12297473

I know what you did dipshit I used your same process.

>> No.12297497

>Let me give you some perspective.
I'm glad finally someone admitted that butter is expensive and have devolved into rationalizing the added cost.

>> No.12297575

You don‘t and you didn‘t. Butter and butter substitutes are necessity goods with inelastic prices, caviar is a luxury good subject to Veblen dynamics.

>> No.12297608

>thinks he can damage control with undergrad language.

>> No.12297639

I don‘t see any counterarguments on your part. If some words are unclear feel free to ask.

>> No.12297711

There was nothing to counter other than a "nuh uh"
Your model of average consumption * price = cheap doesn't hold water.

>> No.12297746

>nothing to counter other than a "nuh uh"
>Your model doesn‘t hold water
I think you‘ll be able to spot the irony.

>> No.12297763

no reread you're the one that said "nuh uh". >>12297575
>you don't and you didn't = nuh uh.

>> No.12297785
File: 433 KB, 2037x3056, Assassination v08 (Lovag-Empire) 127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most ironic thing here is that you're arguing somewhat seriously with someone who's obviously pretending to be retarded for the (You)s.

>> No.12297790

There‘s a sentence after that that explains why approximating demand by current consumption works for butter, but not for caviar.

>> No.12297796

Seems a bit too convoluted for bait.

>> No.12297811
File: 593 KB, 600x697, 1536199422955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obviously bait. There's no way someone can be this retarded and still manage to get past the captcha.

>> No.12297812

no, elasticity has no bearing on this argument. As we are talking about current prices. Unless you have a reason to use prices over time vs current prices.

>> No.12297817

the only baiters are ones that have no evidence that butter is not expensive when you can buy whole cuts of meat cheaper.

>> No.12297841

>being this triggered

>> No.12298066

>elasticity has no bearing on this argument
It is directly related to your faulty counterexample. Butter and substitutes are necessity goods with some of the absolute lowest values of income elasticity in the West, meaning natural consumer demand for them is nigh wholly satisfied at current market positions, meaning consumption very closely represents total demand. Hence it is appropriate to use the former to approximate the latter. Caviar is a luxury good with very high income elasticity, meaning lack of natural demand threshold and extreme dependency on income levels. Hence current consumption does not represent actual total demand.
For „cheapness“ of butter I‘ve already given you the labor equivalent: for 2017 the average annual per capita consumption of butter in US was 5.7lbs, for margerine - 3.5lbs, ie 9.2lbs in total. We can even be overcautious and say Americans use nearly 3 more pounds of rendered fat and vegetable oil, where butter could be more appropriate, thus bringing it to a nice round 12lbs per year or a pound per month or $4 at current average market price. The median average hourly wage in US is currently just about $20, so in summary we get that an average american would spend 12 minutes of his labor a month to afford using butter on every applicable occasion.

For your once again inane but funny meat autism using the same methodology an average American spends about an hour and twenty minutes of labor a month paying off beef alone.

>> No.12298183

>Hence current consumption does not represent actual total demand (of caviar)
this is false.

>> No.12298192


>> No.12298207

I'm going to assume equilibrium of supply/demand of caviar until you prove otherwise.

>> No.12298254

Are you confused by terminology again? Do we need to start with the difference between needs and wants?

>> No.12298258

is that you're answer? if so, I'll assume you're done; good job trying to baffle people with bullshit.

>> No.12298316

Freezing bread unironically is perfectly fine and tastes similar.

>> No.12298335

>needs and wants?
neither butter nor caviar is a need.

>> No.12298340

And then there's this guy. Next you'll be saying salt isn't a need.

>> No.12298341

Toasting on a pan is more tasty.

>> No.12298346

salt is a dietary need for health
butter isn't; many people live without dairy.

>> No.12298351

What even is the argument about.

>> No.12298353

Palm oil investors will not allow you to talk shit about margarine.

>> No.12298359

retards saying butter isn't expensive at 4 bucks a pound when chicken is 79 cents a pound.

>> No.12298367

You know what is expensive, kids.

>> No.12298370

how much do they go for a lb?

>> No.12298373

because it's only used by those on the MARGINS


>but seriously fuck poor people

>> No.12298402

I‘ve chewed it over pretty thin for you. Luxury goods are highly income dependent, meaning only a fraction of people who want them can convert their DESIRE to obtain them into MARKET DEMAND (aka actual putchasing). So the latter only correlates with the former through a complex lens of income distribution and a host of poorly quantifiable social factors and can‘t really be used to assess actual WANTS of everyman. This is in contrast to necessary goods, the NEEDS for which all consumers will strive to satisfy first and foremost, which they do succesfully at virtually every income level in prosperous countries such as US. To put it in terms even more understandable, few of those who would like to eat caviar can afford to, but nearly everyone who wants to eat butter objectively can. So it‘s valid to assume an average person wants about as much butter as he buys, but it is invalid to assume the same of caviar. I‘m sorry these babby economic concepts seem like some trickery to you, but I do now understand why butter might be expensive for you personally.

>> No.12298431

not him but what does this have to do with the price of butter in the context of being expensive or not. Plus my brother isn't rich and eats caviar fairly regularly it's not expensive to him to spend 60 bucks every once in a while.

>> No.12298459

Read up the backlinks a bit. The man is arguing butter is expensive because it costs more per pound than meat.

>> No.12298475

I guess what I'm asking is how do define expensive?

>> No.12298504

Caviar isnt expensive

The end

>> No.12298508

I‘m illustrating it with amount of work hours on average income needed to afford a desirable amount. He‘s really struggling with concepts of expense and price.

>> No.12298514

but what is economic definition of "expensive"?

>> No.12298523

>I‘m illustrating it with amount of work hours on average income needed to afford a desirable amount
by that definition nothing at a supermarket would be considered expensive.

>> No.12298546

There‘s no definition of „expensive“ in a vacuum. When talking about it in context of national economy it makes sense to use average disposable income and average needs. That‘s how market basket price and indices like CPI are calculated.
How so?

>> No.12298548

Just because poor people decide not to save for their retirement and instead splurge doesn't mean they're not poor.

>> No.12298621

he has an 401k (with employer matching and IRA.
Funny you assume he's not saving because he indulges in caviar every once in a while.

>> No.12298627

>average needs.
what is that value?

>> No.12298906


>> No.12298959
File: 34 KB, 594x584, 1547946800321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>country crock contains palm oil

so it's actually a step down from decent margarine, it's just straight transfat as a spread

>> No.12298966

It's actually not that bad at all and big dairy shiller kikes are just seething over it