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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12294443 No.12294443 [Reply] [Original]

>dieting because the years at Uni have made me fat
>decide to go on a liquid meal replacement diet to attempt to curb my overall appetite and shrink my actual stomach because of years of binge eating
>also as a way to gain willpower so when i go back to solid foods i don't just binge again
>only at the end of day two and the cravings are so strong i feel like dying

God. How the fuck do vegans and yuppies do this fasting shit so regularly?

>> No.12294458

They don't and lie.
Get your fat ass on a treadmill

>> No.12294587

I'm working out, too.

>> No.12294596

I lost weight once, because I was due for military conscription in a year and obese recruits get extra Long boot camp. I got scared shitless and ran 7km a day after that. 30kg lost. One year out from the army now and I’ve put back on about 7 of that and now it’s stable. You have to find some kind of really strong motivator, I got lucky.

>> No.12294603

The more you do it the easier it gets. Just don’t go more than a month without fasting and you’ll be fine.

>> No.12294619

And keep foods out of your vicinity and avoid people who enable you to unnecessarily eat. It’s all really simple but important stuff.

>> No.12296204
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stop fasting, eat a lot if you want to. the problem is not how much you eat, its what you eat. you will never get fit if you eat garbage. if you have a job where you sit still all day, go to /fit/ or /n/ and start excercising

>> No.12296293

I do one meal a day, not for weight loss but for other health benefits. The turning point for me came when I realized that I have free will, which allows me to do anything that's physiologically possible. The body is strong enough to handle being hungry, so just ignore the hunger. It's just a type of pain.

>> No.12296497

>which allows me to do anything that's physiologically possible.

Hold your breath under water for a year then my nigguhhh

>> No.12296532

>the problem is not how much you eat, its what you eat
it's the exact opposite of this, actually

>> No.12296563

>long term liquid fasting straight after binge eating
Are you retarded? You should have known from the beginning you wouldn't have had the willpower to do that since you're a binge eater.

Try doing the objectively right thing and just adopt a healthy, balanced diet that is slightly calorie-conservative. Instead of dieting with a temporary change that you hate, that demoralizes and demotivates you, and makes you more likely to binge, start implementing your long-term healthy lifestyle and lose the weight naturally.

No, it's not. You won't get fat binge eating complete meals that have vegetables and an appropriate number of carbs.
You can truly eat as much healthy food as you want. You can even eat a lot of junk food as long as you get your fat ass up off the couch and work out.

The problem is that you're binge eating garbage food. That is what makes you fat. Dummy.

>> No.12296575

>You can truly eat as much healthy food as you want. You can even eat a lot of junk food as long as you get your fat ass up off the couch and work out.


>> No.12296585

Substituted white bread with rye toast. Stopped deep frying shit, started eating more cooked vegetables to fill me up. Eat lots of salad, without dressing (or at least, a bit of olive oil). Eat corn flakes with non-fat milk or oats for breakfast. Whenever I feel hungry beside the three main meals of the day, I eat a banana and/or an apple or two.
Lost 6 pounds in two weeks

>> No.12296599

Poor anon. I've been trying to GAIN weight the last 5 years. No luck yet, I actually lost more weight.

>> No.12296609

Fasting never worked for me. I went keto. Once you get the sugar addiction handled, you'll notice things like your skin clearing up, no more brain fog, LESS APPETITE, and rapid weight loss.

Some people claim they're keto as a lifestyle. I don't see how that's possible. Everybody's bodies are different, but I can tell you what makes me hungry and eat more is when I'm eating too many carbs. When I cut carbs it takes less to fill me up, I don't feel bloated, etc. Plus, most liquid diets involve expensive shake mixes. It's a fad to sell this kind of stuff. You can do keto just on your own. Meat, fats, low-carb veggies.

>> No.12296619

>what is calories in calories out

>> No.12296625

Has anyone done long term fasting before? What happens after 2 months of no eating?

>> No.12296641

You must have a doctor monitoring you to do fasting any longer than two weeks.
Your body will very very quickly deplete nutrients and without someone monitoring crucial levels, like potassium, sodium, iron, B-vitamins, etc, you will die.
"Fasting for two months" without medical supervision is just starving to death. What is everyone's obsession with long-term fasting? Why can't you fatties just eat less?

>> No.12296686

i never understand this
>lost X in Y days
what does this mean? anything?
why don't people say
>lost X in Y years
tl;dr because it's always gained X in Y years

>> No.12296753

>what does this mean? anything?
Not really. Six pounds is negligible. When you first start losing weight, a lot of what you're actually losing is excess water stored in your fat cells. Experts suggest the first five or more pounds are just water and not any actual lost fat. That's why it's easy to see fast results from small changes, but that stagnate almost instantly.

>> No.12296828
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if u fast long enough, u can go an entire day without eating any food & not even realize it because ur body adapts 2 just not feel hunger pains -- & if ur healthy, that is ideal, since u rly don't need 2 eat @ that point

i started out fasting when i was young because when u fast & feel hungry, any bad meal u eat will taste like heaven, & the any good meal u have will taste like asdklnn/orgasm-from-ur-mouth-amazing; then eventually when i became older, i became health conscious & started fasting for health & pleasure instead of just pleasure

>> No.12296841

Damn, pretty sure I still have 3-4 pieces of fried chicken sitting in the fridge. Good to know it's only 400 calories tops.

>> No.12296843

ive noticed fat ppl r usually stupid

>> No.12296860

Because I’m not a coping fat fuck, Im an athletic anon who wants to lose excess belly fat?

>> No.12296904

it's supposed to get easier after day 3 but i felt pretty miserable up to day 5. I got sick towards the end of it think the juice cleanse just made everything worse

>> No.12297290
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Baby steps m8, start by substituting ONE meal with liquid meal replacement (like breakfast) . Then two when you body adjusts. Then skip breakfast and one shake for lunch, eat normal dinner. Always get 8-9hrs sleep and at LEAST 12hrs no calories between dinner and breakfast. For best results go 16 hours between dinner and next day lunch.