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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12288674 No.12288674 [Reply] [Original]

>Due to Trudeau's nationalization of their grocery stores, Canadians have resorted to only eating cheap foods (Kraft Dinner). The insanely inflated prices of our grocery products were the direct result of Trudeau's bold new strategy to combat rising prices in his nations markets.

>But also due to the liberals cutting back on natural gas production, nobody but the rich uses stoves now. Canadians are resorting to making their Kraft Dinner in their kitchen sink. A trend dubbed "Tub mac", which started in 2017.

>Canadian health advisory has recommended that this is not a healthy or sanitary way to cook a meal, and has urged Canadians to not participate in this new trend.

Pots are fucking expensive in Canada. Each family has 1 maybe 2 good pots big enough to cook for a family. You burn them and its tub mac from there on out.

A typical meal in most places in Canada is either deer meat or tub mac. Sometimes moose if you live close to a first nations reserve because if your white you cant legally own a licence to hunt moose.

If a Canadian family is lucky some bug protein will find its way into the tub mac from the sink drain (left unplugged for this reason) as you serve the food. This is the origin of the saying "I got the lucky bug!" in Canada.

>> No.12288692

Why are Canadians so obsessed with KD?

>> No.12288700
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>tub Mac

>> No.12288708

What a tragedy. Whenever my kids complain about their hamburger helper I remind them there are starving kids in Canada who would kill to have meat with their noodles.

>> No.12288722
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They are obsessed with all things unhealthy.

>> No.12288730

Most autistic/cringey post of the week thus far

>> No.12288747

>t. booty blasted Canadian

>> No.12288868

Look, I might be being traced right now but I live in Quebec, near vt. I go over there to buy rice and flour and cheese. Don't get me started on the meats

>> No.12288871
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>Don't get me started on the meats

>> No.12288881

lol at anyone who thinks this is true

>> No.12288887

pot shortage in canada, you say?

>> No.12288899

people are getting dumber by the year desu

>> No.12289186

>literally live in a country that had it's national maple syrup reserve burgled by quebec mafia
living the meme

>> No.12289225
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Can confirm, times are hard here in Canuckistan
Luckily I live in the Yukon which is pretty rich in unregulated game, so at least I'm usually able to supplement my tub mac with squirrel or the odd Canada goose.

>> No.12289325

oh, that's nothing eh. In Ontario, about a hundred clicks out of Sudbury, we had our Ganny faucet libbed eh, and now we gotta soak the tubmac in butter water overnight just to get the noodles softened up and we gotta eat it snow-cold. Things have been pretty hard eh, one of the kids had to sell his spoon, so now the six of us gotta share five and one of us (we tourney it) tries to make-do with the spreader out of the syrup can. I've just been trying to put a few bucks away every cheque so we can dig out the trailer and tow it down south to the 45th to see if the work's better down there eh. It's not all bad though. I found some Beavertail at the YIG and threw those on the barbecue to smoke up some jerky for a bit of protein. Thank god the Spring's coming, eh? It got up to 15 in the sun, today.

>> No.12289352

Trump is building the wall on the wrong border.

>> No.12289364

I'm calling bullshit. Post link, fucker.

>> No.12289366

>thinks you can hunt squirrel in YT
dirty southern, milk-drinking RPer detected

>> No.12289381

My grandpa was from outer Ontario and all they ate was rutabaga, home-churned butter, and fish from the ice hole.

>> No.12289387
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nothing gets past this guy

>> No.12289456

From the ice hole

>> No.12289482

Hi. Canadian here.
I'd say middle class but my parents are broke and I have to work and help them pay for the groceries stores from time to time.
What you,re saying is bullshit,
we have a shit ton of pans etc and if you're too retarded to take care of your pans cause you faggot neckbeard bitch ass doesn't aknowledge already that a pan you just used shouldn't be cleaned right away it's your loss. We already look like retarded ass sissys cause of Trump, you can stop making us look braindead too thx.

>> No.12289493

And stop blaming the prices.
Stop wasting your fucking money in McDonalds or fucking TimHortons before your 7 hour shift.
If you'd be less retarded and learn to save properly to buy food properly instead of buying shit processed meat from mcdo', it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.12289502

This is the funniest fucking thing I've ever read on this shitty board...

>> No.12289524


Gonna go out on a limb here and say that if you have to help your parents foot the grocery bill, you aren't remotely middle class. Enjoy your myriad pans etc. Hoser,

>> No.12289530
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>we arent actually starving
>we have a shit ton of pans

Canadian pride

>> No.12289605

Glad to hear it, my dude. I felt pretty proud of that,

>> No.12289627

I love this board.

>> No.12289685
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>> No.12290417

>you can stop making us look braindead too thx.
Doing a good job on your own mate.

>> No.12290453

>stealth /pol/ thread

>> No.12291478
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based leaf

>> No.12291540


>> No.12291775

>Canadians are resorting to making their Kraft Dinner in their kitchen sink

How though? How do they heat it?

>> No.12291787

Is it safe to make tub mac in the same sink I wash my chicken in?

>> No.12291791

Let the tap run set to hot until the water is as hot as it can get, then plug the drain, add mac, fill with hot water, wait.

>> No.12291799


i am a canadian and my only pot was stolen by a muslim yesterday

>> No.12291810

wtf I hate canada now

>> No.12292246

I am that muslim
Inshallah you white dogs will starve

>> No.12292628

Is this true? I live on the border with canada and now im worried about refugees.

>> No.12292657

Nice sourcing! I think you know you belong back in your echo chamber hugbox >>/pol/

>> No.12292662

Did you thank him?

>> No.12293205

You mean repatriated.

>> No.12293364

Good post, but you forgot to say sorry!

>> No.12293374

what the freakin' heck, Canada???!??!!??!?

>> No.12293503

Sorry about that, bud!

>> No.12293977
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I'm native, I live on an isolated rez.
These prices are typical
Thx Canada

>> No.12294369

go post your NWT iceroad produce on pol

>> No.12294391
File: 157 KB, 500x610, want-vou-quys-out-of-m-country-bytomorrow-morning-ebut-24645683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada you better shape up quick if you want to stay in the USA.

>> No.12294879
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>> No.12294927

did /pol/'s mods finally tire of you based CIC poster?

>> No.12295568

He didn't say they smoked it.

>> No.12296199

What the fuck? Is your ice flow only reachable by helicopter or something?

I thought I lived in a rural Canadian backwater, and even here paying more than $1.50/lb for grapes is fucking obscene. And that's winter prices.

>> No.12296212

Why not just buy an instant pot instead? it can't be worse than eating that glob.

>> No.12296327

You mean new Canadian

>> No.12298068
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Fucking amazing

>> No.12298147

Canada is a total shithole
they do all their shopping across the border as most snowniggers live <30 miles from the US.
they throw their garbage on parking lots, drive like total shit, never clean up after themselves and then never tip any servers.
Canadians are cancer, fuck off dog fucker shitskins.

>> No.12298148
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>he's posting these threads on /ck/ now
Just so you guys know, OP is a failed clickbait blogger who is profoundly obsessed with Canada. Shitposters share photos of overpriced beef cuts and whole foods items with him for laughs and he spams threads all the time about how Canada is collapsing any day now.

>> No.12298206

Do you have any idea what those cost with the exchange rate?

>> No.12298267

this guy may have spoken to several canadians

>> No.12298405

buy the local version then? electric pressure cookers are quite widespread

>> No.12298848

Canada doesn't make anything.

>> No.12298876

So why not just have wood cook stoves?

>> No.12298929
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>I got the lucky bug!

i laughed though

>> No.12299098

dude what happened to Canada? are you guys the next Venezuela?

>> No.12300734

Not if we get ride of Trudeau.

>> No.12300832

Up in the far north, produce is flown in eh. It's alright though, most folks that live there are alcoholic natives or military folk.

>> No.12300836

>alcoholic natives
Why'd you type the same thing twice?

>> No.12300844

Gotta keep it clear for these yankey-doodle-dandies guys eh. Most of the natives up 'ere are the type of alcoholics that live off the handsanitiser eh. The only white civilians are doctors.

>> No.12301130

>deprivitization lowers prices
Is this nibba genuinely retarded or straight up malicious ?

>> No.12303404

Can you not read?