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File: 136 KB, 779x900, Chimay-Bleue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12289403 No.12289403 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to be purchasing some Belgian beers tomorrow. What does /ck/ recommend? Pic related is on my list.

>> No.12289406

duvel is bretty good

>> No.12289409 [DELETED] 

Belgian beers are for niggers.

>> No.12289412

Tripel Karmeliet

>> No.12289426

St. Bernardus Abt. 12 is the fucking king.

>> No.12289442

this and gulden draak.

>> No.12289460

Get a sour, unless you absolutely hate anything sour. I know sour beer sounds weird. Trust me. Get a Lindeman's Oude Geuze, which is pretty easy to find. Really fucking yummy.
Get a Lindeman's Oude Kriek if you can find it, but it's not as widely distributed as the Oude Geuze.
Duchesse Cherry is another really nice, widely distributed sour.
Belgians make awesome sours.

>> No.12289462


also leffe is pretty good.

>> No.12289472

Also, the "regular" Lindeman's are shit. Don't get those. Way too sweet. Americanized lambics, essentially. The "Oude" Lindemans are the good shit.

>> No.12289478


>> No.12289846

I'll keep an eye out for one
Really want these as well.

>> No.12289867


Also try Kasteel Rouge and Kasteel Blonde. Red Chimay is good as well.

>> No.12289872

Maredsous Blond
Leffe Tripel
Tongerlo Blond or Tripel
Tripel D'Anvers

>> No.12289955

Trappistes Rochefort

>> No.12290251

Tripel Westmalle

>> No.12290259


>> No.12290267

Some people enjoy the sweet, anon. Agreed lindemans is the worst offender. Bellevue Kriek is a nice balance of sweet and sour

>> No.12290270

OP try a few different kriek beers if younhabent already. There are sour traditional ones and sweeter modern ones

>> No.12290330

Which are sour and which are sweet?

>> No.12290365
File: 52 KB, 600x600, duchesse-de-bourgogne-62-13l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duchesse de Bourgogne

>> No.12290367


Westvleteren, or go back under that shit-stained rock you call home.

>> No.12290370

It's good, but it's only got grail/meme beer status because of its scarcity

>> No.12290378

Rodenbach Grand Cru, Duvel Triple Hop, Tripel Karmeliet, Oude Geuze Boon, Gouden Carolus, Abt12 from St. Bernardus, Orval, Rochefort 10%

>> No.12290383

La Chouffe
St. Bernardus
Ghent Gruut

>> No.12290397

Dumb niggers, the lot of you. There is only Orval.

>> No.12290406



>> No.12290407
File: 127 KB, 658x900, cerveza-delirium-tremens-argentum-nocturnum--D_NQ_NP_664603-MLA29329069298_022019-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get pic related

Honk! Honk!

>> No.12290454

Good but very overrated, and verrrry overpriced. Would take a gulden draak or duvel over it any day

>> No.12290500

Lindemans is the sweetest kriek, Bellevue is sweet too. Bellevue has such a nice sour cherry taste, off the tap its heaven. Boon Oude kriek is a more traditonal kriek. The Boon Lambic is nice too

>> No.12290889

you can't really go wrong with belgians
literally all of the suggestions in this thread are good
maybe go for a mix of styles. for example a blonde, a wit, a saison, a sour, a dubbel, tripel and quad, a saison, a flanders red.
OR go for a series of beers by the same brewery. for example the three rocheforts, or all the chimays, or a bunch of st bernardus ones.

>> No.12290931
File: 128 KB, 590x900, Liefmans_Goudenband_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ever find pic related
is patrician tier

>> No.12291140

but sours have no flavor. they're just sour. only good sour i've had was sour monkey

>> No.12291667

Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.12291685

t. pleb

>> No.12291736

>but sours have no flavor. they're just sour
That's really, really wrong.

>> No.12292191

this, don't get the Leffe.

>> No.12292204
File: 95 KB, 143x500, verboden vrucht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.12292537

Westvleteren XII is the true king but it's such a bitch to get your hands on that it's honestly not worth the effort most of the time. Bernardus Abt 12 is for sure the king of the ones you can actually find, with Trappistes Rochefort 10 in second place in my opinion.

I absolutely lucked out and found five bottles of 4 year old Westvleteren XII in a hole in the wall liquor store a couple years back, haven't seen it for sale before or since.

>> No.12292977

You can't go wrong with any of the Trappist breweries. Apart from them, I am a big fan of Saison Dupont.

>> No.12293036
File: 128 KB, 900x900, hoegaarden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a sixer of hoegaarden to slam through while the weather is nice and warm, and a 4 pack of duvel to enjoy throughout the week. i love belgian beer but i feel unoriginal because of it.

>> No.12293217

Westvleteren 12, boon oude gueze, cantillon Nath or Fou foune, fantome forest ghost or DMD

>looking for good Belgians on 4chin

>> No.12293234

Because the monks have only allowed it to be resold once since 1945 to grab some cash. That was in 2011.

>> No.12293235
File: 226 KB, 1200x1200, unibroue-la-fin-du-monde-355ml-bottle_1_b411bf30-eaef-4a6e-8209-82ba0fe79463_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget actual Belgian beers and just get something Canadians brewed in a Belgian style

>> No.12293255
File: 138 KB, 758x900, Gulden_Draak_new_900[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most definitely Gulden Draak. I'm Belgian, been trying out a lot of beers the past few years, and while it was one of the first I tried, it's still by far my favorite.

>> No.12293271

>hot day
>hoegaarden lemon in a frozen glass
It feels pleb, but fuck me that hits the spot.

>> No.12293748

This shit is pretty amazing

>> No.12293759
File: 50 KB, 200x500, 99045B7A-29D6-4046-94F7-5DE990971CC6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My recent dinner beer

>> No.12293772

I’ve tried all the Belgians...the Trappist numbered ones are overrated. St. bernardus is ok, slightly overrated. Orval is the only one I consistently bought repeatedly before switching to American and Russian stouts instead

>> No.12293800
File: 200 KB, 1144x858, celis_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are an american you have absolutely no reason to get hoegaarden if you can get pic related, the guy who rescue the original recipe moved from Belgium to Texas and started his own brewery, meanwhile hoegaarden right now is made by some mass production beer company.

tldr: pic related is the real hoegaarden

>> No.12293811

oddly enough i am texan and i've never had celis before. i can't find it anywhere.

>> No.12293850
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20190507_211516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't mind if I do

>> No.12293978

>only good sour i've had was sour monkey

>> No.12293990

i didn't want to get shit on for not saying an actual belgian beer, but I think Unibroue does it better than a lot of the belgian breweries

>> No.12293991

Krieks are great, but if you don't like cherries, try an Oud Bruin.


>> No.12294277

Oud Bruins are fantastic beers in my opinion.

Unibroue does make some pretty excellent beers. If you can find it, their 17 Grande Reserve (once-a-year anniversary release) is just insane if it's got like 2 or 3 years of bottle age on it.

>> No.12294288

I don't always enjoy them, but they always have flavour.

The Belgians seem to be better than most at blending their sours for a more rounded flavour... but they still have their share of wooly malt vinegar.

>> No.12294319

When I lived in Chambly (well, Richelieu, I got to try some of the stuff one of their brewmasters made at home... I believe that they're capable of doing everything better than anyone, with Dieu du Ciel being a reasonably close second.

>> No.12294362

... that said, Stone City in Kingston had some amazing beer. Their sours were balanced, their IPAs weren't bitter for the sake of it. Every ingredient seemed to have its place in their beers. They had this tangerine sour NEIPA monstrosity that I would have gladly had with breakfast every day for the rest of my life - the hops must have been blended in with the tangerine juice to make something that hazy and thick, yet balanced, especially with a brett/lacto culture behind the (German?) yeast, and only using lactose in the starter culture.

>> No.12294455

Trois pistoles is the go too.
Fail poster litteraly has an excellent gueze in >>12293850

No one has mentioned le chouffe yet? The fuck.

>> No.12294470

Never had it. I'll see if I can get some in. The gist I'm getting of it is a spiced tripel

>> No.12294487

If you are talking about the 3 horses it's a dubbel

>> No.12294505

If le chouffe (which I am hoping) it comes by the esther's honestly. It is better drinking than a triple and waaaaaaaay better than alot of the North American adjunct triples. The do a holiday variant which highlights the hops selection (at some obscenely low ibu). Good shit.

>> No.12294514

I meant La Chouffe... Trois Pistoles, Maudite, and Fin du Monde are on a rotating tap at my local pub, and life is better for it.

If Jean-Paul's basement beers were any indication, their yeast can make anything happen. He had light lagers with only had three generations of mutation/adaptation from mother's milk that could make the big boys sweat, stouts that could slaughter the most steeled Irishman, and - one that I brew at home most often - a Belgian that was somewhere between a quad and a tripel, lightly hopped, just letting the yeast do its thing with malts that shouldn't really go together without a buffer. Magical shit man, absolute wizardry.

>> No.12295804

fug this shit is good

>> No.12295849
File: 103 KB, 600x728, Pauwel Kwak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is also pretty good, the glass is pure kino.

Kasteel Barista is pretty damn good too.

Rochefort 10 > Westvleteren 12 > Abt 12
Only reason people like Westvleteren over Rochefort is sour grapes, and only reason people consider Abt 12 to be better than Rochefort is because it's more similar to Westvleteren.

>>looking for good Belgians on 4chin
To be honest there's some solid suggestions ITT.

>> No.12295857

It's a ... foot glass? Is that even legal?

>> No.12295865

Rochefort 10
Gulden Draak (white one)
St Bernadus
Weslvleteren 12

>> No.12295868

>Oud Bruins are fantastic beers in my opinion.
Woman detected.

>La Chouffe
My granddad has a holiday home 20km away from Achouffe, brewery is great and the beer is even better. The originals (La, Mc and Bock) are great, Chouffe Houblon (their IPA) flat out sucks, don't know where they were trying to go with that. Chouffe N'ice is, well, nice, a great beer for in the middle of winter, Soleil (that holiday variant you mentioned) is on par with Hoegaarden white for best summer beer to drink on a hot day, and the new Cherry Chouffe is so popular it sold out within weeks here. Wierd, since Kasteel Rouge is better as a heavy kriek and there's plenty of lighter krieks to quench your thirst, I really want to try it but it got sold out so damn fast...

>> No.12295872
File: 79 KB, 460x486, 0B0A8361-6701-43F8-B507-221823B331D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only reason people like beer exclusively available in some Belgian bumfuck nowhere over the one you can buy in every other supermarket is sour grapes
You should learn what buzzwords mean before blurting them out mindlessly.

>> No.12295874

It's a coachman's glass. Perfectly fits the contents of a 33cl bottle of Kwak, it was originally designing for coachman who were on duty at a coachhouse, meaning they had to remain seated on their wagon for the duration of their shift. They basically invented a glass that could be mounted to the coach using a single plank with a hole in it, without falling over if the coach was moving since the center of gravity if below the mounting point.

It is though, Rochefort tastes better but only gets scored worse because ''muh monks'' and ''muh license plates'' and ''muh case per month''.

>> No.12295886
File: 24 KB, 208x205, BEB3D709-5B52-4139-A6E1-97146ACBB4C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may very well taste better, I‘m just pointing out that sour grapes is something different.

>> No.12295971
File: 320 KB, 1200x628, (PNG Image, 1200 × 628 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorite

>> No.12296135

Unless you're familiar with Belgians buy La Trappe Double, Westmalle Tripple, Chimay Grande Reserve (Blue), Saison Dupont, Lindemans Cuvée René and Rodenbach Crand Cru for a good variety.

>> No.12296163

>the glass is pure kino
The glass is pure meme. Extra points if you have to leave one of your shoes behind the bar while you drink.

>> No.12296353
File: 122 KB, 776x900, Ename_Tripel_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enough with all that pleb shit

>> No.12297274

>recommending Cantillon and 3 Fonteinen to someone who seem to be new to Belgian beer
Way to go to make anon spend more than necessary for beer he'll most likely not enjoy anyway.

>> No.12297774

Good beer but so sweet, almost got a pineapple note

>> No.12297818
File: 58 KB, 600x600, brugs-straffe-hendrik-tripel-9-13l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De Ranke and Straffe Hendrik are good breweries.

>> No.12297945

What do you already enjoy drinking? That will inform what belgians are more palateable for you now

>> No.12297980

>Yeah, because it's in the reach in cooler right between the Heineken and Duvel.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.12298004
File: 2.72 MB, 1921x2502, 20190416_021045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Belgian beer

>> No.12298019

The only one of those beers I listed that may be too weird to enjoy to a novice is fantome

>> No.12298232
File: 144 KB, 737x900, Vedett_Extra_White_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they still make pic related?
it was amazing, if you like frutty stuff this was like a pineapple, banana and citrus punch in the face

>> No.12298242

had one this afternoon
also, do americans consider leffe a good beer, lole

>> No.12298419

You can find every type of beer drinker in the U.S., from people who think Inbev pisswater is the pinnacle of brewing to expert cicerones. Everywhere has plebs, faggot.

>> No.12298429
File: 74 KB, 844x633, beers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who sends me a few every birthday and this was last years

>> No.12298464
File: 81 KB, 740x986, gentse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably my favourite belgian beer, Cornet comes close as a second

>> No.12298719

I've seen the style, but only in yards and half yards... might as well be drinking out of an ox horn or a literal stein (literally a stone full of beer) at that point.

>> No.12298744

Not completely related to the thread, but kind of tangential, I guess -
The thing I love most about Belgian beer is that for all the pomp and bullshittery, it's actually very honest beer. Singles/Blondes/Lights, Dubbels, Tripels, and Quads are all very complex tasting beers, but it's almost all in the yeast and the barley. They can be made almost anywhere and be every bit as good as the next. Krieks and Oud Bruins are a little harder to make well, but I find even the available selection states that fairly clearly. Some would be better drizzled over a cheesecake or battered fish than quaffed, but well executed batches, carefully back blended for the desired result - as much as it speaks for the brewmaster's tastes and experience, it can be done quite well half the world away in glass and copper in some up-and-comer's beer shed.

>> No.12299563
File: 96 KB, 348x242, 1536546943041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i pour duvel? the head always grows beyond the rim of the tulip around 3/4 of the pour no matter how much i angle it or take my time pouring

>> No.12300374

>Straffe Hendrik
Tried their quadrupel last month, can't say I'm a fan. The complexity was lost behind the taste of over roasted malts.

>> No.12300399
File: 414 KB, 1200x628, tripel_karmeliet[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this, Tripel is one of the best beers I've ever had. Can get 'em pretty cheap too ($25 for 4 of them in Straya).

>> No.12300411
File: 79 KB, 1300x866, CCF7EDBF-7D21-4593-9A1F-3FFBBAD7D7F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An old guy told me once
>She probably won’t, but with Chimay, she may
>wink wink

>> No.12300501

I am in a sour frenzy at the moment, so things like >>12290931 >>12293850 are very nice. Also any beer made by Rodenbach (apart from the normal one I guess) is amazing.

>> No.12300527

Wait 25 aussie dollars is cheap? Thats about 16 euro's, over here they are 6 euro's for a 4pack. I feel for you guys, can't imagine how much you get fucked over by shipping costs all the time

>> No.12300563

You can try wetting the glass with water, it reduce foaming.

Belgian beers generally don't go bad just sitting around for a while, simply pour half your Duvel, drink it and then pour the rest. Will also give you two slightly different experiences as second pouring will have more yeast.

>> No.12300566

Caractère Rouge > Alexander > Grand Cru > Original

>> No.12300569

For good beer it's pretty standard yeah. It's not much more expensive than the $16-20 you'll spend on Aussie piss beer. A decent craft beer will run you anywhere from $8 to $20 a pop.

>> No.12300617

Went to the bottle shop in my small town and hidden away in one of the corner fridges they had some 17 Chimay, I'll have to grab one and compare to the 19

>> No.12300627

Sorry, meant to write $20 for 4.

>> No.12301036

Byoooo.... Christ, I thought we were getting raped in Canada. Looks like I'm trying out sobriety on the Aus leg of the tour.

>> No.12301078

>live in Sweden
>have to pay about 3.5€ for a single Chimay Blue at Systembolaget
>visit Belgium
>local grocery store have 6 of them for 8€

>> No.12301081


Troubadour Obscura.

>> No.12301098

Leffe is a good beer, you hipster faggot.

>> No.12301119

Leffe Blond and Brune are the only decent Leffes, at least compared to beers from other brands. Leffe is the Budweiser of Belgian beers.

>> No.12301136

>Leffe is the Budweiser of Belgian beers
Thats a weird way of spelling Stella Artois

>> No.12301164

>what is Jupiler
>what is Stella
>what is Maes
Fucking neck yourself, retarded piece of hipster niggershit. Even if it was the most popular beer that in no way would make it bad.
>hur it‘s not a small-batch yuzu-avocado bottom-fermented trappist Bhutanese pale doppelbock so it‘s bad
Hope you get AIDS.

>> No.12301178
File: 365 KB, 1200x628, Bush_Ambree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulden Draak
Tripel Karmeliet
Trapistes Rochefort

Just some of the better known ones.

My personal favourite:
Bush Amber.
12%, silky smooth amber ale. Tastes super mild, but will blast your face off in a good way.

>> No.12301180

>muh hipsters
>putting words in my mouth
Duvel is among the most industrialized belgian beer producers and they're great. Jupiler is an even better candidate desu

>> No.12301181

Tripel is the kind of beer, not a brand name.

>> No.12301191
File: 72 KB, 750x918, 1544054585955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my city (Strasbourg France) you can get these for like 2-2.50 euros a can. When I visited America, I couldn't believe how expensive these were.

>> No.12301198
File: 30 KB, 550x543, B4FB7FE0-3573-4DF8-9360-5AEB593257FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I couldn't believe how expensive things get when you ship them halfway across the world

>> No.12301242

Or maybe Americans are the retards of western society and think that if something is European it's automatically luxurious and will pay too much for it

>> No.12301265

You mean Straßburg, you frog eating fuck?

>> No.12301268

>Bush 12
When I was in uni I would buy a 4 pack of these at the end of my exams and it would be enough for the night. Cheap too.

>> No.12301300
File: 1.60 MB, 1080x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I just pick up a 4 year old Belgian at a Chinese supermarket?

>> No.12301329

Non, je veux dire Strasbourg :^)

>> No.12301396

>be Belgian
>can drink liquor and wine just fine
>beer gives me an upset stomach after half a glass

>> No.12301449

I really like Grimbergen blond or blanche.

>> No.12301502

>maybe it‘s because of objective logistic and economic reasons
>or maybe it‘s because I‘m a buttmad eurotrash OBSESSED with Americans
J‘ai hâte que l‘Alsace revienne à sa patrie vraie et que nous massacrions tous les imbeciles campagnards français comme toi.

>> No.12301744

It's about $20 for a 4 pack of 16oz bottles, so only around double what you're paying. And that's in the Western half of the US for me.

>> No.12301749

Looks like you did, but it could be faked somehow. You'd have to compare it to a trustworthy one in taste.

>> No.12301754

16 oz cans*

>> No.12301818
File: 178 KB, 1400x1400, 0B70F0AD-5F5A-4ED4-8752-FAAAC701385F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a good wheaty tasting beer?

>> No.12302083

Sours too? Just change your national identity to that of a Frenchman lmao

>> No.12302966

tripel karmeliet

>> No.12303508

here in Spain they are about 3€ for the 330ml bottle, I never seen them in a can

>> No.12303547

damn wtf, I'll have to write that one down to try

>> No.12303584

What is this shit? What kind of monster drinks Duvel from a fucking can. I am a Belgian so I don't have much to be proud of, but don't drink Duvel from a fucking can. I don't even.

>> No.12303641

>I am a Belgian

>> No.12303644

i am one too, we exist, anon

>> No.12303663

There are no Belgians. There are only upmarket Dutch and discounter French.

>> No.12304226

I'd imagine most people would pour it into a glass, much like they would from a bottle.

What about displaced Frisians?

>> No.12304244
File: 109 KB, 600x900, Straffe_Hendrik_Quadrupel_-_Brouwerij_De_Halve_Maan_-_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the nicest quads I've had recently. Nearly up there with Rochefort 10.

>> No.12304314
File: 3.95 MB, 150x267, Main Sequence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


try this out. I whipped up 6 gal batch this winter - just finished the last bottle tonight.

11lbs of 2 row, 2.5lbs of crystal 60, mashed reasonably warm (155-157F), boiled with 2lbs clear candi, 1lb dark, 1oz of saaz at 60 mins, and 1oz at 30. 5 days in primary, 9 in secondary, 10-12 weeks in the bottle, primed with about 5.25 oz of dextrose in 2 cups of water.

I'm planning on brewing it again very soon, but I want to know if it's just a fluke. It came out like a very smooth Maudite... like if Unibroue paired up with Schloss Eggenberg.

>> No.12304567
File: 92 KB, 960x1280, F63E5D6A-91A0-4280-A862-2016C5B86491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very keen on trying dis

>> No.12305041


Good rating. Their vintage is also usually very good.

>> No.12305104

Leffe blond is only like $9-10 for a six pack in the US. It might be a mediocre Belgian, but that's a deal.

>> No.12305494

Over ice!

>> No.12305857

Peket and zjenever for you Thibaut

>> No.12305861

>What about displaced Frisians?
Ah, west flanders is in the building

>> No.12305867

>Literally Limburgian for 'women'
I hope you're a wahman anon

>> No.12305879

Ovaries or not, that there's some tasty shit... the women, not the beer.

>> No.12305988

I've never tasted a good strawberry beer.

>> No.12306022

on tap Grimbergen Blanche is fucking heavenly

>> No.12306740

That is expected. I was in New York so I was surprised to see it so pricey

>> No.12306916

Houblon Chouffe
Drie Fonteinen Geuze
Boon Geuze
Chimay Dorée Goud
Tripel Karmaliet
Gouden Carolus Cuvée van de Keizer Dark
St Feuillien Blonde
Rodenbach Grand Cru

A few I've given full or close to full points.

>> No.12308229

show me some fancy beer glasses /ck/