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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12284557 No.12284557 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me you didn't fall for this meme-food. You're just squeezing all the goodness out of the beef into the pan, to render and then be poured off.

>> No.12284589
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imagine being both OP, and retarded

>> No.12284595
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Imagine enjoying a dry, burnt burger.

>> No.12284596

If i wanted to appreciate the goodness of meat id eat a steak or someshit

The best part of groundbeef is the part that touches the pan

>> No.12284598

No, idiot, the best part of ground beef is the inside, the bloody and juicy part. If you crush the meat during cooking, you squeeze all that juice out and wind up with a flat disk of burnt meat.

>> No.12284608

>smashing a raw patty with non rendered fat squeezes it out
ur actually retarded learn to cook or something, smash burgers are literally just the caramelized parts of the patty, and the fat that renders into it
you can't squeeze out the goodness its it's still raw, since it's congealed in the patty, if you press an already smashed patty after it's cooked for like 30 seconds that will ruin it though
but this style of burger isn't dry since you only cook it on a super hot pan for like 30-60 seconds a side, sometimes less

>> No.12284610

If i appreciated ground beef as much as you id just eat the patty and nothing else

In a hamburger, i couldnt care less.

>> No.12284612

Rapid maillard reaction to create crust for texture.
Maybe you just dont like it

>> No.12284618

I can get a good maillard with just a normal burger, AND it's not all crust. You can maillard my dick, faggot.

>> No.12284622

learn how to cook before posting on /ck/ please :)
but feel free to lurk on the fast food threads

>> No.12284624

backpedalling idiot. maybe its not for you but all your arguments against it came short.

>> No.12284626

Go back to your meme-food. Your sous vide machine and air-fryer are lonely.

>> No.12284628

That's fair. I enjoy a burger with crust, bounce, and juice with a substantial crumble.
That doesn't negate the style. It is a different experience. Some people like crust over bounce.

>> No.12284630

The primary way that burgers have been cooked in diners and non-chain burger places for decades isn't a fucking "memefood", retard.

>> No.12284631

lol u r a retard

>> No.12284632

You said ONLY a smash-burger gets good maillard. That's ridiculous and false and you should KYS. If you enjoy burnt crust, then by all means, smash your burger. I'm a normal human tho, so I enjoy a little juice.

>> No.12284635

i didnt say shit, i just wanted to insult you
and that other guy called it a RAPID maillard reaction, theres a difference

>> No.12284643

he didn't say that at all :( stop lying

>> No.12284648

You can rapid maillard all the ground beef you want, but when it's 3cm thick all you're gonna get is burn without any juicy interior.

>> No.12284662

but you don't, you only cook those patties for like.. 20-40 seconds a side, so it doesn't dry out, and it gets a nice crust

>> No.12284666

Except you're literally pressing all the fat and blood out of the meat

>> No.12284672

Except you aren't, because the fat is solid and in the damn burger.

>> No.12284673

okay now you are just being retarded
did you ever make a smash burger yourself or do you get your knowledge from babish?

>> No.12284677

You're a feckin' ponce. Learn to cook.

>> No.12284687

>blood, in meat
they drain blood out of the animal carcass before butchering the meat, and you can't press out the fat if the meatball is raw when you press it down, since it's congealed and not rendered into the patty (it renders after it's smashed, and has cooked for about 20 seconds)
fuck off satan, learn to cook

>> No.12284688


>> No.12284689

Yes I did, and the other guy is right. I would put a bullet in your head if you did that to my patties.

>> No.12284690
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>> No.12284692

You lost almost all the blood and a lot of the fat when you ground it. Once you are dealing with hamburger, regardless of the protien, 99% of your enjoyment comes from technique of cooking, not the quality of the animal.

>> No.12284696

Ok you faggots, MYOGLOBIN, god damn it's so different from HEMOGLOBIN, whatever you losers need to tell yourself so you can void thinking "I'm eating cooked blood".

>> No.12284697

you need at least an 80 iq to post on /ck/, go away

>> No.12284702


>> No.12284782

>I don't understand biology

>> No.12284788


>> No.12284794

I'm not the retard who backpedaled after saying myoglobin is the same as blood lol

>> No.12284810
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Final Jeopardy

>> No.12285241

Hamburger should be cooked 'well done' for safety purposes, and making the patty thinner makes this process much faster and easier. I don't want to char the outside just to get the inside to medium well doneness.
Even on low heat, a 'normal' unsquished patty will take like 20+ minutes to actually cook through and will basically make the outside disgustingly crunchy for an underdone inside.
This stuff isn't steak. You need to cook the whole thing, not just the outside edges of the meat, especially when you are mixing it all together into the patty in the first place. All those surface bacteria are spread throughout the patty and if the inside doesn't reach a well done temperature, some of those WILL be alive to be ingested by you.

>> No.12285259
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>pushing out the blood

>> No.12285280

Is that babbish? Did he buy a brand new metal spatula just for that video?

>> No.12285360

Nah it's a great way to eat a burger. The texture is top tier.

>> No.12285365

>You're just squeezing all the goodness
How incredibly specific and insightful

>> No.12285369

>to render and then be poured off.
i toast my buns in it or pour it back over the patty when it's on the bun

>> No.12285386


the meat isn't cooked when you smash it you fucking retard. it's just as juicy, but crispier, since it has more surface area. also you're a stupid lying faggot since ground beef doesn't have an inside, it's ground. 'bloody and juicy' i could break your fucking neck, i could strangle you with one hand, i could stuff your teeth down your throat. hows that for juicy. die you nigger.

>> No.12285558

>You're just squeezing all the goodness
>squeezing out excess water
Spherical burger fags can go die. Surface-area-to-volume ratio must be maximised.

>> No.12285574

>squeezing all the goodness out of the beef

>> No.12285590

>bloody part
lol kill yourself you absolute fuckinjg cooklet. learn how to cook

>> No.12285595

are you illiterate?

>> No.12285600

>people actually want a thin, dry, crusty burger
have fast food and youtube "chefs" ruined people's palettes this much? you can get a nice sear without burning the fuck out of your meat and ruining the height. It isn't a piece of fat or skin that gets crispy and sweet when rendered, it's muscle and it tastes burnt, dry and stringy.

>> No.12285606

you're definitely retarded

>> No.12285616


>> No.12286107

Heh for me, it is a thick burger with a mushy undercooked interior.

>> No.12286110

There's little to no blood in meat you fucking boomer housewife

>> No.12286128

>couldn't care less

>> No.12286957
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9/10 bait if ironic
60 iq if serious

>> No.12286998

NO NO NO. That's not how that works, dummy. You smash it when you first put it on the grill. It's still cold at that point. You're not smashing out any juices. You're just making patty that gets the most surface area for the most caramelizing, crispy goodness.

>> No.12287018

I season my slamburgers with salt pepper and my special secret: fresh ground cardamom seeds

>> No.12287095

Smashing it on the bottom of the pan reduces the surface area, you're making it make smooth contact with the bottom of the pan. You want little irregularities all over to get the crispy bits. Same reason you don't want to "overwork" the meat. Gently forming the meat into patties leaves a more irregular surface.

Smashing it squeezes out high heat capacity water/rendered fat and that's why it's done: to fully cook the interior by the time the outside is good and crisped on both sides. So the solution is, make the patties thinner to begin with, and accept eating a patty that's still pink in the middle if it ends up too thick. Or if you like the drier interior of a smashed patty, then do that.

>> No.12287143

but that's the correct phrase. he could not care any less than he cares now, because he already gives 0 shits (and you can't go negative)

>> No.12287896

Post burger