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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12279083 No.12279083 [Reply] [Original]

>imagine not shopping at Publix

>> No.12279088

never heard of it

>> No.12279099
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I can.

>> No.12279107


>> No.12279117

Luckys market. They carry expensive hipster brands, but their fruit, meat, and store brand are great.

>> No.12279123


>> No.12279130


>> No.12279131 [DELETED] 
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Where else would Tyrone spend his food stamps?

>> No.12279134

I used to go there with coworkers to grab lunch but then the deli stopped making the humus wraps. And then they stopped selling the feta and berry salads. Thanks pub-subbers, you memed my food out of existence.
I went there for groceries once, but it has terrible selection. Like for potatoes your options were red skin, Yukon, or russets. Onions are red, yellow, and white. I ended up leaving and going somewhere else, you could only get the most absolutely basic stuff there.

>> No.12279135

this desu, i live in the northeast and had never heard of it until now

if i lived in florida or georgia it seems like it'd be a comfy place to shop though

>> No.12279138

Fresh Thyme, Lucky's, Publix, Fresh Market are kino as fuck

>> No.12279147

Never been to Lucky's or Fresh Market, but I agree on Publix and Fresh Thyme.

>> No.12279150

>imagine not living in the south or fucking florida
Feels good.

>> No.12279156
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Good, your not cool enough.

>> No.12279159

>imagine being a yankee cuck

>> No.12279162


cringe (AND seething)

>> No.12279167

yikes and yikespilled

>> No.12279168

Fresh Market is basically just a Fresh Thyme
Lucky's is basically a non massive company owned whole foods, and its pretty alright for obscure and expensive items

>> No.12279171

>not cool
I'm white. I smoke Marlboro reds.

>> No.12279172
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Imagine losing the Civil War.


>> No.12279182

>best subs
>best fried chicken
>BOGOs for days
suck it, non-Floridians

>> No.12279190
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>> No.12279240

In most of the world there is no such thing, my friend. Is your passport application still in process?

>> No.12279242
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easy enough

>> No.12279255

>tfw american passport and can go anywhere i please
how's your shitty 3rd world passport

>> No.12279259

>be yankee
>show up to first battle of civil war at bull run, expecting line warfare for some reason
>lose handily to trained southern shooters, retreat all the way to dc with tail between legs

that actually happened

the war would have ended right there if we hadn't stopped to pick up all your weapons and uniforms you dropped running away, but I guess burning your way through homes and families is a good way to cover that embarrassment

>> No.12279268 [DELETED] 
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You forgot the rape, pillaging, and turning loose your very pissed off slaves. We're not sorry and your inbred ancestors deserved it.

>> No.12279279

>go to publix today and buy a single pineapple
>pajeet cashier seems confused for some reason when I gave them a $20 bill
>gives me my receipt plus the same $20 bill back
>don’t realize until i’m home that I got that pineapple for free
publix is based

>> No.12279282

Pretty good. I use it a lot while yours collects dust.

>> No.12279299

>imagine having a country so small you need a passport for every 20 minutes

>> No.12279303

I don't know what to tell you, globalist. I value my local community but also enjoy traveling. Enjoy being mishmashed into nothing.

>> No.12279342

Who /352/ here

>> No.12279351

Imagine getting fucked over on meat prices when Winn Dixie exists 2 blocks over and also has a sketchy liquor store, Chinese food and an Edward Jones in the same plaza.

>> No.12279368
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>imagine needing to leave your country to see something new

>> No.12279450

I've been working as a Publix deli drone for 2 years but this week I'm getting promoted to a meat dept specialist. Extra 4$ an hour feels real good man.

>> No.12279461

Nice. Definitely going to use this line on my libfag sister this Christmas.

>> No.12279466

favorite sub

>> No.12279468

My co worker brings me some jarred spicy potatoes from there, with some wraps to put them in, and oh my god they are so good.

>> No.12279470

Jerk Turkey with added havarti cheese to make the gouda less dry.

>> No.12279481

>traveling makes /r/thedonaldpedes see seethe now

>> No.12279486

uhm sweaty, every one of those photos is in a totally different geographic area, hence traveling. the only difference is that you don't need a passport because they are all in the same country. :^)

>> No.12279487

try making it with an air fryer heh

>> No.12279508

anyone asking to have their sandwich deep fried should be shot on sight.

>> No.12279566
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>> No.12280489

woulda coulda shoulda, you lost cletus and you lost hard

t. Sherman

>> No.12280495


>> No.12280513
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>> No.12280514

do americans really?

>> No.12280519
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>> No.12280528

I get my sub there every morning. Everything else is too fucking expensive.

>> No.12280625
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Imagine caring about the Civil War in TYOOL 2019 :)

>> No.12281030
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Fuck the South.

>> No.12281051
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>> No.12281071

That looks fucking delicious.

>> No.12281189

Based and Wegpilled

>> No.12281218

>imagine having to settle for Publix because there's no HEB around

>> No.12281266

That looks comfy, but why do you hate black people???? Racist much??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.12281430

I shop there around once a month. I'd go more often, but its a 15 minute drive and Kroger is 4 minutes.

>> No.12281435

We have them here in Tennessee too.