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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12279085 No.12279085 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me, march 23rd of 2018
>21 year old autistic neet
>Never had a job
>Never left my house since i finished High School
>Finally decide to get a job
>"Hiring Dishwashers, $10/hr"
>Apply via email
>Get a call back while i'm watching some anime
>Get an Interview
>Get hired
>Start washin' dishes
>Hate it
>decide to stop being a bitch
>Still hate it but keep doing
>Start to like it
>Start to like working with the people in my kitchen, my job may not be important but if i do it well it makes the day of everyone else in the restaurant a bit easier.
>People in the kitchen start to like me, I can barely talk to people but they still go out of their way to include me in gatherings and after work parties
>Even the manager and head chef treat me like a friend instead of a drone

>> No.12279101

>January 2019
>I made it through the holiday season for the first time
>8 other dishwashers have quit, walked out, or been fired.
>For some reason I start to get sick of my job
>Work 4 days a week
>3 1/2 days a week i just want to cry and walk out
>April 13th
>Finally work up the courage to put in my two weeks
>Manager says "Okay anon, i'll accept your two weeks, but is there any other position you'd like to try out here?"
>Tell her I need time off but I would like to try running the dessert station
>"Alright anon, you can have two weeks starting April 20th

>> No.12279106

keep goin

>> No.12279109

nigga you were a NEET for three years and then thought it would be a good idea to quit without having found a replacement...?
Microsoft needs to figure out how to diagnose autism through google searches so these tards can be saved from themselves

>> No.12279113

Eh I'm a dishwasher too. Hell I actually like it. Get paid the same, get to listen to my own music or watch netflix or whatever all day. Get paid the same as everyone else in the kitchen. I'm actually prob the most needed person there and everyone loves me. I help everyone. All the waitresses clean tables and get things the kitchen needs, make salads and shit like that when needed. But I do work in the kitchen and do food prep too when needed. I actually train the new employees to do everything too. But I prefer to be on dishes and have access to help everyone. Plus I got the least stressful job. When we get slammed. I don't usually have to deal with any of that and sit back and chill till all the dishes start coming back and even then, that suits easypeesy

>> No.12279128

>Today was the last day of my 2 weeks off.
>Go back to the restaurant for the first time in the whole two weeks.
>I have no idea if they'll give me my job back or train me for a new one
>For all i know, they thought i was just some retarded dishwashing drone.
>Get to the front door
>Hostess are busy, walk right past them.
>Old lady server is busy, don't make eye contact
>Bar tenders are busy, they don't notice me
>Friendly O.G. Server is busy, he doesn't notice me either
>One QT server double takes as i walk past her to the kitchen
>"Hey Anon!"
>Walk into the kitched
>Everyone shouts my name
>All the bussers are happy to see me
>All the cooks are smiling
>Spinning around in circles because of all the people asking me how i've been
>Quietly say hello and make my way to the managers office

>> No.12279132

Jesus fuck type faster

>> No.12279139

just become a gay escort

>> No.12279148

the adventures of mr wishy washy ex neet part 4 coming in an unspecified time

>> No.12279155

No. What these idiots need to do is type this shit out in notepad then fucking copypaste, damn it.

>> No.12279157

This is not a library. Go back.

>> No.12279158

So far this is lame as fuck, dish bitch

>> No.12279164

Fuck you, I'm on the edge of my seat and my fap session reading this riveting tale.

>> No.12279166

>Walk into the managers office
>I say "Hey 'manager'"
>Manager "yeah?" without looking up from her desk, she's planning a party seating
>Me "Do I still have a job?"
>Manager turns around "Of course Anon!, the head chef will be on tuesday, he'll start training you to run the dessert sation then."
>Sit down and talk about my vacation with my boss for 5 quick minutes
>I get out of her hair because i showed up at the start of dinner on a Saturday night because I'm a spazz
>Walk out of the kitchen
>QT waitress asks me if I'm leaving
>"Well i guess i'd like to stay and eat"
>Get seated
>Proceed to have a conversation with every single waiter and busser in the fucking restaurant
>Finally realize I've never been part of a group of people who appreciate me this way
>MFW 20+ people accepted me as a stuttering autist
>MFW I thought they'd all forget about me
>MFW At 22 years old I finally realize i can be part of a group despite how much of weirdo i may be at time
>MFW I realize i randomly stumbled dick first in the comfiest profession on planet eath
I'm drunk my guys.

>> No.12279175

So the payoff of this whole story was that you're gay

>> No.12279178
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nice anon

>> No.12279179

sort of comfy, aside from the slaving away a third of your life in menial labor

>> No.12279180

Working food service is really the best. I miss it and I'm happy for you, OP. I CAN FINALLY EXPLODE NOW.

>> No.12279221

Working in restaurants really can be amazing, I'm happy for you anon

>> No.12279229

it worked, my god, they finally tricked one into staying. based gaslighting pays off

>> No.12279243

Welcome to the suck my dude. youre senpai now

>> No.12279248
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Good Job anon. Good to see a dishbitch happy.

>> No.12279252

Good job op! Working any job is a great way to find urself, learn new work and social skills and make money, especially if your young. Also it can give you the motivation or inspire you to do something else like get a better job or a degree or trade certification. Don't listen to the neets shitting on "wages" lol

>> No.12279256

Keep at it and start reading cookbooks anon. The best cooks and chefs start like you. Start from the bottom, work all the way up. Sounds like you have a good crew about you and you’re not as weird as you think. Cherish that and slay some fucking desserts

>> No.12279262

happy for you

>> No.12279265

This is a blessed image

>> No.12279288

I just gave my months notice to some of the nicest owners I’ve ever known. I’m moving up to a Sous Chef position at a brand new restaurant. I’ll be making double what I make now, salary, house account, healthcare, the whole 9 yards.

But fuck did it hurt seeing the disappointment in their eyes when I told them I was moving on. It’s hard to find good help and they are just going to head out on a 3 week vacation to France where they are from. I would have given them more notice, but the new place dragged their feet a bit sending me their offer. I feel like I soured their vacation, but on the other hand this is too good of an opportunity to pass up.

I’m gay btw

>> No.12279392

>my job may not be important
dishwasher is the lynchpin of any restaurant unless it's a food truck that gives out paper plates even then they still gotta wash cooking equipment

>> No.12279424

Nice plagiarism of Bambino! except instead of any real struggle or hardships you changed it so it's all happy and fluffy.

>> No.12279443

Hey OP. I'm the line cook who's good friends with the chef and helped open the place. Just wanted to let you know that I sat him down and explained to him how problematic it was that you wore an inforwars shirt to work. That's the real reason you got fired. It was also really pathetic how you made a fake yelp account and submitted a fake 1 star review.

>> No.12279493

Get out of my head.

>> No.12279698
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go back to re ddit faggot

>> No.12279716
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>> No.12279801

The day I had to run a station and sprint back and forth doing my own dishes and cooking because my manager didnt schedule a dishwasher was the day I began to appreciate the work they do.

>> No.12279814

Restaurant co-workers who don't quit 2 weeks in like a little bitch are some of the most based people who will bond with you.

>> No.12279817

>my job may not be important
Ex-server here, dishwashers are the real glue of the restaurant. If you guys left we would literally kill each other

>> No.12279875

>be op
>be 2 dumb 2 live
>make bad thread
>shit up board
>add to already pile upon pile of shitpost and worthless threads

>> No.12279936

Anon, you made me more depressed but at the same time gave me a little bit of hope. I just want frens.

>> No.12279951


>> No.12280054

Due to the perception of time speeding up as you get older, it's more like over half his life.

I bet he's happier than you.

>> No.12282305

>machine does 3/4 of their job
>w-we need you dishpiggu!

>> No.12282336

I had the same thing happen to me when I worked at a college textbook shop. I came in as a fat stuttering autist. 90% of the staff were hot college girls the rest were men that needed to unload shit. My shipping manager was a fat black man who was cool as shit and taught me how to love woman. We would get drunk constantly in the stock room. He caught me fucking one of the cashiers once and high fived me later. It was the best job I ever had and if I never took it I probably would have been a shut in NEET

>> No.12282352

great thread and great story

>> No.12282583

Hell yeah, my friend.
My story is similar to yours. I came in as a stumbling, mumbling, alcoholic college dropout, on the brink of being homeless. 1,5 years later and I'm a management trainee/bartender. If it wasn't for the coworkers, it would just have been another menial job to finance my drinking.

>> No.12282947
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Glad ygot a good gig anon.

>> No.12283069
File: 24 KB, 602x506, 22491935_1849379902042683_791209672040215172_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit right here m80
this is it

>> No.12284728

Restaurant work can be hellish at times and is almost always stressful as fuck but there is no profession anywhere that has the same level of utter bro-tier camaraderie. Best of luck OP, learn all you can from the people there, best advice I ever got about kitchen work is that everyone is better than you at something, doesn't matter if it's something big like working cleaner or tasting accurately, or something tiny like trimming snap peas faster, everybody can teach you something.

Man he could be weird as fuck and it wouldn't matter at all, kitchens are full of super weird people. Saucier station where I work is two people and most busy nights those two are an ex-con with face tattoos and a super clean-cut white dude with glasses who was in medical school before finding out by pure chance he liked cooking better. They get along amazingly well despite the fact that outside of the kitchen they'd probably never have even interacted. Restaurants in general are havens for weird people, it's one of the best things about them.

>> No.12285056

Restaurant work is really repetitive and degrading so everyone you work with will come to like you. Being the youngest one in the kitchen you get pushed with all the bitchwork but if you just do the work and not act like a 2nd boss you get treated well by everyone.
My only negative experience with another staff member is when they ask you to help them with customers, because then you'll start affecting their tips.

I used to work literally every position (serving, dishwashing, cooking, delivering) over the span of 6 months and I did a really shit job but I kept at it and I got a shit ton of thanks from the staff, even the hispanic cook who cant speak english gave a smile every day I came in. I didn't make any long term friends but they invited me to stuff after work despite me being a stubborn quiet guy.

>> No.12285076

>he liked cooking better
that's a lie to cover up his failure

>> No.12285082

>dear diary
No one cares cunt.