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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12272298 No.12272298 [Reply] [Original]

Ze schnitzel. Looks fine to me.
Could you eat all?

>> No.12272364

Not in something like a 15 minute eating contest. But I could put that down throughout watching a movie.

>> No.12272373

>No toasted bun
>No onion
>No pickle
>No mustard

The Hoosier in me just died a little inside.

>> No.12272375

What do they even fry that in? Some kinda huge deep fryer?


>> No.12272377

Indiana is a joke

>> No.12272379

fucking schweinhund.
Ja. Based and schnitzel pilled

>> No.12272389

It would fit in ours at work? It would fit in large stock pot full of oil?

>> No.12272391

Not without my 'vark habanero hot sauce™

>> No.12272401

Not if its pork

>> No.12272410

>not a jager schnitzel
>no mustard

I probably could, but why would I want to?

>> No.12272421

Looks dry, needs sauce

>> No.12272429

bait, please kys

>> No.12272438

Wiener and Schnitzel pilled, hope thats veal my friend, otherwise it belongs in the trash

>> No.12272439

is it chicken or fish? i could do it if its fish.

>> No.12272457

i love veal schnitzel, but its not very common, so i settle for pork.

>> No.12272459

its usually pork or veal

>> No.12272506
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how are u suppose to eat that? It has no bread

>> No.12272509

Not as much of a joke as your wiener.

>> No.12272510

du bist abartig.

>> No.12272519

Hope it dies completely.

>> No.12272598

Maybe if you wrap it around a stick of butter

>> No.12272605

is this a mcchicken

>> No.12272689
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>make 20 Schnitzel Brötchen
>food for 2 weeks

>> No.12273906


It looks gigantic but it can't be that big unless it is being served with a slice of some sort of mutant super lemon.

>> No.12273911


yeah man i could

>> No.12274172


>> No.12274690

This is a mcChicken marinated in steroids and antibiotics

>> No.12274699


>> No.12274700

Do Germans really?

>> No.12274704

You cant, anon, that's gotta be at least 2500 calories

>> No.12274731
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Not that difficult if you train for it...

>> No.12275041


Only the pickle makes any sense out of those. Toasted bun for something, which is already quite dry to begin with? What kind of backward place serves mustard with schnitzel?

Schnitzel needs mashed potato or french fries as side and some kind of salad or pickles, nothing else.

>> No.12275046

Why the fk do bagels burn so easily? stuck some in the toaster for only a minute or two and I almost killed the budgie from smoke inhalation.

>> No.12275445


>> No.12275463
File: 70 KB, 470x314, pork41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, it's actually quite thin.

>> No.12275466


>> No.12275472

Jesus Christ those stretch marks. I do like to imagine this is the average /ck/ user though.

>> No.12275480

Holy shit, he even ate one of the pizza boxes

>> No.12275488

Girly fingers.

>> No.12275490

Those bread sticks look fucking sad.

>> No.12275495

Oh good you're right it's a woman, that makes it even more disgusting.

>> No.12275529

no i would have to share with my gf and even then we would have to take some back home

>> No.12275546

needs some ketchup and a beer

>> No.12277320
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Seething Americuck.

>> No.12277331

Take it easy Muhammad

>> No.12277332

It’s hilarious that people from Indiana think they invented putting schnitzel on a roll just because they call it a “pork tenderloin sandwich”

>> No.12277349
File: 2.97 MB, 720x404, 1553409593424.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that muhammads eat pork schnitzels
Amerimutt education is a joke.

>> No.12277355

We are only taught about countries that matter.

>> No.12277368 [DELETED] 
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Such as WW2 Germany in your holocaust classes?

>> No.12277386

>what is veal

>> No.12277393

But the image in question isn’t veal. It’s pork. It;s also American.

>> No.12277402

Here is a hint:
Schnitzel was often made with shitty tough cuts of meats.
The hammering and resulting thinness makes it edible.

>> No.12277425
File: 43 KB, 550x413, jumbo-jumbo-cordon-blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ze Rheinfelder Bierhalle Jumbo Jumbo Cordon Bleu

>> No.12277463

Ein Schnitzel, Ein Kartoffelsalat, Ein Bier

>> No.12278031
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>> No.12280192

Actually he was implying that you guys are gonna get outbred and have your culture vanish or some /pol/ incel conspiracy

>> No.12280213

neither onion nor pickles nor mustard is eaten with schnitzel. And Schnitzelsemmel (in a bun) is just some food-trucck thing

>> No.12280300 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 888x888, ugly-labour-trannie-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat schnitzel because I am not on a mission to destroy the West or force straight white men to chop off their penises.

>> No.12280348

A pan you fucking nigger

>> No.12280352

>2500 kcal
Fucking manlets

>> No.12280479

>that little dribble dip of sauce

>> No.12280527

It's very thin. That's only about 200 to 250 grams of meat.
>ounce cucks can fuck off

>> No.12280539

And you know this how?

>> No.12280553
File: 114 KB, 954x532, onebeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schnitzel is great with some kind of sauce. I know it's not traditional but fuck that, one puny piece of lemon is not enough. My theory is that the dish is designed to sell more beer since that's what you'll be chugging through the entire ordeal.

>> No.12280558

The only thing mising in OP is some nice potatoe salad, Banause!

>> No.12280561

we DO make Schnitzelsemmeln (Schnitzel sandwiches) but they're usually in edible size and with some sauce of choice

>> No.12280565

They generally bake the ones that size and it isn't a single cut of meat but various thinner ones together

>> No.12280566

>What is Cordon Bleu
well it's 2 schnitzels with ham and molten cheese in between

>> No.12281829

burn indiana to the ground

>> No.12283180

lel I read on plebbit someone trying to explain their local Indiana food, multiple comments and no one still had a clue what he was talking about...never said "schnitzel" once, I finally had to Google it to figure it out. Fucking flyover retard.

>> No.12283191

Needs more Tunke.

>> No.12283228

the worst part about this pic is the fork and knife

>> No.12283238

Milanesa > schnitzel

>> No.12283265

what else would it be, Mr. Harami Salami? Maybe you should give it a try, hell can't be that bad anyway.

>> No.12285299

Either a muësliman or someone who never ate true pork-

>> No.12285302
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 8FB9F254-C8F2-4301-98D5-EE4B9806A5DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true pork

>> No.12285303
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>thinking gaijins know how to make schnitzel

>> No.12286596


>> No.12286791


>> No.12286936
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