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12270260 No.12270260 [Reply] [Original]

Did I fuck up by not de-seeding these before jarring?
Will the seeds soften enough to blend up?

>> No.12270266
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>Haute sauce

>> No.12270290

This sauce is definitely going to be effay when it’s ready.

>> No.12270322


>> No.12270325

You're supposed to weight it down to prevent moldiness from the exposed veggies but that's just what I read somewhere.

>> No.12270335

Trng to sve spce on te labl

There’s a glass weight in there to keep it all down.

>> No.12270346

I can see the seeds and cardamome on the surface anon.

>> No.12270352

When that thing gives birth, it ain't gonna be pretty.

>> No.12270365

this, you can already see mold forming

>> No.12270385
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It’s a clear glass weight. Getcha eyes checked.

It is going to be Very pretty. I already said it was gonna be effay in like a week or two.

I finished this like, an hour ago. No mold. You are fake news.

>> No.12270409

Looks fine to me. Taking the seeds out will make it a lot less hot. Don't do that.

>> No.12270417

what is that white cum drop on the glass? salt deposit?

>> No.12270440

Alright fair enough, enjoy your peppers anon

>> No.12270469

Omg. Thank you for a real answer.

That is the reflection from a lamp.
I mixed the cum with warm water before adding it to the mix so it would get evenly distributed and not do that thing when you get it wet. Like when you try and wash it off and it gets all “wet cobweb” on you and is like, impossible to get off and even when you use soap you can just feel it bead up and get even stickier like when you clean a “sticky-hand” and you know you will have to live with these little mystery cumballs on you that you’ll unexpectedly find throughout the day.

>> No.12270497

Seeds are so small, tough, and slippery that most of them honestly don’t blend at all—they just keep getting spun around the blender. To get it smooth they really need to go through a grinder which most people don’t have. I have made probably 30 batches of hot sauce, if you want my advice: next time pulse them in a food processor until everything is minced and only add about 3% by volume of salt. The moisture originally in the peppers will be enough to submerge them after it gets pulled out, and you can just place a sheet of plastic wrap over the top without any risk of mold taking over and they start fermenting the next day. They taste just the same and it save a lot of work and worry.

>> No.12271297

I feel like the chopped up version ferments too quickly and doesn’t allow for the same flavor build as the unchopped “low & slow” version. If you’re sayin’ there’s no difference I’ll give it a go next round.

It sounds like you have yourself a grinder... what kind?

>> No.12271303

Thanks anon.

>> No.12271337

I like you. They blend fine if u have a Vitamix or a ninja. Suboptimal if u have a stick blender.

>> No.12271433
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Thanks anon. I don’t know who you are so I can’t return the compliment but I do know your last post was 1337 AF and I respect that kinna shit.

I have a ninja so fingers crossed this won’t be a cheesy mess. I made a salsa with the scraps and had to press it through a strainer because of the Anaheim seeds. That’s what prompted this thread. I was hoping the fermentation process would soften them up a little.

>> No.12271436

*chewy mess

>> No.12271454

Are you trying to go for a more liquidy sauce or more of a mash? In my experience the seeds don't blend but I don't mind them. My sauces are almost always thicker than store bought stuff but you can always strain/thin it out with more brine. I personally deseed most of my peppers to get a better control over the spice, I typically want my sauces to have a hefty kick but not burn me for too long. I prefer it to be more manageable so I can appreciate the taste of it

>> No.12271487

I don’t have a grinder, I just use a vitamix. I deseed my peppers anyway just because it makes the sauce bitter

>> No.12271539

I am a sinner. I deserve to burn.
Seeds in :: Asshole btfo.
Mi actually didn’t use anything hotter than a Serrano or jalap’ so it shouldn’t be a big deal on the heat front. I might end up pressing this through a strainer as well.

Good to know. Upcoming strain confirmed.

>> No.12271546
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Thanks for being normal and civil and all that. I appreciate the exchange.

>> No.12271557

What're all the ingredients you have in there? Also have you fermented a sauce before or is this a first try

>> No.12271573

Serrano, jalapeño, poblano, Anaheim, Arbol, and sweet peppers

Carrot, fermented pineapple.

Fennel seed, cardamom, white peppercorns, thyme, salt, and sugar.

I make salsa on the regular but this is my first fermented sauce.

>> No.12271574
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No prob. Let me know if you have any more questions or want recipes or something. I found that 10 days ferment was about the soft cap for flavor. Unless you went 3 months I didn’t notice a vast difference in taste, peppers will actually get less hot as they ferment too.

>> No.12271585

What do you like about fermented sauces? I've fermented a few batches but I ended up disliking the flavor from the fermenting. I've since switched exclusively to pickling in vinegar. I even tried buying some fermented sauce but that shit was foul, made my batches look like top tier gourmet shit

>> No.12271597

It mellows out the bitterness and heat. It’s still hot but it doesn’t stay with you as you continue to eat the food. I think on its own it’s only good for chili paste, but I cut mine with 30% distilled white vinegar. I love vinegar so I still wanted the taste

>> No.12271607

I should mention that the fermentation process gives everything a more complex flavor and adding the vinegar also makes it shelf stable and stops it from overfermenting

>> No.12271615

Interesting, with what I've made and the slop I bought, I felt that the ferment brought out bitterness. The last thing I made was habanero/Fresno and I still have the sauce sitting around since march of last year. Beyond even the bitterness that I dislike, shit is way too spicy. Any ideas of how I could improve it and make it less spicy? I tried taking small amounts of it and blending in fresh bell pepper or tomato and it didn't work at all. Maybe adding sugar and vinegar would help?

>> No.12271753
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I’ve never added pure sugar unless it was in the bottling stage for a sriracha style sauce. If you roast at least half of your ingredients it brings out the natural sweetness. But I usually add mangos just because the taste goes so well together. If you were interested in trying it, pic related is my best recipe that I sell at farmers markets

>> No.12271764

Recipe saved.

How did you get a spot at the farmers market? What’s that process like? Lots of ‘hoops’ to jump through?

>> No.12271780

Depends on how populated the city is. I live in a town of 15000 people so I just pay the stall fee. When I was stationed in Tucson you had to sign up on a website months in advance (monthly event, always held in same place) and pay for the stall up front. They usually just charged you by the square footage, sometimes a little extra to be at the front

>> No.12271790

Yea since that fermenting attempt, I've made a similar recipe with cherry peppers, Fresno, and jalapeño that I pickled in vinegar. The cherry peppers made a huge difference, wish I had done it when I fermented. When I pickle, I usually add some kind of sugar or something to the brine. in my experience I feel like it brings out the flavor of the peppers more, especially the habanero. I had to keep myself from eating the pickled habanero by themselves they were so fuckin tasty

>> No.12271814

That sounds pretty good. There are different styles of hot saucing, yours which is a pickle, the one I posted which is a mash, you also have a salt pack which is diced ingredients and packed in like 25% kosher salt, a brine with the other guy had, and the sriracha style which is a mash but is strained and reduced with sugar at the end. They all make really tasty hot sauces, but if you want more of the raw fruitiness and heat of the pepper I would say the brine, pickle, and salt pack are the best. The mash styles I would say turn out more like a salsa where it’s a sum of the products and not necessarily trying to play to the taste of a single pepper or style

>> No.12271825

Yea I've done brine pickling in the past, similar to what OP is doing. You don't use any pickling spices in your mix? No mustard seed or peppercorn or anything?

>> No.12271848

I add about a tsp of mustard seed and clove, and an anise pod but to tell you the truth I don’t think it makes much of a difference

>> No.12271897

For the mash I mean. I think you definitely should do pickling spices in the brine styles or it might just taste like the vinegar straight up

>> No.12271904

Honestly in my experience, I don't taste the spices I add either. I usually add a decent amount of mustard seeds and peppercorn and I always question whether or not I'm making any difference. Even tried toasting the spices before adding them in once and still didn't sense shit in the final brine or sauce. I'm beginning to think the only sort of spice you really ever need is garlic. Have you experimented with any other fruits at all?

>> No.12271960

What’s your fee look like? I know it’ll differ but I just want a ballpark. I bet I could sell the shit outta some stuff.

>> No.12271987

I’ve tried pineapple, it was alright. I think roasted mango is by far the best, and I think the ginger is a great addition. Not tried any other fruits. I’m sure apples wouldn’t be bad if you had a thicker sauce
$25 a day for a 12x12 lot at 127 yard sale in Kentucky, $175 for a 8x8 lot for the weekend in Tucson :^(

>> No.12272031

...vultures. I’m gonna try that out regardless. Thanks anon.

>> No.12272068

Yeah Tucson is the worst place I’ve ever had to live for like 100 reasons. Theirs costs even more because the organizers for the market want to make money after they pay the land owner for use. The 127 yard sale happens regardless and isn’t organized by anyone so the lot owner just rents to everyone to make a little extra money

>> No.12272071
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You got me curious to go back and check my old ferment and honestly you're right about it getting less spicy as it goes. Checked the date on it, started on 2/25/18 so it's pretty old at this point, still pretty spice but manageable. It's also tastier than I remember it being. Thanks anon, I think ima try fermenting more stuff again, I'll go see what my farmers market has in the way of peppers and start a new batch

>> No.12272077

No problem. Try roasting some of the ingredients. I wouldn’t roast them all because you want the natural bacterias in the produce to kick off the ferment

>> No.12272261

Piss off Audrey you fat cunt.

>> No.12272323

But did you get it?

>> No.12272559
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>cant sear a steak without leaving the house looking like somebody set off a road flare
>never made creme brulee
>never made meringues
>puts fermenting food in an airtight jar
>worried about seeds you could just discard after

Oh boy. Here we go again. What % brine did you use and what kind of salt? Distilled water? Why no garlic?? The aromatics are pretty pointless unless you boiled them in the water ahead of time.

>always posts gross feet instead of cute girl feet

Literally never gonna make it

>> No.12272868

You again...

I used iodized salt, flambé’d pond water, I rubbed garlic on the outside of the bottle, and the aromatics were in the pond before I set it ablaze.

I won’t ever post my boobs nor feet because that’s what y’all want. I work alone and have a camera on my phone so I could shower you with pics any time I wanted but most of you are buttholes so, somewhere deep down, I enjoy being withholding.

>> No.12273061


Post brapper

And whyd you cut the label tape? Its weird somebody as grossly incompetent as yourself would know to do that.

>> No.12273068

The fuck is going on here? Why you being such a bitch? What's the history

>> No.12273125


Shes not gonna suck your dick, sweetie.

Tripfriends are awful people. Plus i wasted a bunch of time explaining how to make brulees and meringues, even posting my personal recipes, ubder the pretext that shed at least make the attempt and document it. But nope. And she cant sear proteins without almost burning her house down.

So now i just come in with my superior knowledge and shit on whatever shes doing.


>1:1 fermented/seeded jalapeno to roasted/seeded jalapeno
>roast like one large yellow onion when you roast the jalapeños
>handful of fermented garlic
>vitamix, add apple cider vinegar til its a little stronger than youd like, add water til its correct consistency and acid is right
>either smoked or regular honey til the acid and heat is balanced. Smoked honey gets obnoxious so maybe half and half
>salt and dried lavender TT

Based and easy hotsauce guidelines. Youre welcome.. AGAIN. Ill see those feet eventually, its just a matter of time.

>> No.12273136

Why are you doing this? To see feet? Because some random fuck on the internet didn't cook your recipe? To feel good about yourself?

>> No.12273170


The answer will reveal itself in due time. The war of attrition has begun.

>> No.12273193

what a cunt

>> No.12273225

its cum

>> No.12273232

Male of female? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12273251

>a namefag dissed my stupid recipe one time so now I have to stalk xir (or whatever pronoun suits)
Get a fucking life you nonce!

>> No.12273259

Christ you're fuckin cringey

>> No.12273349


lol why do you care nigger

>> No.12273455

lol why the fuck do you care? I'm assuming you're the same dipshit who is basically stalking and harassing op over the dumbest fucking reasons. If so, the irony in your question is hilarious you stupid fucking cunt. If not, disregard that

>> No.12273499


>occasionally giving somebody a hard time about food related things here and there

One of those is not like the other. Reddit is simply a click away, kiddo.

>> No.12273506
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>xir (or whatever pronoun suits)

>> No.12273533

lol sure you fucking ape, whatever you need to feel good about yourself. Insult this girl unprovoked so you can feel superior and then claim you're just "giving someone a hard time." Feel free to call me a white knight but fact of the matter is that anyone who acts like you towards anyone of any background is a worthless cunt who would do the world a favor by keeping their mouth shut

>> No.12273588
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>he hasnt even posted a hot sauce recipe or anything pertaining to fermentation

You better shut that mouth before i kiss it, big boy.

>> No.12273600

I'm the one who vinegar pickles and had an old batch of fermented hot sauce. Also cute dog, is he/she yours?

>> No.12273675


Yes, that is finnegan. He pacifies people who get a little hot under the collar for no reason

>> No.12273698

Wouldn't really say it was for no reason but I was definitely using this as an opportunity to vent some rage. Finnegan is a handsome boy

>> No.12273959
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I mean i was being rude on purpose but you seemed much more invested in the argument than i was.. heres more finnster

>> No.12273979

Based cum connoisseur poster

>> No.12274101

I will admit that I could've approached this in a calmer way but I used it as a way to blow off rage and hate that had been building up in me irl. For that I apologize. However, seems like you've persistently being an asshole to this girl and frankly, you deserved to be berated for that a little. I definitely took it overboard though, and again, sorry. However, imo, you should just leave her be. This board is already relatively slow, we don't need to be harassing away regulars

>> No.12274134


dont bitch out now it was the perfect way to handle it, he can go masturbate his rage away who gives a shit

>> No.12274318


She could just, like, post as anon and it wouldnt be possible for anybody to know. Shes difficult to rile so its getting boring for me anyway, we’ll see what happens.

Hopefully your day is better anon!


ADF (audrey defense force) putting in work today, huh? Eat my asshole, nigger

>> No.12274338
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Omg. What happened here??
I fucking love and hate you all.