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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 718x712, D13DB803-8D28-4AA5-B0A8-A234D93A763A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12271053 No.12271053 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, bored
>see a photo posted on Facebook
>steal it and upload to Reddit
>get thousands of the same shitty fucking jokes like "thanks, I hate it" "this makes Garfield sad" etc.
>typical NPC cancer
>some roastie from NBC thinks the post is "hilarious" and wants to write an article
>tell her my name is Dick Chmeller which is a play on words for dick smeller
>she actually fucking writes it
>laugh at my own joke like the lonely boy I am
>my laughter is the only thing that breaks the silence in my dark, cold room

Sometimes I wish I was an NPC as ignorance would be bliss. Then I realise how much they all piss me off with their faggy fucking humour and trivial bullshit.


>> No.12271072

Thanks OP. I was having a rough week and I needed something like this to cheer me up

>> No.12271073

Jesus, I hate "journalists". That article was unafulturated trash. Next time use an archived link, though. O felt dirty opening up their link but i was interested.

>> No.12271079
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>> No.12271081
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hacker known as 4chan?

>> No.12271092

Good job OP, made me laugh

>> No.12271105

It's spreading by the way


>> No.12271107
File: 551 KB, 762x706, 1511316236320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lost my genitals in an accident at work
Fucking kek! The fact the brainlet female "journalist" couldn't see through this bullshit absolutely destroys my sides.

>> No.12271114
File: 46 KB, 272x269, 1541665970889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people reporting the "news"

>> No.12271122

And the msm wonders why nobody respects them.

>> No.12271131

get the fuck off my site

>> No.12271134

Even if she did I doubt she'd care. Their job is to generate clicks. This is such a mild and uncontroversial story personally I couldn't imagine it gaining traction but then again about half the world has a below average intelligence.

>> No.12271135

Yeah, she included those details in the article because she completely believed them!

>> No.12271149

>uses Facebook
>call others NPC
I have news for you....

>> No.12271157

All unsafe for the retarded soccer moms was clipped. The broad that did the write-up's likely not so stupid. Probably kind of stupid though. Professionally stupid if you will. Anyone with even a spoonful of brain cells to spark together can realize that initial post was joke too. Too bad few have even that.

>> No.12271175

Very cool OP, also very cool play on words
It was also very contemplative and intelligent of you to include my wives boyfriend and a minority name for him, very fresh thinking so original so non NPC I would've never thought of that my wives boyfriend oh my haha cucks amirite

Of course she didn't check if you were le epic edgy boy it's not journalism it's an article about salad lasagna, she or anybody from the staff could give 2 fucks if you actually were le epic maymaying from your room, the article shows what reddit posters fucking had to say for it for fucks sake

have sex and stop being a fucking loser you non NPC intelligent virgin

>> No.12271183

>Steals someone's content literally desperate for upboats
>Wow ourguy lmao!

You fuckers make me sick.

>> No.12271187

Are you okay?

>> No.12271195

Go back

>> No.12271199

She just went along. What else was she supposed to do, ignite more trolling?

I study with one girl who writes articles similar to that, a bit less dumb perhaps. She makes a few hundred a piece.

The thing 4channers won't realize is that half the words in the article come from the editor anyway, they often dumb it down even further.

>> No.12271201
File: 454 KB, 581x506, 1553882695190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.12271233

>uses facebook
>cuck memes
>childish humor
>stealing content to share on other websites without crediting the source
>posts the 'thanks I hate it' shit on his reddit thread despite calling it npc shit

I think it's you who is the problem.

>> No.12271243


>> No.12271258

Kek. But seriously always wear your seat belt

>> No.12271264

>has never opened a newspaper
>is unaware that news outlets include content other than current events
>writers that cover current events and writers that generate content for other sections are different people serving different demands

>> No.12271309

>t. butt blasted faux journalist
You're also likely a Jew as well.

>> No.12271320

>The carefully crafted dish, however, isn't some maniacal, pro-keto joke. Dick Chmeller, a watercraft engineer from Cardiff, U.K., told TODAY Food that he created the dish to impress his wife, Melanie Chmeller-Smith, and her new friend, Omar Pasha, whom he was meeting for the first time.

Holy shit, this is funny. Thanks, OP.

>> No.12271321

>blocks out her name in messages
>doesnt block out her name in upper left corner

>> No.12271385

I'm okay man it's just that I sometimes feel a bit agitated that this board like most boards on here have been overrun by boring 18 year old incel edgelords
the majority of people on 4chan were always losers and spergs but they weren't the insufferable reddit obsessed literal incels these twinks are

>> No.12271395

Kudos to them for leaving out the cuck spin tho.

>> No.12271419

The name on the mail is Chmellar. The name on the article and OP is Chmeller. Either the "journalist" is unprofessional enough to even mess up the name of her source or something is fishy.

>> No.12271421

Now try it without the word salad.

>> No.12271552
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>> No.12271558

so what's the fuckn pic?
fuck sake. why is /ck/ infested with botters now? shilling news articles, no less

>> No.12271562

Stop making excuses and trying rationalize on behalf of stupid people. You're the god damn reason they STAY stupid.

>> No.12271580

you should read “amusing ourselves to death”, it’s only gotten worse over time now that the news has no pretense of being anything but entertainment

>> No.12271604

Thanks, I hate it.

>> No.12271609

>journalist altering details like wife's boyfriend to wife's NEW friend
what for, I wonder?

>> No.12271620

... Am I seriously the only one in this thread who doesn't believe OP?

>> No.12271640

Assumed to be new since Dicky boy hadnt met omar yet.
It is a jump in logic but its not that far of a reach.
A boyfriend is a type of friend.

>> No.12271653

Thank you op. Make me proud to be on this board

>> No.12271662
File: 7 KB, 157x322, my face my soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me too

>> No.12271668

but OP did bring up emphasize their open relationship. only thing missing is he straight up say that he is a c-uckold and Omar is his wife's new breeder.

>> No.12271720

We 4channelers are totally more intelligent than those dumb npc redditors haha

>> No.12271727

end your life

>> No.12271733

It is a slanted take I agree but it isnt necessarily incorrect to say it.

>> No.12271770

normally I'd shit on you for using reddit, but this gave me a good hearty laugh and I enjoyed it
thank you for your service

>> No.12272574

Is the link 404'ing for anyone else? I just read it, and now it doesn't work

>> No.12272589

I emailed the author and notified her of this thread and that it was just a stupid joke.

>> No.12272602

Okay but why can't I read it now?

>> No.12272610

I'm assuming she probably took it down when she saw it was based on some bored neckbeard making shit up

>> No.12272611

Huh? But OP is an engineer

>> No.12272624

>be me
stopped reading there

>> No.12272643

Why are liberals like this?

>> No.12272743

lmao the link is down you fuckers

>> No.12272745

First, you don't know me, so you can fuck right off with your """"librul"""" shit. Second, I'm not anti-fun. I'm anti-stupid.

>> No.12272790

I'm anti-fun

>> No.12272793

dumb nigger fuck
you are an anti-fun liberal scumbag

>> No.12272801

That's awful fucking spooky how they slowly spell out anonymous then show a dog playfully running. The exploding van gave me ptsd

>> No.12272806

Well golly gee thanks for saying dick smeller I sure couldn't figure that one out!

>> No.12272886
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>> No.12272890

How do I report multiple posts?

>> No.12272917
File: 518 KB, 1264x1920, 1537143317113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Journalists can't possibly be described as "human". They have no self-awareness at all. Zero, zilch, nada, nothing They seemingly can't understand any information except in the first relevant framework they think of, and if the information and the framework then become inconsistent, they don't change their framework for interpreting the information, they will themselves to see different information. It would be extremely interesting if it wasn't so tragic that this is what happens to something before it makes the news.

>> No.12272954

Thankfully we have real alternative news sites like Infowars.

>> No.12272955

Based tbqh

>> No.12272958
File: 59 KB, 780x748, 1554434690809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the huffingberg post!!!

>> No.12272968

are you ok?

>> No.12272975

Thanks, I hate it

>> No.12272981

Are you?

>> No.12272982
File: 182 KB, 248x289, 1552680583070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browses facebook and reddit
>sometimes i wish i was an npc

>> No.12272994

>Still no archive link
Uh, OP?

>> No.12273356

>have sex and
almost had a double edged satire to your comment there but calling someone a virgin online is not an argument

>> No.12273404

I archived the webpage this morning knowing this would happen. Here is a link to a trimmed down PDF I saved.


>> No.12273439

Good lad. Fuck journos and fuck snitches.

>> No.12273495

>can't ellipses correctly
I have news for you...

>> No.12273538

Yeah that’s how it works captain obvious

>> No.12273613

No problem. I actually have the html doc and files associated with it saved.

>> No.12273624
File: 45 KB, 513x600, El_Cher_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For once OP is not a faggot! Good job

>> No.12273632


Actually here. I reuploaded it so nobody has to download anything. Just view it here


>> No.12273722

No one gives a shit.

>> No.12273792

Seething journo

>> No.12273804
File: 76 KB, 666x999, 1393267779670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes I wish I was an NPC
um sweetie I have bad news for you

>> No.12273812


I went there because I couldn't believe anyone would be stupid enough to publish such a fake story.
>We have determined that a story originally posted here about so-called “salad lasagna” contained information that was false, stemming from an internet hoax. The story has now been removed.

H O W. What a dumb idiot with no journalistic instincts.

>> No.12273820

in today's episode of "oh boy it's soy," pot meets kettle.

>> No.12273827

based. fuck anything reddit

>> No.12273869
File: 94 KB, 677x960, Salad Lasagna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image from >>12271105 so we understand what he's talking about.

>> No.12273886

It's lasagna salad, dummy. Not word salad.

>> No.12273890

Seething reddit.

>> No.12273909

It seems constantly calling eachother cuck and talking about the great replacement pushed things over the edge and now they're back pedaling.

>> No.12273917

feeding reporters risque pseudonyms and bullshit is easily the funniest thing to do. watching cable news and you see some bystander named mike or jack and you know you're going to be having a good time

>> No.12273932

that is, indeed, reddit as fuck

>> No.12273945

jesus fucking christ

>> No.12273983

>Dick Chmeller
>my wife's boyfriend Omar
haha holy shit this retarded bitch bought it

>> No.12274012

>my wife's boyfriend

You've done good, OP.

>> No.12274031


>> No.12274052

She'll definitely have sex with you now, Anon. Good job fighting the good fight.

>> No.12274059

You're definitely a lulzkiller. Fuck off.

>> No.12274456

We already have a better copy but thanks anyway kid

>> No.12274466

Fucking based, i love you too anon

>> No.12274484

>I'm anti-fun. I'm stupid.
Yeah you sound like a liberal.

>> No.12274502
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1519553908649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a failure of a journalist
>write garbage that no one reads
>make up a fake story that you think will apply to a certain website's demographic
>post it there pretending to be one of them as clickbait

>> No.12274521

based archivalist. Thank you.
i give a shit, antifun butthurt nigger

>> No.12274577

Emailed her about your reupload. She's going make a copyright claim, so don't expect it to be up for long.

>> No.12274581

Get out of my swamp

>> No.12274589


>> No.12274623

But technically, since all humans think alike and are therefore able to enjoy social interaction, we are all npcs anon...

>> No.12274640

Is 4chan finally back to normal or is it just ck?

>> No.12274645

It's a Friday night so I'm pretty sure you're staying up late cuz mommy said you could. Since you have the free time, use it to attempt to educate yourself on copyright.


>> No.12274658

Either you're baiting or are chronically constipated

>> No.12274675

Oh btw, you're welcome. I still have the entire HTML doc saved. Just did super quick trims to make a PDF

>> No.12274679

maximum cope

>> No.12274687

she must feel as dumb as she is. ty for the lel anon

>> No.12275066

Anyone have the pic or the article? It was removed for being a "hoax".

>> No.12275102

It got removed so I guess someone here tattled?

>> No.12275114

>Omar was very pleased with the thought behind the gesture.

>> No.12275116

lololol dis is good ty
and fuck the guy who got it taken down something must be done about the libs

>> No.12275148

Not the news media's fault. Social media is letting anybody report anything for nothing, and that's all most people pay attention to anymore. Proper news has to cut costs in its vetoing of real journalists because there are so few people willing to pay for credible news anymore. If you want real news, boycott all forms of social media and convince your government that you need a state funded media outlet.

>> No.12275422

based exposure of OP's self-hatred stemming from internalized npcphobia