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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12267815 No.12267815 [Reply] [Original]

Two questions. Do you eat corn, and are you American?

>> No.12267818


>> No.12267825

Yes & Yes

>> No.12267833

i eat corn-derived products but not corn directly, not even popcorn

>> No.12267841

Roasted or boiled cobs, polenta, tortillas. German.

>> No.12267842


>> No.12267843

Yes & No

>> No.12267848


>> No.12267856
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Yes and yes. I'll gobble down a whole can of it as a snack cold with a little salt ain't nobody stopping me

>> No.12267867

Yes no

>> No.12267879

Corn is great, and is a great ingredient. The corn lobby is fucked in the US and HFCS has probably done the most to ruin food in our country, though.

>> No.12267892

What are the best dishes with sweet corn?

>> No.12267902

No, I'm not poor. Yes.

>> No.12267912

Yes, no, no.

>> No.12267933

Fresh picked corn on the cob in the summer, frozen out of season. But I specifically examine any processed foods to ensure there is no hfcs or even regular corn syrup. Those are monstrosities that everyone, except the congressmen whose pockets are lined by the megacorporations producing it, can agree should be banned. Many such cases.

>> No.12268063


>> No.12268070
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>Do you eat corn, and are you American?


>> No.12268435

It's in every meal that I eat

>> No.12269200
File: 3.40 MB, 2995x2128, corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is corn reddit?

>> No.12269351

Sometimes if someone else buys it. It's otherwise a waste of money garbage food with shitty nutrition like all cereal grains.
Yes, midwestern college-town semi-urbanite faggot.

>> No.12269461

Yes because yes (almost have no choice. We don't have a food system, but a subsidized corn system.)

>> No.12269478
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The whole grains get stuck in your teeth very badly. And they come out whole in your poop. So I eat it rarely, I don't care for flossing after a meal. If its put in front of me I will eat it, but don't seek it out.
Corn syrup, corn starch, corn oil, I use it all the time. Also ethanol. And its the number one animal feed for the animals I love to eat. Extremely useful crop, haters will keep hating but this shit is absolutely essential.
Yes, American.

>> No.12269492

110% American
Combat vet

I love all kinds of corn. Michigan sweet corn is fantastic in season.

>> No.12269538

I eat corn but my Finnish great grandfather refused to eat it calling it animal feed. This is the same guy that built a house by hand and ate bananas whole, peel icluded soooo.

>> No.12269559

>ate bananas whole
no wonder they couldn't hold the mannerheim line

>> No.12269595


>> No.12269600


>> No.12269608

yes. yes. but not as much these days as most corn sold in grocery stores are GMO corn

>> No.12269642

GMO is the best.

>> No.12269670

War is certainly not a Finnish specialty.

>> No.12269671


>> No.12269751
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>> No.12269772

I like corm.

>> No.12269793

Basically this, though I enjoy popcorn at a movie theater or drive in.

>> No.12269797
File: 41 KB, 728x546, aid1836145-v4-728px-Cook-Corn-in-the-Microwave-Step-1-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat corn, and am american.

I cook corn the way I heat water, in the microwave

>> No.12269807

Yes and yes.
Will post proof at 7:18 AM PST.

>> No.12269860

I wanna know the thought process behind posting this picture. How the fuck do you know what it is? Why the fuck are you in this thread posting it? What had to happen for you to be here right fucking now.

>> No.12269880

Retarded reasoning.

>> No.12270091

Yes, occasionally

>> No.12270118
File: 51 KB, 500x454, f5408f37e35dc7c9fb88d5ded0b69a1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, no
You think only Mexicans eat corn?
Juicy sweet corn is a pretty good side dish, goes great with bangers and mash etc

>> No.12270164

That's some dry ass mac and cheese

>> No.12270224


>> No.12270227

Steamed, buttered, salted sweetcorn on the cob

>> No.12270243

It's not wrong

>> No.12270246

like once a year, no

>> No.12270256

Yes (Roasted whole cob, polenta)
No (Czech)

>> No.12270263


>> No.12270323

I like it as an ingredient, sometimes I like it on a plate as long as I have things to combo it with. I don't really like it by itself, and I hate it on the cob. I honestly think it's hilarious watching people raid the stores for 10c cobs of corn like it's something special. This entire country is made of corn, it's basically dirt or air.

>> No.12270326

We lived in France for a while and grew our own sweet corn. The Frenchies were shocked to see us eating it. To them it is just animal food.

>> No.12270432

no, only if they are homegrown.

>> No.12270443

two questions. are you gay, and are you retarded ?

>> No.12270450

Hey, stop being so obsessed with america.

>> No.12270452

Fresh corn in season is so goddamn good, though. Especially grilled with a nice steak or some chicken.

>> No.12270463

Not oftenbut yeah, I'm American. We have more farmland to grow corn than all you other hoes. We have to feed our cattle n shit.

>> No.12270880

Sometimes and I usually think of myself as an Alaskan, not an American.

>> No.12270910

Sweet corn is compatible with every savory dish. It clashes with nothing.

Corn on pizza? Good. Corn in spagetti? Good.

>> No.12270970


>> No.12271040
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>fucking children
>why I hate the unwashed masses

Why eat corn when you can drink it?

>> No.12271055
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>> No.12271069
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I am but a simple pigeon

I fly in and shit on everyone and fly away.

>> No.12271773

now that is a memory.
thank you anon

>> No.12272617

I eat corn when it’s in season, yes I’m American. Fuck I love corn.