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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12258579 No.12258579 [Reply] [Original]

cheese discussion thread: interesting cheeses you've had lately, questions about cheese, whatever

>> No.12258595
File: 63 KB, 306x257, tete_de_moine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cheese ever, ever. Everything else is just pleb tier. Fite me.

>> No.12258618

haven't tried it, give me a description/similar cheeses

>> No.12258629

Gruyère isn't too different, but Tête de Moine is spicier, and the fine cut makes its flavour come out differently. Tilsiter is also a similar type of flavour, classic swiss cheeses that are more salty, not nutty like Emmentaler.

>> No.12258642

So far I haven't really found "spicy" to be an attractive characteristic in a cheese, what's the appeal

>> No.12258653

Also what do you recommend as a good starting point for Swiss/alpine cheeses

>> No.12258661

I don't mean spicy as in chili spicy hot, but spicy as in strong, pronounced flavour. Highly spiced. Like how MSG makes food more flavourful.

Gruyère and Emmental are the two basics. They're also easy to find. Gruyère is the more salty type of cheese, Emmental is the nutty type of cheese.

>> No.12258663

What cheeses do your local farmers markets sell?

Recently I've gotten cream cheese, sour cream, 60 day raw milk goat feta, tomme, a rather young gouda, and a nice cheddar.

I love farmers market dairy, but especially the cheeses and cultured dairy products.

>> No.12258680

I'm referring to something like epoisses, how certain washed rind cheeses have a spiciness to them. To me that kick just makes those cheeses remind me even more of rotten trash because of the way that spice feels. So far I haven't found the appeal in that quality or even washed rind cheeses in general

>> No.12258690

From there you can move on to Appenzeller, Sbrinz, Tilsiter, or L'Etivaz.
I'm only talking Swiss cheeses here, frenchies and Italians have their own sort of alpine cheeses. But I'm not so familiar with those.
There's more obscure ones, but those are hard to find outside Switzerland.

idk, that seems more typical of french cheeses like Brie or Camembert, which have that "putrid"-ish smell to them. Swiss cheeses are different, they're more cured, hard cheeses. But they also get a bit of a putrid smell to them since they're spicy cheeses. If you don't like that well that's too bad, not much one can do about it. Some people have a taste for it, some don't. Maybe try spanish cheeses, they're more salty-type and of simpler taste. Except genuine Manchego. Try some spanish sheep cheese maybe. Those are like regular spreading cheese but on steroids. Maybe that's more up your alley.

>> No.12258693

The farmers market I've been to a couple times near me hasn't had much in the way of cheese unfortunately. The one time I saw cheese there it was a rep from stepladder creamery serving samples. Pretty disappointing honestly

>> No.12258722

Yea lately I've been exploring mostly French bloomy rind/washed rind cheeses and I'm looking to move into something else. Bloomy rind stuff I mostly fuck with, in the worse cheeses I've had so far the rind can be bitter but it's nothing like washed rind in my experience. Only like two cheeses have had that harsh spiciness from what I've tried. Otherwise, my experience with harder cheeses has been limited to a couple sheeps milk cheeses from France, stuff that's somewhat similar to manchego

>> No.12258734

Is it not a producer's market? Those are worth seeking out.

>> No.12258736

Real manchego is surprisingly nutty, bitter and greasy, I didn't like it. But for the longest time all kinds of variations were called manchego, which were of milder, simpler taste.
If you ever get a hold of it, try Flor de Esgueva. Excellent spanish sheep cheese.

>> No.12258749

Producers market?

>> No.12258779

What do you like in a cheese? seems like you've had a lot of Swiss stuff, is that just because of preference?

>> No.12258800

Everything they sell is made by the farms themselves local.

e g no 3rd parties involved

>> No.12259232

anyone know of any active and worthwhile forums about cheese

>> No.12259553
File: 146 KB, 1280x853, Rumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cheese experts able to give their thoughts on Rumi? How is it?

>> No.12259566
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I enjoy nice cheese from time to time, but when I want to trash it up I get this shit. I love it

>> No.12259567

I really like tomme de savoie because of that spiciness you describe what would you recommend to branch out?

>> No.12259571

i want to become a pretentious cheese snob but i've only eaten the basics like cheddars, jacks, provolone, parmesan, all that regular stuff. where do i begin?

>> No.12259572

Looks great

>> No.12259578

Start with bloomy rind cheeses. Brie, Camembert, chabichou.

>> No.12259588
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What do you guys think of my cheese and charcuterie list

>> No.12259594

i saw a wheel of brie at a sprouts store while stocking their beer for work and it looked very creamy and mouthwatering. i'll start there, thanks anon

>> No.12259678

Is this for a restaurant? Do you make the menu?

>> No.12259687

Go to a farmers market and buy what's fresh. Talk with the farmers and ask them about what they make, how they make it, and how it tastes, and what they cook with it.

>> No.12259693

Yeah with input from the owners

>> No.12259703

eat the brie and camembert at room temp. they taste like shit cold. pretty much goes for most white pepo quesos.

>> No.12259713
File: 20 KB, 300x365, 1518342633551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont do what that guy said. he's a faggot. he doesnt know that you're a dumb faggot and would just get swindled by the guy who repackages grocery store cheese and sells it to morons who dont know better at farmers markets.

>> No.12259720

>but what’s fresh


>> No.12259724

This is a producer's only market. You can absolutely taste the difference. Nothing there is supermarket quality. You have no idea what you are talking about. It is weird that people are suspicious of farmer's markets. Look on their website to see that they say they are a producer's only market and source from local farms and list those farms. You can do your due diligence, sure, but to accuse ALL farmers markets of being a swindle is ridiculous. Farmers markets have AMAZING dairy and cheese. It isn't like as polished as some commercial cheeses, but it tastes so fresh.

>> No.12259729

Can't comment on the meats but with what I've tried from that cheese list, I like how there's newbie friendly cheeses in almost every category. Again, I'm only commenting on what I've tried, but with stuff like brillat savarin, mimolette, port salut, Ossau iraty you've got stuff which is delicious, not too weird, but still interesting sounding enough to be special for someone who's new to it. Why so many French cheeses doe? Is it a French restaurant?

>> No.12259743

Never tried it, how available is it?

>> No.12259745

Yeah security is intense at these markets lol

>> No.12259753

Yeah it’s a French spot

>> No.12259755

Literally talk to the people who work there about how they make the cheese.

>> No.12259760

What's your background in cheese?

>> No.12259766

I just asked and he said he buys it at the gas station and just puts it in wood boxes and sells to retards.

>> No.12259769


>> No.12259782

It isn't in wood boxes you moron. The packaging isn't fancy, but the cheesy is clearly fresher than that at the supermarket.

>> No.12259784

If you have one nearby I'd recommend going to your local cheese shop. They'll be able to help you pick out something noob friendly that's still delicious and different. When it comes to bloomy rind cheeses, stuff that's similar in style to Brie, a typical entry level one that people still praise is Mt. Tam, a triple creme cheese made in California. A lot of supermarket Brie can be a little sub par, in my experience they can be too salty or the rind can taste like ass. However, supermarkets in America can have some pretty good stuff in stock. My personal favorite is probably Fromager d'Affinois, really creamy, pretty mild, friendly cheese

>> No.12259787

good shit, cant afford it, but enjoy it every time my parents buy it.

>> No.12259790

It's for sure fresher but fresher isn't always better I gotta say. When it comes to something like ricotta or mozzarella, fresh is better, but I don't necessarily want fresh cheddar or fresh Brie

>> No.12259796

idk either you're swiss or you're not

>> No.12259811

how much cheese do you serve with each order

>> No.12259824

I mean you will never get the texture of parmigiano-reggiano at a farmers market but you get some awesome cheeses nonetheless. I love the local cheddar, brie is nice young but I find the farmers market cheeses like that age quickly so be careful. I love making mac n cheese with random farmers market cheeses.

>> No.12259829

What kind of stand sells all this cheese? Is it just some dude with a couple cows making his own cheeses?

>> No.12259855

There's one or two at each market. The bigger one has like 3-4 people who sell cheese. There's a lot of smaller goat cheese producers because even with just a family size farm and a couple goats you can produce enough to sell.

Finding cows milk cheese is a bit rarer because I think that's a more expensive setup but there's at least two here I go to and they are amazing. I LOVE the aged tomme in the fall for Thanksgiving mashed potatoes.

I haven't directly asked, "how many animals do you have". I guess it is a good question but I am rather satisfied with the quality of the good, regardless.

>> No.12259865

Where is this? Are you in a city or somewhere more rural?

>> No.12259879

I have no formal cheese education. I have been a cook for 8 years

>> No.12259881

Washington D.C.

>> No.12259896

Depends on the cheese. Usually 2-3 oz and served with accoutrements

>> No.12259906

Do a lot of people buy the cheese?

>> No.12259909

I like muenster

>> No.12259958

I do too

>> No.12260022

do you have your own spinning grater at home for that? do you buy it shredded? how does this work

>> No.12260035
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Anyone leveled up enough to be able to actually enjoy this fucker? Holy shit it's strong.

>> No.12260110

haven't tried their blue but I remember really liking their havarti when I last had it, real mild and fatty

>> No.12260753

Yeah boi

>> No.12260761
File: 1.35 MB, 2807x3292, le-cabrissac-ziegenkaese-mit-asche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT goat cheese.

>> No.12260940

Hard to read at that angle, tbqh.
Looks good though, except maybe the french hams, they leave me cold when compared to their Spanish and Italian (and even German) counterparts.

Do this: >>12259703
Leave it out all day before you eat it if possible. Or make a sandwich with some brie early in the morning, let it sit until lunchtime and it will be slightly melted. Heaven.

>> No.12261236

Yeah the jambon de Paris doesn’t belong on there in my opinion. Would much rather have Serrano or real prosciutto iberico instead of just the palleta
Owners like having it for their butter ham compte sammies

>> No.12261275

i like creamy cheese
recommend me some other than brie and camembert (i love both, just want some variety)

>> No.12261298

Epoisses if you live in Europe and aren‘t afraid of brapalicious smells. Saint-Felicien, Chaource, Robiola, Taleggio.

>> No.12261318

thanks man, they all look great

>> No.12261323
File: 662 KB, 2480x2480, Sbrinz_Logo_cmyk_NEW_ohneKreis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My religion.

>> No.12261353

I ate an entire bag of shredded cheese blend the other day. Should I feel ashamed?

>> No.12261355

Cheese literally is rotten milk. How can such a product ever be fresh?

>> No.12261368

Oh sweet summer child. You don't know anything.

>> No.12261371

>Cheese literally is rotten milk
But it literally isn‘t.

>> No.12261390

Petit Liverot!

>> No.12261406
File: 18 KB, 178x242, 8746FDC9-D4A4-4649-A121-79244B9AA502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this level of ignorance

>> No.12261408

I live in America and I’ve had
I want to find a market that has some real funky ass shit but so far I haven’t found much more, sucks to be an American fag when you have an unhealthy cheese obsession

>> No.12261413

>find a market that has some real funky ass shit
If you‘re after European cheeses, you‘d probably be better off looking for imports in fancy grocery stores.

>> No.12261414

I just found that I really like strong flavored cheeses, things like Brie really didn’t tickle my pickle

>> No.12261454

Which one do you like

>> No.12261461

Do you think all European cheeses are like Brie?

>> No.12261464

Get yourself some epoisse!!

>> No.12261467

Cut him some slack Americans need cheese help sometimes

>> No.12261514

As in Egyptian gibna rumi? It is ok only in the context of other egyptian foods. It is something your parents or grandparents are in the 1970s and 80s because there were no other cheeses available except for three others plus the addition of mish with dooda.

T. Edam 4 lyfe.

>> No.12261520
File: 50 KB, 600x480, point reyes bay blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a huge wedge of this yesterday, it's one of my most favorite cheeses. The flavor is impeccable, it's a fantastic blue.

>> No.12261789

If you live in any major city you should be able to find a dedicated cheese shop near you. Go to it, tell them what you're looking for, try some samples, walk out with some dope cheese

>> No.12261799
File: 46 KB, 450x450, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like bleu cheese

>> No.12261870

I really like Gouda and the sharpest cheddar possible, I also like feta quite a bit.
Obviously not, did you even see the list I made, some of them are much stronger than Brie you absolute mong
I don’t even know what that is but if I can find it I will definitely try it
The problem is I live in a part of California that doesn’t really have anything that cool, and between me and the major cities (LA, Palm Springs) is a barrier of literal ghetto trash.

>> No.12261872

Literally just checked, closest cheese shops are literally like 30 miles away and in California with this proximity to LA that’s an hour drive.

>> No.12261912


>> No.12261918

I know that there are online shops that deliver more interesting cheeses but they charge insane prices for delivery/shipping. If you can find a group of people to order a bunch of cheese together and split the delivery cost, it would be worth. Otherwise I guess check out the fanciest supermarket near you, shit like Whole Foods can have some decent cheeses

>> No.12261924

Also if you do decide to go to LA or ever have any business there, you can find a couple cheese shops in the valley so you don't need to go to fuckin Beverly Hills or some shit for it

>> No.12261990

have you tried any of point reyes' other cheeses? their original blue?

>> No.12262024


hol up, nibba

papaya in cheese? how do the enzymes not break down the proteins?

maybe it’s cooked to stop the process? tell me more

>> No.12262077
File: 51 KB, 920x632, FDF18AA2-432E-4937-8EB9-82F2F73651DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the true patrician’s choice

>> No.12262120
File: 565 KB, 1087x582, menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your top picks from this list

>> No.12262173

Can confirm:
It's fucking divine.

>> No.12262265

also duck mousse sucks
as for the cheese it's mostly good stuff but get real swap the emmental for some gruyère
you might want to add the age of the cheese, a 6 month and 18 month old comté are worlds apart
overpriced af in my opinion but i guess the environment make up for it

>> No.12262280

>canned cheese
Do Americans really?

>> No.12262307

Nah dude, I’m in the IE specifically near Redlands. I’d have to go to riverside or further to find a legitimate cheese shop.
The problem is I’m in this weird grey area where everything is decent but there’s not really any places that are specialty/fancy in any way.
I’m too young to have friends like that but it would be a good idea
If I’m ever in LA or Oceanside (gf’s dad and military friends) I can probably find a solid one, but those are both 2 hours away from me.

>> No.12262480

convince your friends, im young too but i got a group of my friends who knew nothing about cheese to buy a bunch of stuff together and try it all out. exploit their curiosity, its a fun way to spend a day

>> No.12262527
File: 86 KB, 426x639, cannoli-dip11text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I heard that a (good) Cannoli Dip uses cheeses, and I'd rather not make my own thread so...

I'm gonna make a cannoli dip for my boss for the surprise party I'm hosting for him on Sunday. What type of "chips" should I give him? Broken cannoli shells, waffle cones or something else entirely?

>> No.12263200

might wanna make your own thread, pretty off topic question, doubt you'll get a response

>> No.12263244

It’s a small wheel coated in dried bits of papaya. Very very good

>> No.12263258

Emmental is better than gruyere. Fact.
Good point on the compte though. You’re totally right. It’s like a world of difference between the 10 months and the 14 months.

>> No.12264408

>paying more for shittier products

>> No.12264479

Waffle cone pieces would be good. You could also go to the cookie and cracker aisle in your store and look for some thin, crisp butter cookies or something like that. You could also buy some refrigerated pie pastry, unfold it, and cut into strips, dust with cinnamon sugar, and bake until crisp and golden.

>> No.12264502

You don't understand. Look up Cougar Gold. It's fucking delicious. Also, you can keep aging it, because it's sealed, and eventually you'll end up with a cheese that's like a long-aged cheddar with all the delicious crunchy crystals in it.

>> No.12264528

how do you buy it? do you get it delivered?

>> No.12265473
File: 54 KB, 609x457, cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for pozzed coasties and pretentious europoors who have never had the best cheese in the world

>> No.12265479

>the state of flyover cope

>> No.12265614
File: 716 KB, 1079x595, d1ia3gy-a3c966fd-79b1-4e87-9daa-19a522793cd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one enjoying Venezuelan beaver cheese.
Plebs,move aside

>> No.12265623

Richard Cheese,aka known as dick .

>> No.12265629

Is there any difference between alpine and non-alpine cheese, as in the taste?

>> No.12265647
File: 81 KB, 784x676, F946C85C-50A2-4A51-9BA1-72E1047CD011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpine means it was made in alpine regions.

>> No.12265650

Exactly. I'm asking if the altitude changed the taste.

>> No.12265657

Also the pasture has a difference

>> No.12265676
File: 32 KB, 640x896, AE65A954-D104-47AC-9E98-0A9A986DC6F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or something? There are dozens of different cheeses made in alps. What the fuck do you mean „does the taste change“? Compared to what? Thousands of different non-alpine cheeses?

>> No.12266024

Alpine cheeses typically refer to a certain style of cheese commonly made in the alps. However, there is a concept called terroir which basically states that when making/growing a product, the region it's made/grown in makes a noticeable difference in taste. That concept is the basis for a lot of regional designation and protection of products like wine and cheese and beer in Europe

>> No.12266032

Hey guys it’s the cheese bar cook from earlier. I just got a job offer for a Sous Chef position making 50k

>> No.12266041

Are you the fag that preshucked oysters hours before service? If yes then leave the position for someone actually competent.

>> No.12266072

Congrats? Sounds like something you wanted, I'm happy for you

>> No.12266254

No I’m the guy who was calling him a hack

>> No.12266263

Good to hear, based cheese cook anon.

>> No.12266286

Good job bud

>> No.12266400

Yeah, I've tried all their cheeses. All very good, too. I just live a couple hours away from their facilities, so pretty much every store around here has their cheeses.

>> No.12266409

And what a this?

>> No.12266435

La tur, Italian creamy cheeese made from a mix of goat, sheep, and cow milk. I had a young one recently and I fucking adored it, very rich, pretty mild, tastes and smells a lot like fresh milk with some tang from the goat cheese

>> No.12266443

That sounds wonderful. Where do you live and where'd you find it?

>> No.12266449

I live in Northern California, I got it from a nicer Safeway but my local cheese shop also carries it. I'd definitely check nearby cheese shops, maybe like a Whole Foods or some shit may have it

>> No.12266491

>tfw nearest Whole Foods in an hour away

>> No.12266500

Do you got a farmers market or cheese shop or something near you?

>> No.12266512

Yeah, farmers markets for sure. I'll have a look for it.

>> No.12266530

You might be able to find like a specialty cheese stand or something at your market. If not that, see if there's anyone local selling cheese they made themselves, any kinda creamy, bloomy rind, young cheese would be a decent bit similar I think

>> No.12266541

post big veins

>> No.12266619
File: 1.06 MB, 1356x1895, 1546034662929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of french products, feels like home

>> No.12266849

Guys, parmesan cheese smells like vomit and it pisses me off, does pecorino smell like vomit too ??

>> No.12266881

Which part of the Parmesan smells like vomit? Also, just to make sure, you're talking about legit parmigiano reggiano?

>> No.12266898

um, yeah i just get parmigiano reggiano, already in crumbs in a bag, it smells like vomit. i do want to eventually start getting blocks of cheese but hey ho
this is the one

>> No.12266904

Yea I'd say try getting a chunk and grating it yourself, pretty sure grated parm shouldn't smell like vomit. Does it taste okay?

>> No.12266929
File: 362 KB, 750x608, 1514561660468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't care much about flavors, I just look for uncommon bacteria to fortify my gut flora.
So far I've had parmigiano (original, of course), and some emmental (original too)
any recommendations? remember, just looking to diversify my flora

>> No.12266945

yeah it tastes fine, i googled "parm smells like vomit" and people seemed to agree
but does pecorino smell different to parm?

>> No.12266963

that smell is because it's mostly the hard outer shell that gets grinded.
that part is edible, but very strong and burned in some parts because of the branding.
just get a chunk dude.

>> No.12266971


>> No.12266973

Do bloomy rind and washed rind cheeses if you're looking for more exotic bacteria. Shit like Brie type stuff for bloomy rind and more obscure stuff for washed rind like epoisses or red hawk in America. Also, if you can find raw milk cheeses, those have much more diverse bacteria

>> No.12266980

What the fuck, bunnies and horses are normal food.

>> No.12266992

they are, but almost always considered to be a poorfag alternative

>> No.12267010

good raw milk cheeses are hard to find when you don't live in europe.

>> No.12267018

They absolutely are. You might be able to find an older soft cheese that's raw but your best bet otherwise is to look at firmer stuff. You can find a bunch of imported raw cheeses at specialty cheese shops

>> No.12267043

Pecorino smells exactly like vomit. Parm only does when it‘s really young.

>> No.12267056

it's tricky because some brands export pasteurized variants of their raw milk cheeses.
maybe I'll use some contacts and get it as contraband.

>> No.12267059
File: 31 KB, 645x773, 0DF4BB0C-C55E-44F1-84E6-CD0FAB5083E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro-tip: if you like blue cheese try Valdeon and Cabrales. Absolutely blows Roquefort and Gorgonzola fags out of the water.

>> No.12267076

As long as the cheese is older than 60 days, it can be sold raw here in America. So no need for contraband if you're buying firmer/older cheeses

>> No.12267100
File: 77 KB, 736x460, A70776A0-8A04-48E6-9103-7E605AA6AF4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayo they be sayin da white boi‘s in for smuggling some stinky cheese yo

>> No.12267135

OK, I found a local store that has imported Comté and Raclette, both made from raw milk.
I'm happy now
My gut flora will be ready for the next epidemic

>> No.12267147

Congrats bud, hope you enjoy it

>> No.12267382

>what are your top picks from this list
Lots of those cheeses on that list have important variations, depending on the actual producer, how long they've been aged, etc; I can't tell from the list which ones they actually have. (The others... might also do this, but I don't know them well enough to say.)

Still, that's not a terrible list. Just... not really done by a cheese expert. There's a lot of types, but not so much actual knowledge behind making the list.

>> No.12267454

I mean, considering how packed that board is, how would you have fit in more specifics

>> No.12267474

It‘s just a list of types they have in stock, autismo. People come to buy a specific type of cheese, not any cheese from a specific producer.

>> No.12268381

I work in cheese. its pretty cool. majority cheddars but its been cool learning

>> No.12268396

What kinda business you work in? Is it a cheese shop or a creamery or somethin

>> No.12269583

I got some manchego cheese from trader joe's (made in spain) and for some reason it tastes like wax, even when eating it without the brown rind. Why is it so?

>> No.12269808

yes, but they have a limited supply each year so have to plan ahead

>> No.12269905

Are you close enough that delivery isn't a complete rip off or do you buy in bulk

>> No.12270278
File: 135 KB, 380x340, KG-Extra-Mature-Cheddar1-380x340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been around the block cheese-wise, love me some blues, some softs, etc. But you just can't beat a nice, sharp, crumbly cheddar like pic related.

>> No.12270433

I have a story about cheese.
>be me a couple years ago
>parent's friends over to hang out
>the guy says that no one has heard from his gay cousin for 2 weeks
>my Dad says we should investigate for fun, he guarantees hes dead
>take 45 min trip to his house
>knock but no one answers
>dog moves curtain
>can see slippers in the kitchen
>gay cousin is definitely dead
>emts arrive
"Hes cold" -emt guy
"Does he need a blanket" -Dad
>unforgettable smell of two week old dead gay cousin
>christmas roles around
>recieve various cheeses from family by mail
>Dad makes me smell one of the cheese's crust
>we both agree it smells like dead gay cousin

Anybody recognize this cheese? I forgot what it was but I would like to buy some.

>> No.12270451

Guy in my business class works at a local grocery store deli and always wears a hat that says "The Big Cheese." I don't even know his real name, he's just the Big Cheese. Nice guy tho

>> No.12270582

Based and Dad jokes pilled.

>> No.12270947

This is too advanced for me. Explain.

>> No.12271010

The pie pastry thing sounds interesting. Thanks

>> No.12271044

Blue cheese has mold in it!
Blue cheese has mold in it!!
Blue cheese has mold in it!!!
Bleu cheese has mold in it!!!!
Blue cheese has mold in it!!!!!
Dude blue cheese has MOLD in it!!!!!!!!!!4

>> No.12271102

Looks very good except for port-salut. It's an industrial supermarket cheese that don't really belong on the list imo.

>> No.12271221

Yes wtf

>> No.12271670

cHeEsE mOuLd HaS bLuE iN iT>>>

>> No.12272829
File: 2.56 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went and both these, about to try them, thoughts on my purchases?

>> No.12272978

This cheese smelled exactly like a person I found who had been dead for two weeks.

>> No.12272989

What did it look like? Where was it from? I can think of a few cheeses that smell putrid that might remind one of rotting flesh or some shit

>> No.12273013

It‘s two of the absolute most popular and ubiquitous cheeses in the world. What kind of „thoughts“ are you expecting? Well done, I guess.

>> No.12273022

Pretty expensive but then again it's imported, right?

>> No.12273033
File: 10 KB, 235x235, 1555422950763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a recipe in a French cooking book where they wanted you to spread 125grams of brie with 100grams of butter and mix it with spices, then spread it on baguettes and bake it in the oven. Maybe I should try it if I have to make food to friends

>> No.12273037

Whenever I see this dog I first see the nose as the mouth and the mouth as ears and teeth as hair coming out of the ears or something. Was this the desired effect of this image?

>> No.12273381
File: 62 KB, 1169x508, Harzer_Käse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat Harzer every day. Less than 1% fat, 100kcal for 100g, smells like old socks and is almost pure protein.

>> No.12273425

Where you get it from? Do you eat it with anything? What's it taste like?

>> No.12273448

German type of washed-rind cheese made from low-fat sour milk. I think it can't be imported into the US because the bacteria are a bit unusual. Some people actually died after eating it. Popular with bodybuilders here as it is almost pure protein. Very salty but mild and incredibly smelly.

>> No.12274097

someone has the webm of the cheese inside a goat skin?

>> No.12274119

Different anon, but the one time that I tried brie, it tasted exactly like plaster smells while being bland at the same time. Is that normal?

>> No.12274126

Kinda sounds like shit Brie but it does have a distinct smell. If I'm not mistaken the more plastic smell is due to how cheap Brie is made

>> No.12274133

I definitely wasn't a fan. It seemed extremely bland and had a very odd consistency. Then again, I'm a burger so it probably wasn't even real Brie that I bought.

>> No.12274161

I wasn't a fan at first either. I'd recommend giving it another shot with higher quality stuff if you're interested. A cheese that I ate early on that opened me up more to Brie style cheeses was Fromager d'Affinois. Pretty mild, real creamy, not a strong tasting rind. It was even available at my local safeways

>> No.12274167

Aahhhh fromage fort. Grate in some garlic too!

>> No.12274509

How do I stop melted mozzarella from becoming too stringy and blocking my airway.

>> No.12274637

How does it block your airway

>> No.12274677

Why does manchego taste like wax?

>> No.12274868

Give me some examples, that specific cheese is not important to me actually. Just the smell.
It was yellow with a really awful looking crust, the crust was what smelled horrible which would make sense.

>> No.12274890

So the type of cheeses that usually have the worst smells are washed rind cheeses. In my experience they smell like rotten trash and body odor. The older the cheese gets, the more pungent the aroma. I know of a few American cheese makers that have washed rind cheeses. I've tried cowgirl creamery's red hawk which was pretty nasty but from what I've had so far it was the most mild. However, it's the type of shit where the smell will get stuck under your fingernails after touching the slimy ass rind. I've also tried nicasio square which was even more pungent and foul. I'm thinking I probably bought an older piece of it as it was so horrible I just threw the fuckin thing away cuz I only bought a small chunk. Both of those are California cheese makers and I don't know how available they are elsewhere. There's a lot of French washed rind cheeses as well with one of the most famous being epoisses. Most of these cheeses have rinds that range from a pale yellowy orange to darker orange, almost red. Most of them are washed in a brine solution that contains a very specific strain of bacteria along with some kinda booze

>> No.12274897

Was it a creamy cheese or was it solid? Also, where did it get shipped to you from?

>> No.12275035

Olomoucké tvarůžky
anyone tried this?

>> No.12275118

I bought some Leyden cheese; the cumin and caraway seeds go really well with the texture and taste of the gouda!
>tfw we Europeans are to dismissive of American cheese culture (some times for the right reasons but much like English cuisine tend to unfairly dismiss everything) and I will never taste the magical concept of Wisconsian 'salami cheese'. I also want to try pimento cheese...
When I was in the army I had 'service' canned cheese. A yellow cheddar style but semi soft cheese with a self life of 15 yrs. Canned cheese can be found in various military mres especially in Europe.