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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 500x441, the-real-spicy-boi-3162212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12261602 No.12261602 [Reply] [Original]

How do I build my spice tolerance? I want the teen girl at my local Korean BBQ to stop laughing at me when I order mild

>> No.12261617

>caring about zipperheads

>> No.12261621

>I want the teen girl at my local Korean BBQ to stop laughing at me when I order mild

Bring a gun next time

>> No.12261647

Canada my dude. It's less cool here.
She's a sweetiepie though

>> No.12261651

is that tom kenny?

>> No.12261656

whats the difference between a canadian and a canoe?
>a canoe will tip.

>> No.12261694

Eat more spicy stuff and get used to it.

>> No.12261724

Yeah because waiters here get an actual wage. I still tip 10%

>> No.12261726

Or you could go one step further, and bring a rocket launcher and a couple sticks of dynamite.

>> No.12261767

we have a saying over here in 'the states' youll really enjoy.
if we get a table of ethnic shits, we call them canadians—because everyone hates canadians.
learn to tip you useless shits and stop asking for your faggot ass plum sauce. no one carries it.
god only knows what less scrupulous people do to your food over here, but whatever it is, you fucking deserve it.

>> No.12261817

Start off with flaming hot Cheetos and work your way up through spicy Mexican junk food.

>> No.12261826

Make something that you find pretty spicy a regular part of your meals. It would be pointless to keep eating something you find like medium level of spicy expecting to be able to handle something actually hot after. Depending on your tolerance, including fresh jalapeño in every meal you eat might be the right level of spice. If that's unbearable, get a hot sauce like sriracha and include that in as much food as you can

>> No.12261829

Lol you're mad

>> No.12261850

Just save time and truck-bomb the restaurant, that'll show 'em.

>> No.12261859

Not him but christ you got roasted properly you fucking leaf

>> No.12261881

and youve eaten spit countless times. yokes on you cheap fuck.

>> No.12261896

I wouldn't call throwing a hissy fit 'roasting someone'

>> No.12262566

If you're the kind of person who does that, or agrees with the behaviour, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.12262583

You could quit being a bitch

>> No.12262596

lol should've stayed in school waiter bitch

>> No.12262601

Get off the internet great grandpa

>> No.12262603

>not bringing at least 3 ussr black market tactical nuclear warheads anywhere you go
Are you even trying?

>> No.12262610

Friend from Caribbean did macho-hot pepper eating contests as a kid. They'd swish and spit with coconut oil or vegetable oil before chowing down. The oil coating kept the heat level down (get ready for lava-ass later). Try it at home first. Sounds gross, but it may do the trick.

>> No.12262614
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i did opium for 7 years then quit by becoming an alcoholic for another 3 years and after consuming a handle of wild turkey every two days now nothing seems spicy anymore, seems a little extreme to impresses a Korean teen though

>> No.12262630
File: 224 KB, 1432x1080, thas hawt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Korean teen is no sweety-pie if she's laughing at you. Probably a mail-order bride or a soon-to-be sex trafficking statistic. See if she'll give you a 'happy ending' after your cat-wing appetizer.

Either way, try coating your tongue in advance before eating spicy stuff. Like with something dairy-based.

>> No.12262641

tell her you stacked her family up as sandbags in da nang

>> No.12262658

Start with Valentina, then Tabasco, then Mrs. Renfro's Ghost Pepper, then get some real hot sauces like Dave's, Blair's, Mad Dog 357, etc. It's all about graduated increases in capsaicin.

>> No.12262669
File: 9 KB, 290x290, LN_599303_BP_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find something you like and try it with spices for a change. That will help increase your tolerance. For me it was chicken. I always had it plain, now I need them with chillis and hot sauce. You don't need to go overboard. Try something like pic related in your cooking, it's actually very mild.

>> No.12262675
File: 26 KB, 420x315, 1554797005678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat that pussy, you'll be wanting some hot sauce. Then afterwards you could lick her vagina to get the taste of cat out of your mouth

>> No.12262682

Sick mentally ill racysts

>> No.12262684

if you think its ok to stiff servers so fucking much that an entire country has a reputation of not tipping then you absolutely deserve it. iceniggers are raw, unfiltered fecal matter.
ever think people wait tables while in school, peabrain?

>> No.12262693

aww little babby got his feefees hurt. now fetch somebody's food and beg for them to give you money

>> No.12262697

sick burns icenigger

>> No.12262736
File: 1.92 MB, 257x193, 1554759647834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats raycist about it, they proudly eat cats and dogs just like Japanese eat ramen. Also whats wrong with a little cunnilingus? y u so repressed?

>> No.12262746

Sick. You're sick... Sick. So sick..

Ive eaten dog its not bad. Wouldnt eat my own dog

>> No.12262768

I don't know why you're so mad, or where you got the idea I said any of that. Looking at it, Canada doesn't allow paying servers less than minimum wage, so the tipping culture shouldn't be prevalent. However, anecdotal evidence, which is equally as invalid as your anecdotal evidence tells me they tip the same as in the US. Maybe a touch less, but you get admonished equally as much there if you don't tip.

>> No.12262792
File: 20 KB, 367x451, 1551141099440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've eaten dog but you won't eat a girls pussy
>absolute faggot
actually no, i've seen a gay guy eat a bull dikes pussy on a dare which makes you gayer then an actual homosexual

>> No.12262841

>Caring about what a teenager thinks


>> No.12262865

Im not invested in this at all but your insults and choice of image macros are all weirdly early 2010s style of roasting.

>> No.12262902

the lava ass is the problem for me. One too many sleepless nights weeping, regretting my life choices as I squeeze out an eensy weensie droplet of brown napalm that fucking hisses when it hits the bowl

>> No.12262914
File: 131 KB, 816x404, 1551313535100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man you attacked me for pointing out that Koreans proudly eat their pets, you need to go back->

>> No.12262928

After a point your body just gets used to it

>> No.12262934

Relax man /ck/ is a comfy boomer board, youre supposed to hang up that typical 4chan replying style at the door

Also welcome

>> No.12262954

Yup. When it really burns, I wipe just enough to get the big chunks, then take a warm shower and let the water wash away the pain. I imagine a bidet would be nice in those situations.

>> No.12262968
File: 470 KB, 481x1171, 1554783262754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comfy boomer board
what are you talking about /ck/ is one of the most vicious boards on 4chan, /po/ just say edgy shit but /ck/ attacks cut deep, they are ruthless here

>> No.12262972

ditto, I use TP to do chunking/heavy lifting, then I use moist wipes to remove the fire syrup. A shower follows but only for the most serious. And yeah, a bidet would be good for that

>> No.12262995

just order it more spicy. don't give into the pain just do that shit.

>> No.12263043

You could say I'm racist, or you could say it's my past experience with Korean teens of either sex. Just so you know, Koreans are 5 times more racist than you can ever imagine, much like a fair number of that ethnicity. You think she's laughing because white bread can't take the heat? Try understanding the language, and you'll see how she, her family and probably cutting on you and anyone who remotely looks like you. You'll be dying to hang with some nice, tolerant and progressive members of the KKK after that.

>> No.12263052

>how do I get better at doing thing
have you tried eating incrementally spicier foods?

>> No.12263053

Am korean

Can confirm

You should hear my dad talk about mexicans. Funny shit

Its all in good fun though

>> No.12263185

I dunno,, the papercraft and origami board is pretty cutting.

>> No.12263224

paper cuts are the worst

>> No.12263302


>> No.12264526


Can you take a hidden pic of her? I want to see what she looks like..