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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 290 KB, 1080x1080, pasta-aglio-olio-pepperoncino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12260814 No.12260814 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking normalfags
>be me
>say I want to cook for once
>family excited
>will be cooking Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Peperoncino
>am excited as well
>mom asks me to use tagliatelle instead of spaghetti because of the expiration date
>also doesn't want me to use pepper flakes
>don't care
>the next day
>wake up
>dad comes to me
>says they've already peeled and cut the garlic in half
>"you aren't making the pasta, right?" says I
>"we just wanted to help you, champ" says my dad
>go to the kitchen at 80 km/h
>find my mom boiling tagliatelle
>puts a shit ton of oil in the water and just a pinch of salt
>always throws out the water instead of adding it for the sauce
>never finishes the pasta in the pan to mix it with the sauce
>always leaves the pasta finished but we have to wait half an hour or more because the dumb bitch wants to have a beer
>then reheats the pasta without the sauce on the microwave leaving it stiff
>jesus christ
>i just give up
>gets mad at me for criticizing the way she makes it
>won't be eating whatever the hell she's doing
>go to Taco Bell and get me a burrito

Which experiences have you had with your family cooking like shit?

>> No.12260823

You woke up around dinner time and live with your parents

You sound like a loser.

>> No.12260829

I used to have that problem at Thanksgiving but my female family members finally learned to accept that I'm a strong man who don't need no woman in the kitchen.

They accept their role as sous chefs now and let make all the important decisions.

>> No.12260833

Some moms are really weird about letting their kids cook and wash clothes. I think it's because they see it as their major jobs so when the kid starts cooking it's like their main role of providing food becomes nullified. Your mom needs to let go and stop being clingy. Same happened with mine. Every time I offered to cook or asked for advice she would just do it herself, then passive aggressively moan how she had to cook every day and was sick of it.

>> No.12260834

You stayed in your room and people did for you what you said you would do for them out of pity or genuine love. If they're normalfags remember that you're one hell of a lazy cunt and you don't deserve them.
>Living in another country, family comes to visit for the weekend
>Made a dope aubergine and spinach lasagna
>Parents are both swayed, even the dad who cannot live a day without eating some kind of meat
>Come back home to see the gramps a bit later
>Mom suggests I make my lasagna from last time because she can't forget how great it was
>They have a fancy oven and I'm used to my hobo one, no idea how fast it goes
>Overcook the lasagna by a shitload
>Everyone still eats it with a smile even though I know for a fact that it's just not great at all
It still pains me to this day that I made them a subpar dinner.

>> No.12260840
File: 62 KB, 1000x1000, projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dinner time
are you retarded? i woke up at lunch time, i said >the next day
>live with your parents
Fuck you, I'm 18
also pic related

>> No.12260842


>> No.12260853

>your family literally wants to help and support you
>act like the world's biggest cunt
Knock that shit off right the fuck now you child. Some of us didnt even get to cook a dish for our folks before they passed away unexpectedly. Life is too short to act like that. All this impotent raging on /ck/ while living with your parents about your parents acting like normal fucking parents should earn you an ass kicking and I'm only sorry that you dont have any friends stepping up and checking your shitty attitude.

>> No.12260855

He was right though. Stop whining and sort your life out, LOSER.

>> No.12260857

Your life sounds so hard. You poor thing. Most other people are worrying about how they're going to keep a roof over their heads while your sitting their panicking over your gay lasagne.

>> No.12260864

that's my fucking mom, summed up in a post
>you're one hell of a lazy cunt and you don't deserve them.
look at >>12260833
>It still pains me to this day that I made them a subpar dinner.
I also hate when I make some dish worse than usual and they aren't sincere with me
it's not the first time they do something like this, you idiot, they don't really care about helping, again see>>12260833
I'm in fucking university

>> No.12260869

Hey fuck you too man. I hope you sort your life situation out though, which you won't by posting on an anonymous imageboard about food and if you can't get off your arse you deserve everything that's coming your way.

>> No.12260879

>implying I don't work
whatever keeps you in your superiority bubble

>> No.12260886
File: 9 KB, 232x217, 624ACEA4-A28A-4364-91B6-2E53630A3B77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children in Africa are dying of hunger!!
>all other problems are vain, silly and invalid!!!

>> No.12260890

Some family members tasting an overcooked lasagne they probably forgot about 2 days later isn't a problem faggot.

>> No.12260891

>>wake up
>>dad comes to me
>>says they've already peeled and cut the garlic in half
So you were, what, waking up in the afternoon? You piece of shit.

>> No.12260895

Who cares how many times shes done it? That's just typical mom shit. And you let it get to you so badly you snubbed everything and fucked off to go get fast food like you were competing in the world's biggest douchebag competition. It's not fucking worth getting that butthurt about. You'll get to cook them whatever you want once you get your own place and kitchen.

>> No.12260902

My family is the same so I never cook for them, only for me and my gf. I cooked mushroom risotto once tho, and a shit ton of it. When I go visit my mom that lives separately I get to cook though, she has great taste and is happy to sit down and let me do my thing.

>> No.12260904

I had the same exact feeling. Made pasta for my girlfriend's family and the sauce didn't come out right. They still enjoyed it but I feel shame.
You must have no pride in any of the work you do. We worry about our security as well as our pride. You sound like a failed loser who gave up and thus criticizes people for caring or attempting to do better. Also why waste time on 4chan if you're struggling to live?

>> No.12260910
File: 13 KB, 657x527, A1226B98-CB2B-4378-A99F-0A66F94B36F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live alone in another country
>when family comes to visit they want to eat out to enjoy local cuisine
>when I come to visit they forbid me to cook so I can enjoy the comfort and hospitality of family home
>tfw have to stealth cook to feed them

>> No.12260914

Never said anything about work. If you're getting evicted look for another place, if your place is crumbling down get to fixing it. I ain't your mom anon.

>> No.12260915

It is for people who care about their loved ones.

>> No.12260916

imagine thinking you know how to cook just because you read about cooking on the internet all day lol fuck off, OP

>> No.12260917

Oh and top of all of this they are paying for school for you?

You spoiled little shit.

>> No.12260922

Imagine thinking nobody can cook because you can‘t.

>> No.12260929

That's a lot of assumptions to make buddy. You throw out this 'loser' thing but you sound like someone who's been born with at least reasonable wealth and never had to worry about things beyond
>omg my lasagne
or truly work to achieve anything that wasn't already guaranteed for you.
For people like me and other lower class people we're grateful to just have food to eat. Our lives are grinding out days of work hoping we don't lose our jobs tomorrow and relaxing in the small down time we get. So I should be working every minute I'm not sleeping and can't even go on 4chan now?

>> No.12260931

You sound like an insufferable cunt

>> No.12260948
File: 73 KB, 1024x904, 9BDA49E6-6ECE-4369-9072-BD29E0C270F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I burnt my dish for a family dinner once and it was upsetting

>> No.12260950

The way you made it sound like it's something that troubles you regularly indicates that you have the luxury of worrying over trivial things.

>> No.12260949

>I'm in fucking university
Which will get you nowhere. Sort your life out LOSER.

>> No.12260953

>complains that he is accused of being a loser for acting like a loser
>then proceeds to project harder and make larger accusations with no evidence
Now that I know that your argument is no longer based in reality, you no longer deserve any more responses. By the way "boo hoo I have it so hard and there's absolutely nothing I can do to overcome my circumstances" is a loser's mindset.

>> No.12260958

>you have the luxury of worrying over trivial things
And here you are worrying about what anonymous people are doing with their time and worrying about what they think of you.

>> No.12260959

You’re fighting a strawman though. This is a fucking food board and specifically a thread about cooking for family.
Did he say it’s the biggest regret in his life? That he has no other troubles?

Have you ever fucked up a meal and have that haunt you later? For some people who really care about their food or are perfectionists, fucking up a signature dish can really bother you. Especially if you are low income as buying ingredients for a special meal that gets fucked up hurts bad. I’m poor as dirt and want to tax the rich, but take your bull shit class warfare elsewhere

>> No.12260961

I never do. My mother always cooked, and she lived to cook is also italian so I never had a bad meal. But she did still does put olive in pasta water.

>> No.12260962

Never gonna make it

>> No.12260964

I‘m not the guy, you just sound extremely self-absorbed and retarded. There‘s nothing wrong with caring about things beyond basic life necessities.

>> No.12260971

>By the way "boo hoo I have it so hard and there's absolutely nothing I can do to overcome my circumstances" is a loser's mindset
Except that's not what I was saying at all. You're throwing things at me venomously instead of looking at your own thoughts and behaviour. I don't want people to me pity me at all. I wanted you to realize that overcooking a lasagne isn't something to worry over at all and if you have a decent family who truly care about you, they too won't care because there are more important things to worry about in life.

>> No.12260975

Nice backpedaling you faggot

>> No.12260979

Why are you all so angry? It's like I've hit a deep nerve.

>> No.12260982

>there are more important things to worry about in life
Nobody claimed otherwise, you absolute babboon.

>> No.12260983

>be me
>say I want to cook for once
>family excited
>will be cooking Spaghetti
l o l

>> No.12260984

Except I'm not? Please inform me how I am.

>> No.12260987

You called the guy a milquetoast richfag who never worked for anything that wasn’t given.
When really you just got butthurt over fuck all.
You’re a loser with a loser’s mindset. You can change but it’ll take work. Sorry buddy things aren’t looking good

>> No.12260990

But the point is not to put thought into worrying about something that could be better spent on something else.

>> No.12260991
File: 41 KB, 480x640, 1485899053080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overcooked lasagna guy here. I never said it was a reoccurring issue and while it was disappointing I don't lose sleep over it. I'm sorry you're so upset over my failed pasta anon.

>> No.12260995

i don't even know what this post means

>> No.12260997

I don’t think you’re in the position to be giving other people thinking advice.

>> No.12260998

I mean that's yet to be rebutted and still stands. I was saying that's one of the possible reasons as to why he worries over things like overcooked food.
This whole 'loser' thing is so benign. Like what even constitutes a loser? Making a lot of moneuy? Fucking a lot of girls? Or perhaps being fulfilled in what you do and being happy.
Hope you stop looking at life from a High Schooler's perspective soon anon.

>> No.12261000

Why is everyone in this thread defending OP’s shitty family so much

>> No.12261002

I'm not upset about it at all. I'm just baffled by the amount of butthurt I've created. My comments have obviously hit a deep nerve among the sensitive people here.
And now you've just proved my point of people think based on their social position in life.

>> No.12261005

Rebutted? This isn’t a fucking debate and it doesn’t have to do with anything.

I typically define a loser as someone who failed their dreams, wont pursue them, or don’t have any. Those people usually take anonymous potshots to make themselves feel better.

>> No.12261007

>people are mad I must be right

Or maybe you’re being a raging faggot

>> No.12261008

>soy something retarded
>people mock you for being a retard
>ahaha lol butthurt hit a nerve didn‘t it sweaty lumoa triggered kek xd
You have to be at least 18 years old to use this website.

>> No.12261009

>lot of assumptions to make
To clarify on the post you're replying to, I cooked the meal in my girlfriend's family's mobile home, dude. None of us are wealthy. You're projecting hard as fuck. Poor people are allowed to have pride in their work and allowed to care about impressing their family. You're a fucking LOSER, PERIOD.

>> No.12261012

You’re the one who got triggered over someone being disappointed about their over cooked lasagne. Keep trying though. I’m sure it will help.

>> No.12261015

I have dreams that I'm currently in the process of following though?
there are many reasons as to why people take 'anonymous potshots'. Sometimes for the fun of it to get a reaction and troll, sometimes to vent frustration or anger. The reason I did in this instance was to make the guy realize that he doesn't have to worry over that kind of stuff, but it seems people here are incredibly sensitive and get offended at even small things.

>> No.12261017

No you did it to make yourself feel superior.

>> No.12261020

>he doesn't have to worry over that kind of stuff
This is why you‘re poor.

>> No.12261021

That wasn't my point at all. Improve your reading comprehension.
How was what I said retarded though? It's true that worrying over an overcooked lasagne is silly.
Yeah and I drive a limo to work everyday and fuck Jennifer Laurence

>> No.12261023

Oh you magnanimous soul you.
Your snide little shot of a comment was ACTUALLY trying to help the guy! Not to push him down and make you feel better about yourself.

We all believe you.

>> No.12261027

Have you ever been on 4chan before? Getting mad over small things is absolutely our deal here.

You’re just a bully.

>> No.12261028
File: 1.49 MB, 1065x902, 9f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your life sounds so hard. You poor thing. Most other people are worrying about how they're going to keep a roof over their heads while your sitting their panicking over your gay lasagne.
If that's your idea of a constructive comment you're way off the mark anon.

>> No.12261036

The irony is that 4chan is waay more about bullying and belittling others than about worrying over small things

>> No.12261041

>It's true that worrying over an overcooked lasagne is silly
Why? If you care about the people you cook for, if you‘re passionate about cooking and if you take pride in what you do, it‘s absolutely reasonable to be upset with not delivering your best. In fact being upset with your performance is a necessary component to become good at anything.

>> No.12261043

Have you ever heard or thought of the concept of 'tough love'?
I know it might be hard to understand with your ultra sensitive soul.

>> No.12261046

I like that your response to finding out that someone lives in a mobile home after accusing them of being rich is sarcasm. You live in a fantasy world, dude. Just accept that you're wrong. You're a loser who can't accept the fact that you're a loser. By the way, rich people ride in limos, not drive them.

>> No.12261049

Tough love is something you might experience with the people around you, not anonymous posters online. You might be a sociopath anon.

>> No.12261050

I find it extremely suspicious that this person allegedly lives in a mobile home and throws out LOSER like a spoiled high schooler. You'd think someone with that lifestyle would be more grounded and empathetic of others without glamorous lifestyles and avoid calling them losers. Hmm....

>> No.12261051

The quintessential “nice guy”. You’re a little bitch.

>> No.12261055

>expressing feelings of empathy makes you a sociopath
Maybe stop throwing out buzzwords?

>> No.12261059

Loser doesn’t mean poor.

>> No.12261061

What the fuck does that even mean? You're literally just throwing out any insult you can at this point

>> No.12261064

>Your life sounds so hard. You poor thing. Most other people are worrying about how they're going to keep a roof over their heads while your sitting their panicking over your gay lasagne.
How very empathetic.

>> No.12261068

Mocking someone’s feelings and calling them illegitimate is the actual opposite of empathy, idiot.

>> No.12261074

>post count has been at 16 for the past 20 or so posts.
I suspect this is all the same two people posting multiple responses because they're so fucking butthurt for some reason. Jesus Christ I've obviously hit an incredibly deep nerve with you two or you have incredibly thin skin

>> No.12261077
File: 119 KB, 421x404, 7D8CC2F8-49DC-4360-B8DB-90071267B1DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Definition of empathy
>the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present
Nothing says sensitive and understanding like calling someone a spoiled rich brat, because they‘re upset over a burned dinner.

>> No.12261079

>calling them illegitimate
Can't wait for the next random insult label. Are you guys getting these off a website?

>> No.12261084

It means you’re a little bitch. You take a shitty little potshot because you got jealous and insecure about your own living situation. Then you get called out on it. You then pretend to yourself and others that really you were just trying to broaden his mind and make him appreciate his family. You do this instead of recognizing that you lashed out like a jealous loser. Then to top it all of you resort to “u mad”


>> No.12261086
File: 210 KB, 522x747, 691EF693-3A90-4A7D-8F05-5F1F65FA0522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are replying to me so I‘m right!!

>> No.12261088

>based child can't even convince his parents to let him cook
They didn't trust you because you've probably failed them too many times to count.

>> No.12261092

What's hurt you so much that you have to carry on with this? This lasagne has obviously been a sore spot for some time now so much that it's festered into this. Did your family put you down for overcooking it?

>> No.12261093

You were saying that their feelings are illegitimate. Would you prefer the term invalid?

>> No.12261099

t. lasagne guy
Look dude I don't know why this lasagne is such a fucking sore spot for you. Someone has obviously beaten you with a stick for overcooking it or something

>> No.12261103

I’m not even the lasagne guy. I just think you’re a loser.

>> No.12261104
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 3A9850C1-99A8-4C78-BDC7-AD2C27BBE33B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who hurt you?
Reaching whole new levels of pathetic here.

>> No.12261108

Where did I say your feelings are illegitimate? And yes this is all the same one person. There's no way strangers would get this fucking butthurt at someone else's expense

>> No.12261111

Now that’s what I call empathy

>> No.12261113

I'm calling you a loser because you choose to criticize people for caring about their work and trying harder. Somebody cares about putting effort into cooking and impressing people then you make the issue about yourself and how much you have to suffer and work. You are envious of people with more money than you and choose to make this issue about money when it's not at all about money. I made this clear on my first post.
What makes you a loser is the fact that you do all this, instead of keeping to yourself. There are plenty of poor people who choose to not talk shit and not be envious of people who have more. I live with my girlfriend and her family in a mobile home, I was eating 200 calories every weekday throughout most of my childhood and got bullied for wearing payless shoes yet I never felt envious for people who had food or nicer shoes or bigger homes. I can't imagine anyone who isn't a loser who would discredit my experience and accuse me of being rich.
Get the fuck over yourself dude, millions of people are poor, stressed out and suffering, nobody gives a fuck about how much you're suffering when we're talking about cooking.

>> No.12261114

See >>12261108

>> No.12261119
File: 106 KB, 750x750, 9c0451a91595d5d2a03a68e887ee2f73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lasagna dude here, totally not the anon you're replying to. Last reply was >>12260991
Just watching the thread unfold for shits and giggles now. Have a cute dog.

>> No.12261121

When you mocked the guy’s feelings of disappointment.
Your are a loser.

>> No.12261127

Call the internet police somebody hurt somebody else's feelings.
Holy fucking shit get over yourselves

>> No.12261129

Please note that those two posts are not 30 seconds apart and are therefore two different posters.
You can fuck off anytime now.

>> No.12261130

>roomates burn house down while i'm on vacation
>move back in with dad
>tell him on fridays i like to make an omelette at 7 using some homemade sausage
>smiles and says ok
>make some turkey sausage day before
>friday morning hits
>getting up and dad damn near kicks down my door
>cooked my turkey sausage with scrambled eggs and rice with wheat toast
>say thanks
>didn't make my omeltte
>broke my routine and now i feel off for the rest of the day
>talk to him about this
>says don't worry
>next friday hits
>he fucking does it again
>this time i cook omelette
>he gets all pissy
when i cook its to help my fucked brain work better and he just doesn't get it.

>> No.12261138

Holy fuck. you are toxic

>> No.12261139

Christ, you thick nignog. You came to a COOKING board and chastise someone for being upset about fucking up his COOKING. What the fuck did you expect?

Go to /o/ and make a thread how they‘re all retarded for caring about cars and should instead be thankful that they‘re healthy and have two working legs to walk. Then report back.

>> No.12261142

Wake up before him and cook omelette a for both of you. Convert him to the omelette life.

Save your Father.

>> No.12261145

And this is how you know this board is riddled with moralfags mostly from Reddit. You do know 4chan is the hone of toxicity right? Oh wait you don't.
Somebody get the fucking internet police out already somebody said something immoral!

>> No.12261146

why dont you invite your parents to your place, then cook for them?

>> No.12261149

Go choke on your food fat moralfag

>> No.12261154

You have to assert dominance in the house. Tie him up in the kitchen and make him watch as you do a cooking marathon.

>> No.12261156

All this cope. You just can’t help it.
Respond to this post.

>> No.12261160

Such a loving caring empathy

>> No.12261162

Call the internet police someone was toxic on 4chan the moral righteous centre of the internet!!

>> No.12261164
File: 201 KB, 900x900, 5A961367-DA5F-4BD8-A6A8-3D9E1411C5B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>berates someone for ostensibly having his moral priorities wrong
>calls people who disagree moralfags

>> No.12261168

kuso thread

>> No.12261170

Omg someone being unempathetic on the internet, on 4chan no less?! No...

>> No.12261172

>He responded

>> No.12261180

At least now you admit that you’re a nasty little shit of a person

>> No.12261181

Hope your families all choke on your shitty overcooked food you fat miserable cunts.

>> No.12261182
File: 122 KB, 750x537, dissapointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold the fuck up, you said you had the moral high ground and what you said was for lasagna anon's sake and now you're doing a complete 180° and accusing others of being moralfag.
Nigga you're an imbecile.

>> No.12261188

>oh boo hoo someone says mean things on the internet he's such a meanie!
Shouldn't you be watching Teletubbies?

>> No.12261190
File: 31 KB, 267x392, 93345CA7-565D-4440-ADAC-82186D6B328C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute rectal explosion of an angry poorfag ITT

>> No.12261194

Go choke on you dad's big black dick. That's obviously not too overcooked for the rest of your family to suck on so you may as well too

>> No.12261199

The shitstains on this board aren't even worth conversing with. What boring uninteresting P.C. cuntbags you all are.

>> No.12261204

I hope you live forever

>> No.12261209

This is why everyone was calling you a loser you duplicitous shrimp dick

>> No.12261212

Wow you're such a good person. Really you should pat yourself on the back with a smug grin because you're really the perfect model of a good human being.

>> No.12261216
File: 8 KB, 179x282, 228EAAE3-E618-4351-AA45-A2FCEDE2F30F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reee fucking retarded butthurt moralfag richfag dumb shit piss cock cunt faggots die in hell you‘re not worth talking too
>(reply #40)

>> No.12261219

>waaah anybody who says something bad about cooking is a LOSER
You literally have the mindsets of 16 year olds.

>> No.12261234

If I could spray you all in literal shit I would.
For now my words will suffice.

>> No.12261249
File: 599 KB, 996x868, 52928BF5-CE4E-407F-8124-C37340591539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he literally can‘t stop replying

>> No.12261253

Put me in the screen cap
Wa la

>> No.12261257

Learn what literally means you dumb fucking ape

>> No.12261258


Don't be too upset to hear this anon but the end result is you stop communicating with your parents and then they think you are just in a phase like how you were as a child which you will snap out of, only for you to forget the situation entirely forcing them to change to become relevant and present parents once again in your life.

>> No.12261259

I say that because I know you hate yourself the most and I want you to be miserable forever.

>> No.12261267
File: 66 KB, 609x762, imgaybtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12261269


>> No.12261271

Nowhere near as miserable and self hating as when your mother gave birth to you

>> No.12261273

And you have the cock of a 5 year old

>> No.12261280

My mommy loves me and used to cook my yummy food everyday. Her and my dad are still together btw.

>> No.12261282

>OP says he'll cook lunch
>sleeps in until lunchtime

>> No.12261283

How would you know? Bet you spend a lot of time looking at strangers' cocks. It's obviously a fascination for you.

>> No.12261286

This thread sucks.
Also OP just fucking cook for them when they're not home so its done when they return. If you can't handle that then simply cook for yourself and maybe they'll sneak a try and realize what they're missing. Or like 9/10 people they will notice no difference and you're not as skilled as you think you are.

>> No.12261288

>he didn’t even deny it


>> No.12261289

That's just what she tells you to hide all the loathing.

>> No.12261292

>he didn't even deny it


>> No.12261293

Girls, this is an anonymous image board.

>> No.12261294

Jealousy is not a good look, anon.

>> No.12261297

Y-you think I’m a girl?

>> No.12261303

>not looking at cocks

What are you, a faggot?

>> No.12261304
File: 40 KB, 1024x576, Netflix-Twitter-Memes-Japon-Estados_Unidos-La_Jungla_367474596_111992973_1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make this

>> No.12261305

Tell that to your mom when she looks at the other moms with kids that aren't shitstain cunts.

>> No.12261309

Haven't you got some kids to kidnap pedo?

>> No.12261312

>say I want to cook for once
>gets mad because he thinks he knows more about cooking than them even though he's never cooked
They're retarded but so are you. You're also genuinely autistic.

>> No.12261313

>he’s still going


>> No.12261321

>the cooking moralfag defence force is still going


>> No.12261360

The retard posting in this thread reminds me of my mother-in-law who is a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
>blows up at other people for completely innocuous things just to start shit
>makes every issue about her
>when called out on her bullshit, denies doing the very thing that everyone just saw her do five minutes ago
>claims a completely unearned moral high ground
>realizing this isn’t working, starts playing the victim even though she instigated everything

>> No.12261382

you're both obnoxious faggots lmao

>> No.12261383

The moral cooking defence force in this thread reminds me of any reasonably small internet group.
>tight knit group repeats all the same opinions and experiences
>someone new comes along and says something out of line no matter how small
>suddenly they all jump on their back to create drama because they have nothing better to do
>sit there smugly thinking they've won of their own intellectual merits when really they've just heavily outnumbered the newcomer because they produce wrongthink that's harmful to the group
>continue placidly like zombies never coming up with anything new or interesting because they scare off any newcomers that aren't thinking exactly as they want to

>> No.12261399

>doesn't have apartment with qt3.14 gf or buddies

Yea, you're a loser.

>> No.12261402

In this very same thread:
>He thinks being a loser means being poor

>> No.12261419 [DELETED] 

>125 replies
>23 posters
It will go up to 24 posters because I'm not a FUCKING retard. Please delete this kuso thread

>> No.12261420

>say something stupid on an anonymous imageboard
>spend over 2.5 hours defending it like your life depends on it
Mental illness.

>> No.12261425

OP is a loser but if you think roomate horror stories are what defines "not being a loser" then it's time to get a grip on reality

>> No.12261431

My 63 year old father who has been very successful in life and escaped a very poverty stricken childhood still has not been able to shrug off some of his low class habits. Still adds a few spoonfuls of applesauce to ANY plate you put in from of him. Pasta, applesauce. Steak, applesauce. Mac & cheese, applesauce.

>> No.12261439

Did he put applesauce in your mom when he made you?

>> No.12261442

I honestly think my parents had sex exactly once. My mother is the biggest prude I've ever met.

>> No.12261450

Probably a facade of overcompensation. Your father must be doing some really nasty things to her behind closed doors.

>> No.12261453

What the fuck is thread even about anymore
I can't believe a vegan thread died for this

>> No.12261465

>living with parents rent free yet shit talks them
>crying about peasant pasta dish
>eating taco bell undoubtedly purchased with your mummy and daddy allowance to "stick it to the man"
Why don't you grow up?

>> No.12261716

Went to have supper with my girlfriends family, they don't use salt on any of there food out of fear of high blood pressure... Mashed potatoes strait up tasted like wall paper paste

>> No.12261971

Why didn't you bring your own?

>> No.12262008

>be spoiled shit
>be mad at others while being a spoiled shit
such is the life of anon

>> No.12262047


>> No.12262051


>> No.12262152

Epic thread

>> No.12262154

I left school at 15 and run my own business and live comfortably, faggot.

>> No.12262175

>Just moved back in to parents' house to save money
I work long days so I don't eat with them often, I make food for them and my gf at least twice a week though. I think I'll make my gumbo soon.

>> No.12262330

You sound like a low IQ fast food nigger. Don't you have a "food" "review" to upload from the wendy's parking lot you faggot?

>> No.12262448

You really have to make a day of it if you are indeed trying to show some sort appreciation and not just showing off. Old people eat at least a couple hours earlier than people in their 20s. Unfortunately for your ego, trust with food for a group is earned and not given, regardless of your relation. Start off with a side dish and they will give you an idea of what they think. It sucks right now, but there will be dumber shit that pisses you off later on. Try to take it in stride.

>> No.12262467

I wouldn't worry about it, you would have fucked it up on your own anyway.

>> No.12262500

Sounds like you slept all day OP and your senpai very nicely tried to help because you were being a fucking bum. Wake up at a normal time you lazy Eurofag.

>> No.12262509

When I was a teenager I tried to get my mom to make real made-from-scratch chicken caesar salad. She said okay but once we got to the market she argued that it was gross and weird until we settled on romaine, a bottle of dressing, and a bag of croutons. Last time I ever tried to make anything with her.

>> No.12262616

I'm 19 and live with my parents all my buddies that have moved in with each other or their qt3.14s have all ended poorly

>> No.12263463

Don't listen to them OP. Half the people here are boomers or poor. I gladly have my parents pay for things so I can save my own money. I don't give a fuck, then I invest it.

>> No.12263482

>he doesn't wake up earlier than his parents
>he doesn't wake his parents up to cook him meals

I always woke up around 5-7am to game and then when I got hungry kicked my mother to wake her up to cook. She is a chef so it was worth. Fuck your parents and everyone else in this thread.

>> No.12263485

This is just a subtle reminder to go to technical school and get a real job instead of wasting Uncle Sam's money on a master's in barrista studies.

>> No.12263578

Get a job ya' loser.

>> No.12263640

>autistic son wants to make his no sauce pasta he learned about on the internet is le authentic
>dad and mom peel the fucking garlic and put the pasta to boil since the special boy is still sleeping at lunch time and they want to fucking eat
>autistic champion proceeds to run through the house and have a temper tantrum because his mom put pasta to boil
>special son says he's decided he won't cook anything as a result and goes to taco bell to spend his mommys money in protest
>the human garbage then goes to a thai knitting site to call his mother who supports him, was excited for his cooking and just put some pasta to boil, a 'dumb bitch'
Have you thought about not being a pathetic subhuman piece of spoiled shit?

>> No.12263698

>cant cook for himself
fuck you stop waking up your poor mother and learn to feed yourself, idiot

>> No.12264653

Your politically correct liberal parents obviously did fail in raising you, because they failed to smack the shit out of your spoiled vile ungrateful mouth every time you had it coming.

Fuck off you vacuous left-wing faggot. Your pretentious SJW bullshit is why so many kids these days become whiny self-entitled Antifa thugs who throw destructive temper tantrums when they don't get their way.

Every thing you touch turns to degenerate third world shit.

>> No.12264750

The biggest problem is people that start stealing food that i made or bought myself

>> No.12264789

Memes and shitposting aside, how is spaghetti aglio olio? It sounds like it could be really good, but I've had a gallstone for awhile and can't cook it yet. How is the taste? The texture?

>> No.12264809

Too many fucking boomers on /ck/

>> No.12264869

Settle down there, champ.

>> No.12264889


23 n with parents.

They never let me cook cause they think it's gonna be 'weird stuff'.

When they do they pretend to eat it and throw it away

then they reheat leftovers and say they just needed something extra

I work 3pm-6am ever day but Friday and online classes for degree

Just want dinner w someone

>> No.12265048

Very bad thread but this reminds me of how my mom would put just butter and black pepper on pasta for my school lunch and I liked it so much I would ask her to make it more but she didn't know what I was talking about because I didn't know the name of the sauce she put on it (I was 5) I grew old enough to use the internet and found out pasta de oil or whatever is an actual dish? The poor ass oily butter pasta dish mum made in a hurry is actual cuisine that pasta autists get anal about? What a trip. Carbonara is superior. You shouldn't have gotten so mad at your parents over some oil pasta.

>> No.12265071

Last time i checked it was boomers letting immigrants in not gen x y or z. Boomers are the worst scum. Calling other people liberal while importing niggers and sandniggers haha good joke

>> No.12265077

>>be me
can't relate

>> No.12265265

Okay I still think you are an asshole but they are even bigger assholes for throwing away what you made. Guess it runs in the family.

>> No.12265277

My mom loves to cook for me dumbass. Sorry your parents fucking hate you.

>> No.12266106

>Don't add olive oil, I don't like that
>No, don't add any vinegar, I don't like the taste of it
>Why is this sour dish so bland? How can we make it more sour? No, I don't like vinegar
>Not so much salt and pepper, it's not healthy
>I used skim,med milk instead of cream, got to save where we can on the fat
>Recipe says cinnamon, I don't cook with cinnamon
>Remember the salad, just a leaf or two of iceberg
>This is bland, add a stock cube and cream

It's like they have some basic convictions wrong, so using whole milk, cream, sour cream, butter, oil for cooking is what makes you obese. A pinch of sugar makes you obese. And the assumption a dish is ruined if it even touches olive oil or vinegar. But when they eat something cooked in both, it's not a problem at all.
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.12266359

Parents are always like that, especially Dads who's wives cook for them. They won't eat anything that's not done exactly the way they like it. My Grandad won't eat anything that isn't cooked by my nana.