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12252895 No.12252895 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread about wine. Post what you're drinking, what you've enjoyed lately, what you're looking for, what you're holding on to for a special occasion, what your favorites are, whatever. And, collectively, let's hope the janitors decide not to shut this thread down and instead deal with one of the ridiculously numerous nonsense threads that are up at any given time.

>> No.12252928

Drinking a bottle of Chateau de Saint Cosme Gigondas right now, everything I've tried from here has been absolutely excellent and often feels way underpriced. Holding on to a bottle of Delas Hermitage 'Les Bessards' 2006, waiting for an occasion to open it. Hermitage is probably my favorite wine in the world so I'm really excited to try this one. Also have a bottle of Berthet-Bondet Chateau Chalon vin jaune from 1990 and an older bottle of Zind Humbrecht Riesling Brand I'm excited to open, among a few others.

>> No.12252934

I tried Coppola's wine recently, black diamond label or whatever. Probably his best release since Dracula.

>> No.12253193

Most recent purchase was a bottle of Domaine Borie de Maurel 'Maxime', a 100% Mourvedre wine from the Minervois. Super good- I've also had the 100% syrah 'Sylla' from the same producer and it was excellent as well.

>> No.12253210

I've been digging the pino noir selection at Bevmo

>inb4 pleb

>> No.12253238
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Threadly reminder that wine is haram and the mods shall smite you for this

I'm having a no-name piedmont nebbiolo. I'm back on my langhe thing, I do this about once a year, get stuck in a rut drinking langhe wines. They're good, affordable, and they go with most food

>> No.12253301

Pinot noir is a bizarre grape to me in that sometimes cheap stuff can be insanely great and sometimes garbage, and sometimes the really expensive stuff is an otherworldly level of great and totally worth it, and sometimes it's entirely average and not worth it at all. I always look really carefully into what I'm getting if I'm buying Pinot.

Yeah, I have no idea why but whatever. It's something I enjoy and this is the board for it, if the mods want to ban me they can go ahead.

'Entry level' nebbiolo is so often overlooked, it's sad- as you say, it's great for the price and super easy to match with food. People know Barolo/Barbaresco but it's not often enough that the stuff without that name recognition behind it gets the attention it deserves.

>> No.12253314

Nothing sad about it. Plebs ruin wine.

>> No.12253357

It'd be nice for the people making it to get a bit more recognition, and for it to be more easily available, though I do totally get what you mean.

>> No.12253384

how do i into wine? i've had cabernet sauvignon with a steak once and it was terrible. i also drank some sweet vermouth after i was too drunk to keep mixing manhattans but couldn't finish a glass because of how sweet yet tart it was.

>> No.12253391

What would be nice is if people developed a taste for that STYLE and other STYLES of wine so that the common wine selection at some random generic grocery store was better than just bordeaux knockoffs and sugary vanilla headache.

But knowing enough about wine to have opinions is for fucking foreign faggots. So people will continue to look for wine by name, or worse yet by "brand" (the distinction between a varietal name and a brand is blurred for the average merifat, so you get people who want Varietal X by name because they heard Varietal X is good, so you'll get constellation cranking out oceans of Varietal X that's doctored up to taste like another vanilla headache because the consumer SAYS he wants X but what he really wants is Orrin Swift meme garbage aged in Laphroaig barrels.

>> No.12253406
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I have at least one bottle of this wine every saturday.

>> No.12253484

Cab Sauv is a hard wine to start with because it's pretty much the most tannic of the commonly available varieties (tannins are the bitter compounds red wine shares with tea, the ones that make your mouth feel dry). It's great but not an easy introduction.

Having wine with a food it goes well with for sure helps, if they're paired well a good wine can make food way better and the food does the same for the wine. If you're looking to get into red specifically, a fruity low-tannin red like grenache, gamay, or pinot noir is probaly the way to go; otherwise, a dry but relatively low acid white wine like viognier, marsanne, or pinot gris might be even easier, because they tend to have essentially no tannins at all due to having virtually no contact with the skins.

>> No.12253494
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its nice its cheap

>> No.12253520

Those are odd suggestions and not really what I'd consider low tannin but I'm not really a wine expert. I've had a few lower tanning grenache but only from Australia, the average southern european grenache styles are higher extraction. Gamay is also a bit tricky, the better gamays like moulin-a-vent are not what I'd call low tannin. The lower end PNs are definitely engineered to be less tannic but at a certain point it stops being pinot noir and just becomes generic New World dreck with the words "pinot noir" on the label.

I would have suggested a barbera, or better yet schiava if you can find it.

Also, PG is routinely made into orange wine although you probably won't see it labeled as "pinot gris" at that point.

>> No.12253547

Pinot gris has pinkish skin and even a few hours of skin contact will drastically affect the colour, but won't necessarily give it the characteristic tannins/flavors of an actual orange wine. Grenache does range in tannin level but it tends to be comparatively low, and it often has really nice easygoing fruit flavors to balance it out. Gamay and PN are, again, generalizations, but if someone's getting into wine I'm not going to go super specific. Both do tend to have lower tannins than a lot of what's generally available, though. As far as your comment on new world Pinot Noir- you're 100% right. There are great examples, to be sure, but a lot of it is really manufactured, which is unfortunate.

Schiava is fucking fantastic and a really solid recommendation but it's also not something everyone can find easily, which is something to think about, given that we don't know where this anon lives or how much time he wants to spend looking for wine.

You're definitely not wrong, but I tried to go super basic in my suggestions and to go for things that pretty much anyone will be able to find for sure. Beyond that, if they're still interested, they can start learning things and exploring for themselves- that's half the fun of getting into wine in my opinion.

>> No.12253743

>they can start learning things and exploring for themselves- that's half the fun of getting into wine in my opinion.
This is a point that I think deserves more emphasis, too many people seem to approach wine like it’s a video game or a contest, to sound cool at a social event, so I’m always distrustful of people who ask “how do I into wine”. Like, how do I into food? How do I into books? How do I into music? Why is that even a question?

If you like a thing I think you can find pleasure in the unknown. If you’re not, I’m not interested in helping you just memorize other people’s opinions so you can try to sound smart. It’s like when a girl tries to learn my hobbies so she can ruin my personal time. I know the end game and I want no part in this.

>> No.12253762

>so I’m always distrustful of people who ask “how do I into wine”
i just want some beginner suggestions on where to start and ease myself into, i don't want to spend a lot of money on a bottle of something i don't know is going to be good or not.

>> No.12253847

There is never any guarantee that you'll like anything when trying new things. Would you refuse to order an unknown dish at a restaurant? Would you just avoid going to a new restaurant unless you had an ironclad guarantee that it wouldn't challenge your preferences? Will you watch a movie you haven't seen before? Would you go on a trip to a place you've never visited?

If you don't like new things, don't try new things.

>> No.12253866

the point is money, anon. i would not try new things if it blew a hole in my budget. thanks for being pedantic about it though.

>> No.12255530

Obviously the point is money, nobody throws away money on stuff they know they won't like. But to a certain extent you need an appetite for surprise which means risking exchanging money for something you aren't GUARANTEED to enjoy. Whether it's a drink or a movie or whatever.

>> No.12257244

I drank a 1.5 liter bottle of merlot last night and my shits today have all been purple

>> No.12257257
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Going to Greece for holidays in July fellows, was thinking of trying their wines. I have heard they have improved quite a bit from Greek friends, but I don't really know much about them. Any suggestions? I will be touring the country for 2 weeks, so plenty of places to visit.

>> No.12257269

Don't drink wine in greece. There's a reason they refer to anal as "greek"

>> No.12257392

Look into aged bottles of a local grape called Xinomavro. Gets kind of Barolo-ish with some bottle age on it.

>> No.12257473

I am not planning to get black out drunk and raped mate

Thanks for the tip, aged Xinomavro it is.

>> No.12258159
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Let me guess, california ''''wine'''''?

>> No.12258245

Hi guys, my fiance's dad is really into alcohol and I'm from a decently middle class family while he's quite poor. Anyways, his birthday is coming up and I wanna impress him with some of the more expensive drinks he's probably never had. He was quite impressed when I got him a Moet & Chandon Imperial last time but I absolutely know nothing about wine so what would be a great recommendation for a gift for something between $50-$150?

>> No.12258292

$50-150 is an awkward range for your purposes because it's just a little above the threshold of recognition for a lot of mass market stuff (like the Moet Imperial) but well below the threshold for the Gucci crowd niggerbling stuff (like Opus One or Sassicaia) let alone superstar wines (DRC, Yquem, etc). You can get some very nice wines in that range though.

When you say "really into alcohol" do you mean he's a raging alcoholic or he follows wine blogs or he's into bling or what?

>> No.12258308
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Just got back from a wine trip in Italy, went to a couple places around Valpolicella but the best one by far was Quintarelli. Bought thier rosso 08, thier Amarone 2011 and the reserva 07. Can’t really drink anyone of them yet, this went for 600 eurobucks and the 07 was 340 on its own. But the tasting was wack af. 10/10 would drink again.

>> No.12258310

Billecart-Salmon Sparkling Rose, should be right around 80 bucks and is fan-fucking-tastic

of course, all I have to go on is that you bought him sparkling before.

>> No.12258380

Think I just landed a harvest internship with a well-known Washington winery. I work part time in a tasting room so I get to drink for free at all the other tasting rooms, pretty nice deal

>> No.12258386

harvest internships are fucking hard manual labor my dude

but they're fun and good if you're trying to become an assistant winemaker

>> No.12258411

I wouldn't say raging alcoholic but he has quite a big collection of stuff within the $5-$20 range. I don't think he follows wine blogs as he didn't seem to know much about the Moet & Chandon Imperial I got him.

My fiance tells me he's quite into Port and rum, but I don't know what Port is. I'm sure he's open to anything new either way. What recommendations do you have for something that isn't sparkling?

>> No.12258442

Taylor Fladgate's 20 or 30 or 40 year are all fantastic. 20 is the most upfront about its alcohol and it tends to be what most port drinkers lean towards.

If he likes more red and black fruit and less honey/nutty, there are a ton of great Late Bottle Vintage ports from 2016. Anything in the 30+ range should be quality.

>> No.12259970

Fk Australia and its insane taxes. The Gov are more greedy than jews sometimes.

>> No.12260164

>Bought their rosso 08, thier Amarone 2011 and the reserva 07
I am jelly. Quintarelli amarone is amazing but it's soooo expensive here in Canuckistan, the regular amarone is usually ~$500. The only other contender there is for the best of Valpolicellas is probably Dal Forno.

>> No.12260415

Australian alcohol tax isn't that bad. Most of the stuff I've checked is more or less the same cost as it is in the US. Tobacco tax is shit though

>> No.12261014

Question, are you supposed to drink wine at room temperature or cold?

>> No.12261109


>> No.12261433

I was gonna pick up a 4L box of sawmill creek

>> No.12261988

ITT 45 year old mommies

>> No.12262015

based (psyche)

>> No.12262062

I drinked a white wine that taste so sweet and yummy like monster energy drink or soda lole

>> No.12262170

Coppola is great, loved the Pinot Noir

>> No.12262217
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>enjoying wine ever

>> No.12262228
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Being white trash/black

>> No.12262893


Sparkling is served cold, white should be allowed to warm for 15 minutes if you've had it in the fridge, otherwise room temperate is fine. Reds should be put into the fridge for a short while to chill slightly, and then be decanted.

>> No.12262976

Oh Anon, I'll second the Fladgate. Very good, especially for the price.

>> No.12262984

White trash love them some hobo box-wine, though.

>> No.12262994

Decanting is underrated. Things get rushed, or you decide to pop a cork on a whim, so *pop* and glug glug glug. Decanting makes red wine way more enjoyable.

>> No.12263300

>Decanting makes red wine way more enjoyable.
Let's not go overboard here, plenty of reds can be drunk straight away. Air exposure (which can be accomplished without a decanter) is just a solution to certain kinds of flaws particularly excess SO2 which you find in abundance in a lot of shit-tier wine because it burns off while preventing even worse things from happening.

>> No.12263308

is that why every wine I open tastes like shit the next day? I guess I should start turning the rest into vinegar

>> No.12263413

Nice double-dubs.
Okay, I didn't say "many" or "most" red wines. Many aged reds need decanting to open up.

>> No.12263483

Just winking owl. I like wine but its what i drink when income is low. Taste good and is an awesome cooking ingredient

>> No.12263701
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Try aldi and lidi, there wines are top notch 95% of the time and prices punch above there weight, spend over £6:50/8€ on reds an & £7;50/€9 on whites

>> No.12263709

> top notch
> punch above their weight
People who drink bottom shelf wine always say this

Wine technology has gotten pretty good and you can basically obliterate all the faults at the bottom shelf with enough tech, but that doesn't mean you can get $30 wine for $8 unless you're really bad at picking $30 wine.

>> No.12263957

What's a strong white wine that doesn't taste like puke or lemon

>> No.12264093

I'm drinking the cheapest shit I could find at Walmart

>> No.12265249

>he got banned for posting based Chateauneuf du Pape
Lamentation of a triggered beerfag, I guess.

>> No.12265264

hows moldavian wine?

>> No.12265459

Probably chemically identical to antifreeze. The only good former Soviet wine is from Georgia.

>> No.12265580

Many thanks anon

>> No.12265688


Bulgarian wine is tasty as fuck, I wouldn't trust Moldovan wine though

>> No.12265882

you are both retarded. Buy post 2008 wines and you will see that they are the best. Young wines are the best.

>> No.12265929

>pls buy my antifreeze no isotopes anymore it’s current year! once enjoyed in the royal courts of the most famous war criminals and vampires!
t. Hrnçlu Vladtsywcwzčy

>> No.12266766

Reds can be enjoyed at different temps, sweet vines are better chilled but reds with more body will do better at like 16-18 degrees or even roomtemp. Whites are the same but rosé vines are genarally best cold.

>> No.12266788
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the cheapest rose at the grocery store, it smells like a hospital
fucking shoot me and end it

>> No.12266845

hi kate

>> No.12266852

hi anon
why am I even posting here I'm not a proper alchy yet
this is my first drink in like 2 weeks
I like that you recognized me thoguh
my whole body is numb
what's upw ithyou?

>> No.12266962

Drank a bottle of Beaujolais Villages vintage 2012 the other day. Definitely should have opened it sooner, probably two or three years ago, it does not age well. Still drinkable, just not as good as it should be. I've got a nice Amarone which I might pop open this weekend.

>> No.12266982

Are there any actual Cool Wine Aunts in this thread?

>> No.12266999
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>> No.12267451
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What manner of abomination am I looking at here?

>> No.12267458

I'm proper drunk now
crying at eerything

>> No.12267548

Cringy pseud. I‘ve had €10 bottles that were better than flashy Super Toscanas and vintage TBA Rieslings. Wine prices are governed solely by market perception and supply limit, not quality.

>> No.12267552


I hold a PhD in Oenology from Cornell.


>> No.12267568

what kind of wine tech we talking about? and dont say AI