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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12257575 No.12257575 [Reply] [Original]

Doctor just prescribed me antibiotics to fight off a bacteria in my stomach (h-pylori).

Two amoxicillin capsules, 500mg each.
One clarithromycin tablet 500mg.
one omeprazole capsule, 20mg.

I have to take all this shit twice a day for 10 days, I heard taking all this can cause candida overgrowth so I'm debating whether I should take a probiotic as well.

My question is, what can I eat?

>> No.12257581

You are a fucking retard for not asking for Xifaxan and instead getting older antibiotics that are not specific to the gut and the bacteria are probably resistant to. Enjoy staying sick when you could have been totally cured in 3 days moron.

>> No.12257589

It was already prescribed, I didn't even have a say to begin with.

>> No.12257592

I know just the person you should have asked about that.
Fucking retard.

>> No.12257598

You literally could have specifically asked for Xifaxan monotherapy you moron. Enjoy your needless side effects and continued suffering.

>> No.12257600
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>> No.12257603

Why not just ask your doctor instead of this hive of seething autistic ketchup eaters?

>> No.12257608

Fuck rifaxin and your sketchy ass recommendation. fucking psychopath

>> No.12257615


is the generic name

it isn't sketchy at all

enjoy being sick buddy

>> No.12257622

Xifaxan is in no way better for a H. Pylori infection, you faggot wannabe doctor. You people stand out like a sore thumb every time you post. And you wouldn't know how to treat one of those either, I'd wager.

The only person in this thread more retarded than OP, who decided to ask /ck/ for medical advice instead of his doctor when he went to see him, is you. Good job, shithead.

>> No.12257629

It literally is oceans better. It is gut-specific and has no systemic side effects.

OP will stay sick and grow to resent his choice till he finally gives in and takes Xifaxan.

>> No.12257636

Where the fuck did you hear about this random drug anyway?

>> No.12257640

I've taken it multiple times and it works EXTREMELY well. My doctor suggested it years ago. I'm only trying to help.

>> No.12257647

Where exactly do you think the infection is, doc?
Because you're talking like you think it's intestinal rather than upper gastric.
Then again, you're also talking like you think someone who was after all smart enough to go see his doctor in the first place would still be retarded enough to take your advice instead.

>> No.12257660

It works in the upper gastric tract as well. Yes, it is used more commonly for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth but it most certainly does work for H. Pylori as well. If you want to stay sick, that's your choice. I'm just trying to help.

I'm not a doctor nor claiming to be one.

>> No.12257666

>anecdotal evidence
>thinks "I have to take it frequently" is a good endorsement

Protip, faggot; there's a lot more to prescribing a drug to someone than "it worked for me".
Stop giving medical advice when you obviously have absolutely no fucking idea of what you're talking about.
I have worked in medicine since 2010 and my advice to people like OP is still to see their own doctor. Because I know you can't diagnose and treat people based on a fucking 4chan post.
Poser faggot. Learn your fucking limits.

>> No.12257670

>I'm not a doctor nor claiming to be one.
You're not the guy who called OP a retard for not demanding a specific drug because it happened to work for you (for a while at a time at least) then?

>> No.12257674

I mean you can research it if you want. It isn't a new drug or anything but the idea of using it as a monotherapy to treat stomach and intestinal bacterial overgrowth perhaps is.

Fuck doctors and their cabal. People are capable of understanding the rudiments of what is helpful and Xifaxan is EXTREMELY helpful for killing bacteria in the stomach and intestines.

It works well for anyone.

>> No.12257683

>Fuck doctors and their cabal.
Fine. Don't take any antibiotics at all then.

>> No.12257687
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>cant diagnose people via an interactive scrimshaw webinar
>claims to have worked in medicine for ten years

Wow buddy. Looks like somebody needs to get a refund from whichever McUniversity you “graduated” from

>> No.12257688

What kind of fucking jew drug salesman are you, holy shit?

>> No.12257693

hows he supposed to know tho

>> No.12257696

Thanks, Doc.

>> No.12257697

I'm not shitting on the medicine itself. The medicine works great. Take Xifaxan if you want to feel better. Take something else if you enjoy being sick.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

I'm not selling anything. Generic Xifaxan (rifaximin) is cheap. It works well. End of story.

Because I told him last thread.

>> No.12257758
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>> No.12257760
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>> No.12257762

Why do you care so much about her taking your drug?

>> No.12257768

Because I had a series of recurrent gut problems a decade ago and they gave me all sorts of tests and drugs and absolutely nothing worked at all besides Xifaxan. It worked in 3 days, with no side effects, and then I was better.

>> No.12257773

I don't trust you. Pushing a drug on that anon so hard is really weird.

>> No.12257794

So the important difference is that clarithromycin, amoxicillin and other antibiotics work all over your body as they are absorbed into the bloodstream.

Xifaxan has extremely poor absorption from the gut and so it mainly ONLY works on your stomach and intestines and has very few systemic side effects as a result and ALSO you can dose it higher without any problems if you have a really bad infection.

I just think it works and is safe. It is most commonly used for traveler's diarrhea but is woefully underrated for gastric and intestinal problems.

>> No.12257914

Holy fuck, this guy must have stock in his gay diarrhea drug. Fuck off.

>> No.12257936

I mean did you really have to act like a faggot tho?

>> No.12257943

There is literally nothing wrong with being gay, either.

>> No.12257952

Take natural supplements, manuka honey licorice etc..

Takes a little longer but little to no side effects

>> No.12257960

They don't work. Xifaxan works best.

Go home honeyshills.

>> No.12257968

I've heard many positive things.

>> No.12258399
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>Taking probiotic and antibiotics at the same time

>> No.12258427
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if you can go to winco buy this it's under $6, eat oatmeal with it and you'll start to establish healthier flora

>> No.12258453

Most of these new-generation antibiotics are very under-researched. I would go with something like tetracycline which has a proven track record of success without harmful long-term side effects.

>> No.12258539
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You are a fucking retard. Xifaxan is gut-specific. Why would you using something with the risk of systemic side effects for a localized stomach infection? You should be hung at dawn and your family thrown into the cold morning ocean to cleanse our broken gene pool.

>> No.12258672

Based physician.

>> No.12258686

I'm not a doctor. I have no formal medical training and am not claiming to.

>> No.12258695

You should be. Enter as a non-traditional applicant if you have the pre-reqs. If not, find someone whose identity you could assume.

>> No.12258699

So I had a discussion with a nice fella who's in the business of exports online and he said he was a disgraced doctor who fell prey to addiction but suggest my level of knowledge would allow me to fake being an RN but not an MD and I agree with that assessment.

Being a doctor sounds boring. My cousin is and she's a great one! Same age as me. I just don't like being sick.

>> No.12258704

Autist shill begone
Do you really think anyone wants to take any advice from an insufferable, pompous tool?
No one gives a shit about the merit of what you're saying because your personality is sheer human repellent. You'd be better liked if you pretended to be a fucking chair, retard.

>> No.12258706

amoxicillin absolutely destroyed my gut bacteria and i was shitting liquid diarrhea every 5 minutes when i was at work, ended up getting off of it before i even finished the prescription amount because of how bad it got. had to eat yogurt for a while before my shits returned to normal.

>> No.12258715

I'm not trying to be insufferable I just hate when people won't listen or accept help.

I did chair pose in yoga earlier.

That's why Xifaxan is better.

You absolutely can drink lots of cultured dairy or take probiotics after a course of it, but you shouldn't NEED to.

>> No.12258719

I had the BEST firmest smoothest shits of my LIFE after Xifaxan.

Try it try it you will see. You will like your bowel relief!

>> No.12258748

>contributing to bacterial antibiotic resistance because a tummy ache is too hard to deal with

unironically kys

>> No.12258816

In fact the risk of developing resistance would be LOWER with a locally acting antibiotic. I'm not suggesting using it constantly, but once in a while for 3-7 days it is fine. If you keep needing to use it something ELSE needs to change.

>> No.12258822

Gonna ask my weed dealer to get some Xifaxan. Wish me luck bros

>> No.12258851

Don't get your needles mixed up, lost a friend to that when he mixed his Xifaxan needles with his weed needles.

>> No.12258860

>killing gut bacteria with antibiotics
say hello to your new leaky gut, IBS, and food sensitivity conditions the (((doctor))) is going to have you spend a $$$$$$$ over

>> No.12259273

>I've taken it multiple times
>works EXTREMELY well

so, maybe not as well as you think, dipshit

>> No.12259297

you're a lot like those cuntstain aptients who rool into the doctor's office with the "as seen on TV" request for whatever drug they saw advertised during local news
same asshole who beg their doctor for an MRI when an xray is a better, cheaper choice for the diagnosis
go back to slinging hash at Waffle House and leave medicine to medical types

>> No.12259436

I had the firmest most pleasing shits of my life after the Xifaxan started working.

Sorry I'm smart.

>> No.12259789

>that many pills...

What are you trying to fight off, Ebola?