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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12249298 No.12249298 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite boomer food cooks/reviewers/etc. ?

For me its TheWolfePit


>> No.12249455

He's alright for a cripple. Ja/ck/ is obviously the superior boomer cripple though. Can't fucking wait for the new Burger Wars Tour.

>> No.12249456



>> No.12249457

>check out jacks youtube earlier
>he hasnt lost any weight but still posts "keto" recipes
>he has almost no use of his right arm now

I work with old people who have had strokes. Today, people 80 years old regain use of limbs with physical therapy/electrostim routines

He's literally too lazy to do his assigned exercises in order to USE HIS FUCKING DOMINANT ARM.

>> No.12249534

I used to like his dollar store food reviews, until I stopped eating meat.

>> No.12249572

Well I recall he made a review of vegetarian dollar store meatballs or something like that and gave it a nearly perfect score.

>> No.12249676

He's my favorite too. I get worried about him though. I don't know how you can consume all that scary Dollar Tree shit and not have serious intestinal issues or eventual spontaneous death

>> No.12249780

I am a serious man. I don't use the term "based" lightly. But this man, Cowboy Kent Rollins is FUCKING BASED.

>> No.12249887

He's very based. A bunch of beaners are in the comments on his mexican rice video saying white boy can throw down on the rice like a latina.

>> No.12251084


>> No.12251097
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We do apologize for infiltratin' yer thread like this, but we call this Pitmaster privilege.

>> No.12251134

>consume all that scary Dollar Tree shit
He doesn't. He just buys them for reviews

>> No.12251146

I enjoy his videos but his fingers disturb me, for some reason

>> No.12251341


>> No.12251376

the only correct answer, this guy is a fucking god.

>> No.12251388

Am I the only one who thinks they'd look less tacky without the hats?

>> No.12251533


Dude needs more variation in his background music and the PlastiSue joke needs to die already.

>> No.12251678

Nah he's a pussy who can't take criticism

>> No.12251688
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>kill the stupid pastic spork

Yes, please larry, just let it die


>> No.12251756

Who would win in a fight Joey from Joeys world tour, Ja/ck/, or BUEGOR gorden.
King of eggfort is the ref for the fight

>> No.12252506

You just want them to cum in you

>> No.12252845

For me, it's BadlandsChugs

>> No.12253034
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>> No.12253476

>I enjoy his videos but his fingers disturb me, for some reason

I've never seen his face, but his fingers look like hot dogs so I assume he's probably huge.

>> No.12253514

I sent him a message asking how fat he was but he fucking blocked me

>> No.12253532

He reminds me of my grandpa. Bless you anon this is so god damn cozy. Remember the Alamo.

>> No.12253555

holy shit this is kino

>> No.12253561


>> No.12253697

Something about Kent Rollins strikes me as pretentious.

He reminds me of those college english majors who got obsessed with cowboy culture and started writing poetry about it. Something here is just not 100% genuine.

>> No.12253719

I really just think he's the least of a larper as a YouTube cowboy could be.

>> No.12253803

fair enough. I have no ill will toward the man, but when I want to see some historically accurate wild west food, and I go to his channel and he's doing some insane meme shit like pouring sprite soda on potatoes, it makes me say now just hold the fuck up for a second here.

I guess I'd like to see a western version of the shit that townsend does

>> No.12253937

Oh I understand. Yeah, he's not making 1800s-accurate stuff at any rate

>> No.12254231

Fat people invariably have zero self discipline or foresight.

>> No.12254297
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here is larry himself

>> No.12254331

he looks like ron perlman had a fat son with down syndrome, especially holding that cigar

>> No.12254347

Ay, I can see just from looking at that vid that he's a true blue coon-ass. Will watch

>> No.12254366


>> No.12254527


I am from his general area and know people that know him. He is the real deal. He actually still works as a chuck wagon cook for real working ranches. Yes, real cowboys exist and work cattle and require a cook to be on-site. Kent is one of them. 100% geniune.

>> No.12254691

All that shit and the shortcut products he uses are as a direct result of him having been an actual camp cook though,, he's way more legit than somebody playing dress-ups (even though I'd likewise prefer more hand-me-down recipes and less convenience products).

>> No.12255044

if that's the case, the the down syndrome made his son look better than Ron

>> No.12255046

his mom got zika virus while pregnant and that’s why he was born with deformities and confined to a wheelchair and a life of dollar tree meats.

>> No.12255618


>> No.12256836
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, the man the myth the legend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy right here


>> No.12256967

Who's holding the cigar and glass?

>> No.12256972


>> No.12257057

>This $1 steak from Dollarama looks weird
>Smells weird
>Tastes like acetone
>*smothers in barbecue sauce*
>*Swallows it whole*
>Mmmm you know what?
>*pops cap off barbecue sauce,drinks it like lemonade on a hot August day*
>That actually isn't too bad with a little bit of sauce

>> No.12257086

Wolfe pit is CERTAINLY smarter than his voice overs or physical being might imply. He is trying to tell "Muh Genetics" people to take control of their lives

>> No.12257733


>> No.12257747
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>> No.12257753

He can't use his hands so someone else is clearly holding those items. But who?

>> No.12259445
File: 464 KB, 515x694, 1553745299680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasnt lost any weight
That's where you are wrong.

>> No.12259451
File: 1.51 MB, 544x506, gross fat fuck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

263 pounds is still goddamn fat, holy shit.

>> No.12259489

>Only 30lbs in 3 months at that weight.

Half of that should have been water weight he pissed out within a week. He's not taking this diet of his serious.

>> No.12261366

i miss prime jackino. his vids and lack of culinary skill crack me up.

>> No.12261398

Imagine if that straw was in your ass.

>> No.12261460

Joey is the most powerful being in the Foodtuber Universe

>> No.12261548
File: 41 KB, 739x415, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there is this brazilian boomer named Velberan, he used to live and work in Japan but now he is a gaming/food youtuber. His videos are very comfy and fun if you understand portuguese

>> No.12261554
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>that blood pressure

>> No.12261804
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>> No.12262672

I wish i could go to a bqq hosted by steve

>> No.12263209

He is a millennial, his name says he was born in 1989.

>> No.12263218

>That 30 year old boomer that still eats vietnam mre's

>> No.12264485

He has exactly one song in the background for his food reviews, and it's entirely wrong.