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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12252175 No.12252175 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12252180

I add a splash of cream to my carbonara. I am also, unrelatedly, and seriously, feminine and homosexual in real life.

>> No.12252182


>> No.12252192

Honestly pretty based. I like seeing owners and waiters with balls. Like that guy who shit on that bar stool sports retard for his stupid pizza review show

>> No.12252193

Just because he's black doesn't mean he's American.
Odds are he is though.

>> No.12252197

Sadly, Black transgender Americans bear the highest rate of HIV.

>> No.12252199

wow, that IS sad...

>> No.12252218

I hope they went out of business. The customer is king. If you refuse any of my reasonable requests we're going to have problems. You reserve the right to not let me have parmesan if I want it? Then I reserve the right to dump a bag full of cockroaches in the back door and call the local health department on you.

>> No.12252227

based business owner
i hate it when people tell other people how to run their own business
if you don't like it go somewhere else

>> No.12252238

Why do Italians get so unbelievably butthurt over authenticity ? No other race gives a shit, but no matter what the fuck you do, some wop faggot will have a conniption about AYY THATS NOT THA WAY MY GRANMOTHEH MADE IT IN THEH OL COUNTRY, ISS NOT *AUTHENTIC*
Disgusting people if we're being honest.

>> No.12252243

Absolutely based owner.

>> No.12252247
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>I decided I would not make a scene so I called him later at my hotel
are rich socialites really like this?

>> No.12252257

>quasi-diaspora mutt is autistic about muh heritage
Should unironically be fired.

>> No.12252262

>You don't put pineapple on pizza, and you don't put parmesan on seafood
I don't care what Italians do or do not do, your food sucks. Italian food is garbage, and Italians don't know how to cook seafood. I'm trying to make the food edible, because it's cheap and efficient. I don't come to your restaurant for "authentic" taste. I come for quick and easy garbage that I could hypothetically improve with some condiments. Also, FUCK NIGGERS AND ITALIANS ARE NIGGERS.

>> No.12252268

>Italians are the authority on seafood
????????????? The authority on seafood is Japan.

>> No.12252272
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How can restaurants be so entitled? It's my damn food that I'm paying for and I'll eat it however I damn want.

>> No.12252273

>I come for quick and easy garbage that I could hypothetically improve with some condiments
Stay in your diners, disgusting cultureless mutt.

>> No.12252277

>puts raw seafood on a rice ball
>fifty dorra gaijin
Fuck off, weebtrash.

>> No.12252278

You’re paying for their services, if you don’t like them following their authentic Italian customs, then don’t pay for their services.

People like you are the reason America is a shitty place today, you’re entitled to every last fucking thing and the second someone doesn’t give you your little entitlement trip you freak the fuck out and act like a baby and wish the worst possible things on those around you.

>> No.12252283

>paying someone for a service
>calling them entitled when they don’t do everything you want perfectly

>> No.12252290

>Bring my own parmesan block and a cheese grater into the restaurant
>Grate my own cheese onto their shitty seafood, which is obviously missing something as stated by a connoisseur himself
>They throw a bitch-fit and try to take my parmesan and grater away
>Sue the establishment
>They get deported back to the slums of Naples
>Celebrate with my ham and pineapple pizza, the epitome of culinary excellence

>> No.12252294


>> No.12252299

>bring your own shitty bait to 4chan
>get deported back to lebbit

>> No.12252302

That owner was so far up his own ass he would no longer be able to taste or smell anything but his own shit. I remember seeing an episode where Pepin made a seafood pasta and said something to the effect wops will throw a fit about this, but I like putting fresh grated cheese on my seafood pasta. The customer owns the food once it's served to him, period. If he wants to drown it in ketchup, cheese, mustard, mayo, etc. it's none of the owner's business. I would have told them fuck off, and walked w/o paying just praying the fatfuck drug addled owner would try to detain me so I could smash his face in.

>> No.12252314


>> No.12252316

>The customer owns the food once it's served to him, period
You‘re free to take it back home and put as much cool whip on it as you want. Nobody owes you anything, revolting muttoid trash.

>> No.12252322

im gay btw dunno if that matters

>> No.12252325


>> No.12252330


>> No.12252335

...sad day

>> No.12252360

>It's an italians being pissy little shits episode.

Truly some of the worst people.

>> No.12252369

What guy?

>> No.12252372

Thats the whole point of paying for a service

>> No.12252386

you seem mad

>> No.12252392

You pay for dishes prepared a certain way, not for cooks to oblige your every whim.

>> No.12252410

This. The customer was being a gigantic faggot but the owner and waiter somehow outdid him.

>> No.12252497

>Nobody owes you anything
Sure, and I won't owe the restaurant for the meal either since they refused to provide condiments they had on the premises when requested to do so. Even your dago judges owned by the mafioso would side with me on that, wop.