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12250140 No.12250140 [Reply] [Original]

i have these roast tomatoes
i want to make a sauce
what should i do?

>> No.12250147

Thats pretty saucy.

>> No.12250150

Unusable for sauce because they still have the core, seeds, and skin.

>> No.12250168

Let cool, pick out stems. Chop them up in 1” chunks. Fine dice 1/2 yellow onion, sweat over medium high, with a bit of oil. When they’ve lost most moisture, stir in the tomatoes. Let them get kind of out of control, and once they are, hit them with some tomato paste or ketchup, a nice fat glob, and while stirring on medium high, when you’re just about convinced you’re going to start burning them, stir in a can of quality canned tomatoes, bring to boil, reduce to low simmer for 40 min. You may want to add 2 tsp sugar or a bit of honey to bring out the best in the fresh tomatoes. In the last 3 min stir in 1tsp scant dried oregano.

>> No.12250170

That’s completely false.

>> No.12250178

Most tomato sauces are made with raw tomatoes, anon

>> No.12250185

Do you want a bitter sauce with bits of stringy skin that doesn't adhere to the pasta properly?

>> No.12250191

This is simply not true, you have to almost completely eliminate the water, augment with some paste, and use med-high heat to completely obliterate the connective tissue and skin. Then you essentially deglaze with traditional tomatoes. It’s a classic technique for making sauces with things like cherry tomatoes where it’s all skin and seed and water but still fucking delicious, try it. You have to take it close to the edge though, like I say above.

>> No.12250208
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the skin slipped straight off thankfully

i don't even know if this will be a pasta sauce, i might just eat it with some steak and grilled veges and bread or something, iunno

yeah the juice even tastes quite good. some of it is oil. i might put it in the sauce

>> No.12250210

Do you have an intended purpose for the sauce?

>> No.12250211

im thinking about loading it with rocket and parsley and pasil because i have a lot
+ oil
+ little vinegar
and maybe a few heads of roast garlic

probably not going to cook it any more

>> No.12250214

not really lol
im gonna see how it turns out

>> No.12250216

im thinkin about thos beans

>> No.12250220

You can't get rid of the skin through cooking. It must be removed.

>> No.12250221


>> No.12250242

>You have to take it close to the edge though, like I say above.
are you saying i should have roasted them further? i was thinking that, but they where already starting to fall apart and the skins got loose and there was blackening

>> No.12250258

No, he means dissolving the skin while cooking the sauce, not while roasting the matos

>> No.12250280

Tomato skins do dissolve if cut finely with a razor blade

>> No.12250299

Yeah, basically. They kind of par-dissolve over 40 min to an hour, assuming, again, you take it really close to the edge and you have nice ripe fruit, the kind you’d be happy to eat with no cooking at all. It’s such a nice component to fresh tomato sauces, as they take on such a nice flavor and texture. Same with the onion, you basically dissolve it in the tomato, but telltale signs are everywhere if you’re observant. Same with the par-dissolved skins, they’re still in there, they still have a sharp, fresh bite, but they really do change. I’ve done it both ways, and honestly, I prefer skins in but beaten to absolute hell with a lot of initial heat and tearing from hard stirring and wooden spoon smushing.

>> No.12250335

Can confirm. It's a very good system.

>> No.12250340

This nigga said smushing

>> No.12250358
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To me a good smushing is with a sharp wood edge. You know when you dice an onion but part of it is gay toward the center point and you rectify shit to make it uniform with your spoon or pic related whatever the fuck they’re called (but I have four of them).

>> No.12250423
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im gonna add some roast garlic
cut the tops a bit off and poured a little olive oil and salt in

these are halfway done

>> No.12250425

i will be smooshing the garlic atleast

>> No.12250430

if anyone isn't up on the roast garlic game, garlic produces allicin when you break the cell walls, which is the pungent sharp taste/smell
but if you roast it, it just goes soft, and you don't break any of the cells

so roast garlic has a very mild taste

>> No.12250492

As far as I recall, even if the tomatoes are chunky like that, it could still be considered a sauce.
You can add other spices to it or whatever too, if you haven't already, i.e., rosemary, s&p

>> No.12250587
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rocket basil & parsley from my garden

>> No.12250590
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garlic smooshed with some olive oil

>> No.12250594
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>> No.12250598
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tastes pretty good

i know this is a kind of strange thing to do

>> No.12250603

yeah i think just those roasted tomatos, with some olive oil, in pasta or smushed a bit on some bread like bruschetta would have been good

>> No.12251293
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ended up eating it with a steak and some roast broccoli with pecorino cheese


>> No.12251317

not weird and looks like it tasted great

>> No.12251325

Was just gonna suggest this op. Use them when they're dark brown inside. I can just imagine the flavor now. Hope u enjoy op

>> No.12251327

lol okay gaywad lol

>> No.12251330

he doesn't type like a native english speaker

>> No.12251426
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thanks anons
it was pretty pretty gud

got a big jar of the sauce leftover for some pasta another day too

>> No.12251453
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okay lad

>> No.12251484

Genuinely looks tasty. My nigga, you did well

>> No.12252050
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>> No.12252230

All you need is a little bit of oil.

>> No.12252236

You swamped the plate a bit, could've just had it in a dish on the side.

>> No.12252255
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