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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12248651 No.12248651 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw greatest gf on earth makes me dinner after a long day

Does your SO cook for you /ck/? Are they a good cook?

>> No.12248672

she doesnt even bring it to you? you just serve yourself off the stove?
are we sure she exists?

>> No.12248674
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>implying any of us have ever had a GF

>> No.12248680

"Dinners ready!"
>Sits at table with food
"Yours is on the stove honey."

Seems normal

>> No.12248692

Just how loaded are you? Normies have been getting off on triggering the autists and incels for years...

>> No.12248730 [DELETED] 

My mother brought me dinner to my room while I gamed. The fact that OPs wife is this lazy astonishes me.

>> No.12248743

My mother brought me dinner while I was gaming but she interrupted me, which caused me to lose my concentration and give up a kill to the enemy team. I slapped the plate out of her hands, called her a whore and told her to NEVER interrupt me when I'm gaming again. Why is this so hard for women to understand?

>> No.12248748

i'm trying to teach bf to cook because i have high standards but work more than him
he's kind of a bumbling hamfist though so it's an uphill battle
he's starting to figure out the slow cooker so i guess that's something

>> No.12248751

>mmmm honey your spaghetti and bayleaves are ready!
>also i microwaved some chicken cordon bleu and garlic bread from costco

bone smack the teeth anon, i'm so jealous

>> No.12248766

Mine's not a good cook but she's a good baker. She follows recepies but doesn't cook to taste like I do.

>> No.12248775 [DELETED] 

Stop larping. I had told my mom that I can't pause league, and I was the only one she was cooking for and who ate 95% of the food. There were times when I walked to get my food too.

>> No.12248778
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My mom would make me come down to dinner and interrupt me to phish for complements on her rice-a-roni box mix dinner. Fucking I wasn't even hungry thanks to my Dr. Pepper.

>> No.12248790

I'm not such a lazy shithead that I can't serve my own plate lol

Plus I like getting my own portions
Lol who the fuck microwaves chicken breast. She makes her own garlic bread and it's fucking amazing, really garlic-y even by garlic bread standards which I like
If he can't work a fucking slow cooker then I'm afraid he may be hopeless, but keep it up! I've always liked cooking but my gf taught me a lot of different techniques, recipes etc. It's a fun activity to improve at and do together
Baking is a whole other beast from other kinds of cooking. I'm not nearly as good at it desu

>> No.12248800

she need to use more oil when cooking that chicken. there won't be a second warning.

>> No.12248809
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i'm slow cooker bf anon
this is an example of his work
a few years ago, mind you, he's improving
i can't wrap my head around ruining a chicken this hard though, seriously

>> No.12249084

mm sweet sues whole chicken in a can

>> No.12249095

That looks like bad cafeteria or buffet food.

>> No.12249104 [DELETED] 

>I can't serve my own plate lol
does serving your own plate at restaurants make you feel good about yourself?

>> No.12249116

My ex went to culinary school but was terrible at everything, never figured out how she managed that. I love cooking and baking though so it was fine, she would help out with prep and cleaning after, shit was cash.

>> No.12249119

who's your girlfriend palmela handerson


>> No.12249135

>mushy and dry crust on overcooked chicken possibly sitting on a bed of wet frozen spinach
>shard of poorly toasted bread drowned in butter and garlic powder with a sprinkling of stale herbs
>sticky spaghetti with thin, insipid sauce topped with cellulose "cheese" and ragged hunks of limp, wilted basil

Big yikes

>> No.12249137

id be happy with that. just having someone cook for me is great. Ive grown to hate cooking, and hate cleaning even more. Ive SEEN it, some guys have wifes that cook and clean.

>> No.12249143

>Ive grown to hate cooking
What the fuck are you doing on this board then

>> No.12249145

maybe he has a based flip wife and she cooks sketti with sliced hot dogs and stuff. are you always a picky grumpy faggot like this?

>> No.12249146

Yes. It's called having standards.

>> No.12249149

I like seeing autists bitch about tipping and food related stories. Ive been here for a decade and hope PHS guy will come back. fuck off.

>> No.12249150

do you always eat shitty food?

>> No.12249154

I bet you're one of those faggots that actually likes the wifey material messes.

>> No.12249155

ill take that as a yes

>> No.12249158

No, I just like real food that is cooked well. And I don't want any Kool-Aid sweet sketti with chopped up tubes of formed meat slurry.

>> No.12249215

I'm crying for that poor chicken. What a waste
prep and cleaning are the worst fucking parts, you had it made my man
so obviously grasping at insults, it's actually kind of embarrassing

>> No.12249346

>accurate description is "grasping"

It looks like what a haggard mother of four young children serves to her dead eyed husband and screaming brood at 8:30 when he gets home after a 12 hour workday. It's mediocre processed and convenience food that can be thrown together quickly and with minimal effort. Frankly, it's embarassing for a 20 or 30 something to brag about this kind of 1970s suburban mom food.

>> No.12249356

>breaded chicken

you guys are fat aren't you

>> No.12249371

she weighs 147 do you consider that fat retard?

>> No.12249396


>> No.12249410

Not him but you would need height and titty size to know for sure.

>> No.12249424

147 on a 5' girl is big, I need more info.

Are you fat? You didn't address that

>> No.12249425

The maximum acceptable female weight is 120. And that's only if she's over 180cm.

>> No.12249503

do you want a better bf?

>> No.12249540

Jesus Christ OP got ass blasted so hard - desu he deserves it - I mean c'mon look at food man it's mediocre at the best no need to appreciate or be proud of your gf for putting together soppy preprocessed shit.

>> No.12249546 [DELETED] 
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adios fronthole licking faggot

>> No.12249600
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>tfw no fronthole to lick

>> No.12249998
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Nah, my tranny gf has always been a bad cook, whereas I cook for a living. Once brought me a bowl of instant ramen with no broth, and the noodles were salty as hell. She said she didn't know how it turned out like that. Also, bitch somehow burned a hole through one of my calphalon pans on an electric stove. How does that even happen? Anyway, I'll be single again soon, hopefully the next one will cook better and be a real girl

>> No.12250076

What in the fuck is that.. is she trying to poison you or some shit

>> No.12250351

OP's girlfriend doesn't exist...
he's so lonely he resorted to lying on an anonymous forum

>> No.12250391
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>> No.12250401

You don't have a wife you clearly cooked it and served it yourself

>> No.12251476

I’ve been single for about 4 years now.

>> No.12251492

147 is fat even for a girl who is 5’10”. Yikes.
>inb4 thicc delusion, it’s fat

>> No.12251758

>burnt bread
>pre grated cheese
>something-something crusty
Dump her!

>> No.12253408

Based hamplanet gf

>> No.12253593
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>call gf on lunch break
>complain about work
>"I'll make you a treat for when you get home!"

dinner looks preddy gud OP

>> No.12253611
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What grown man would want to come home to cookies? I want meat, pasta, something with carbs damn it. I hope you have kids because I'd beat my girl if she tried that shit

>> No.12253616

you don't have a girl, dingaling

>> No.12253702
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get of my board

>> No.12253791

cookies are almost entirely carbs, dumbo

>> No.12253798

Mmmm alzheimer cookies! Also I see she hasn't cleaned the stove in about 10 years. "Great" girlfriend you got there, homo.

>> No.12253829

A long day of shitposting?

>> No.12254236

I had roasted chicken bok Choy and rice waiting for me after work this evening. I taught her how to grill well but every other discipline she is better than me and cooks for me 4-7 nights a week.

Shit is cash.

>> No.12254394

some peopel tends to be lazy. me? i cook and serve food on plate and bring it over to my wife to our room. make me feel agitated for while and still does. i fucking hate woman whom cant cook or do things right for attitude sometimes, wish i were married to other girls.

>> No.12254500

I think I a very skillful cook. I love cooking for myself and for family. I rarely eat outside.
I also clean, house management, etc. while holding a fulltime job. My house is an epitome of my perfect domestic life.

Also, I'm a gay man. T_T

>> No.12254624

You should of asked her to clean the stove top jesus christ that thing has crumbs the size of grapes. How do you live like that? Do you not own any kitchen cleaner products?