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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 500x500, raw-brown-cane-sugar-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12247916 No.12247916 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of brown sugar?
Isn't it just white sugar with added molasses?
Why don't recipes just call for white sugar and molasses?
Brown sugar in genaral is just a huge annoyance since it always becomes rock hard in the cabinet after like a week.
Fuck jannies and fuck brown sugar.

>> No.12247924

>recipe calls for brown sugar and molasses

>> No.12247933

Your mom gave me some of her brown sugar last night

>> No.12247953

It belongs in jiffy corn muffins-Dutch baby’s-cinnamon apple pie and many other desserts.

>> No.12247966

Considering she's white, I'd be very concerned.

>> No.12247971

Her fartbox isn’t white.

>> No.12248020

>recipe calls for brown sugar, white sugar, and molasses

>> No.12248048
File: 440 KB, 4317x3371, cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has a specific flavor that people like. You can't have a decent chocolate chip cookie without brown sugar

>> No.12248079

>Missing the point
You could get the exact same flavor with white sugar and molasses without having it turn into a brick in your pantry.
Brown sugar is just pointless.

>> No.12248087

Is that true, though? Molasses is processed differently and has a different taste, and it definitely gives a completely different texture to anything you add it to. Don't use brown sugar if you dislike it so much, but it has its place

>> No.12248095

I don't keep molasses around the house.

>> No.12248121

As far as I know brown sugar is just white sugar mixed with molasses. I don't dislike the taste of brown sugar, it is just a product that stores poorly. Using white sugar and molasses gives you much more control of your recipes. I think brown sugar is some sort of a jewish conspiracy.
You might aswell just start keeping molasses in the house instead of brown sugar

>> No.12248145

>As far as I know brown sugar is just white sugar mixed with molasses.
You've got it backwards. White sugar is just a more processed/refined form of brown sugar, and molasses is the by-product of that processing.

>> No.12248188

Brown sugar came before white sugar. White sugar is like the most refined gross type of sugar. Brown sugar is a step in between molasses and white sugar. Also, there are different types of molasses you dunce.

>> No.12248204

most brown sugar is made by adding molasses to already refined white sugar

>> No.12248208

we definitely need mo' lasses round these parts

>> No.12248214

>Refined brown sugar is made by adding molasses back to refined white sugar. This is the commercial brown sugar that is soft and moist and what is commonly thought of as brown sugar, so we’ll focus in on this type and how it’s used.

>> No.12248215

Brown sugar is literally white sugar with molasses added back in. Look it up if you don't believe me. The AVERAGE GROCERY STORE brown sugar is white sugar with molasses added in. Don't confuse my point with some rare artisanal shit.

>> No.12248221

I stand corrected. I still like brown sugar though

>> No.12248224

Nah, that's panela. Brown sugar is refined to white and then made brown again.

>> No.12248225

>2 seconds apart

That's a lot of info against brown sugar being unique

>> No.12248241

just like the congo

>> No.12248244

Brown sugar is based and you’re a retard that likes white shit going down his throat

>> No.12248250

>What is the point of brown sugar?
just yesterday I made two foods that called for brown sugar
one of them was chocolate chip cookies and I changed up my normal recipe by adding equal parts dark brown, light brown and white sugars
they are perfectly moist, even an overcooked cookie is soft
I'm pretty sure you have it backwards white sugar is more refined than brown sugar by taking all the molasses out of the cane. so brown sugar exists because they stopped the refinement process because it would be a waste for those that want brown sugar
I agree about the jannies fucking off though, also they can get bent while theyr'e at it

>> No.12248251


Why do it this more complicated when you could just finish the centrifugation process earlier?

>> No.12248254

Consistency. Crops have different properties depending on how the season went. They do the same thing with flour. The gluten and starch and everything is separated and then returned in consistent ratios.

>> No.12248256

>Take hard brown sugar
>Put in a bowl
>Drape wet paper towel over top of bowl
>Microwave for 15 seconds

>> No.12248263

There are two ways that brown sugar can be made:

1. Unrefined or partially refined brown sugar is sugar that still contains some molasses from the original sugar refining process. ...
2. Refined brown sugar is made by adding molasses back to refined white sugar.

So just use White sugar and Molasses then OP.
As long as you use correct ratios it's probably perfectly fine.
There's also a lot of different molasses around so there's probably some unexplored culinary terrain there.

>> No.12248265
File: 24 KB, 480x311, 1555924192168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12248274

Are you just leaving it open? It shouldn't turn into a brick.

>> No.12248388

I only like turbinado sugar

>> No.12248394

Aren't milk and cream the same thing?

>> No.12248423

Just like how butter and cheese are the same thing.

>> No.12248491

>What is the point of brown sugar?
retard proof, similar to pre-made cookie dough

>Isn't it just white sugar with added molasses?

>Why don't recipes just call for white sugar and molasses?
you can just mix 1tbsp of white sugar and 1tbsp of molasses together to make brown sugar.

see video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnGrHD1hRkk

>> No.12248521

Keep it in an airtight tupperware bowl with a slice of bread. Itll keep soft for a longass time. Cmon op

>> No.12248616 [DELETED] 

>tfw whole wheat biscuits, hot apple topping and brown sugar
somebody stop me

>> No.12248622

Picture the scent

>> No.12248624
File: 195 KB, 640x480, 1556458798410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, just like you have to cream the butter and sugar together, order matters in cooking and trying to mix molasses in would mess up that order. unless you plan on melting down the sugar into a liquid then mixing the molasses in then letting it recrystallize then grind it to the correct coarseness which would be more of a pain in the ass then just dealing with normal brown sugar

>> No.12248636

dude keep it in a jar or plastic container that's air tight. like a old peanut butter jar

>> No.12248774

Reminds me of an old german joke.

Person at food stand:
I*ll have a frikadeller with a bun.
-The bun is already in it
okay, then a second bun
-that's also already in it

>> No.12248787

Even if it does get a bit solid just smack it a bit and it's fine, are your soy hands too weak to break up some fucking clumped sugar?

>> No.12248880
File: 25 KB, 399x322, 1556248606427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not properly sealing and storing his cooking ingredients

>> No.12248951

because molasses is sticky as fuck and a pain in the ass to use by itself.
Buy a fucking airtight container to store your brown sugar in, and it won't get as hard as my cock when I see your mother.

>> No.12250481

>becomes rock hard
What's funny to me is this is one of the few foods that "they" don't add a fuckload of chemicals to, in order to keep it from going hard, lol.

>> No.12250503

Big sugar is trying to end the brown sugar myth, lots of shills lately about "exposing" brown sugar

fuck off white sugar jews

>> No.12250925

>rock hard in the cabinet after like a week
It's not brown sugar's fault that you're to stupid to into ziploc bags.

>> No.12250969

Unique flavor and doesn't burn as easilly.

Also you're a dumb nigger OP, almost all brown sugar I've purchased comes in a resealable bag, and the ones that dont I seal myself. It only turns into a rock if you're an idiot.

>> No.12250988 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 488x393, whenthekushhitsyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put a fucking marshmallow, cracker or a food safe desiccate in the bag you waterhead

>> No.12251001

Fuck off Adam Ragusea

>> No.12251031

individuals like OP and those who agree with him should be eliminated from society … the stupidity of his claims and his complete ignorance on the subject makes any contribution to society either suspect or worthless.
In the late 19th century, the newly consolidated refined white sugar industry, which did not have full control over brown sugar production, mounted a smear campaign against brown sugar, reproducing microscopic photographs of harmless but repulsive-looking microbes living in brown sugar. The effort was so successful that by 1900, a best-selling cookbook warned that brown sugar was of inferior quality and was susceptible to infestation by "a minute insect".[4] This campaign of disinformation was also felt in other sectors using raw or brown sugar such as brewing;
Natural brown sugar, raw sugar or whole cane sugar are sugars that retain a small to large amount of the molasses from the mother liquor (the partially evaporated sugar cane juice). Based upon weight, brown cane sugar when fully refined yields up to 70% white sugar, the degree depending on how much molasses remained in the sugar crystals, which in turn is dependent upon whether the brown sugar was centrifuged or not.[6][7] As there is more molasses in natural brown sugar.
.so in closing real brown sugar is not the shit they are selling now ...it is just to make a dollar
they add back what was already there...then sell it for a higher price to stupid people

>> No.12251049

TLDR version: brown sugar is used for slightly toning down bitter taste in food.

>> No.12251055

hard brown sugar got that way from drying out, numbnuts. a desiccant is the opposite of what you want

>> No.12251059

Your first sentence claims that OP is wrong, but then the rest of the post goes on to confirm what he was saying. You seem confused.

>> No.12251066

Underated pun

>> No.12251069

It's fine ground sugar with invert syrup and a tiny bit of molasses.

Fine ground sugar with invert syrup is convenient because it doesn't clump like powder sugar does while still quickly dissolving. Only a couple of countries sell it white though.

>> No.12251073

We unironically don't. I think /ck/ is third only to /cgl/ and /co/ for ratio of women:men

>> No.12251103 [DELETED] 

you either cannot read or cannot comprehend what was written , and belong in the group marked for elimination

Real Brown Sugar does not do the things OP and other anons claim.

Fake Brown Colored White Sugar does.

IF OP used Real Brown Sugar , and NOT the artificial garbage being marketed as brown sugar. he would understand the difference.

BROWN colored WHITE sugar does

>> No.12251106

People are aware of raw sugar my dude; we're talking about the product fucking everyone knows as brown sugar. Calm your autism down and try to think like a regular person for five seconds.

>> No.12252048

i hate fighting people on the fact that chocolate chip cookies without the chips aren't the same thing as sugar cookies. sugar cookies are for plebeians, good tasting cookies need brown sugar period

>> No.12252681

Is it true brown sugar is healthier than white sugar on a same amount? If so, why?

>> No.12252760

cause it's like 10% brown and only 90% sugar

>> No.12252855

Molasses can be purchased unsulphured, so your sugar can be purchased however you like as well. Control of ingredients. Molasses is also good in drinking water, has Townsend and son made a good drink including it with ginger and other things. It's just good practices. Great thread ip

>> No.12253961

I don't get it

>> No.12254016

That's the molasses in brown sugar. White sugar is literally just refined carbs, while molasses has vitamins and minerals.

>> No.12254067

I think the joke is that a cheap one would be adulterated by adding bread to the meat to stretch it further... this stand's are so cheap that they've added bread to the bread.

>> No.12254093

>what's the point of baking powder, isn't it just 2 things that you can buy separately?
>what's the point of butter, can't you just buy milk and make your own butter instead of having two separate dairy products
>I'm an idiot

>> No.12255579

Some people can actually buy real brown sugar, not some colored sales gimmick.

>> No.12255768

I've dealt with the same thing. I don't know why so many pepole consider them to be sugar cookies without the chips.