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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12245253 No.12245253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat here?

>> No.12245257

No. Im fine thanks

>> No.12245259

Something tells me the food isn't even cheap. You should at least get a discount

>> No.12245261

Only if the food was good. HIV isn't transmitted that way, so that aspect doesn't bother me.

>> No.12245263

Yes, though I wouldn't fuck the staff

>> No.12245267

>chef cuts his finger
>doesn't notice at first
>blood gets in the food

No thanks

>> No.12245268

You know knife accident are very common in kitchens

>> No.12245271

Yeah. HIV isn't transmitted that way. Do you rub food into open wounds?

>> No.12245273

Consider me stigma'd out, thanks.
Go be an accountant or something.

>> No.12245277

its literally by blood. probably less a chance digesting it but it still gonna reach your blood

>> No.12245278

although i realize the virus is extremely weak and has a hard time traveling outside the body i worry about what other kinds of things these degenerates have

>> No.12245279

Didn't this place already close?

>> No.12245280

No thanks.

>> No.12245283

Zero chance if it goes through your digestive system. Zero chance. You can also give head to a person with HIV and swallow. You might get herpes, but you won't get HIV.

>> No.12245290
File: 3.07 MB, 414x382, 1535338428434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely not for any reason
May as well just say "Only promiscuous Gays and Blacks work here"
Catch me down at Chick fil a mate

>> No.12245307

I might have an abcess.

No thanks.

>> No.12245308


>> No.12245312

Wrong board

>> No.12245327

>bites tongue
Congratulations you have AIDS!

>> No.12245330

No, i wouldn't even shake hands with some hiv infected faggot.

>> No.12245337

God damn. Is American sex education really this inadequate? And you never even filled out your knowledge even though you've had access to the internet for around 20 fucking years? You just stick to the hysteria of the 80s when they had a legitimate excuse for not understanding it?

>> No.12245339

No link to that story, fuck you.
If you can't provide a direct link to that then I suspect that you're full of shit.
Are you trying to get people to drum up your shitty google ratings?

>> No.12245344


>> No.12245346

... another thing about these sort of images that people respond to, OP never responds. Yet another to know that they're full of shit, likely typed by some indian sack of shit working in some wired up shipping container. That was happining back in the 1990's.

>> No.12245347

>Obviously gay men
>Black woman
It checks out

>> No.12245348


Good job refuting my argument

>> No.12245349

Why didn't you add that in the first place you fucking cunt?

>> No.12245350

>Literally so OBSESSED that he'd rather get AIDS then admit to being wrong

>> No.12245351

not op

>> No.12245352

Oh,so you're a dumb faggot. Thanks for clarifying.

AIDS or HIV is transferred by blood to blood contact. So a chef's cut finger to your cut mouth could transmit HIV. Very unlikely, sure, but an actual possibility. One people would tend to avoid, if it were an option.

>> No.12245354


>> No.12245359

>go in for a job interview
>tell them don't have HIV, but really need the money
>they say not to worry, it's not that big a deal
>while filling out some papers, they fucking stab me
>have HIV now

>> No.12245360

What kind of a shit job would that fag be looking for in order to get stabbed by an HIV infested freak in the first place? It's likely some heroin addict or something where it might not be traced down to that so called "job interview."

>> No.12245366

This is just the first establishment that admits it.

>> No.12245385

>sex education
Pretty sure it's an autoimmune disease not an STD.
Which means they have immune deficiencies.
Which means they are susceptible to more diseases especially those that are highly contagious.
And I would select them to prepare my food why???

AIDS people should be sent to the old Leper Islands to live out their days away from normal people.

>> No.12245388

It's not a crime to give someone AIDS in California

>> No.12245390

never ever. Degenerates

>> No.12245391

they're all pozzed up degenerate bugchasers

>> No.12245392
File: 48 KB, 512x512, yyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order to ascertain what it means, the faces need to be studied in more detail. The refraction of the light within the glasses allocates more of a particular realm and has more with time dilation that compared to the other. As to answer why, the reason remains unknown.

The corner describes another instance in which the shadow of the temple regarding the facial structure eats away at them simply. Therefore, it should be noted that despite all this, the realm of reality and fiction in which they exist cannot simply be explained with simple precautions but must be known.

Behind that, behind your vat of blood, there lies it. The God of it all demands the dragon of the golden crown to eat away at the vat of blood and feces. The God of the machinations dislikes the scripts and upon the screen of death, hates that with the passion of death. The abyss and the void of death clings onto the void of the screen. The abyss and files within the abyss cling to the vat and the refraction of the light continues to press forward onto the screen and mirror of disrepair. In order to properly contain it, the addendum of time must be added onto the dilation of the screen and exit out onto the God of machinations and the fiction must be coincided with them. The screaming and the void.
>Regarding the void

The simple equation is resulting of about a life to another. A mammal in which is equal to that of a fox equals about a human life. So, a cow with a head of a pig can thus equate to about two human lives. Therefore, you can say that the lives in the escape of the exit can see forward through the abyss and into the vat of blood and feces of about two human lives. Therefore, it should be stated that the life of a pig with the body of a cow can be seen with the lens of a pig with the body of a fox. With the abyss, it cannot be understated. Therefore, it should be with Lain instead. Inside the machinations of it, lies the fiction of the refraction of the light.

>> No.12245397

based schizoposter

>> No.12245403

Hell to the no.

Anyone else ever have someone tell em like "oh dude hiv is so common pretty much everyone has it"

Well then why dont i have it. And most everyone i know. You nasty.

>> No.12245405

You're a virgin. And you always will be. That's why.

>> No.12245409

Its not hard to have sex with only virgins. Are you a disease carrier?

>> No.12245425

It's still a crime, it's just no longer a felony

>> No.12245427

HIV virus dies seconds after being exposed to air, i'd be more afraid of someone with hep c cooking my food.

>> No.12245432

>t. reddit, the restaurant

>> No.12245513

What are the chances degenerates that caught hiv are also good cooks? That's a no from me

>> No.12245530

Amazing. You guys need to educate yourselves. Seriously. You know next to nothing about this, and it's too serious an issue to be so ignorant about.

>> No.12245533

Stop being a retard.

>> No.12245541

I actually understand how HIV is transmitted and know where the real risk lies. You are the retard. You are believing the myths of multiple decades ago.

>> No.12245545

>restaurant 1, no one has HIV
>restaurant 2, everyone has HIV
I know which restaurant I'd go to

>> No.12245550

the HIV positive faggggyy boi trying to get boys to not be afraid of being near him lol (lmao 2)

>> No.12245558

I don't think being wary of diseased people is a stigma.

>> No.12245564

Kinda is when dumb fucks think you can get it by sitting next to someone on a bus.

>> No.12245573

Just makes it easier to avoid.
If you got HIV and weren't born with it, you're a degenerate.