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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12237258 No.12237258 [Reply] [Original]

Trying a new frozen pizza.

>> No.12237261


Oooh. Interesting. Post a cross section when its done

>> No.12237270
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Sure. Should be done in 26 mins. It’s from Target. First impression is that it came with a shit ton of cheese straight out of the box.

>> No.12237282

Looks bretty good

>> No.12237344

I had a bbq one of these and it was really damn good

>> No.12237363

Pinging this bread

>> No.12237369

thats fucking huge

how much it cost?

>> No.12237390

Those pizzas are eldergod tier but you got the worst flavor.
Both the BBQ pork and the 3 cheese are amazing. It's my first priority pizza when buying from the freezer.

>> No.12237396
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I saw these at Safeway the other day, but I opted for the usual pic related instead. Let us know, OP.

>> No.12237408
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It turned out looking pretty good. All the ingredients look high quality.

>> No.12237415
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Shot of the bottom. It tastes great. The crust is flakey and fluffy, I’m surprised, doesn’t taste at all like it was ever frozen

>> No.12237420

I think $6 or $7, not sure, total pizza is 2400 cals

>> No.12237439

BBQ pork is mana from the heavens

But I also like the other two

>> No.12237464

I pay $8 or $9 but they're worth it when you'd get worse quality for the same price from a takeout place.

None of them are bad, just that the 3 cheese and the BBQ pork are incredible. I fuckin love these pizzas.

>> No.12237472

After two pieces I have to say it is probably the best frozen pizza I've had. Most noticeable is the cheese and crust, both are just really great quality. My only complaint is it feels like they skimped a little with the sauce. There just wasn't a lot but I like a lot of sauce so I probably noticed more than some people would. Overall 9/10, no real complaints at all.

>> No.12237621

I have had a couple flavor pies from this brand and was pretty satisfied.

>> No.12237678
File: 59 KB, 500x375, 708F243F-7D45-49FB-8D3A-037E55E861DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not even close to a real Detroit pizza anon.

>> No.12237686

I don't care, Detroit blows, it was probably better than authentic Detroit pizza

>> No.12237786

>I had Detroit style pizza!
>Uhh, that isn't Detroit style
>Well Detroit style sucks
I thought niceguys were just that way with women, turns out you're just as fucking degenerate with everything else.

>> No.12237825

its fucking frozen pizza you faggot give the guy a break.

>> No.12237844

>black man
your opinion is invalid

>> No.12237852

These are always trending in Seattle on Instacart. Are they any good?

>> No.12237854

I never said anything about the 'Detroitness' of it until you started swinging your dick around about le authentic Detroit pizza. I don't give a shit if they called it Flyover Pizza, I tried it and gave my brief analysis. It's very good, probably better than the shit you guys make in Detroit with your perpetually dirty water.

>> No.12237860

what the fuck are you retarded? nobody was talking about detrshit in this thread expect you fucking faggot ctrl+f detroit your braindead post shows go kill yourself nigger

>> No.12237864

No guy they're awful

>> No.12237871

A ‘zen ‘troit ‘za? Sign me the fuck up

>> No.12237878

Just thought I'd connect you two so you could suck each other off. We can't help your social awkwardness or prevent either of you from being insufferable manchildren, but hey at least we can cure your incel problem.

>> No.12237881
File: 6 KB, 200x200, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts pic of a pizza that literally says "DETROIT STYLE PIZZA"
>wtf guys i never said anything about detroit style pizza

>> No.12237882

That's the kind of person that'd be eating a Detroit pizza

>> No.12237893

Very underwhelming. Red baron. Tony's. Mama Cozzi. Those are good frozen pizzas. Not this.

>> No.12237908

Nope. I really like Red Baron, but Red Baron is shit compared to this. Red Baron has crummy cheese, this cheese is very good and there is a lot of it. Also vastly superior crust. Outsiders Detroit is GOAT.

>> No.12237915

That's not pizza, it's literally a loaf of bread (focaccia) with pizza style toppings.

>> No.12237916

You're out of your mind.

>> No.12237925
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>> No.12237973

do food stamps pay for take out

>> No.12237978


>> No.12238008

I think it depends on the state.

>> No.12238083

Detroit pizza is a crime anyways, why do you think it fits in so well there?

>> No.12238086

And then he jerked off.

>> No.12238117

these are mediocre now that palermos frozen pizza own the brand. They standardized the toppings and the crust and its no longer what it used to be

>> No.12238163

Detroit does suck, it's probably the worst place in burgerland.

>> No.12238174

Red Baron is fucking disgusting. Inedible while drunk tier.

>> No.12238177

have you never been to baltimore?

>> No.12238234

Is that buddy's? Best pizza I've ever had.

>> No.12238245

of course it's buddy's

>> No.12238249

your dough is raw in the middle, could've stuck it in for longer

otherwise it looks bretty good

>> No.12238598

Is that... fr*ckin oit za?!?!
Whooooaaaaa duiuuuudddeeeee, look at the packaging - it's so MINIMALIST and MODERN!! Like its so FRESh and HIP!!!!

I'd LOOVVVEEE to wash this BAD BOY down with some hoppy IPAs, duuuudddeee!!!! We can go with friends to this bar where -get this, get this- they have an ARCADE THEME!!!!! and EXPOSED RED BRICK!!!!! Holy FR*ckin EPICCCC!!!!!!!! I love the HUsTLE and BUdTLe of the BIG CITY... It's so CONNECTED, man, get this, it's so like culllturrreeeedde, dude!!
Overall, me and my wife's son would LOOVVEEEE thisssssss!!!!1!2
A perfect 5/7!!!! XDDDDD

>> No.12238603

i hate how accurate this is

>> No.12239627


>> No.12239691
File: 59 KB, 469x418, anger 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red baron is the only frozen pizza

>> No.12239753

Lol basepilled!

>> No.12240409

thanks op. almost bought this like an hour ago. didnt have the confidence

>> No.12240474 [DELETED] 
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why do people eat detroit trash when they can just eat Sicilian Pizza?

>> No.12240488
File: 1.83 MB, 288x377, B0E28477-A441-46BE-B86A-BAA6CAB3C790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a fucking mess.

>> No.12240499 [DELETED] 

>i like my pizza burnt with mostly dough and cheap sauce
lmao..if you hate cheese so much just order less cheese dumbass

>> No.12240636

Because Detroit is fucking cool

>> No.12242356

i took fucking two nyquil capsules last night, put my red baron in the oven and left it there asleep until my roomie pulled it out charred black at midnight or some shit
fucking kek i feel like a dunce

>> No.12243062

Ja/ck/ endorses this brand.

>> No.12243077

based and remorsepilled

>> No.12243090

It's detroit style pizza style pizza.

>> No.12243128

Harsh but fair

>> No.12243761
File: 785 KB, 2306x1324, 9F616482-6E6D-4006-933C-D114E55351D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD DAMMIT. This thread made me crave pizza, but this is all I have

>> No.12243776
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Try the BBQ pulled pork one. It's delicious.

>> No.12244082

I see it lacks a good sear in the middle.

>> No.12244088

I accidentally bought the combo ones with sausage and now I hate myself. >>12243776

>> No.12244098

as much as i love green olives, i'd never put them on pizza

>> No.12244102

Not memeing, one of the best frozen pizzas i've ever had. The edge of the crust was crunchy and caramelized and soft on the inside. Too bad they're almost $9 here.

>> No.12244300

I tried their extra pepperoni one, shit was almost as greasy as Pizza Hut.

Decent taste for a frozen pizza, though.

>> No.12244925

those are green onions

>> No.12245001

nice lasagna

>> No.12245422

you're missing out

>> No.12245434

That looks awful. Maybe it tastes better than it looks.

>> No.12245439


>> No.12247036
File: 27 KB, 300x250, superthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this same exact pizza in my grocery cart the other day in Jewel Osco but put it back and went to little cesars instead. Kinda wished I tried it.

>> No.12247203

where did this pizza come from? is this 'goza? if not then I'm gonna need you to delete this thread.

>> No.12247332

That's what pizza is.

>> No.12247884

No it’s not incel

>> No.12248998

based dyslexian anon

as stated ITT earlier 'oit style is basically foccacia bread with cheese and pepperoni, might not be that bad

>> No.12249009

I've wanted to try one of these but I really can't justify forking over $8 for a goddamn frozen pizza.

>> No.12249067

Dont remember if I had them, what didn't you like about the ones with sausage

>> No.12249074
File: 40 KB, 355x353, A1JlY3xrNyL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else love these

>> No.12249082

Nope. I've had sex with a female.

>> No.12249088

i'm gay btw

>> No.12249092

I can tell

>> No.12249133

Action 52?

>> No.12249142

I've always preferred frozen Home Run Inn to fresh. Don't know why.

>> No.12249176

wow good eye, and yeah, the avgn episode, I wasn't playing it

>> No.12249691

Detroit fag here. I bought the pizza the other day and all in all, it's pretty accurate compared to what you'd find here, especially the crust. Not the best by any means, but better than Little Caesars slop.

>> No.12249695

Focaccia is the same shit as pizza dough. It wouldn't be enjoyable if it were like everything else

>> No.12252020
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>> No.12253291

Nice. Love Detroit style

>> No.12253426

Wanted to rally like it..sucked, sucked really really terrible..ended up tossing
80 % to the trash..dog wouldn't even eat the damn thing..I've tried both "regular" and "detroit" ..was on sale local Ralph's here in LA..that's why I engaged in n both varieties..never again