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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12232861 No.12232861 [Reply] [Original]

Do you people realize that Southern and Northern USA have two completely different cuisines?
>Distinct cuisine that comes from the cultural mixing of our Colonist ancestors and the Indians they conquered, and also the Africans they brought to some extent. It differs by region and who settled each region has an impact, with Louisiana being influenced by Cajun French people, and Carolina and Texas being influenced by Protestant Germans
>Cornbread is a common side item. Cornbread actually differs between Blacks and Whites, with Blacks putting sugar in it while Whites recognize that sugar in cornbread is disgusting.
>Grits is the most common breakfest item, alongside Biscuits. and usually pared with Bacon and Eggs, which is common throughout America
>Lots of other dishes that often differ by region, such as various Barbecue styles, Gumbo, Frogmore Stew and countless other things
>Sweat Tea is a more common beverage than soda. Most people make it themselves, as it is very easy and cheap to make, and it is healthier than sugar (unless you put an insane amount of sugar)
Meanwhile Yankee food
>Knockoff Italian food
>Eat spaghetti every other meal
>Bagels for every breakfast
>No unique food at all really, pretty much just comes from wop immigrants
So next time you make an "American food" thread recognize that the South is an exception.

>> No.12232887

>Southern shits
Low effort nigger food, sugar sauce, tasteless carb loaded "biscuits"
>Northern patricians
Americanized (read: improved) International dishes
Fresh vegetables
Cali-Mex burritos where you get like a half pound of beans, rice, cheese and meat for 2 or 3 bucks

>> No.12232888

>ooga booga put all da shit I stole in da pot
>bix nood add 2lbs of unmatching spices
>based jambagumbo we wuz muhfugen cajuns and shiet
Fuck off, nigger.

>> No.12232911

Than why do people go to Italy to learn how to cook Italian food instead of New Jersey?
You Yanks ruin dishes not improve them. Burritos are an atrocity compared to the Mexican food made by Mexicans

>> No.12232913

I beat the shit out of racists like you whenever I meet them.

>> No.12232924

Because they can afford to.
>Muh authentic mexican food
Mmm yeah I love soggy Doritos with a bunch of gross shit on top and mealworm tacos. Delicious.

>> No.12232928 [DELETED] 

>ooga booga das raycis shieeet
I said fuck off, subhuman shitskin.

>> No.12232932

Where do you think the blacks got the food from? Us you dumbass

>> No.12232945

>He thinks we only have 2 distinct cuisines
What are you on about? America has a ton of different regional food. I mean shit even if you took it basic and just talked about the South there's Creole/Cajun, Soul Food, and home style cooking.

>> No.12232980

Well every country has regional variation. I was making the point that if you separate South and North the cuisines are completely different, variation within the south is similar to variation between regions in one country

>> No.12232998

This could well be one of the stupidest threads ever. Some Jollibee thread died for this!
>Carb-loaded slop that promotes diabetes and obesity
>Appropriated slop that only touches on international foods in the shallowest and laziest way possible, for ten times what it costs in its country of origin.

>> No.12233004

There's no evidence that southern food causes obesity.
When adjusted for race, South is less obese than the midwest. When adjusted for class and race, all of America is the same

>> No.12233382

>When you skew the data to fit my point of view, it fits my point of view!
I really wanted to give you Southern folk the benefit of the doubt here but you're forcing my hand. Why the hell are you all so retarded?

>> No.12233614

>stratifying is skewing the data
It’s a valid statistical method and the only way to compare apples to apples

>> No.12233625

>frogmore stew
Why not
>low country boil

Either youre Larping or youre from coastal SC. Which is it butt boi? I need to know, true coastal southerners are hard to find here. Frogmore vs low-country is so regionally specific im interested

>> No.12233646

>"the North" is only NYC and the surrounding area
don't be dense

>> No.12233668
File: 29 KB, 560x525, VinnyJersey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

southern cuisine:
>hey we are an amalgamation of different cuisines and cultured that have created a completely unique style of food that can be only categorized as "southern" while still having uniquely regional dishes

northern food:
>ey yo my grandmudda makes a betta gabooosh than you eva seen
>if youz even eva had a gabooosh you neva had one like i had one back home cuz ey they aint got they same flavored watah like we gut up in jerzey
>you don" know (insert italian, jewish, polish, or literally any other kind of food) like i do, my motha's aunt got finger banged by some guy fresh off da boat!
>hey yo bada bing

>> No.12234001
File: 553 KB, 1024x638, sherman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw suthern """"""""""fewd""""""""""

>> No.12234018

>Americanized (read: improved) International dishes
next you'll tell me American cheese taste delicious

>> No.12234024

Cajun master race reporting
Pls do it again. Atlanta is the black San Francisco with all the STDs

>> No.12234026


what's wrong with american cheese? it's the meltiest, best burger cheese

>> No.12234034

You're asking a lot from a southerner

>> No.12234036

Sherman pls go

>> No.12234063

pls don't be so generous. it's homogenized milk fats. Stilton is cheese, Cheddar is cheese, Gorgonzola is cheese.

>> No.12234239

Youre bragging about being Canadian and French? The fuck man...thats like touting that your gf's bull has the best tasting cum

>> No.12234274
File: 57 KB, 750x746, C2F0BC8F-0EB0-485C-A9F7-B4BE74270D93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally can‘t stop bringing up cuckoldry for no reason
How‘s the weather down there?

>> No.12234314

Cuckold Pornography is most searched in West Virginia, at #13 of the most searched terms. California has it as #36.

>> No.12234325
File: 201 KB, 900x900, 0214635D-F57E-441D-B967-E01FFE0FE6B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has cuckoldry stats on tap
You have a problem, my man.

>> No.12234341

Do southerners really think the entire north is New York and New Jersey?

>> No.12234348

upper midwest here. NY and NJ a shit

>> No.12234393

Patently untrue. I'm from Colorado, and see fit people everywhere I go, with fatties being manor outliers. When I've visited the South, I've found being overweight/obese to be the norm. Diet is the simplest explanation, since lifestyle and excercise couldn't possibly be so glaringly different

>> No.12234409

From midlands SC but parents have a vacation house in coastal SC

>> No.12234416

Colorado is the exception, but for most of America, and the Anglo world really, it holds true. The primary determinant of obesity is class not region

>> No.12234424

Honestly, New Jersey is probably more like the south than it is like the Upper Midwest

>> No.12234432

Please tell me what the glorious cuisine of Michigan is.

>> No.12234446

True. You remove blacks from the obesity rankings, the southern whites are still over 40% obese and nationally, still 38% obese.
>b-but muh blacks skew the numbers
No. Your head buried in the sand skews the numbers because you fail to address the real issues of why the US is the 12th most obese country in the world. Grow up.

>> No.12234453
File: 731 KB, 1148x591, obesity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the southern whites are still over 40% obese and nationally
Objectively not true for any state other than West Virginia, which isn't southern.
Actual obesity stats among whites in pic related.

>> No.12234455

>you fail to address the real issues of why the US
Just slap a fat flat surcharge on all food. You can solve both the obesity and the foreign debt problem in one bold move.

>> No.12234465

As you can see, Atlantic southern states (the ones that matter more) are actually less obese than the Midwest, where you're probably from.
Regardless I've actually heard that fatties existing reduces health care costs for people like me, so for me the "Obesity issue" isn't really that big of an issue, its more of a personal problem.
But if you want it to be addressed just straight up don't allow children to be obese. If a kid gets fat he'll be put under mandatory diet and workouts in school, and if he is still fat than he'll be sent to a camp. Thats how you breed a healthy nation.
A bit hypocritical of me to say considering how scrawny I am, but thats also an issue. Mandatory workouts for twig boys like me

>> No.12234536

How in the world can anyone talk shit about American cuisine when barbecue exists? Whether in the Carolinas, texas, memphis, Kansas City, or even fucking Kentucky, there are delicious options everywhere.

>> No.12234671
File: 624 KB, 1273x1600, b1d218b89c4ed5bae56bafabb259fb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There really needs to be a concentration camp type system implemented in the US. 40% obesity really is a national emergency unlike the other nonsense. Anyone over 18 with a BMI greater than 25 should be confined to a fat camp until they reduce enough to reach 25 BMI, still fat, but not obese. They should be put on a strict monitoring program after graduation to help get them into a heslthy range. And yes that includes everyone, even if they are orange.

>> No.12234728

>I beat the shit out of racists like you

>> No.12234749

BMI is a shit method to measure fatness. Bodybuilders have obese-tier BMI and less then 10% body fat.

>> No.12234754

I didn't even mention race, and there are very few blacks here. While there do seem to be more heavy hispanics than whites, I'd still say that on average the people here are generally thinner than I've seen in the South. It is also worth mentioning that I have immensely enjoyed the South, and have nothing against heavy people. Just don't like you pretending that this country is uniformly overweight

>> No.12234792

Gorgonzola is a college in Washington, retard.

>> No.12234801

See >>12234416
It’s not uniformly overweight, but the difference isn’t region it’s class.
And >>12234453 , Midwest is actually more obese than the south

>> No.12234830

Sounds like somebody is a lardass and trying to feel like less of a failure at life.

>> No.12234836

>whites recognizing that sugar in cornbread is disgusting
incredibly smoothbrained, any sort of dinner bread or roll should be slightly sweet. All the white bbq places in my part of the country sugar it too

>> No.12234879

Gotcha. I must have misunderstood you, reading back through the thread. Class is absolutely the chief determining factor as far as weight goes, which raises two questions:

Why are the lower class more likely to be obese? Is it lack of nutrition, lack of education about proper eating habits, lack of access to nutritional diets, lack of access to exercise opportunities?

What can we do about it? If the Midwest is so overweight, would it be enough to strengthen dietary habits, improve fitness, change cultural habits?

From my time in the Midwest (which is a lot more than the time I've spent visitjng the South) people tend to avoid active activities, unlike in CO where the majority of fun things to do involve exercise, e.g. cycling, hiking, climbing, rafting, etc. Can this be changed?

>> No.12234887

Colorado is in great physical shape but is hell on earth. One of the highest rates of anorexia in the country. Clearly it's doing something right but we should not use that hellstate as a model

>> No.12234892

>Sweat Tea
>insane amount of sugar
Pick only two.

>> No.12234916

>Why are the lower class more likely to be obese? Is it lack of nutrition, lack of education about proper eating habits, lack of access to nutritional diets, lack of access to exercise opportunities?
Its a combination of all of those things. They work more, meaning less time to excersize. They eat a lot of junkfood, because they don't take time to cook. They are less educated that giving soda to kids is a bad idea. They also spend less time with their kids, and kids don't always make the most healthy choices. Also the wealthier segments of our population play tennis or golf, they don't have time or money to play either of these.
However I'd wager that our obesity rate with be significantly better if we didn't drink soda. Fast food as well, but soda is probably a bigger factor. Although I personally don't watch what I eat at all yet I stay skinny, so I don't really fully understand how people become fat

>> No.12234922

Too much sugar in sweet tea isn't good at all. Sweet Tea is good because of the refreshing taste of the tea contrasted with the sugar.

>> No.12234943

Knew a guy like you once. Never exercised and ate nothing but snack food but his metabolism was so high that he was consistently underweight. I'm jealous of you perma-twink motherfuckers

>> No.12234948

I love it here, but have also lived here my whole life so might be a bit unaccustomed to what other places are like, as far as lifestyle goes. The food scene sucks, but there are tons of local farmers here on the front range, so one can get all of their veg and honey locally without it being expensive

Maybe that's the key; why not just tax soda the way we tax alcohol and tobacxo? It wouldn't be hard to implement, if we had a nationwide blitz of ads warning about the dangers of HFCS like we did with tobacco in the 90s

>> No.12234952

I have abs but I don't work out at all. I want to go to the gym but I just don't even know what to do there.
If only girls dug the twink body type like gays do. Instead I have to win them over with my personality and cute baby face.

>> No.12234974

Sounds like you‘re a retard who doesn‘t understand what BMI is.

>> No.12235094
File: 234 KB, 1400x1050, Dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drumpf has a 30+ BMI and is classified as obese
>BMI is an invalid measurement, ok? Many such cases! True, really!

>> No.12235140

I've lived in the south my whole life, but rarely find myself eating traditional southern foods besides on holidays or whenever I go out to eat, which is basically never. Fact is, this has always been the poorest, most subsistence-agrarian part of the country, and things like cornbread and hominy grits are popular because it's too hot to grow wheat and it's the cheapest thing you can buy, mill, and store. Seasonings and spices barely existed as an afterthought. There are plenty of good dishes you can make but honestly I find more complexity and richness in agrarian cuisine from Europe. It's a hell of a lot better than yankee food though.

>> No.12235165
File: 27 KB, 400x409, 3BD336E2-9AFB-432C-931A-BBE251C259DF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody said it‘s an invalid measurement, I said it‘s incorrect to infer body composition from BMI alone. Are you literally too retarded to understand that both muscle and fat add to weight?

>> No.12235189

>hey guys, the US has 40% obesity based on BMI
>b-but it's all muscle, ok? Really true!
Oh god, the cope is stronk with this one!

>> No.12235194

I’m not poor at all and I still eat all of these things. It’s not just what you can afford
And besides Southern poverty is exaggerated by the prevalence of black people

>> No.12235196

US doesn’t have a 40% obesity rate at all, so it’s not based off of fat or muscle

>> No.12235237

>here's a chart with no citations
Like I'd believe someone on /ck/ talking about obesity statistics.

>> No.12235312

Nice cope, Fatty McFatfat! When are you going to put aside your gingoistic rahrah tribalism and face the fact that the US is literally the 12th most obese country in the world nearing 40%? Just claim it's fake? Nice solution! Your ilk make me sick simply perpetuating the problem.


>> No.12235327

>b-but it's all muscle, ok? Really true
I didn‘t say that. Are you mentally challenged or something?

>> No.12235428

You literally did say that. Were you homeschooled by evangelicals?