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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12232602 No.12232602 [Reply] [Original]

Found a green caterpillar in my broccoli after I'd eaten most of it. I feel queasy now. Will I die? Also broccoli is delicious with salt, pepper and a few tablespoons of chick fat.

>> No.12232650

I hope so

>> No.12232679

suffering from TDR?

>> No.12232688

You're the one suffering, bug chaser.

>> No.12232690

Yes, green caterpillars are highly toxic to people with CBAS (chronic bitch-ass syndrome.)

>> No.12232703

More protein. Eat bugs accidentally when camping all the time, you get used to it. I guess in a home setting it would feel a bit more off-putting but it's nothing worth remembering 3 minutes after the fact.

>> No.12232704

Better than not finding a caterpillar desu

>> No.12232716

Thanks anon.

>> No.12233048

This. If a bug can survive on it, it's free of carcinogenic death, aka petroleum based pesticides, so it won't harm you either. I much prefer to see bugs or bug damage on my produce than the unblemished death ubiquitous in groceries.

>> No.12233079

>so used to pesticide drenched veg & fruit he thinks bugs are bad
Did you never bite a freshly plucked apple as a kid and find half a worm in it?

>> No.12233104

Eat bug food, get bugs.

>> No.12233106


>> No.12233110

If bugs weren't bad pesticide wouldn't exist, mom-science anon.

>> No.12233113

You probably have some parasites now. Maybe tapeworms.

>> No.12233118

not all bugs are bad, just most

>> No.12233121

>Eating random shit off trees
Did you not have grocery stores where you lived?

>> No.12233137

caterpillars are killed with BT a bacteria based pesticide

>> No.12233144
File: 13 KB, 251x201, sasha grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than finding half a caterpillar

>> No.12233154

Bugs are bad for farmer yields, not for consumption.

>> No.12233159

Pesticides kick ass. If anything we need more of them, insects are starting to notice how soft we've been getting on them in recent years. We should use just enough poison to kill something the size of a fat squirrel and anything smaller from there.

>> No.12233160
File: 106 KB, 800x750, ADB93547-F3AA-4500-8BFA-9111FA58AEFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bugman can‘t fathom where food in supermarkets comes from

>> No.12233163

As far as I understand, pesticides are mostly good for increasing the yield, not making the food better. The less bugs you have eating your shit, the more shit you're gonna get.

>> No.12233177

I found one in my blackberries once but it was cute CUTE

>> No.12233178

They aren't random trees in your backyard. There are food regulations in developed countries. FDA should start arresting and fining people who eat random unapproved crap off the land same way they go after the "raw milk" fags. You're poisoning everyone else by going outside the normal system.

>> No.12233179
File: 192 KB, 750x533, 473349BB-0BB7-44D9-B507-2759EDDA5AAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Monsanto shill.

>> No.12233187
File: 706 KB, 2835x1378, 25276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you eat bugs when camping accidently

>> No.12233192
File: 9 KB, 232x217, 9947B10C-0CCA-4D19-AD3B-5CDB8F008E7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the gubmint should ARREST people who grow their own food
The absolute state of xenoestrogens coursing through your system.

>> No.12233194
File: 115 KB, 994x725, 1547959085445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but, pesticides have scary chemical names I don't understand, because I'm a Starbucks barista and not a biochemist! What if there's GLUTEN in that pesticide, I'll get all farty and bloated! Nope, 100% organic for me, all the way. And if I find a caterpillar in my broccoli, I'll just sue the Whole Foods.

>> No.12233195

Based ffa anon

>> No.12233201

Based kike

>> No.12233203
File: 945 KB, 2000x1500, CA-ban-award.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>California thinks yet another harmless everyday product causes cancer
How is this news?

>> No.12233223
File: 287 KB, 1052x1137, 88B6BC3D-7BA4-48CF-9C3E-5AB942FEED01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a kike lover licks the boot of his corporate overlord for free again

>> No.12233234

Go easy on me bro, just drank a coffee and I'm starting to feel the tumors growing.

>> No.12233251

Did he drink this or use it as a spray tan?

>> No.12233274

Huh, I took that as it's better than not finding one, so not realizing you ate a whole one.

>> No.12233290

The other day this same guy was shilling for them. I legit think there are Monsanto shills here. His defense was
>omg california fags thinking everything is harmful
Lol no.

>> No.12233294

Strangely enough if you read the lawsuit they have almost no evidence or even mention at all of anything happening specific to the plaintiff. All it says is he used Roundup on his own property and, at 70 years of age, now has cancer. Almost all the text of the lawsuit is instead about Monsanto not doing enough to warn people in general about the alleged (and still not even recognized outside of CA) possibility of an association between glyphosate and cancer.

>> No.12233297

Not by monoculture megacorporations. They use broad spectrum petroleum based pesticides which kill everything, including humans. The BT bacteria, is used by organic, sustainable permaculturalists.

>> No.12233298

>ftw our yard is over ran by weeds
>man of the house won't pull them, says he's going to spray them
>ftw have to man up and pull the assholes
Pain in the ass, sure, but there's no way we're using that shit when we have children and animals. He knows just as well the harm this shit does but always wants to spray them, so I end up having to do the man's work. Did I unknowingly marry a Monsanto shill?

>> No.12233300
File: 40 KB, 306x457, 2C9E7DA400000578-0-image-m-12_1442872957058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah down with the corperations man they're evil. It all started with the dutch in the 18th century man with the god damned capitalist lending system that bets on future growth and innovation causeing the downhill snowballing of human population on the mothership earth to this day because if growth fails then lending fails and then this house of cards economy of everybody lending 7x the amount of money that actually exists to everyone ad naseum until this bubble bursts and we all fucking die. But no the age of imperialim followed by global capitolism is a good thing brother because despite living longer a much poorer quality of life and higher rates of mental illness and unhappiness is a good thing brother. Read a fucking book my dude. I recommend the count of monte cristo because this shit is dank. But seriously read Sapians.

>> No.12233301

Kek, there he is. What a faggot.

>> No.12233311

Damn it, tfw, piece of garbage "phone". I've never said ftw, ffs.

>> No.12233315

Post vageeen

>> No.12233320

Just order a sandwich from Arby's, my guy.

>> No.12233326

Why do you think these cases are only happening in California? You know they don't have the same standards everyone else operates with, right?
I wouldn't mind getting paid to shill for Monsanto full time just because I hate you hippie fucks that much, but as it is I do software development for the alarm industry, not really related.

>> No.12233332

>chicken fat
jew detected

>> No.12233344

I'm not even a hippie nor a smooth brained liberal and most definitely don'tlive in California. Fuck Monsanto, fuck California and fuck you.

>> No.12233359

Based old roastie

My gf has an innie thank god

>> No.12233367

Hhahahahaha the alarm industry

If window open
;function "ding ding ding ding"
Else order blankets and hot cocoa

>> No.12233416

Kek. Those flaps grew out when I hit puberty. I've seen a handful of literal roasties without the roast, too. Channel 4 runs a program that has contestants choose their date by oogling their junk and all the females there have 10/10 toddler vaginas, and we know any woman worth her salt wouldn't go on a show like that. So with that in mind, would you say roast is due to tons of partners? Plus I like sausage in my throat more than my front hole.

>> No.12233430

Try reading the transcript, shill. The evidence presented conclusively showed through internal documents monsanto falsified research ignoring dangers, paid scientists to sign their name as authors of ghost written papers by monsanto falsifying data, willfully failed to divulge "inert" ingredients which are definitevly carcinogenic when finally reverse engineered by researchers, etc. But never fear, the overuse of roundup has of course led to the development of weeds resistant to that carcinogen, so now they're rushing to market, aided and abetted by the current anti-consumer administration, an even more virulent herbicide, dicamba, into which they've incorporated elements of everyones favorite carcinogenic herbicide (which they initially claimed was perfectly safe), agent orange.

But by all means, lets trust our friendly neighborhood kraut owned chemical company with a stranglehold over the staple seed supply of the US 'cause muh national security. Have a couple shots of roundup tonight since you guys claim it's as safe as table salt, lol!

>> No.12233438

No, it's definately genetic and no we don't actually care provided it's not a real horror show down there it's just a meme. Eating pussy is mostly about the clit and the canal between the hole and the clit anyway not sucking on the curtains.

>> No.12233565

When I was in my ethnic country (tropical) it was nearly impossible to keep bugs out especially ants. They didn't infest the houses, they just passed through occasionally. But ant would be everywhere, so they'd get inside my oatmeal and I'd have to pick them out, but I kept eating the oatmeal. If it was a roach (luckily saw none of those) then I'd throw it out

>> No.12235974

I go camping with large groups for extended periods. After a week or two of boiling water for dinner you stop caring to check if another daddy long legs crawled into the pot before poring the water in etc.
Several pounds of beans and rice aren't going to be ruined by a beetle.