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File: 185 KB, 1200x901, 1200px-Serbian_6_beers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12211557 No.12211557 [Reply] [Original]

Slav edition
Previous thread: >>12182263

>> No.12211610

redpill me on helles lager.

>> No.12211656

bud ice is my thing. Fancy beers are disgusting and memes. if I wanted to impress someone I'd just half-meme it and drink a Corona.

>> No.12211947

But Corona is low quality. You have pleb taste stick with your Nadi, bud, ect...

>> No.12211963

They taste good

>> No.12211966

redpill me on Chimay

>> No.12212015

They taste good too

>> No.12212171

any recommendations or favorites? i think i'm gonna try weihenstephaner since i really liked their hefeweizen

>> No.12212450

anyone had any beer from caucasus region?

>> No.12212631

Always a safe bet. I think schneider Weiss has one as well as ayinger and that one brewery that has the classic rauchbier. Just try any you can get your hands on. If its German, itll at least be decent

>> No.12212648

Coronas from mexico are awesome and taste completely different than USA coronas.

>> No.12212651
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What do you lads think of 8.6?

>> No.12212670

What are you talking about? Corona is made in mexico. There's Corona, Corona extra, Corona familiar

>> No.12212678

Your reading comprehension issue is noted.

>> No.12212686
File: 231 KB, 1076x606, Screenshot_20190421-134612_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany what the actual fuck

>> No.12213005

I comprehend that Corona is the same regardless of where you drink it

>> No.12213022


Every tried a Red Velvet? 50% Guinness, 50% Red wine

>> No.12213029

Nobody drinks that. Its nowhere on any menu. This is freaks custom.

>> No.12213306

A bit overrated as far as Belgian and Trappists go, but worth trying.
I'd recommend the 75cl corked version as opposed to the 33cl capped bottles if you find them.

>> No.12215016

Corona from mexico tastes equally as bad

>> No.12215082

For me it's Hamm's

>> No.12215366

For me it's keystone :)

>> No.12215563
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>go to party
>only drink offered is warm busch light
>it tastes like metal

>> No.12215564

how does hamm's compare to pbr?i find pbr a bit too sweet.

>> No.12215939

Leave the midwest

>> No.12215943

get the red one!

>> No.12216107

Turn 21

>> No.12216558

german ones are good
outside of germany, brewers seem to be pretty shit at making them in my experience.

>> No.12216681

Bud vs. Heineken vs. Stella vs. Corona
Which of these are the best?

>> No.12216744

corona > heineken = stella >>> bud

>> No.12216767

Heineken > Corona > stella > bud

>> No.12217940

karhu>lapinkulta aka pisswater

>> No.12218482

how did you know? is busch light a midwest thing? (im from the south but currently reside just outside chicago)

>> No.12218592

What part of the south? In MS Busch Light is the standard beer for whitetrash as evident by the myriad empties strewn along the roads.

>> No.12218855

im from the midsouth i definitely see people drinking busch but they're usually white trash hunters that's why i was surprised to see it at a party full of rich kids in a chicago burb. i thought old style/pbr were the midwestern cheap beers of choice.

>> No.12218958

They all taste like piss to an extent, but I'd only outright refuse the Bud or Stella. Best is Corona if you have a lime, Heineken otherwise.

>> No.12218959

is shock top any good? I keep seeing it around

>> No.12218961

no, just drink blue moon instead.

>> No.12218972
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>mfw I've tasted all of those and they all suck... except maybe Zajecarsko

>> No.12218976


>> No.12219115

I have, but the Mohawked orange keeps drawing my eye

>> No.12219124

It's a sweeter, almost syrupy blue moon

>> No.12219431
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>> No.12219443

Franziskaner, Paulaner, Guiness
Spanish / Czech / Italian Pilsen beers
that shit they sell in australia or the americas
corona is garbage bro, theres no good beer in the entire american continent besides some craft brands

>> No.12219461

>that shit they sell in australia or the americas
You mean shitty macro lagers, or craft beer?

>> No.12219467

i dont speak american lingo, i guess macro beers
>bro our beer is good, you just have to talk with that creepy dude in the corner and buy the stuff he makes in his basement

>> No.12219485
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what do you guys think of this "beer"?

i love it

>> No.12219489

Craft beer, while lower in sales than macro beer is still extremely common, and probably near the majority of beer post-college millennial men drink.
The American beer market is weird in that the macro beer is much worse than the cheap beer in some parts of Europe (especially central and north, not so much south and east), but the good beer is easily the best in the world and there is an insane, and ever growing amount of it. It probably is the fact that the macro beer is so mediocre, and for a while after prohibition was increasingly all that was available that the craft beer movement was sparked. Meanwhile you look at a place like germany where the cheap beer is pretty solid so that creative spark was never lit

>> No.12219514
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ah, craft beer isnt nowhere near as popular in europe, i tried some german craft beer once and it was really underwhelming
>cheap german beer
are you one of those guys that claims germany has the best beer in the world and then orders some heineken

>> No.12219516

america has the best beer objectively and it isnt even remotely close

>> No.12219534

All stouts, porters or other dark beers are terrible.

>> No.12219537

>america has the best beer objectively and it isnt even remotely close
this is your brain in patriotism
i havent tried american craft beer but i highly doubt it
have you even tried european beer? Guiness, Grimgerben, Franziskaner...

>> No.12219541

i used to feel that way, but now i enjoy them.

>> No.12219549

I was thinking of the big, base tier Munich breweries, I assume there are probably even cheaper stuff that poor people drink but by cheap I really just mean relatively inexpensive and super common.
I would take any of the big Bavarian brewers over Bud Light any day, but you have access to some really amazing beer at just normal ass places in America, there has literally never been a better time and place to live in for someone who loves beer than America today

>> No.12219560

ive had all of those and theyre mass produced fast food beer. the american beer scene is the equivalent of european wine. but you wouldnt know if you werent at the farm breweries in new england, north carolina, and the pacific north west so its ogay :DDD

>> No.12219565

Theoretically i should like them because i like extremely bitter dark chocolate and more bitter things in general like cigars or whiskys. However it is that dark beers have a coffee or roasted taste to them, which im not a fan of.

>> No.12219571

>Quit drinking at a respectable time Saturday, didnt kill every single beer in the fridge
Is it bad im proud of myself?

>> No.12219575

>fast food beer
never heard this term
>you wouldnt know
yeah ive never had the chance to see american craft beer in a supermarket, closest thing was some mexican brands like Coronita and Sol
id love to try it tho, but im not gonna take your word for it, sorry

>> No.12219588
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>have you even tried european beer?
Not that guy, but I like trying beer from all over the place, attached are the locations of the beers I have remember to check into untappd over the last 4 or so years I have been tracking. In my experience, and from what I can tell pretty much everyone who likes drinking a variety of beer, the large majority of the best beer comes from America, but luckily as far as I can tell literally every country is getting better all of the time now.

>> No.12219599

>Czech republic (19)
any brands you'd recommend? the one czech beer i tried was really underwhelming, it tasted like the average budget 40 cent beer from souther europe

>> No.12219607

all of these breweries mentioned brew enough beer to sell to the entire planet. the breweries im talking about sell out of every beer they make to a small local community, sometimes in hours

>> No.12219624

My favorite craft brewery I had there was Matuška, and as far as regular old Czech pilsner I think my favorite might have actually just been Urquell

>> No.12219650

Focusing on meme breweries doing ony on premise single day releases really sells the US short. Yes, many of the very best beers are only found in this format, but to give a better picture of what is available to normal people just stuff you can find in US super markets is the best in the world.

Craft beer isn't just a tiny thing that you have to go out of your way to get, I think a great example is something like Two Hearted, I can go to basically any grocery store or gas station around and find a 12 pack of it and I am like three states away from where it is made. You just can't do that in most of the rest of the world, and definitely couldn't do something like this at any other point in history before our generation

>> No.12219670
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I find it wierd how similar beers are in north america and in Spain
here in spain beer factories started in the 19th century when czech-style lager was popular, so thats what most spanish brands do to this day
in mexico and north america it seems the vast majority of beer is also pale lager or pilsner czech style, and i think other countries of southern europe use similar types of beer

>> No.12219687
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>In certain states of the USA, the term "beer" can't be legally used for beers with over 5º alcohol, so these beers are called "malt liquor"

>> No.12219688

Have you seen Mahou-San Miguel start distributing Founders much in Spain since they bought a minority share in it a few years ago?

>> No.12219691

What states are those? Or is that just an old timey law that is mostly off the books now?

>> No.12219712

dont know what Founders is, never saw it in supermarkets
all i know about San Miguel is that it started in Philippines and its one of the few decent local beers in Spain

>> No.12219722

Fair enough, and I agree that American supermarket / can shop beer is strong enough to hold its own against the world. But that we have another, super-elite tier of beer that is only available via the direct-sale can release scene seals the deal. When I see mid-tier American craft breweries getting flexed on Japanese Instagram accounts like they're the gods of haze (King's Brewing, Noble Ale Works, Revision) I have to marvel at just how good we have it here in the US these days.

>> No.12219737

Well according to wikipedia it is the largest brewing company in Spain. I am really only familiar with them in the context of buying a share in Founders, which is a larger craft brewery in Michigan (though arguably not a craft brewery anymore after taking investment from a large international brewery, but thats for a different discussion)

In the last handful of years a lot of the larger international breweries have bought up Americans (and a few British) craft breweries, for some pretty huge sums of money.

I was just curious if this meant much for Founders availability in Spain, I assume they wouldn't have made the deal if they weren't interested in building the brand in Europe but I don't know what that looks like

>> No.12219747

i live in utah, which has the most strict alcohol laws and thats not a thing

>> No.12219751

it doesnt need to just be tiny stuff. but you should buy beer from breweries in your state, not national brands like b*lls

>> No.12219756
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ah i wish they brought over some nice stuff over here to try out, but the spanish market is very much consolidated so i doubt it
its really regional here, even the beer ads use completelly different stereotypes representing their region

>> No.12219766

The large majority of the beer I buy is from my state (increasing primarily from my city), but I have no problem with Bells, especially when I am at places with relatively limited selections, at least Two Hearted is very often available, and one of the very best Old School IPAs. It seems perfect for a summer day out in the northwoods too with that packaging

>> No.12219807

I can only read Spanish like 75% but this might be interesting

>> No.12219847

Am I a pleb if Heineken is my go-to beer? It's cheap, pretty smooth and it tastes the best out of all the other mass-market beers. Cobra is also great but it's rarely in stock where I live.

>> No.12219951

eh, the overall interview is quite boring, only a few interesting questions
>mass-market beers
there are better ones out there, id say try everything

>> No.12220200

>no Weihensthephaner
wew lad

>> No.12220346

I really don't like it, is like an inferior blue moon
I will say though the bottles feel very nice to hold

>> No.12221845

In places like the midwest, busch light is the de facto beer, you find it on tap. Go anywhere else and it barely exists, usually only in 3 packs of tall cans for cheap

>> No.12221907

What type of beer do you get for a wedding? Something not total shite but everyone's gotta like it

>> No.12221914


>> No.12221920

We're white sorry

>> No.12221926


>> No.12222120

then get corona light, only white people drink corona light or corona premier. mexicans don't fuck with light beer.

>> No.12222124

That's the primary demographic of corona. Mexicans are smart enough not to drink that shit.

>> No.12222142

Is that why they're all so fat

>> No.12222174

I've heard from others that Mexicans don't like Corona. I'm on the west coast and on the west coast only Mexicans drink Corona

>> No.12222187

Miller High Life. Pretty flavorless but palatable and not as sugary as Coors. It's my go-to cheap beer.

>> No.12222188

nah mexicans love corona, just not corona light or premier. i work as a beer merchandiser in texas and in addition to modelo, mexicans buy the shit out of corona extra and familiar. they rarely buy dos equis too, only white college kids buy XX.

>> No.12222191

All I see Mexicans buying is Modelo.

>> No.12222194

yeah believe me, i sell more modelo than i do any other beer.

>> No.12222265

Ive never seen a place even sell light. Just familiar and extra

>> No.12222430

dobra piva anone

>> No.12222483

they're all bad but nikšičko is by far the best faggot

>> No.12222512

The ones they put on barrels is pretty great

>> No.12222943

How do you keep track of the beers you tried?
heres the few i remember from memory alone
>North america (all pale lager / pilsen)
Miller (USA)
Sol (Mexico)
Coronita (Mexico)
Mahou Mixta
Estrella Galicia
San Miguel
Cruzcampo Shandy
Voll Damn

>> No.12222946

is sol any good? or does it just taste like generic lager?

>> No.12222950

I remember them by making private ticks on ratebeer
currently I think I have around 110 and beers on there, not all I've tried but most of it

>> No.12222951

Sol is awful even for light lager standards, would not recommend. you can buy cheaper stuff if you just wanna get drunk

>> No.12222956

oof. any lagers that actually taste good? i've had stella before and it was decent, i generally dislike any light beers or pilsners but would like to find a lager to drink that doesn't taste like watered down beer.

>> No.12222980

Franziskaner and Paulaner are my favorites, i think franziskaner is not technically lager tho
San Miguel is okay
a lot of my friends say Estrella Galicia and 1906 are great too, but they taste watery to me, even if it seems strong flavored at first

>> No.12222990

I liked what I think was called hacker-pschoirr - kellerbier

it should be a type of lager

>> No.12223003

San miguel is watery too though

>> No.12223010

ah, i preffer it over other spanish beers anyway
what spanish beer would you recommend? the only reason i buy them is because of the price desu

>> No.12223020

Founders’ Trigo is really good.
Though at that price you may as well be buying their better offerings like the meme stouts.

>> No.12223163

pick one and only one. this is a neanderthal sanctuary

>> No.12223621

They basically only know two styles. The first being pilsner. The other being dark lagers. They're good though. But if you want variety look elsewhere.

>> No.12223648

Im going to Cuba in a month, what kid of beer can I get there?

>> No.12223840
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they invented pilsner afaik
do they even make beer? id assume they just imported mexican stuff
ah, found an article about it, heres the translation in case you dont speak spanish

>> No.12223884

I use the app untappd on my phone.

>> No.12223908


>> No.12224301

>In places like the midwest, busch light is the de facto beer
no its not

>> No.12224306

Corona is like peak white middle aged mom drink

>> No.12224309

If you are at all interested in tracking your beer habits, use Untappd

>> No.12224321
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>tfw Hill Farmstead is a 12 hour drive way

>> No.12224420

You shouldn't be drinking beer or shitposting anything if you really think Zajecarsko is the best out of them in current year majmune
Zajecarsko used to be good, but Apatinsko or Merak is the patrician choice now for cheap beer, Zajecarsko has gone to absolute shit

>> No.12224433

Forgot to say Niksicko is probably the best 'domestic' one, but out of the really cheap ones Apatinsko je 10x bolje od Zajecarca koji je apsolutno odvratan trenutno

>> No.12225163

i wouldn't recommend spanish beer.

>> No.12226709
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Other Half bump

>> No.12226747

I'm so fucking sick of this hazy fad. Can't we just go back to classic West Coast style already?

>> No.12226816

no that's shit

>> No.12226833

doesn't like "hazy fad"
prefers "bitter fad"

neato burrito bromigo.

first real post so far. going on a trip to phoenix this weekend and I'll be hitting wren house and arizona wilderness - still looking for more spots to visit though.

>> No.12226847

>hazy fad
>bitter fad
Those aren't at all the same and you know it.

>> No.12227036

are you 19 or what?

>> No.12227039

Turn 34 next week.

>> No.12227063

Fuck both of them. I just stick to the classic midwest ipa. Havent found a better style of pale ale desu

>> No.12227625
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Hello again, old friend...

>> No.12227638

then you probably lived and drank beer during 2010-2016 when west coast ipas were a fad. now we're onto hazy ipas. not sure where the confusion is coming from.

>> No.12227883
File: 2.28 MB, 1536x2048, 00000PORTRAIT_00000_BURST20181215185725072~2_20190424132514128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wren House are pretty good. I liked Spellbinder and the sour IPA they did with Burgeon. I've been underwhelmed by Arizona Wilderness but I've only tried their gimmicky stuff. Can't judge a brewery based solely on their eggo waffle and creamsicle IPAs.

>> No.12227929

I enjoy a nice crisp Kilikia (Armenian) lager when I find it in supermarkets. Georgian Zedazeni is probably best Georgian beer that isn't something from a craft brewery - but they're pretty obviously a wine-making country. The non islamic caucasus countries have nice mild lagers made from fantastic mountain water

>> No.12228045

>Heiniken - German
U w0t

>> No.12228057

Half the german beers on your list are astoundingly not german

>> No.12228080

>there is decent beer being brewed in fucking arizona of all places in 2019
This is the kind of shit I need to hear in order to stop drinking nothing but bottom shelf vodka in the trump era.

>> No.12228116

nice. I'm looking for lager, haze, bba stouts and sours. any other suggestions?

I have yet to travel to a major city without at least one solid brewery. been all over the US the last couple of years

>> No.12228210

How much does the glass you drink from matter?
Is there really any difference between a pint glass and a beer mug other than muh heritage?

>> No.12228228

some glasses fit other beers better due to their shape, ability to capture foam, etc.

>> No.12228242

If you think you need to drink a particular beer out of a particular beer because of "muh heritage" you're probably not drinking a very good beer. That said, different beers are absolutely better in glasses of different general shapes.

>> No.12228254

Favorite american craft breweries? Can be big ones or micro hometown ones. Right now I'm loving Maine Beer Company, Fat Orange Cat, and Lagunitas.

>> No.12228257
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Authentic Serbian here

>> No.12228419

Some glasses like pilsners are necessary to hold the weak carbonation. Everything else is good from a pint glass or a goblet.

>> No.12228432
File: 1.89 MB, 2048x1536, 00100dPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20190130183132384_COVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tombstone just discontinued their sour program unfortunately. They're hazy beers are getting better but still lean towards juicy more than creamy. I had a nice cactus fruit kettle sour from Dillinger in Tucson. Weldwerks are worth checking out; I received a few good cans of their stuff via a Phoenix beer friend.
If I lived in Arizona I'd mostly frequent Wren House. They're the most consistently good product in the region right now.
Pic related is a more normal AZ Wilderness hazy. They need to get the color right and improve their malt use. The taste is solid enough though.

>> No.12228473

What kind of laws? What’s it like trying it drink with Mormons looking bee your shoulder? I imangine incredibly annoying

>> No.12229076
File: 13 KB, 400x600, delicious beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a fan of hefeweizens

>> No.12229104

definitely my favorite type of beer. i really liked weihenstephaner's hefeweissbier. how is paulaner?

>> No.12229616
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I picked up a fifth of this for $8. I've heard it's not so good as people say, but I enjoyed it. Am I being a filthy casual?

>> No.12229698

no, stop

>> No.12229709

I think Utah has a law where you cannot have a bar visible in a restaurant, so "jesus walls" must be erected in restaurants blocking all views of the bar, which is fucking insane to me, someone from the midwest where you are hard pressed to find any restaurant without a prominent bar

>> No.12230424

Paulaner's nowhere near as good as Weihenstephaner. It's kind of like the Budweiser of Hefeweizens.

>> No.12230432
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>jesus walls
Kek. Fuckin' Mormons.

>> No.12230462
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>> No.12230475

If we're talking Guinness Foreign Extra, that's bretty good.

>> No.12230508

Kölsch, fancy lager

>> No.12230515

A local brewery has some decent kolsh I had once actually. My friend described it as "it's like miller high Life but without the piss"

>> No.12230527

Check out Schneider Weisse, had it on tap in Germany, probably the best wheat beer I've had in my life more so than Wiehanstephaner even

>> No.12230562
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honestly not as bad as one would expect

>> No.12230573

I personally didn't take to it.
Russian euro-lagers are almost universally off-putting. Bumblebee ale is nice though

>> No.12230578

I'm drinking it with salty-as-fuck Thai takeaway so it's going down relatively easily

>> No.12230618

Where'd you find Thai takeaway in slavland?

>> No.12230625

Why are you pretending that Thai takeaway hasn't proliferated all around the globe? They're unstoppable

>> No.12230771

muttland isn't around the globe you absolute hick

also, I wanna find some cheap thai takeaway

>> No.12230776

>seething saupreiß subhuman

>> No.12231000
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>not drinking a Helles with pretzels and Weisswurst

>> No.12231002

lmao you are totally clueless

>> No.12231019

Haven't drunk any alcohol this year, should I start again?

>> No.12231095


>> No.12231271

cool, thanks

>> No.12231272


>> No.12231279

oh my god clean your glass properly

>> No.12231306


>> No.12232157


>> No.12232166

pretty sure i'm becoming a functional alcoholic. today is the last day i'm drinking i swear.

>> No.12232204

Why no plastic 2L?

>> No.12232244

When you want to pick up the bottle again, just think about how much more energy you have and how clear minded you become when sober. That's what I do

>> No.12232317
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redpill me on rolling rock

>> No.12232327

it's cheap mass-produced budget beer. it's not gonna taste good but it'll get you drunk for less money.

>> No.12232330
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It's a pretty bad pale lager that's a gateway to better beers. Even fresh it has a corny off-taste that's unappealing.
Here's what I wish I were drinking right now.

>> No.12233687

Worse than PBR at the same price point.

>> No.12234673

Whats having no off switch like?

>> No.12234767

I haven't heard of that beer.

>> No.12235389
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x2268, 20190425_214041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking a (very dented) can of Breakfast Klob by mikeller SD. Wish it had more head but great chocolate and coffee flavors

>> No.12236134

it looks like coke

>> No.12236194

It's gonna take you back to the past

>> No.12236198
File: 54 KB, 720x400, 85a3c35b039604c7ca2caadf1ed520ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salty and sour

Is there a more based beer?

>> No.12236498


>> No.12237697

I've never drank beer before and I want to. Where do I start? The beer aisle at the super market is really intimidating since there are way too many options.

>> No.12237726

just be aware that for most people, beer is an acquired taste and all beer will probably taste bad at first. i had to try dozens of different types of beer before i started building a palate and genuinely enjoying the different tastes of each. do not start with any light beer and avoid light beer in general, especially mass-produced macrobrewery swill like miller lite, budweiser, coors, etc. i recommend picking up something european at first since they know their beer. try something german or belgian, like a kolsch or a helles lager or witbier.

>> No.12237736

Weihenstephaner hefeweizen

>> No.12237751

i agree with this. also try their original helles lager.

>> No.12237781
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, 1553617785623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the beer store
>buy pick six
>empty beer down my sink
>line my dresser with empty bottles of obscure microbrews
>have a girl over
Oh yes I'm a bit of a connoisseur of obscure microbrews. Anything with rye, most specifically IPA's. Gotta have those hops! I can't stand plebeian beer such as Lone Star and Steel Reserve, my palette is simply too advanced.

>> No.12238027
File: 685 KB, 1383x1844, Europils2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First homebrew of 2019. Not lagered yet, just 2 weeks in bottle for carbonation so it does taste a bit young yet.

>> No.12238123

is this a meme or are you guise really drinking this?
if so, why?

>> No.12238128

Drinking what?

>> No.12238137

some obscure "microbrews"

>> No.12238151

They're mostly local, not obscure. That's like calling a farmers market an obscure grocery store since it's not walmart

>> No.12238167

How much do you drink?

>> No.12238169

stop deflecting and answer my question

>> No.12238179

Do people prefer fresh local products? Yes.

>> No.12238200

sure is more fresh than a name brand beer which is much more regulated and controlled than you shithole brews, lmao

>> No.12238205


>> No.12238214

nice beer min neger, do you make your own recipes?

I've only made beer once and got a kit from hembryggeriet which turned out very well.

>> No.12238221

because it tastes good...?

>> No.12238228

how does it differ from "normal" beers?

>> No.12238239

Drinking some sapporo tonight, the best lager beer there is. It's perfectly mediocre. No weird aftertaste, just a plain drinkable beer. Everytime I have it I wonder why I even buy anything else when I feel like a lager. There's no point in buying a quality lager to me, if I want something with more flavor I'm not drinking a lager.

Schneider Weisse Tap 4 is my all time favorite wheat beer. I even got some Schneider Weisse beer glasses last year.

>> No.12238258
File: 875 KB, 1556x2074, OppigårdsBotan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I throw together my own recipes yes, not that it matters really, even with set recipes it always end up slightly different every brew session due to circumstances. The most impressive thing about macro stuff is really how consistent their stuff is!

Having this one right now, little bit to sharp in the aftertaste with the alcohol on an otherwise nice dipa.

>> No.12238272

I would take a smaller batch system over a large operation any day of the week. More attention available from a smaller trusted crew. Large operations tend to employee retards out of necessity

>> No.12238275

Oppigårds is top tier macro. Haven't seen that one though but can't say I've looked for it.

>Säljstart: 2019-04-26
Okay I see why

>> No.12238433

What's a normal beer?

>> No.12238502

big name brand as stated before, smooth brain

>> No.12238516
File: 428 KB, 1175x2088, OppigårdsNewSweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppigårds are hit and miss these days for me, used to love their Amarillo but now it just tastes meh to me.
Best stuff they did was the early batches of the New Sweden ipa before they brewed it for their larger tanks and lost the haze altogether!

>> No.12238518

>smaller trusted crew
you got some proof on them having more trustful crews, or you just pulling that out of your ass?

>> No.12238523

that's a huge question that varies greatly between the different types of beer

the big name beers you're referring too are mostly "american adjunct lagers" if you're american, and they all taste more or less the same

>> No.12238563

at which point would you stop buying "microbrews" if they started getting popular and produce larger batches?
when does the trust in their employees end?

>> No.12238590

Have you ever tasted a stout or ipa and compared it with a macrolager like bud light? You might not like them more but they tast way different.

>> No.12238734
File: 73 KB, 770x470, bathales-gem-lansdown-cans-770x470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lansdown IPA cans

Basically a punk IPA clone that is slightly better, cheaper and comes in 440ml cans. I DO NOT BUY 330ML CANS. Its a winner for me. The Gem amber ale is really decent as well and ranks far higher than the cans of ale tesco usually stock.

I'm a drinking professional. I only drink cans of 440ml or higher that weighs in at least 4.8%. I will only spend up to a fiver on a 4pack. I drink from a pint glass not a tea cup.

I've actually emailled tesco to find out who decided to stock these bath ales cans so I can send them a thank you email.

6 down 6 to go

>> No.12238847

why do alcoholics in denial who are beer snobs on the side always drink st bernardus?

>> No.12239037

Sample pack that includes a lager, a wheat beer, a pale ale, some kind of stout or porter, whatever has art you like, and a red or brown ale. It's probably better to go to a brewery and get a flight of whatever they have on tap, then go to the next brewery and do the same thing. They're all so unique that you can't judge a style by a few beers so even if you hate something, it was probably just bad or you're a pleb.

Took me a couple years to get a feel for what I liked and my palette changed along the way. You probably wouldn't like the imperial IPA I'm drinking right now but most anons would find it balanced and palatable, if a little bland and deceptive for being 9 and some odd percent.

Beer festivals are also a good way to get a wide sampling of what beer can be. You end up so sunburned and shitfaced by the end that your personal opinions fall away and you get to taste each beer without judgement. Beer is social, you need friends open to anything so you can talk about it and one who hopefully knows the territory better than you.

>> No.12239147

Quality ingredients. Large batches demand less control and more compromise on the process and ingredients. Marketing budgets, overhead, time to market, niche releases. Catering to the LCD.

For employees, trust ends when I'm not getting crossfaded with all of them. Brewers are generally extremely intelligent, cultured fucks who turned alcoholism into a career and the moment it stops reflecting that, I'm done.

>> No.12239152
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>> No.12239270

St bernardus is not saught for by beer snobs. It gets consumed, and is good, but It is litteraly poor mans Westvleteren.

>> No.12239294

I'd think you may be surprised by the quality of ingredient that larger brewers use. Craft brewers can offer more variety and may be able to better select ingredients from annual production to highlight individual characteristics etc but that falls to the limited scope of the production run. I'm not the dick head questioning everything about craft beer but questioning large brewers passion and quality is a common mistake. The negative traits they tend to get called out on are balance sheet driven and no matter how much you may dislike it, most people drink bud light.

>> No.12239375

I'm not impressed by their output. I function on a different level and like riding seasonal and batch quality and revisions by people I personally know and respect. Maybe if Joe sold out to AB Inbev was inviting me over to taste his personal creations every week I'd be interested. I can make requests for changes at this level and have 5k gallons of it. They drink my shit and want more, it's a different world.

>> No.12239472

You think it's normal for one company to supply beer to entire continents? That's extremely new to humanity. Normal is whatevers local, like all of human history ya fuckin dunce

>> No.12239558

And I would say that you lack an understanding of what it is that they are doing, both from a buisness and beer production stance. As eurobro (welcome back) points out recreating a particular recipe (especialy at an low abv with nothing to hide faults like alot of the most popular craft fads see: the super fruited gose/berliner and wacky pastry stout boom). Their is art to making a crisp clean lager, and science and industry in making it millions of gallons a year with little variance. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of beer styles around the time of prohibition in the US weren't popular enough to survive the destruction of the industry. It legitimately sounds like you are more in love with your hands on involvement in your local brewer than subjectively enjoying a glass of beer. My local craft beer scene is one of the best in the world and I too have the pleasure of knowing many in the industry through both personal friendships and buisness. It's cool to have input, and it's great to get product you truly enjoy but for fucks sake, enjoy some variety. If the big guys are actively trying to hurt your interest then pitch a fit and site examples. Shout it to the roof tops and show us all on the doll where InBev touched you. Stop tilting at windmills because some one else's toy truck is a different color than yours and enjoy beer.

>> No.12239568

> Go live naked under a rock.

Burn your car, your phone, your clothes and throw out all of your beer. Those are all produced with global interests driving them. For that matter your hops, yeast, bottles, manufacturing equipment etc are all products of humanity's march forward so you better pitch a match at those bastards for enjoying modern human society.

>> No.12239583

Joe dont need you as his friend. He made enough money so that he can enjoy life and not deal with cicerhinos such as yourself.

>> No.12239589

Thank you for agreeing with me at how stupid saying "normal beer" is.

>> No.12239607

what you described is every midwestern get together

>> No.12239762
File: 852 KB, 650x812, 1555559150062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of inexpensive beer in huge quantities is a midwest thing.
Normal is a function of your life. I love variety. It is alot of work and too expensive for the return but I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.12239906

Normal implys familiarity. If people hate their own lives enough to be truly put off by what is "normal" to them, then they are unhappy at a deep level and live a sad wasted life.

>> No.12239912

I associate Busch Light only with the super rural corners of the midwest, not really with the normal ass prototypical suburban midwesterner, and most of the Midwest prefers more "local" Miller brands to southern Anheuser Busch brands brands. Like it is super fucking redneck to pick Busch over High Life

>> No.12239924

High life and strohs are the beers of my red neck buddy's dads. Pabst is deeply hated in my area and Busch and Natty are the beers of the younger generation. Bud light is what they drink when they are out for a night on the town.

>> No.12239926

Bud Light is what moms drink when Miller Light is unavailable

>> No.12239929

Moms in the deep woods of the midwest drink white wine spritzers or vodka by the gallon. Party moms drink cheep whiskey.

>> No.12239934

Can you even be a top tier beer state if Bud Light is the best selling beer in your state?

>> No.12239943

Rural midwest (and hick/white trash) my grand mother used to walk her 70 year old self to the party store every day and buy two old Milwaukee 40oz. Was a great woman.

>> No.12239961

If the Google statistics about popular beer by state are to be believed and blue moon is the top beer for interest in states like New Jersey Alabama and Mississippi I think it says alot.

>> No.12239970

Actually Bud Light is the best selling beer in 48 states, social media posts dramatically undervalue old people

>> No.12239976

I said interest, not sales.

>> No.12239983

Yeah, I just mean what the fuck is interest?

>> No.12240009

Since its culled from Google i would guess something nebulous and search/add related? Made up shit for the most part but I'm guessing its indicative of those markets less the generic "beer" niche which is indicated by the sales leader.

>> No.12240014
File: 147 KB, 1136x568, 5c77062f26289839ea2ae127-1136-568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killing a Saturday with a couple of naturdays

>> No.12240560

For me, it's Steel Reserve from the gas station

>> No.12240576

(not him)
for example here:

Question is, where excatly in the slavland do you live.

>> No.12241006

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.12241031

I said alcoholics in denial who are beer snobs on the side. Not full blown beer snobs.

>> No.12241306

Probably search related or culled from web crawls. It's a good indicator that people know what it is and may have tried it, but it's hard to infer much else. The problem is that plebs have an attitude towards beer like they do towards cars.
>muh dad drank chebby and so do I, only beer for me
>the charger is just as good as that expensive yuroshit, gets you drunk just as fast
>I don't like new things, having my opinion changed scares me
>My whole family drinks Honda but I switched to Toyota when they made the new one
>I can tell the difference between grey shitboxes and have a preference
>no one needs that kind of power, you can't use it on the road and no one can handle it. You have to go the same speed as everyone else heh heh

>*sips 5 ton SUV*
>Yup, it's all about the driving experience for me
>*tastes nothing*
>I like the way it handles

>> No.12241328
File: 111 KB, 1080x1241, IMG_20190426_202143_983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH collab DDH double
Tasted like Daydream

>> No.12241339

A truly patrician taste.

>> No.12242735
File: 232 KB, 1280x1280, New Glarus Juicy IPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12242834


>> No.12242861
File: 245 KB, 376x1503, bottle-production.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you helped your bro move all the furniture to his new place and now you need to unwind.

>> No.12242929

I love the blue, but the white and red are also great

>> No.12242990

They have rye in beers now or is they part of the bait

>> No.12243216
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x3024, 20190427_161844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even that remarkable or rare. See founders reds rye and several others. It's a shit example for the bait honestly when things like grenade fruit cans exist.

>> No.12243269
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x3024, 4A486B3E-826C-49D6-82C5-128171102E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it is Xingu

>> No.12243306


>> No.12243366

Rye beer is a long standing thing, too bad Germany fell for the Reinheitsgebot meme, otherwise they would be a lot more common in Europe too

>> No.12243454
File: 681 KB, 635x624, gsfasdfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw like pretty much all beer from super hoppy ipas to natties
>except for red stripe
What beer should I get to drink with a burger/onion rings/fries tonight?

>> No.12243472

Red stripe.

>> No.12243492

How's Hoegaarden?

>> No.12243517

its decent, like a good version of blue moon

>> No.12243520

Red stripe

>> No.12243557

If you're doing fine without it, I see no reason.

>> No.12243737
File: 972 KB, 634x637, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried this yesterday and really liked it but it hasn't got the best rating on ba or untappd

>> No.12243750

Who cares. Drink what you like. I've noticed certain styles generally receive poor ratings simply because people find them boring or not very relevant to whatever trend is going on in the beer world

>> No.12243756
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>> No.12243757

people like some styles better than others

>> No.12243764

Then dont leave a poor review of a style you dont like.

>> No.12243778

Ba and similar always over,- and underrate things. Also: what you think about a beer is always very situation oriented.
For example: I love complex Belgian strong beers (among other things but I'll just take an example) but if Im in a place where people drink cheap uncomplex macro lager it would feel so out of place to drink a beer like that, to the point that I may not even enjoy it and prefer simple lager myself. At home in front of my computer that same complex beer could be divine on the other hand.

>> No.12243788

There is a difference between not liking something, and liking some things more than others. I like a huge variety of beer styles and drink many different beers frequently, but almost all of the beers I would consider the best, those deserving of super high ratings, come from a smaller range of styles.

Most people when they rate a beer on untappd are not rating it specifically for the style but compared to all beer they drink

>> No.12243827

Doree goud - insanely good albeit weak
Red - good
Tripel - good
Blue - most people love it but for me it's too leathery. I prefer most other dark belgians over it

>> No.12243834

Both are cancer, like this thread. Drink what you like.

>> No.12243896

there is literally nothing wrong with untappd

>> No.12244110
File: 8 KB, 183x276, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking based

>> No.12244117
File: 236 KB, 1280x1280, 194ffbfafc9bb0fe85011059ece3a528_1280x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun to see the different pictures people upload.

>> No.12244123

>Check front page
>See my favorite beer on it

Black magic
Black beer

>> No.12244128

did you try this yet?

>> No.12244132

90% of the pictures I post in beer threads here are just taken from random people's untappd posts

>> No.12244135

my dude

That or gennesse cream ale. Bottom shelf (when bought right) is best shelf.

>> No.12244137

>employee owned


>> No.12244139
File: 353 KB, 1125x2000, 8078fcc667276addad80a80704652411_raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some kino shots.

>> No.12244147

Then don't leave a biased review

>> No.12244151

>coastie tries to comprehend good business practices

>> No.12244152

what does that even mean, what is a review if not someone's biased opinion about a thing?

People who like beer collectively like some styles more than they like others which leads to higher ratings on average for a stye, there is nothing wrong with this

>> No.12244158

IPAs fucking suck. IPAs are overrated garbage. IPAs are bland and one-note. Only alcoholics, amateurs, and people with no palate think IPAs are good. If you drink IPAs you're an insufferable hipster with shit taste.
Fuck IPAs.

>> No.12244162

What makes pissbeer taste like pissbeer? That familiar taste that makes you want to down the whole can

>> No.12244187

ok, stick to wine then, no one needs you to drink IPA

>> No.12244190

extra water

>> No.12244203


>> No.12244211

You are insufferable. Listen to yourself.

>> No.12244246

So if a bunch of people who dont drink ipas leaves a review on pliny the elder saying "it's too hoppy" you think that's a fair review of the beer?

>> No.12244255

>good business practice
>literal communism
good goy

>> No.12244259

>rewarding employees for making a company successful is communism

>> No.12244268

Well its the nature of reviewing, but keep in mind that any beer's review base will come from people who are choosing to drink that beer, especially on a site like untappd where reviews are directly connected to tracking the beers that you are actually drinking

The fact is some beer styles are better than others at least according to people who like beer, you may not always agree with the community's assessment of what styles are best on average but this is no individual's opinion, just in most people who like beer's opinion barrel aged stouts are more often than not better than light lagers

>> No.12244270

Its like the exact opposite of communism, the government has nothing to do with ownership

>> No.12244278

>workers own the means of production
>literally the definition of socialism (which is an inherent precursor to communism)
fucking retards. youre the reason this country is going to shit.

>> No.12244280

>~80 can box

Why not just rent a keg at that point

>> No.12244286

Communism doesn't mean each factory is owned by the people that work there but rather that all means of production are collectively owned and small groups legally cannot own business like this. This would be 100% not allowed under communism

>> No.12244325

What's your favorite cheap macro?

>> No.12244333
File: 234 KB, 1280x1280, b43d1e916029c6d8ab68f8a82b2efbae_1280x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my state has a good barrel aged stout

>> No.12244345
File: 34 KB, 320x320, central waters bb barleywine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I juts drank an excellent BA barleywine

>> No.12244391
File: 888 KB, 1440x2560, IMG_20190427_221023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably haven't had this if you live outside of Georgia, or maybe just outside the southeastern US. Creature Comforts makes this beer they named Athena, it's a Berliner weisse year round, but only a few months per year they brew a beer called Athena Paradiso. It's basically a spin on Athena, Athena Paradiso is brewed with sour cherry, raspberry and strawberry flavors. I'm not sure how they do it, but it's a blood red liquid and its good as fuck.

>> No.12244431
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>> No.12244454
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>> No.12244472
File: 1.68 MB, 2618x3492, 19C3B9DA-4279-4C3F-B09E-6BA8D50B9F32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do euro macros count? i can get stella pretty cheap

>> No.12244652

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.12244657

I have drank many beers. What constitutes a macro vs a micro? How big of a a brand name it is?

>> No.12244743

Micro vs macro refers to how much beer they make.
A macrobrew is generally a brand owned by AB InBev or one of their few remaining competitors, and generally implies a flavorless adjunct lager that is brewed for consistency over mass volume for international distribution instead of quality.

Microbrews are smaller breweries that really only brew enough to distribute locally in their own state or city. They might even just be a brewpub, serving only people who step inside.
Sometimes synonymous with craft brew, although craft brew can sometimes be owned by an AB InBev subsidiary and distributed nationally.

>> No.12244922

youre talking about leninism which is just a variant of communism where there's a vanguard. lenin was more conservative than early communists who would have preferred a more direct system of ownership. so go fuck yourself red.

>> No.12244928

the ones without corn

>> No.12245656

>Not trying fancy beers out of curiosity and wanting to drink the same beer more than twice

Anon, I...

>> No.12245694
File: 225 KB, 1291x968, cat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread:

>> No.12245891

It is pokemon with adult beverage my dude.

>> No.12246136

thats a bad thing?

>> No.12246845

>i havent tried american craft beer but i highly doubt it

lmao fucking dunning-kruger retard