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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12226450 No.12226450 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most common restaurant scam and how to avoid it?

>> No.12226469


Mixed drinks that are "specialties of the house." Ingredients rarely cost more than a dollar and then they charge you 8 or 9 bucks.

>> No.12226475

Desserts. Don't ask for them.

>> No.12226480

There would be one """"missing""""" cunt if she did that to me

>> No.12226490

They expect you to pay for meals, what you can make at home for the fraction of the price.

>> No.12226501

combo meals that dont include drinks

value menu with 3 dollar soft drinks

grocery store sushi. 10 cents worth of rice, 50 cents worth of immitation crab, 20 cents of avacado, 5 cwnt2s of celery: WALA 6 DOLLAR SUSHI ROLLS

>> No.12226506

imagine paying to see someone's naked pics online
at least with an escort you get to fuck them. anyone giving thots money on patreon, snapchat etc. deserves to be scammed

>> No.12226517

Based. Since there's no threat of going to hell people should start fearing for their life instead.

>> No.12226518

I'm just saying I hate women and any who fuck me over are in deep shit

>> No.12228655

Always make sure that your bill is correct, also if paying by credit card never let the card go out of your sight, pay at the front desk.

There was a Brasilian churrascaria in that I used to frequent in NYC and I read about them getting busted by the US Secret Service for credit card fraud. The waiters would have little card reader devices in their jackets and when their backs were turned while walking away from the table would scan the credit card. Once the memory on the device was filled they'd go outside for a "smoke break" and toss the device into a waiting car, the driver of which would connect the device to a laptop to download the data.
Afterwards the downloaded data would be used to make counterfeit credit cards.

I never got hit by that scam because I'd pay in cash but it's always wise to be informed about those scams.

>> No.12228665

The cost of the wait staff not being factored into the price listed on the menu. You're expected to pay them extra anyway.

>> No.12228673

>I hate women
HAHAHA, incels got mommy issues.

>> No.12228769
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>You're expected to pay them extra anyway.

so they can buy more Meth

>> No.12228808

Moving an unpaid item from a previous customer (that scammed the waiter and left) to your bill instead of adding a new version.

>> No.12228822

why would anybody pay when women post their bodies and sex tapes online for free and some even WANT PEOPLE TO WATCH IT. god people are pathetic

just search DoItForState BAM free porn

>> No.12228883

Tits, feminine penis, or gtfo

>> No.12228960

>feminine penis

this preferably, I'm not that edgy fella from before but fuck wemon.

>> No.12228995
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>> No.12229235

The tipping

>> No.12229262

you're right on price, but damn it's convenient

>> No.12229297

Go fuck yourself, pussy

>> No.12229306

fucking alcohol my dude
single most marked-up thing on the menu besides maybe soda

>> No.12229650

Credit card fraud is a total non-problem in 2019 you retarded fucking boomer

>> No.12229655

90% of restaurants aren't worth the price because you can make better food at home for less

>> No.12229710

Based and nihilismpilled

>> No.12229889

Fries or Bread. That shit costs like 10 cents a plate and most places charge $3 for that.

>> No.12229974

Pizza chains. The most expensive meat Lovers pizza you can get at Pizza Hut costs them 80 cents to make total

>> No.12230022

You forgot the time for them to prepare it and the convenience factor for you.

>> No.12230034

Wagecuck here, I work in the industry and just about everything posted itt is true. Except for the dick that doesn’t tip his server. That being said, going out to a restaurant is very rarely only about the food or drink. Theres a definite convenience factor along with the idea that going out to eat is an event/momentous. A restaurant charging “extra” for this is common practice everywhere, imo it kinda sucks but they do provide for you while you have your moment. Being knowledgeable about food prices can definitely get you the most bang for your buck but Id say the most valuable thing to do is to take your time. Get acquainted with the menu and make the right choice for you.

And ffs tip your server.

t. Kitchen supe

>> No.12230035

a pretty popular fast food scam is overpricing the sauce which is bought cheaply in massive batches
that and powdered ice tea

>> No.12230183
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Anything that doesnt take a lot of prep work or time to prepare can be considered overpriced. Sides, drinks, etc. If you have some meat type that takes several hours of marination and several hours of cooking afterwards to be exquisite, I understand the price and am willing to pay it, especially if I have worked in the field, or made it myself sometime and know the effort that goes into making it. I also understand the price of labour, maintenance, bills etc. factored into prices, but shit, Im not paying 5-8x the money for a glass of beer or sprite because some overweight tatted hog with (((her))) hair shaved brought it to me. Or some deep-frozen veggies or potato product that has spent less than a minute in the frier.

NOW, if the service is being done by a caring and friendly titcow, Im willing to relax my standards some.

>> No.12230212

The most common scam is forcing people to wait for a table to open up and make them order drinks from the bar while they wait--make them order $15 drinks that contain $1 of alcohol

>> No.12230237

Drinks whether hard or soft

>> No.12230250

fucking retard

>> No.12230295
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>itt "all food at restaurants is a scam!"
>mfw restaurant profit margins are the lowest of nearly any business

If you go out to eat, you're not just paying for the food.

>> No.12230312

I never worked in a big restaurant kitchen. Only shitty fast food and a bakery, so I’ve never seen a kitchen supervisor. What is it you do dude?

>> No.12230325

Why should I tip? In the U.S., tipping exists only so the restaurant can pay their employees below minimum wage and assume customers will tip them.

That's not my problem. That's an agreement between employees and the restaurant.

>> No.12230388
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>grocery store sushi

>> No.12230468

Yeah, beer tends to go for around $5 a bottle/glass, and I've even been to some restaurants that charge $3 for soda.

I get that restaurants gotta make a profit, but $3 for a fountain drink is excessive. Thankfully, it seems largely uncommon and most are around $1.50 to $2.00.

>> No.12230557
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ITT: all food that's not raw ingredients is a scam because preparation, service, and eating space should cost $0

>> No.12230861

the wine with the best price point for the restaurant is the second cheapest one. People don't want to seem cheap so they don't get the cheapest, hence the scam

>> No.12230943

Hi Angry Phillip Morris Programmer guy! Your rambling nonsense is always good for a laugh

>> No.12230958

You're mistaking me with someone else and what I wrote is a documented fact. Just because you're too stupid to look it up and confirm it simply means that you're a jealous rambling moron.

>> No.12230965

t. hasnt read a single post

>> No.12230967

Cool, looking forward to your autistic double-posting style. Tell the one about the gays of christopher street standing on line at starbucks again!

>> No.12230971

I bet you know all about the gaybars on Christopher complete with the leather fags.

>> No.12230978

Yes, that one! Also shillary and the carbon taxes, don't forget please.

>> No.12230987

In Japan it is table fee. Drinks can be free in some places but the table fee is high enough to cover this.

Also table fees vary in some streets, as in expensive in some then cheaper in a side street or cheaper between certain times.

>> No.12230992
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Compare that to this sheit

>> No.12231012
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oh yea I would never buy that crap

my store sushi is made fresh every day by a sushi chef

>> No.12231190

That's retarded though. Youd need a manager to stop the additional item from printing out in the kitchen or else the receipt will have an item with NO MAKE printed under it and be suspicious. The only way this would potentially fly is old style, high end restaurants where you're not using an automated ticket system and even then the possibility of someone figuring out your scam isnt worth the loss of business for the restaurant nor the loss of a high paying job.

>> No.12231212

>80 cents
Seriously? Holy shit

>> No.12232132

>eating at a restaurant
>eat at home

>> No.12232146

fuck off fuckface i hate you forever and will nevr fukn forgive you

>> No.12232326

its spelled soup

>> No.12232435

they always try to sell you a round of beverages the moment you sit down, before ordering the food, so that you order a second round halfway your main course
there are restaurants that try to oblige you to order entrees, arguing the main dishes "will take a while"... it is a lie, and the mains are ready hours ago, sitting there under a heat lamp ie: Foster's hollywood
selling you bottled water when you ask for water, when you live in a place where supply water is perfectly drinkable. Some will go as far as denying a glass of tap water if asked
Desserts designed to be shared are always worse value than ordering two different desserts. if they ask you if you are ordering to share, say no, because they go as far as charging 2 desserts, when they just brought you a little bigger ration

>> No.12232437

(cont) they basically play with your fear of looking like a cheapskate, but you need to remember you are paying for your food, and you have the right to order whatever you want
if you don't abide to those unwritten rules, it's better to never come back to that place

>> No.12234202
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Precisely. In fact, the restaurant should abolish all tipping. Just raise the cost of every item 25%, pay the server minimum, cover the extra tax, and increase profit margin 3% to boot.
Fuck giving customers a choice or employees an incentive to go above and beyond. They will either pay or stay home and make their own food and the servers can stop trying to make the experience nice for the customer.
Everybody wins..,

>> No.12234251

Hahaha holy shit, is this what passes for grocery store sushi in flyover land?

>> No.12234401

I want this chick blurry or not

those sexy eyes. Perfect model for a sex doll

>> No.12234434

This is the worst in bars. They intentionally take longer to make your food to encourage you to drink more.

>> No.12234445

ok retard

>> No.12234458

>Busted by the Secret Service

>> No.12235391

But I don't have a pizza oven at home :(

>> No.12235745

Employees always have an incentive to do a good job. It's the need to keep the job. The service in America isn't any better than it is in the rest of the world, where tipping is the exception rather than the rule.

>> No.12236128

I'm from Europe, and trust me you never need to ASK the waiter to bring you water , unlike the US

>> No.12237102

If you’re at a table and the cocktail menu says that something has middle or top shelf booze in it, we’re just gonna use rail liquor

>> No.12237229

Everyone of those guys is Burmese.

>> No.12237246

lol no, Germans will never bring you water till you ask for it. Then they'll ask if you want bottled or sparkling. At restaurants, they never drink tap.

>> No.12238063

Ft. Wayne, IN here. Can confirm, Burmese refugees make our Kroger sushi. Shit's still fresh and tasty unless you get it after, like, 8 or 9 PM, but it's sometimes assembled poorly.

>> No.12238072

Why be a cunt? I don't get it.
>enter service industry
>don't wanna serve people

>> No.12238253

that looks ok for something that you just grab and pay for
Whole Fuds??

>> No.12238256 [DELETED] 
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Simic Ascendancy secretly good in constructed?