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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 398 KB, 2048x1536, Cheesesteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12226440 No.12226440 [Reply] [Original]

This is THE greatest food in the world.

>> No.12226463

Based and undeniably redpilled
Wait what rolls?

>> No.12226465

Funny, that's not a picture of my cock.

>> No.12226519
File: 1.53 MB, 4032x3024, 1493435674716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely my favorite guilty pleasure to eat. Pic related was like 3500 calories but so fucking delicious

>> No.12226886
File: 140 KB, 950x534, garbage plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, Jamal.
>muh calories
Shut up, queer.

>> No.12227121

Do black people like cheesesteaks?

>> No.12227131

They're good but that one looks like chunky diarrhea on a bun

>> No.12227279
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, delish-rainbow-burger-news-3-1542312396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not better than a burger

>> No.12227847

do they make you pay extra for the dog food on top?

>> No.12228233

Extremely faggy, I'm actually embarrassed for you.

>> No.12228627

that's disgusting

>> No.12228638

Don't be.
I'm actually rather based and quite redpilled.

>> No.12228641

I don't like it sliced so thin/boiled-tier. I had one that was bigger, seared chunks of sliced steak from a greek place and it was juicier and overall just way better in every way.

>> No.12229772


>> No.12229805

They're both really good I'd say, but the greek steak is godlike.

>> No.12229897

Anyone else kinda surprised cheesesteak sandwiches weren't a British innovation and never became a staple of UK cookery? Onions, steak, bread, they got that shit there, cheddar cheese, they fucking invented it. You'd kinda expect them to have thrown all that shit together at some point and run with it.

I mean they'd probably fuck around and slather it with mustard and brown sauce, but really, that wouldn't ruin it.

>> No.12229915
File: 463 KB, 300x188, 1498446801560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy, eh?

>> No.12229928
File: 62 KB, 800x450, c3377a6d-4fdf-42af-9381-cf1ff074c85c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the same vein

>> No.12229932

Banh Mi sandwich

>> No.12229970

sloppy joes? idk they're okay

>> No.12229994
File: 13 KB, 439x439, 1554663714435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about they type of person you'd have to be to actually order something like this.

Think if the most awkward, cringeworthy guy you know. Even he would be thinking "nah, I'm going to get something that's actually good, that's pretty dumb."

But every once in a while, some colossal dingus comes along and sees this shit on a menu and just fucking knows that everyone in the entire fucking restaurant is going to see this beacon of faggotry make it's way across the restaurant and be planted right in front of the coolest goddamn motherfucker in the entire room. Panties will drop and all the Chads will be wishing they could be as hip and brave as the guy who ordered the Magical Burger off of the secret menu. Regardless of how it tastes, he's going to regale everyone he talks for 7 months with the story of the time he ate the most outrageous burger in the world and how he was the only one in the joint who knew that it was on the secret menu. He'll prattle on about how vivid the colors were, and how brilliant the presentation was. Then, at length, he's going to talk all about the unreal combination of sweet and savory flavors. He's going to tell you how juicy the burger was, but how the sweetness of the Lucky fucking Charms offset the fattiness of the Vermont cheddar and the 72/28 mixture of ground chuck and short ribs. Of course, he paired it with an IPA brewed in house with a cheeky blend of Mosaic and Hallertau hops and a light malt backbone. If you haven't tried it, you should really check it out, it's amazeballs.

>> No.12230188
File: 13 KB, 400x400, paF6Px6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jam a bunch of random shit on a paper plate

>think it's good

>think the flyovers are bad

>> No.12230292
File: 159 KB, 700x700, eyetallyun beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you are all fucking wrong.

>> No.12230294

Looks like your moms pussy

>> No.12230299

>reddit spacing

>> No.12230308

>4channel green text reply

>> No.12230324

Looks appetizing.
This isn't.
Any place, which has a logo to put on the wrapping does not concentrate on the food anymore.

>> No.12231032

Thick pieces of steak are terrible on a sandwich

>> No.12231227
File: 97 KB, 1600x900, a136c0d9-3b15-5949-8e3f-615bec3d13b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pea soup

>> No.12231239
File: 46 KB, 410x410, carolinapulledporksandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep dreaming

>> No.12231250

learn to make a better bell first phillyfucks.

>> No.12231269
File: 391 KB, 1920x1080, 1-FzUwje30VRz9ebkEE_io6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12231480

>reddit spacing
>having a 4chan folder because you're new
>being from a non-coastal state because your ancestors are retarded farmers

>> No.12231486

Do they make you pay extra for capitalization at the start of a sentence, Jamal?

>> No.12231494

does anyone else shove salt and vinegar potato chips into their steak and cheese?

>> No.12231509

>a bunch of random shit
Never been to a white cook out, eh? I wonder why that might be.

>> No.12231779

t. Phoneposter

>> No.12231796

If I was posting from a phone, I wouldn't bother ending sentences with punctuation, brainlet. You're not a detective. You're not smart enough. Stop trying.

>> No.12231825

phoneposters don't end questions with a question mark?
get over yourself, fag
post a screenshot of your browser

>> No.12231839
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, Jamal is always wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You write like a black kid.

>> No.12231892

you write like a redditor

>> No.12231901

>everyone who writes like a white person is reddit
Keep digging, btfo non-detective.

>> No.12231918

holy shit, do you ever go to any other boards?

>> No.12231924

>newfag doesn't see the board list because she doesn't browse the site properly
You really took me seriously when I told you to keep digging, eh?

>> No.12231928

>doesn't see the /g/ tab at the end
Nice one, detective.

>> No.12231934

oh wow, he went to /g/ once

>> No.12231943

the superior marriage of meat and cheese is found in bosnian food

>> No.12231946

You see that board list? That's a custom board list of the boards I go to often (other than /b/). Just because I wasn't currently browsing another board doesn't mean I don't ever, brainlet. If your dad had been around to raise you, he would've taught you when to stop talking because you're embarrassing yourself and the people who raised you.

>> No.12231960

>thinks his dad raised him properly
>rages on 4channel.org

>> No.12231972

>y-you're mad!
I'm sure you have to tell yourself this often in order to feel less impotent and told, detective Jamal. :^)

>> No.12231978

in all seriousness, you're mad af
sorry i called u a phoneposter 4 acting like a fag

>> No.12231984

Ultra shit theme. Also no gay sex with hats on. You're both fags.

>> No.12232015

Give it up dude, you've been btfo and deep down you know it too.

>> No.12232016

>u mad!
Like a black kid losing an argument on the playground. Classic.
My eyes are light sensitive because they're blue (unlike that other guy) so I prefer dark themes and Tomorrow is the least shitty dark theme for this site, even with Oneechan. Deal with it.

>> No.12232022

Try not to grab too many dicks on the way to the bottom of the pile-on, effeminate.

>> No.12232030

is "you're black" the only insult you know?

>> No.12232045

No but it's definitely applicable in your case. You were never taught how to act or think by a loving, community oriented family. I'm going to make lunch now. You need to find someone else to beg for the attention you weren't capable of earning IRL.

>> No.12232072

>he really thinks punctuation and capitalization is the pinnacle of human thought

>> No.12232459


>> No.12234152

Why are you so obsessed with blacks?

>> No.12234672

Wow, you really do write like a redditor

>> No.12234686

Cringe, you do realize OP's photo is wrapped in what is almost certainly branded foil, don't you retard?

>> No.12234700

Someone creampied your fucking sammich, dude.

>> No.12234751

Way to out yourselves as newfags, we've been writing like that since the beginning

>> No.12234850

>sees a food he doesn't immediately recognize

>> No.12234856

peak autism

>> No.12235146

The faggotry of your post has drawn the attention of NSA, good job.

>> No.12235227

enjoy your cancer i guess

>> No.12235234

>Nick Tahou Hots is a Rochester, New York restaurant featuring a dish called the Garbage Plate.[1] The restaurant was founded in 1918 by Alex Tahou, the grandfather of the 21st-century owner (also named Alex Tahou), and named for Nick Tahou, the founder's son, who operated the establishment until his death in 1997. While there are other Upstate New York variants, Nick Tahou's is the originator of the trademarked Garbage Plate.[2]

im so confused as to why you would post this knowing it's served in only one location in the entire world and act as if other people are gonna know what it is

>> No.12235241
File: 70 KB, 852x944, 1489424423161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browses /g/
jesus christ

>> No.12235362

Bacon? That's some kind of sandwich that contains cheese and steak but I wouldn't call it a cheesesteak, definitely not a Philly cheesesteak.

Holy fuck I miss garbage plates. Used to live in Rochester and now I'm in Philly. Henrietta Hots was my typical plate spot. Dogtown was good too.

Roast pork and broccoli rabe with provolone is a better sandwich than Italian beef imo.

Btw, the best cheese for cheesesteaks is objectively cheez wiz. I know, it's garbage fake cheese but you're not eating a cheesesteak to be healthy now, are you? Wiz has a saltiness and gooeyness to it that is just perfect for a cheesesteak. My go to is wiz, onion, crushed peppers and pickles. Best spots in Philly are Dalessandro's and Jim's imo.

>> No.12235371

>with provolone

>> No.12235467


>> No.12235601

chopped cheese is better than a cheesesteak, fight me

>> No.12236701

to be fair, they serve that shit in southeastern wisconsin too

>> No.12238119

Looks like some Indian did his do in your bread.