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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 719 KB, 3493x2328, whole-foods1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12226715 No.12226715 [Reply] [Original]

>go to whole foods
>all women are skinny and fit
>all the foods are organic and fresh
>they have literally everything and more, things I've never heard of
>the deli let's you sample everything
>get 10% discount with amazon
>prices are low now that Amazon took over
Why do you faggots cry about this place so much? It's the best grocery store I've ever visited. I wish I went sooner.

>> No.12226721

I unironically like their shitty overpriced pizza

>> No.12226737

>Why do you faggots cry about this place so much?
Because /ck/ only eats fastfood.

>> No.12226746

we cried because prices were too high
if they're low now, WF is officially the shit

>> No.12226754

Trader Joes is very similar with the "healthy/organic products", and their frozen/premade foods are much better, and cheaper

>> No.12226812

same it is delicious

>> No.12226815

whole foods is always full of obese boomers, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.12226826

>buying frozen premade food

>> No.12226831

Market of Choice >>>> Whole Foods

>> No.12226869

Whole foods and chinese stores are how I survived when I lived in the US for a bit, so I'm grateful for that, but - just like the organic supermarkets here in euroland - it's just so fake and smug and overprized. Why can't the US just have normal supermarkets?

>> No.12226874

Grocery store for queers and women. Neither of those belong on this site.

>> No.12226875

Haven't been in here since Amazon took over so I haven't seen yet, is this the place that uses facial recognition and cloud wallet for checkout and to monitor shoplifting? If so it can still get fucked. If not, might give it a second chance

>> No.12226941

i have terrible news for you

>> No.12226951

>t. Obese

>> No.12226956

>he doesn't know

>> No.12226978

>Why can't the US just have normal supermarkets?
Because that wouldn't be American, but something what civilized countries do.

>> No.12227082

>not living in Texas

HEB masterrace

>> No.12227092

The curries are good and there is no fake bullshit in them.

>> No.12227204


>> No.12227217

>shopping at lefty wal mart
>not supporting your community and going to a local co op

>> No.12227222

ummmm no sweety

>> No.12227339

Local coops are better for produce, dairy, eggs and sometimes meat, but they generally don't carry bulk grains and beans, so there's that.

>> No.12227390

>living in Dallas where there are no HEBs but Whole Foods on every corner
._. I've been to HEB once when I was in San Antonio for work. I remember walking in and being shocked by just how large the place was - it just kept going and going. I probably only saw 1/3 of the store and was there for 30 minutes. While I was there I purchased a delicious fresh squeezed gallon of pineapple juice for some absurd shit like 5 dollars. Whole Foods is great if you have extra money and are going to be cooking from-scratch dishes, but for anything packaged snack wise or drink wise I hate it. I'm not going to a grocery store consistently if I can't pick up everything I need there, and all of the Whole Foods versions of snacks and drinks I usually get at Walmart like Coke and Pretzels taste like shit at whole foods and cost two to three times the price. Props to their beer selection though, typically top notch and great local selection.

>> No.12227676

I worked at a co op that had a pretty good bulk selection on dry foods, so I guess it depends. But yeah the meat/produce/eggs from local farms are definitely worth trying.

>> No.12227686


>> No.12227729

Whole foods carries some local stuff sometimes that I like

Also their cheeses are great.

>> No.12228029

It's alright but honestly my local HEB has a wider selection and a way better bulk section for spices and shit. Also the local farmer's market is better for produce. But I guess if I'm in bumfuck nowhere Whole Foods is a step up from Wal-Mart at least.

>> No.12228705 [DELETED] 


>> No.12228730


Trader joes is great too

Around here therr is also sprouts

>> No.12230182

>living in Texas

Central Market elitist rulling class

>> No.12230196

Supermarkets have thin profit margins. That's well known. It's a very hard business. Is Amazon even making money on this fool's errand? Was it a bad decision to buy WF?

>> No.12230211

whole foods is cool but they actually sell GMOs if that matters to you. also the founder or owner or what ever is extremely libertarian and hates unions so if you shop there thinking youre an obama youre not.

>> No.12230218

i go there weekly, usually on awed after 1pm; place is moderately busy with 55+ vegan types, gaunt-eyed women and skinny old men with the look of “where did my life go so wrong” on their faces. I guess the hot moms are at Target.

>> No.12230223

Wednesday, fucking autocorrect

>> No.12230236


to be fair most CEOs hate unions

>> No.12230961

Also their packaging is cooler

>> No.12231175

HEB thankfully has most central market products.

>> No.12231191

I like whole foods but the issue I have with them is since they only source locally Im not always garunteed to find the things I need

>> No.12231348

they bought a grocery distribution network, they'll eventually change faces or start opening Amazon grocery stores for a poorer market

>> No.12231467

That's not true of the one near me. During the local growing season they'll have more locally sourced, but they'll carry the product off season as well although it most likely will be conventionally grown. One thing I've noticed after amazon bought them, there is significantly less local produce even when it is in season.

>> No.12231505

I rarely shop there, but am grateful it exists when I need it.

Now that I've moved somewhere that doesn't have one, I'm not very happy. The closest thing I have is some local organic grocer (with no amazon discount).

>> No.12231518
File: 45 KB, 768x768, 1554833641851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12231719

>north texas
Why even call it texas? It's basically oklahoma.

>> No.12231741

>lefty wal mart
>wal mart
does that mean the local co-op is right?

>> No.12231752

Scoping out cardio bunny alt-vegan skinnies at Whole Foods is for boys.

Eyeing the baseline casual weaponized thiccness of Coscto moms is for real men.

>> No.12231762

Same. $7 for two slices but its good shitty pizza, slightly better than costco

>> No.12231780

>shitty french bread
>shitty bread in general
>shitty rotisserie chicken
>bulk seasoned peanuts etc are shit
How about no

>> No.12231786
File: 71 KB, 979x722, WincoFoods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not going to Based Winco


>> No.12231788

Whole food a shit compared to a real grocer like Kroger.

>> No.12231894

>shitty opinion


>> No.12231931
File: 60 KB, 250x334, Scruffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasted double trips with the lucky 7 sandwich. been here for 11 years haven't seen that for at least 8. damn shame.

>> No.12232467

Yeah but my local central market carries a fucking $30 jar of some fancy imported mustard, 30 fucking dollars, for mustard.

>> No.12232475


>> No.12232642


>> No.12232670

local co-ops are /pol/ now ?

>> No.12232680

one time I saw a steve mre looking dude with a hillary for prison t shirt on casually browsing whole foods not far from where steve lives in florida. wasn't him though

>> No.12232698

Moving to Austin soon. What is it?

>> No.12232779

Good luck anon, im counting down the days till i move out of this commie shit hole.

Heb is great though.

>> No.12232813

This post... It speaks to me.

>> No.12232838

based high test poster

>> No.12232876

Austin is literally the only tolerable city in that entire shithole state.

>> No.12233032

>tfw hate the leftists here but love the food/music culture

I'm conflicted

Go back to commiefornia you leper

>> No.12233581

Texas is a country not a state.

>> No.12233583

Nice try, Bezos.

>> No.12233621

>their frozen/premade foods
are overly salty and taste bad

>> No.12233891
File: 94 KB, 935x894, gordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at whole foods
>work with literal retards
>can't schedule 2 women with down syndrome together because they get into tard fights
>schedule them anyways on my days off
>hear stories about it the next day
>woops, must have been an accident
>do it again next week
I regret nothing.

>> No.12233900

Except that Trader Joe's isn't a full-fledged grocery store because you wouldn't be able to buy the stuff you need for a week's worth of family meals. Whole Foods, however pricey, allows that.

>> No.12233914

holy shit lol

>> No.12233922

Ultimo basado

>> No.12233933
File: 81 KB, 300x250, 1527520827943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12234038

Nah, if it weren't for Austin, TX would be nothing but a mixture of MS, LA, OK and northern Mexico swirled together with a heaping helping of petroleum and cow shit.

>> No.12234068

so basically what it is now outside of Austin. got it.

>> No.12234076

t. has never lived in Texas

>> No.12234143

you’ve never been to a food co-op, right??

>> No.12234160

maybe so, but the food is of higher quality

>> No.12234186

the "discounts" are largely a facade


>> No.12234234

>going to a local co op is /pol/

Lol what? Have you ever been to a co op?

>> No.12234487

got any more of these?

>> No.12234512
File: 221 KB, 680x680, honk honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy fucks

>> No.12234523

I find it hard to believe that the best example of the evils of capitalism could be considered lefty by anyone without brain damage

>> No.12234550

you mean like literally everywhere

>> No.12234575

Winco is awful

>> No.12234583

I've been to texas and it sucks

>> No.12234596
File: 48 KB, 500x500, yasspepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah whole foods is fucking based when I want to buy trendy snacks or need any sort of exotic foods. It's great for super high quality produce too. The environment just feels richer too. Everyone in there is usually well dressed, smells nice, wearing nice clothes, polite, and quiet.
>Neither of those belong on this site.

>> No.12234647

Whole Foods is based out of tx, there wf is trash.

Seriously there hot bar has the most bland food ever.

>> No.12234654

Based HEB poster.
Mom and I could spend hours there.

>> No.12234690

It’s supposed to be big you twit.
It’s in the fucking name-SUPERmarket.
If you want to go to a regular market, go there. Supermarkets are supposed to be big and have lots of selection.

>> No.12234797

TX outside of Austin really is stinky poopoo. Try driving through West TX w/o a mask, nothing but fields of black back angus cattle in enormous field lots as far as you can see to the horizon. The stench literally gags you as you drive.

>> No.12234855
File: 279 KB, 2048x1413, Tonys-Market-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WF is good....Tony's and Sprouts are better.

>> No.12234864

>Why can't the US just have normal supermarkets?

bitch where'd you live? most major US cities have great local chains.

>> No.12234881

i did not enjoy my time at whole foods but sprouts is so much fucking worse.

i once asked a sprouts employee where i could find laxatives and he stared at me blankly. eventually they led me over to a rack full of sugar pills. The cunts don't even carry fiber. A man's got to shit.

>> No.12234886

when you think Austin is the best part of Texas, you need to GTFO

>> No.12234914

>The cunts don't even carry fiber. A man's got to shit.

I kek'd, no more tendies for you. employee should have just taken you to the produce section.

>> No.12234963

I don't eat vegetables, I'm not gay.

>> No.12235027

I work at a Whole Foods in North Carolina. Ask me anything you want. By the way I'm not a high level employee or anything.

>> No.12235109

Did you ever get to lick or taste a vegan nether regions? If no, why not?

>> No.12235174

eat some celery once in a while faggot?

>> No.12235179

entry level tm detected. I used to be a tl and a regional tms person. ask me anything.

>> No.12235184

believe it

>> No.12235233

No, because I met my girlfriend at Whole Foods and she isn't vegan. I have wondered about it though.

>> No.12235239

>entry level tm
Yep, market team here. Looking to get a mentor position soon.

>> No.12235269

stay based friend

>> No.12235288 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you stupid niggers. Nobody wants any of you here.

>> No.12235295


>> No.12235387

wtf is a mentor? I've been out of the company for a couple of years

>> No.12235405

Guys I can't actually tell if this is ironic anymore

>> No.12235410

I don't eat vegetables, I'm not gay.

>> No.12235576

enjoy your non gay malnutrition, bad dumps and colon cancer then.

>> No.12235619

Basically one step up from team member. It's the usual progression from team member to orderer now.

>> No.12235621

you mean a buyer? what the fuck happened after amazon took over lol? I'm guessing you're in grocery?

>> No.12235628

Yeah, I'm in grocery. We still call them buyers, but in my store we say orderers for some reason.

>> No.12235636

The local co-op is the Ted Kaczynski of organic options.

>> No.12235642

Also, not much has changed since Amazon took over except for the $15 wage. I'd say there's more 365 every day value shit though.

>> No.12235692

Thanks homo, I will.

>> No.12235694

oh right you said market, aka what grocery used to be. I missed that.

>> No.12235702
File: 52 KB, 669x960, 1536164817900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redditriggering.

>> No.12235943

Sprouts master race. Fuck whole foods.