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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12202676 No.12202676 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you guys do a QTDDTOT?

can I measure liquids with a scale that measures grams? Is 1g of liquid close enough to 1 ml? Even for thicker liquids?

>> No.12202694

Bump for the answer to OPs question

>> No.12202697

>can I measure liquids with a scale that measures grams?

> Is 1g of liquid close enough to 1 ml?
Depends on what you're measuring.

>Even for thicker liquids?
It's density which matters, not viscosity.

>Bump for the answer to OPs question
There's more than one of you who were never taught the concept of density in school?

>> No.12202698

Don't know about thicker liquids, but for watery liquids in my cooking experience 1g is effectively the same as 1ml on a scale.

>> No.12202704

So what's the cutoff when liquids are too dense to be reliably measured with a scale? Mayonnaise? Heavy cream?

>> No.12202932

When I brown butter are all the brown bits supposed to settle at the bottom after it cools off? It always separates after i put it back in the fridge

>> No.12202936

I think you're a little dense m8

>> No.12202958

>So what's the cutoff when liquids are too dense to be reliably measured with a scale?
I'm not sure there is a black-and-white answer to that question. It depends on what you're making. Most cooking doesn't need a high degree of precision. Some stuff, like baking, absoloutely requires it though.

It's not like you can't use a scale for other things, you just look up the density first.

Suppose you wanted to use a scale to measure 300mL of mayo. Google the density of mayo (or just compute it yourself using the weight and volume printed on the jar), then apply that correction to your weight.

>> No.12203039
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That is exactly what I was thinking. But look at this picture of mayonnaise I had at home: even for something that I consider pretty dense like mayonnaise, grams and ml look pretty close together. Wouldn't be the practical way just assume 1 ml = 1 g, even if science doesn't agree that easily?

>> No.12203069

Favorite ways to eat vienna sausage? I just heat those little bastards up in the microwave.

>> No.12203114

that depends on if your recipe measures the liquid by weight or volume

>> No.12203118

why are you refrigerating brown butter?

>> No.12203126

do you mean hotdogs?
grill em baby

>> No.12203138

>can I use weight to measure liquid
Yes, why not?
>doesn’t understand density
When I try to measure liquids I google the density before trying to weigh them. 1g/mL isn’t universal

>> No.12203141

There is no cutoff. You just have to know the density. I measure all condiments on a scale.

>> No.12203142

Why the fuck does OP have trouble googling "density of milk" or whatever.

>> No.12203147

Viscosity is not density my dude

>> No.12203148

nah the small sausages that come in a can; i just microwave my hotdogs tho

>> No.12203149

In this case yes. Why are you so retarded? To find density you divide mass by volume. 146g/150mL =~1g/mL. Why do you need your hand held?

>> No.12203161

Pure water 1g=1ml and for other watery type liquids it will be very close. But when the texture starts getting thicker, honey for example, it's going to start varying from that a lot.

I don't really understand the practicality of the issue though. Surely the recipe you're following will either have the correct weight of the substance or the correct volume. Is this just some kind of mental exercise?

>> No.12203163

>Why do you need your hand held?

not him, but i would love for someone to hold my hand, it's been so long

>> No.12203176

Measuring by volume is an unnecessary pain in the ass if you already have a scale out.

>> No.12203196

they're literally the same thing

>> No.12203202

i'm american and thus have no scale in my kitchen
volume works just fine

>> No.12203204

Measuring volume with a scale is much more of an unnecessary pain in the ass which requires looking up conversions and simplifying, so if you need volume measurements, the easiest way is with volumetric tools, retard.

Just stop cooking if cooking is too hard for you. For fuck's sake.

>> No.12203205

"just fine" isn't good enough. Measuring by volume entails less cleanup and greater consistency so it's kind of stupid not to do it.

>> No.12203209

Are you delusional
I know full fat milk has a density of 1.1, syrups are generally 1.4. I can do basic multiplication in my head. Getting seperate measuring tools out and cleaning them is retarded when the scale is already right there for you to just pour into.

The fact that americans are retarded is, sadly, not particularly relevant to this thread.

>> No.12203213

thicker liquids have more mass per volume so : you mesure per volume once then meaure the weight of that volume and forget the volume and only work with weights

ex 100mL of melted chocolate = 140g (made up values)
then you change your recipe and always work with 140g of melted chocolate

>> No.12203217

reread my comment and consider your response again m8
nothing retarded about preferring to measure by volume

>> No.12203219

There are *plenty* of things retarded about americans insisting on measuring compactable substances, substances with *variable density*, by volume. But like I said, wrong thread.

>> No.12203228

no they are not

>> No.12203236

>try to measure honey by volume
>pour honey into a measuring cup
>a substantial quantity of honey stays in the cup, completely throwing off any "precision" you think you've gained (??)
>then you have to clean the cup

How does anything in this post make sense

>> No.12203238
File: 76 KB, 1146x402, based retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they are

>> No.12203242

all purpose flour doesn't have variable density
sugar doesn't have variable density
baking powder doesn't have variable density

>> No.12203244

whoops, my bad. I meant to say measuring by WEIGHT entails less cleanup and greater accuracy. Your post is a perfect example of why.

>> No.12203251

Different brands have different fineness of milling/grinding. Also, its density will vary depending on how hard you packed it in your measuring container, as well as how much of your local humidity it has managed to absorb.

>> No.12203261

okay technically you're right but they are different flavor and texture wise

>> No.12203262

You're delusional.
You're guessing the density and doing multiplication of decimals rather than washing a cup and claiming it's easier. It's not. Using volumetric tools for volumetric measurements takes infinitely less time than weighing anything, even without conversion calculations.

>need a cup of flour
>grab a cup
>scoop the flour to fill the cup


>need 100g of flour
>get a bowl and my scale, zero the scale with the bowl on
>pour flour into bowl a few shakes at a time until you reach 100g

You're just trying to autofellate over metric measurements and the "superiority" of scales when the reality is that no recipe except extremely fine baking actually requires the level of control you get from a scale, which happens to be its only advantage.

>> No.12203267

everyone knows you don't pack when measuring those items

>> No.12203269

You already have the scale out for the flour. It makes no sense to weigh flour by volume, as already outlined.

So your bowl is already on the $5 scale that lives on your counter anyway. You need some milk with that? Well you could take the time to carefully pour milk into a measuring cup and then into the bowl, leaving you with an extra utensil to clean, or you could just pour it directly into the bowl and watch the scale reading.

>> No.12203270

no they're the same
it's just that you eat gross canned sausages

>> No.12203289

>lol why would I pay $5 for convenience and guaranteed precision when I could just try to eyeball the compaction of my flour and end up with +/-20% of my target quantity

>> No.12203322

Here's some elite pro tips that people have been using for centuries to avoid compacting their flour.
>use a spoon to scoop flour into the cup
Wow, was that so hard? It's almost like common cooking techniques were already invented a long time ago and you don't need to try to reinvent the wheel to feel superior.

There's nothing you need scientific levels of precision for in cooking. Plenty of people online make macarons using volumetric tools and they come out looking fine. If you need a scale's scientific precision to be able to cook, I have bad news for you, and it's that you can't actually cook.

>$5 scale
>any more precise than volumetric tools
Now you're just taking the piss. Scales go out of balance and will give false readings if they're shit quality or not properly maintained. But you wouldn't even notice if your scale was out of balance, because as I told the other poster, you can't actually cook, you can only follow directions.

>> No.12203347

>you can't actually cook, you can only follow directions
this is true of so many people
it took me 5 years to train my wife to start using her brain when following a new recipe rather than blindly trusting a "mother of 5 furbabies" on pinterest

>> No.12203656

>everyone knows you don't pack when measuring those items
not everybody knows that. And even for those of us who do, the flour will still "pack" itself to varying degrees due to simple gravity. measuring granulated solids by volume is highly inconsistent.

>> No.12203672

>Wow, was that so hard?
But given that a scale is even easier, requires less cleanup, AND is more accurate you'd be a fool not to use one.

>> were already invented a long time ago
yeah, back when scales were expensive as fuck and the average peasant farmer couldn't afford one. they were also tedious to use given that they required a sliding balance or stacking weights. these days, thanks to modern technology, scales are cheap as fuck and super easy to use. Just as how we use the internet instead of the fucking telegraph, it's time to move beyond using volumetric measure in cooking. 100 years ago it made sense. Today it does not.

>> No.12203689

>Now you're just taking the piss. Computers get hacked and will lock up if they're shit quality and property defragmented. But you wouldn't even know if your computer was lagging, because as I told the other poster, you don't know shit about how computers work, you can only press buttons.

Really bro? Are you that stupid?
People can rely on dumb volumetric measurements just as easily as people can rely on mass based measurements. That has everything to do with the person and the recipe, not their measurement tool of choice. You're certainly right that one would be a poor cook indeed if they are unable to use measuring cups. That said, it's equally foolish to avoid using the superior tool simply because you have some dumb mental block that "you're too good for that".

>> No.12203725

and not everybody knows you're not supposed to shit in your cupboard either, but we're not talking about outlier retards like yourself

>> No.12203873

>some people are morons, therefore I choose to use a measuring method which requires more effort to yield worse results

I'm not sure I understand your point, anon.

>> No.12203878

>Why don't you guys do a QTDDTOT?
Because they generally are on topic and contribute to the board in a positive way. Which triggers the autists who only come here to race bait, shit-fling about politics and discuss the finer points of McDonald's.

>> No.12203902

Packing density will vary regardless of what you do. Even sifting before measuring can give a significant variance in mass per cup.

>> No.12203905

it's because you're a moron. that's not the reason I chose. the reason is 1) convenience 2) hyper precision is unnecessary in the vast majority of applications

>> No.12203921

>doesn't bake
Just say that and save everyone time

>> No.12203937

virtually no baked good requires that kind of precision. people who say "baking is like chemistry" are larping.

>> No.12203950

t. whiny autist

>> No.12203966

Don't act like I'm incorrect.

>> No.12203970

>I don't bake
Just say so next time

>> No.12203995

Why should I learn to cook?

>> No.12204004

Same to you.

>> No.12204010

larping faggot

>> No.12204013

You seem stressed. Maybe take up baking.

>> No.12204018

When you slice and dice a tomato, do you peel the tomato first, and remove the seeds?

>> No.12204020


>> No.12204029

99% of the time no. Only if the presentation is really important.

>> No.12204031

do you also weigh your eggs, retard?

>> No.12204045

Il hold your hand. I'm married and know that feels.

>> No.12204056


>> No.12204072

>Getting seperate measuring tools out and cleaning them is retarded when the scale is already right there for you to just pour into.
Don't you need separate containers to pour the liquids into anyway? Whether it's a measuring cup or an unmarked regular cup, you're dirtying something up if you need to measure the amount of the ingredient. Unless you're pouring your oil and milk and every other liquid into the same container one after the other.

>> No.12204075
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use one of these bad boys to measure stuff like honey that's a bitch to get out of a regular measuring cup.

>> No.12204083

I think that's what he's doing

>> No.12204099

Do you guys make your own pasta? If so does it taste better?

>> No.12204151

It's up to you to decide. The rewards can be great tasting food, some of the best you've ever had, for you and your family and friends. It's also a lot of work to become good at the different aspects of it: the actual cooking, learning recipes, preparation, ingredient purchasing, etc. Even just managing the food you buy and using it all up with minimal waste is a hard problem to learn how to solve. And all of that plus cleanup takes up a lot of time. The time part, and ignorance of how to go about it, is why I think people don't spend time cooking and just buy fast food or frozen stuff instead.

>> No.12204209

I'm a chemist and hate baking. I do use 3 scales on the regular:
- 1g to 2kg to weigh main ingredients
- bathroom scale to know how much food and water there is in my dish so I know how much salt to add
- 0,01 g to 200 g to weight salt and spices precisely>>12203937

>> No.12204235

It's good but also heavier from the egg. I wouldn't use it for carbonara for example since it already has egg and would use dry pasta instead.

>> No.12204252
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>he doesnt realize eggs come in different sizes

what if i have a recipe that calls for duck eggs but all i have are chicken eggs? what if i have a recipe that calls for 2T of sea salt but all ive got is kosher or large flake salt? what if it calls for cumin powder but all i have is seed and no grinder?

you're objectively wrong, just get over it. if you're gonna measure, use weight. also:

>owning ONE scale
>buying a full set of 6 or more measuring cups and a whole keychain worth of measuring spoons

i know you've never worked in a kitchen but your stupidity and stubbornness is quite remarkable.

>> No.12204368


I know a guy who makes 50,000 a year as a chemical weigher in a factory... all he does it weigh chemicals and put them into bags.
The chemical bags are then used in the further production process.

>> No.12204506

Why do people refuse to learn how to cook?

>> No.12205850

I tried my hand at chicken tikka masala, but I think I may have undercooked the chicken. I tested several pieces and they were all of a safe temperature, but it feels a little mushier than I'm used to.

Can this be salvaged if it's already in the sauce? Or am I worried over nothing in the first place?

>> No.12205948

you can just cook it longer in the sauce
are you an idiot?

also if you want firmer chicken next time, use more salt in your marinade, that will firm up the meat

>> No.12205952

I don't know shit about food science and didn't know if getting the yogurt up to 165 F would compromise the integrity of the dish in some way. I'm new to cooking.

>> No.12206039

Did you not learn what density was in school?

>> No.12206286

Is learning French cooking hard?
Are there any downsides to learning a particular style of cooking?

>> No.12206433
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what is heavier op? one kilo of iron or one kilo of feathers
I use pic related when I'm baking easy as fuck...
Like in any practical hobby it is very trial and error (but easier than say Mongolian cooking as there is a lot of literature around)if you try to do it alone but then again its the only way to improve. Started 4 years ago and I can say that I enjoy the technical aspects that you dont find in other cuisines. I recomend you get Larousse Gastronomique, it covers everything from the basic rules to more complicated preparations. And no downsides unless you get in with some kind of retarded ocd mindset that anything that anyone else does is wrong (aka being dogmatic and a stuck up) for example check 19:20 of the link as Bourdain states the dish preparation is sacrilegious to the french culinary tradition...yet he likes it and has no problem with it. Dont be a jackass and you would be fine...

>> No.12206449


>> No.12206495

Are there any /ck/ approved recipes or copypasta

>> No.12206502

I slice em up nicely in octopus like shapes and put them in a pan for a good while until brown and crispy. Love that shit.

>> No.12206529

Anything from Chef John or Alton Brown.

>> No.12206662

Just put it the microwave for a few seconds, then pour it out.

>> No.12206677
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Could workout whey powder be used in place of dietary protein, if you don't care about personal satisfaction/flavor? How cost-effective is it?

>> No.12206678

probably, or very nearly so.
not terribly cost effective. beans and eggs are as cheap as it gets.

>> No.12206687

Heavy cream is less dense than water. Because fat is less dense than water in general. 1L of heavy cream is less than a kg. Unless you chilled it substantially, then it would be more dense than water.

>> No.12207974

Why are these /ck/ approved

>> No.12207976

>When I brown butter are all the brown bits supposed to settle at the bottom after it cools off?
Yeah that's normal

>> No.12208767

a couple months back i was in on the hummus thread and decided to give it a shot
the first time I couldn't even find it. the next time I picked up SABRA roasted garlic
do most folks stir all the stuff up or try to get a bit of the "topping" and hummus on each cracker/pita/naan?
also can I make good hummus with just an immersion blender?
the stuff is pretty good and I've only tried it on ritz crackers. what else can/should I do with it

>> No.12208793

Sabra is fucking terrible. Make your own next time.

>> No.12208836

Why don't we heavily spice mashed potatoes? I think it would be good.

>> No.12208884

It is good. Who's stopping you?

The one downside could be that you get diminishing returns on spice mixed into potatoes, compared to say, spice sprinkled on roasted potato cubes, cause most of the spice will never touch your tongue, or release aromatics that you can smell. So for a restaurant that makes it more expensive, when potatoes are one of the cheapest foods out there.

>> No.12208887

we do
buffalo blue cheese taters is good
make mash how ever spicy you like, with the flavors you like
it's better than the first try I had with it homemade. but I've realized the person that made it sucked at making it
I don't have the room or the cash to buy a food processor and it seems too thick to use my stick blender

>> No.12210088

Are there any ready meals/tv dinner/frozen meals sold on the US market that are meat-free but don't have meat analogues like tofu, TVP or seitan in it? Something like veggie pot pie or s/t?

>> No.12210102

>You need a food processor to mash chickpeas
My grandmother was a filthy Leb. She took off her rings, washed her hands and mashed the chickpeas in a bowl with her fingers. Then, when adding the other ingredients, she'd beat the mash with a fork like one would a scrambled egg.

>> No.12210146

If you use a cup then you will get a different amount each time as cups aren't the same size

>> No.12210515

nigga do you not know what a gram is?
One hundred and forty-six grams, quit this nonsense. the fuck are y'all blathering about ml=g for?

>> No.12210757

What's the difference between pancakes and waffles?

>> No.12212642

of course, you retard

>> No.12212681

what's the best cooking show out there?

>> No.12214028

Are jalapenos poisonous? I just fed one to my grandfather on accident.

>> No.12215247

Is /Ck/ a fast board

>> No.12215266


>> No.12215274

1ml=1g only applies to water

>> No.12215276


>> No.12217192

How do I make a good chocolate chip cookie?
Can I get a /ck/ approved recipe?
All the ones I make turn out bitter as fuck, with this weird middle-ground between chewy and crunchy with an even more bitter aftertaste.

>> No.12218517

How the fuck do I go about trademarking / copyrighting food ideas? I've got two right now that I think could be hugely successful.

>> No.12218643

>asking for legal advice on a sri lankan cobra charming flute tune discussion board
For some reason, I suspect your 2 ideas are on that level as well.

>> No.12219047

just put one of those small TM tags near the idea
if your' just speaking about them use those " " things with your two fingers when you say the "idea"
I can't wait to see them, this world needs better foods

>> No.12220319

Why do people care about presentation in cooking? Isn't the most important thing the taste?

>> No.12221756


>> No.12221854
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Q: is garlic that is sprouting toss worthy, or do you just snap off the sprout and use it anyway?

Q: what do you do with a pan that sticks like mad the moment a sliver of meat touches it?

>> No.12221867

I don't have a question, but I made the meme in OP, seeing it reposted sparks joy. In turn I hope you all have a joyous day.

>> No.12221875

Visual appeal informs the taste. What will look and taste better, some stir-fry that was all cooked together willy nilly until it formed a slop or a stir-fry dish that was cooked in layers with proper timing so the flavors meld together but are still distinct, with their own textures. Presentation IS the taste.

>> No.12221880

1)toss the sprout, use it anyway. depending on the dish I might not even bother to do that.

2) depends on the kind of pan it is.
if nonstick pan? throw it out, the coating is fucked now.
if stainless pan? That's nothing wrong with the pan, that's operator error: wait longer before you try to flip/move the food.
if carbon steel or cast iron pan? Re-season it.

>> No.12221883

A. I dunno chop it off and use it. I've heard i can cause heartburn or something but never experienced it.

A. Remove meat as best I can, deglaze pan, wipe clean/dry, reheat pan with oil and try again.

>> No.12222213

the sprout goes through the center of the garlic and can be removed easy after you wack the garlic with your knife side

leave the meat on the pan and quit messing with it. it will let loose when it's perfect, unless you are using high heat, then it might be burned

>> No.12222255

Any advice or some good cookbooks to become a patisserie? I have a huge sweet tooth, don't know if that helps at all. I'm a beginner, but I can do some basic stuff

>> No.12222372


there probably is a link between depression and food, right; at least in the sense that being depressed you don't have the motivation to cook so you eat ready made shit that probably is not good for your energy level, your weight, brain chemistry maybe and so on ...

how to break from that cycle. i guess cutting sugars in general can help. focus on fruits and vegetables... any thoughts on this?

>> No.12222391

It's been well researched. There are no foods which magically "cure" or "treat" depression, but that said, poor nutrition is certainly a contributing factor to depression, and fixing that problem by eating well can help fight depression. Many people can't be bothered to eat well when they are depressed and that only makes them feel worse, contributing to a vicious cycle.

>> No.12222421

exactly how long do I have to wait until I frost a cake, because I get impatient and don't want to fuck anything up

>> No.12224162

A: Pretty sure all of the stuff about indigestion and heartburn that the sprout causes is fake. It is slightly bitter so I cut out the sprouted part and throw it away.

B: This sounds like a stainless steel problem. Try using more oil before adding your meat.

>> No.12224166

Wait until the cake is no longer hot. If you suspect it may be hot enough to melt icing, wait. Some people put the cake in the fridge to speed the process up.

>> No.12224279

stop frosting your cakes, its that simple
i did years ago and my life did get better

>> No.12224341

How can I further my cooking? I'm a lazy college student and basically all I eat is ramen, pasta cereal, and pb&j. I'm not a poorfag, I just don't know where to start.

>> No.12224590

Do you have a kitchen?

>> No.12225087

Somewhat. I have a stovetop and running water but not a proper kitchen sink.

>> No.12225103

I also have a small pot and a skillet plus all the generic cooking stuff.

t. samefagging

>> No.12225128

>small pot and a skillet

put 1 cup rice in your pot
swoosh it round with water a few times and drain the water, until the water is more clear
then add a little salt, and 2 cups water
bring to a boil with the lid on
reduce to lowest, simmer for 12 minutes
remove and rest

put salt and pepper on both sides of some meat, beef, pork, chicken, whatever, and then rub the meat with oil
heat your pan to medium
saute your meat on both sides until it is browned. If it's chicken, cook it through. With whatever you're doing, aim to go undercooked, than over, because you can cook more later but you can't take it back. You can test by poking it or cut into it a little

now, remove meat and rest it
fry some onions and minced garlic or minced ginger or chillis etc, your choice, don't burn them, try scrape up the brown stuff on the pan from your meat
add a little chilli bean paste, or lao gan ma if you want
add some wine, or stock, or chinese rice wine, or water
add some chopped washed vegetables, like brocolli, green beans, peppers, whatever
salt and a little sugar and pepper and some soy sauce or vinegar or mirin if you want
add a lid if you have it
cook until veges soften but are still a little firm in the middle
add more liquid if you need

the ingredients you use don't matter, the technique does, but taste, and adjust to balance them, does it need acid, salt, sweetness?

slice your meat. If it's done to your liking, add it at the very end and serve, if it needs more cooking, cook it in the sauce and veges a while.

if you want a thick sauce, add a cornstarch slurry
if you want lemon or lime juice or fresh herbs or sesame seeds or peanuts or whatever, add it at the very end

fluff your rice with a fork. Eat with the stir fry.

There's your basic technique for a 2 pot stir fry. The ingredients you use don't really matter. What matters is tasting and balancing seasoning, and timing the meat and veges so they're cooked perfectly.

>> No.12225136

and milk

>> No.12225168

Thanks. I'll try this out when I get a chance.

>> No.12225584
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Does anyone know where I can find pork pies in California or something like them? They are one of my favorite foods.

>> No.12226477
File: 52 KB, 622x604, [screaming externally].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I try to make a beef wellington with a hunk of ribeye if I hack off the gratuitous amounts of fat on the outside? Stupid question, let me rephrase;
>Will it turn out like hot garbage?
Should I use a leaner/different cut?

>> No.12226502

>Should I use a leaner/different cut?
Yes. There's a reason it's traditionally made with filet. If you tried that with a fatty cut like ribeye you'd have a really greasy mess since the wrapping would trap all that fat inside.

>> No.12226564

Well shit, I've already got it, so I've got to use it for something.
I don't even like the damn thing, but my roommate enjoys fatty meats, so here we are. I don't understand leaving giant hunks of fat on a roast once it's finished cooking. The texture of chewing fat is fucking disgusting, and it just tastes like vaguely meat-flavored rubber. I don't get it.
How long should I pop this in the freezer for ideal fat-removal? 10, 20 minutes? Thing weighs like 12 pounds.

>> No.12226577

Huge chunks of fat are indeed offputting. But that's a problem with specific exampes, not the cut in general. When you buy a ribeye or a rib roast you want to find one that has lots of marbling but NOT big chunks of solid fat.

I'd just roast it normally (prime rib) or cut it into steaks and do those however you like them.

>> No.12226602

You can easily make them yourself.
Cook the filling, it's just like making a stew. Then either make your own puff pastry or buy it frozen, stick the filling inside, bake.

>> No.12226603
File: 437 KB, 2048x1237, cni-ss_cuclub6_0913_pz_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generals are not allowed on /ck/. They shouldn't be allowed anywhere, desu. It goes against the whole idea of 4chan. Stupid threads should be posted, then the gold percolates up through the mountain of shit.

>> No.12226617
File: 517 KB, 664x671, 1549236962077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. The cat blog is the worst thing to happen to /ck/ since jack.

>> No.12228501

Where does /ck/ save recipes? Are you supposed to print them out and keep it in a book.

>> No.12228565

That little girl is going to burn her toes doing that. Where are her parents?

>> No.12228592
File: 43 KB, 1000x350, 1551978578129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it great that all these interesting questions are being suffocated in a general? JUST START A NEW THREAD AND ASK YOUR QUESTION.

>> No.12228886

>interesting questions
Name one

>> No.12228956

So we're just making up rules now I guess

>> No.12229834

Hating newfags from whatever [X] website has been a staple of 4chan literally forever.

>> No.12230338

>animefags justify posting loli because it a cute !
>hate cat
Just admit you are all pedophiles will you