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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12226088 No.12226088 [Reply] [Original]

do you drink coffee in the mornings

>> No.12226093

Yes, yes I do.
Thank you anon for asking!

>> No.12226096

No I don’t like coffee

>> No.12226098

Decaf coffee

>> No.12226140
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>> No.12226166


>> No.12226178

yep! coffee in the morning tea throughout the day.

>> No.12226180

Yes! I love a good iced white chocolate caramel macchiato with whip in the morning!

>> No.12226186

No, only afternoon.

>> No.12226187
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should i have a nap after lunch or another coffee to stay awake

>> No.12226201
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>> No.12226216

Not anymore, once I stopped drinking my acne cleared up some.

>> No.12226245

Yep, generally just go cheap with the free coffee at the office, it's tolerable.

>> No.12226305

Every single day. If I don't immediately need to piss after getting out of bed, it's straight to the kettle to make my morning cuppa.

It's like a ritual for me. I'm miserable until I've had a good 5 - 10 minutes sitting with a coffee.

>> No.12226312

nah, not a fan of coffee

>> No.12226334

I really enjoy Soylent coffee with a soy-based caramel creamer. If I’m lucky, my wife’s boyfriend will let me use some of his seed for extra protein.

>> No.12226342

Nobody's buying it, /pol/.

>> No.12226473

this is a bad post and you should feel bad

>> No.12226479

I drink cum

>> No.12226498


>> No.12226504

You should eat lighterlunches fatty

>> No.12226508

im not fat
what should i have for lunch
i was thinking of going to subway

>> No.12226513

Why can't we go one thread without criticizing someone else's tastes?

>> No.12226536

so i know jack shit about coffee beans but want to ditch k-cups and creamer and learn how to love black coffee, what do you guys drink?

>> No.12226636

Nah, upsets my stomach. I like having a small cup of it for dessert after a large meal but that's all. It's a shame, I really like it, I just don't handle it well.

>> No.12226639
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Honestly, as long as you grind them yourself, even a cheap $15 Mr. Coffee brewer is a huge step up from that crap. You'll get great results from a $5 single-cup pourover and an electric kettle.

As for types:
Light roasts are about the flavors the coffee brings and carry more caffeine.
Dark roasts are more about the flavors that develop from the roasting itself.
Medium are somewhere in between.

Drip coffee has a lighter body, and uses paper filters that draw off a lot of the oils, though metal filters are an option that can be desirable as they're reusable and don't pull the oils off. With these machines you want to look for one that comes with a thermos-style carafe, not a glass one that sits on a hot plate. Even better if it uses a sprayer type of head to wet the grinds evenly.

French press is a full immersion technique where the beans soak in the water, giving a very full-bodied, oily coffee. They use a fine mesh in the press component to both separate the grounds out and emulsify the oils into the coffee.

Manual Pourover is pretty popular because it results in a similar, but higher quality cup compared to drip for very cheap on the equipment at the cost of more time needed in personal effort, though OXO has a great single-cup model that has a self-regulating water tank.

>> No.12226867

No because caffeine has absolutely no effect on me. Still drink lots of tea though because that shit tastes good.

>> No.12226905
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i did up until i realized i was basically a crack addict
>start drinking coffee with milk and sugar like a cuck
>gradually slide into black coffee out of convenience
>start needing a cup in the morning to "wake up"
>get to a point where i can't function without it, headaches, irritability, etc.
>don't care enough to buy high quality coffee
>drinking shitty black coffee that tastes like cigarette butts
>do this every day just to "feel normal"
i was no different than a tweaker who got hooked on the good stuff and deteriorated into smoking crack just to get my fix. i quit cold turkey 2 months ago and became a based teachad. gives just enough of a kick to get over the morning slump without fostering dependency

pic related, it's literally me

>> No.12227047
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Yeah, some people take in too much caffeine when just a little is enough to get the gears turning. I was an addict until I lowered my caffeine intake gradually and was able to get rid of some of the same symptoms that you also had.

Nowadays, if I need coffee for the energy boost, I'll only drink until I feel the slightest feeling of the caffeine taking effect, and then I'll just throw out the remaining coffee, no matter how expensive it is.

>> No.12227095


lol try a real addiction faggots

>> No.12227113
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>> No.12227130

I miss the old captcha

>> No.12227579


>> No.12227627


>> No.12227637

No, it gives me palpitations

>> No.12227747

Why can't these homos just scroll past the thread if they don't like the thing being discussed? Why even post?

>> No.12229033

how will we know if they dont like these things if they dont tell us
sometimes it is fun to jokingly tell others they are bad or shit or gay because your interests differ from theirs. sometimes shitposting is fun which is probably why piccolo dick threads still keep popping up on /v/
personally i think its hilarious but i have been here far too long
food for thought i guess

>> No.12229044

I opt for a coke zero

>> No.12229056

For me, it's spending half an hour with a cuppa in the morning while I read 4chan.

>> No.12229063

i like chocolate milk :3

>> No.12229102

sounds comfy
do you lurk other boards than /ck/
i usually check in with a couple generals on /vg/, ill browse /v/ a bit, and check out /bant/ since it sometimes reminds me of old /b/ before it turned into a gayer version of /soc/
i went to /qa/ today to harass jevin
fuck jevin

>> No.12229108

One 12oz mug made with a Hario V60 every morning

>> No.12229119

I do /ck/, /diy/, /x/, and /an/. Sometimes /lit/, but they're a bit retarded there and it's a bit disappointing to see. I know /x/ is more retarded, but that's to be expected given the theme.

>> No.12229131

/lit/ is retarded? thats surprising i thought they would be one of less shit boards

>> No.12229155

are you writing a book?

leave that chapter out

>> No.12229198


>> No.12229218

>drinking caffeine
just take caffeine pills. we're living in the future, dog. do you wash your clothes in a river too? lol

>> No.12229233

late mornings to noon, but only when I don't have to work.

>> No.12229241

French press, my current beans are from the Congo. it's a very very smooth brew.

>> No.12229272

no i just like having a coffee in the morning its comfy also i like the taste

>> No.12229301

Coffee is poison
Don't drink it lads

>> No.12229311

are you by chance a fungus?

>> No.12229319

No, I'm not a degenerate addict.

>> No.12229328

I like it sweet

>> No.12229329

I make cold brew

>> No.12229330

I made a pitcher of cold brew using Folgers. It was ok.

>> No.12229338

I rarely drink coffee ever.
Maybe had 10 mugs this year.

>> No.12229350


>> No.12229364
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>> No.12229370

shut up you are dumb and gay

>> No.12229382

I know it's not a trip code, but still applies.

>> No.12229396

shut up jevin you are just jealous i am liked more than your stupid ass

>> No.12229401

Based, namefags are worse than chinamen

>> No.12229402

oops how embarrassing i forgot my name but that was me, salm, posting that ill prove it to you if you dont believe me i swear it was me

>> No.12229406

Yeah, nice accompaniment to my morning juul

>> No.12229409

why no one tells this to laundry? why its ok for laundry to be a tripfag but not for me to have a name

>> No.12229428

youre both unlikeable attention seeking faggots dont worry. if he were here id help shame him as well

>> No.12229433
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I was just going to enjoy my coffee, but seeing you use a name has made it too bitter to drink
>48 users
>17 posts from salm

>> No.12229473

maybe you never liked it to begin with then i bet i helped you

>> No.12229477

i drink decaff tea.
ironically I drink it for the caffeine, since I'm dependent on caffeine, but full strength is just too much.

>> No.12229502

hey you imposter dont impersonate me
although that does sound like something i would say
impersonate jevin not me, he is gay and dumb i am smart and cool

>> No.12229519

salm thats me you didnt even realize it was me because i was making quality posts and now you are feigning contrarian because you are taught to hate namefags and tripfags but my posts are good and you know it so you are upset at yourself for going against what you thought was right

>> No.12229527
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But salm-larp-fag, that cannot be true, for that poster is I...But honestly stop using names, it's really faggy and attention seeking

>> No.12229542


>> No.12229554

I drink it with my protein powder in the morning.

>> No.12229569

I'm a huge faggots disregard all my posts. I also love to gargle big black cock. The thought of having a black stud fill all my holes is making my pathetic white cock leak precum.

>> No.12229576

stop impersonating me now
it was a little funny the first time but not really

>> No.12229579

Yeah, but usually not until 9:30 or so. First thing I drink out of bed is water, then I'll have breakfast and don't usually have a coffee until I'm settled into work for the day.

>> No.12229589

$5 says your jevin, and you're an attention seeking bitch. Why are you so desperate?

>> No.12229592

i am salm you guys are not salm
only the second guy got it similar to me

>> No.12229603
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define "drink"

>> No.12229605

guys please stop i chose this name for a a really personal reason i dont want to share but just stop okay

>> No.12229608
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>> No.12229614


>> No.12229624

I'm Muslim & I need to show this board that JIHAD is the true way. Read Quran you cooklet

>> No.12229628

stop being mean to me

>> No.12229633

Walekusalma brother>>12229628

>> No.12229637
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I bet salm isn't even muslim, he seems like a pajeet to me. Let me try to lure him out. I hope NOBODY shits on this perfectly clean street

>> No.12229640


>> No.12229649

I'm not looking in lol bro

>> No.12229705
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Nvm, thanks to salm I found a nice little cafe for drinking coffee. Bless you brother

>> No.12229742
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I literally can't start my morning without a hot glass of coffee.

>> No.12229751

For me it's Adderall :D

>> No.12229761
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no prob bob

>> No.12229779

this thread sucks now and its gotta go
also for the record i am white and i poop in toilets, typically after my morning coffee

>> No.12229978

I just eat caffiene pills.

>> No.12229988

Just eat a dick.

>> No.12230430
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Is 3 mugs of coffee a day too much?

>> No.12230455

Coffee > anxiety > benzos > alcohol > sleep > repeat

>> No.12230460

Thumbs up fren

>> No.12230628

I have a cup almost every morning but literally don't feel any different when I go cold turkey. Do I have brain damage?

>> No.12230641

You know mixing benzos and alcohol can kill you, right?

>> No.12230649

Sometimes. 13-17 hour shifts sometimes, boys.

Gotta have something