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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12224314 No.12224314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are restaurant servants so greedy, /ck/?

>> No.12224328

servers do overvalue their shit work, no one denies that it is work, it's just one of those jobs any shithead can do. that being said, the guy who left a fake 20 is a real cunt and jesus doesn't love him

>> No.12224329

Because they aren’t paid enough at all. You’re the greedy one for not giving any tips for all the hard work they put in for dealing with your retarded ass.
Did you know that every server combined makes less than minimum wage? How else is Kelly over there going to raise her 3 kids alone as a single mother if you won’t even spare a measly 30% tip. Fuck you.

>> No.12224334

what a fun prank that gets across spirit of christianity

>> No.12224340

Prolly cause it's a job reserved mainly for entitled thots. Their jobs are easier in every way to the cook's and arguably the dishwasher yet they normally get paid more.

>> No.12224346

The patrons probably needed the money so they can pay for their pasture’s meth and gay hookers.

>> No.12224350

After working as a dishwasher I fucking hate waiters. I slave away in the kitchen the entire shift for 1 dollar more than minimum wage, while the wait staff just carry food into the dining room and get paid through their tips far more than minimum wage. All wait staff need to be gelded and chained.

>> No.12224359

If they don't make up to minimum wage in tips then their employer is required to reimburse them for at least minimum wage.

>> No.12224363

Based as fuck

>> No.12224619

I need this, how legal would printing them be?

>> No.12224626

I like to tell servers that I tip God 10%, so why should they get 15%?

>> No.12224637

If your name is Garret you deserve to be scammed by Christians

>> No.12224644

why has b8 gotten so lazy that they have to feed themselves

>> No.12224647
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>> No.12224650


>> No.12224652

I should put those in the collection envelope

>> No.12224654

looks like he has AIDS and is smug about the fact that he has it

>> No.12224656

God zoomers are the worst

>> No.12224683

I know a couple people who dropped out of university and became full time servers. Both women make regularly over $30 / hr and they are literal degenerate coke and opioid addicts.

I slaved away in school to make like 4 bucks more than minimum wage so servers can fuck off, although it looks like I'm the idiot for not just becoming one myself

>> No.12224702

Hey dip shits. You have a better chance at other jobs and advancing then these low rung cum sponges. Unless you think 30+ years as a waiter is impressive.

>> No.12224706

read the OPs gaymertag, druggie of course

>> No.12224708

just learn to code.

>> No.12224722

If you can keep the same job for 30+ years that's impressive regardless. I dont care if you shovel shit or fly airplanes, that's an admirable feat.

>> No.12224724

kek actually doing that right now, just had an interview last week for a junior position that pays 60% more than what I make now
science degrees are a meme

>> No.12224728

wtf i love our lord and savior now

>> No.12224910

this, I used to eat at one sitdown chain restaurant all the time and my reg waitress pointed out another waitress. Told me she had worked through college waiting tables there, got her degree and then couldn't find a job that paid better than waiting tables. So she gave up and kept waiting tables.

>> No.12224929

Basic coding will be phased out in the next 5 years.

>> No.12224959

sounds like she's doubly retarded

>> No.12225019

well, she went to college and she apparently failed to get a MRS degree so I guess her options were limited

>> No.12225040

restaurant owners are greedy
servers are just stupid

>> No.12225046

>Make minimum wage as Dishwasher
>Waitress takes home 200+ dollars in a 6 hour shift every Saturday
>Complains constantly that Waiters make "less than minimum wage"

>> No.12225057

The gift that Jesus offers truly is more valuable than money. Such a shame that person doesn't realize it.

>> No.12225108

waitstaff deserves all the shit they get and they deserve even more
work in a restaurant and you'll see that they're all complete niggers

>> No.12225131

Jesus doesn't keep you off the street

>> No.12225145


>Going out to eat instead of cooking for yourself

>> No.12225165

its because you americans havent learned how tipping doesnt work everywhere else.

australia and new zealand worked out its easier to put peoples wages into the prices of the prices of the goods and services: called GST or goods and services tax and is 12.5 - 15% (on public holidays) so shit like this is calculated at the point of sale.

>> No.12225170

You are either grossly ignorant or a craven liar. Every server is entitled by federal law to at least minimum wage if their tips do not meet the minimum.

Stop spreading lies, retard.

>> No.12225185

>waitstaff make less than minimum wage, they NEED your tips!!!
>hurr durr if you don't make enough from tips your employer HAS to make up the difference!!!
Yeah, and while he's at it, he can rat you out to the IRS for all that tip money you haven't been claiming on your taxes, cut your hours, and make damn sure you get assigned the shitty, less trafficked sections in the restaurant, and you'll have no recourse because you chose to work a no-skill job with no unionization, in a Right-to-Work state, and you HAVE been misrepresenting your income, and getting the government benefits your artificially low income entitles you to.

Literally every one who works in a restaurant is a piece of shit.

>> No.12225186

Fuck off man. I didn’t get any tips when I was a cashier dealing with retarded customers and when I had to push carts. Their job isn’t harder than any other job.

>> No.12225198

Because they've gotten it in their heads they need to be unskilled labor that make more than the cooks, chefs, welders; and in some restaurants the same as strippers.

>> No.12225205

Fpbp. I would have been livid if he faked me out with that bullshit, not gonna lie. Leave me a stupid pamphlet if you want but fuck that fake money shit.

>> No.12225212
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>ow else is Kelly over there going to raise her 3 kids alone as a single mother
to hell with that stupid slut. I have more sympathy for those with drug habits.

>> No.12225218

Servers aren't nearly as downtrodden as y'all seem to think they are. What other jobs do you know of where you can work for 4-6 hours, make $100+(tax free), receive all or most of that in cash, and have whatever clock-in system your employer uses ask you to SELF-REPORT your earnings for the night, with no accountability? Hard mode: it has to be a plentiful job with extremely low/zero barriers to entry.

Literally the only one that fits is prostitute. Servers don't stay servers because they're downtrodden or trapped in a cycle of poverty they can't escape from. They stay because they know they have a good racket going, and keeping your oh so generous tips coming in relies on you feeling sorry for them, or at least socially pressured to pay up.

>> No.12225226

where can i buy these?
would be fun giving them to churches

>> No.12225227

Yeah, nothing motivates me to go to church like thinking I got a free twenty and it turned out to be paper.

>> No.12225228


>> No.12225242
File: 86 KB, 642x281, fakemoney4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12225266

It's a dick move, especially for someone trying to proselytize, but the people that get fooled by these should really learn how to spot fake money.
The color is all wrong and that style of bill hasn't been used for 40+ years, so getting one that crisp is even less likely than actually getting tipped $20.

For fucks sake, tip enough for me to buy a drink and leave me a Chick Tract, at least I won't just toss that shit.

>> No.12225267

servers are literally the scum of the earth especially waitresses, i fucking hate those cunts more than everything

you literally get paid 30$ an hour to flirt with old guys and carry around plates and you have the gall to bitch at some construction worker slaving away for half your wage for not tipping you 20%?

t. former server

>> No.12225285

Who is this "y'all"? No one actually thinks servers aren't earning a ton of money.

>> No.12225296
File: 6 KB, 250x214, jesus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus isn't real.

Religion is a harmful lie pushed to oppress gay people.

>> No.12225300
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>> No.12225302

That is actually really funny. I would leave that for some pink haired tranny just to see his blood boil.

>> No.12225303

Haha if we make fun of you maybe you will believe our lies.

NO. I reject religion as a fictional justification for oppression. Nobody should be treated differently because of a fictional book written by humans.

>> No.12225309

I used to be a banquet server and i never expected tips.i fucking hate these cunts who will literally wish you death for not leaving what they think is a decent tip. Especially working somewhere nice and getting paid more than minimum before tips.
These people are greedy fucking shits and i hate every server out there.
It's good money if you're a people person though. Working a holiday at a nice place you can walk away with 500 plus in tips.
Those servers that beg you for a tip when they bring you the check is the fucking worst too.

>> No.12225435

Nope. Jesus was the first trannie. FACT.

>> No.12225442
File: 124 KB, 671x1024, B849EFA0-2B0A-43DC-88AA-831AE6D6DFD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single mother of 3
Seems like justice for bad life choices to me

>> No.12225469


>> No.12225472
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>> No.12225493

As long as you could not expect a person to reasonably mistake it under scrutiny you'll be fine.

>> No.12225515
File: 123 KB, 318x398, 1555401561691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Americuck
>go into shit entry-level job knowing it doesn't pay well
>be such an entitled bitch you want everyone to tip you a lot and if they don't you think they're assholes

>> No.12225527

I know that feel bro. I used to dishwash and the waiters were all massive cunts. They complain so much and are goddamn lazy, usually out back smoking or standing around talking. They dump their dishes, sometimes hard enough that it shatters and since the kitchen is loud, they dont realize they broke it cause they just dump and run.

>> No.12225528

>Be a severely nasty ass cunt customer
>Leave shit like OP showed
>Film it all with a hidden camera to have servers face on video
>Never eat the food, just shove it into a bag when I think no one is looking
>Send several samples to a lab to check for dirt, fecal matter, urin, spit or other human DNA material
>If it's confirmed the food has been tampered with I go with the evidence to the same place and demand the worker fired or ELSE

>> No.12225529

Which rarely happens, because despite the occasional non-tip they make great money for the labour they do. Service workers are some of the most entitled fucks ever. I'll be glad once automation obsoletes them.

>> No.12225546

Why americans look like this

>> No.12225556

Because they started cultural enrichement early.

>> No.12225585
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Shut the fuck up you stupid kike you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.12225619

What is cultural enrichment?

>> No.12225633

That advice hasn't been useful for over a decade now. Might as well also tell them to walk right up to the interviewer and give him a firm handshake.