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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 700x1068, Homemade-Teriyaki-Sauce-Recipe-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12222306 No.12222306 [Reply] [Original]

>make homemade teriyaki sauce
>it sucks


I used 1 cup of water to 1/8 cup low sodium soy sauce and 1/8 cup tamari. About 2.5tsbp total of combined maple syrup and honey, about 1/2 tsp ginger powder and 1/3 tsp garlic powder. After heating the mixture I added a corn starch mix.

It tasted...I guess nowhere near sweet enough? Seems like the garlic was a bad addition in any amount

>> No.12222313

jesus christ

>> No.12222317

yes, my child?

>> No.12222325

fuck off, grandpa

>> No.12222343


why do people just verbal diarrhea ragepost on /ck/ of all boards i really just don't get it. go outside man.

>> No.12222344

You can either make a proper japanese tare sauce by simmering mirin/sake/soy/sugar/freshginger for ~30 odd minutes and then cooling it and brushing it on meats when they're grilling.

or, you could fry some fresh garlic and ginger, preferably in a fond from meat you sauted, and add your sake/ rice wine and mirin and sugar and soy and maybe cook some vegetables in that, and add your cooked meat back at the end sliced, with your corn starch slurry to thicken it.

>water, honey, maple syrup, ginger and garlic powders lmao
No. Sake or rice wine. Mirin. Sugar. FRESH aromatics.

>> No.12222352

fresh aromatics is a meme tbqh

how essential do you consider sake because I have two bottles of mirin

>> No.12222353

and if you choose the later, imo you should drop the pretense of cooking japanese food, because chinese rice wine is much cheaper than sake, and adding chilli oil or chilli bean paste or rice wine vinegar or any number of other things will make it better and not fit the profile of 'slightly sweet and boring' of japanese food.

>> No.12222359

jesus christ that's a horrible recipe. where the fuck did you get that from? some fucking momblog?

1 cup sake
1 cup mirin
1 cup soy sauce
1 thumb sized piece of fresh ginger
a chunk of yellow rock sugar about half the size of your fist
8 cloves garlic, smashed
a few dried red chilies
....put all of that in a saucepan and simmer until reduced by half. strain.

>> No.12222366

mirin isn't really a liquid base for a sauce, it's more of a sweet seasoning

I think you can make an ok sauce with water, but not without fresh aromatics, or meat fond, or anything usual to flavour it

I mean what are you even doing with this 'teriyaki' sauce? Why aren't you flavoring it with your meat?

>> No.12222373
File: 3.94 MB, 4268x2978, 6862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few dried red chilies
>8 cloves garlic, smashed

too much flavour gajin... dont make us come over to the mainland and rape chinks again

>> No.12222376

please die

>> No.12222378

Why would I give a traditional recipe to someone who obviously has little interest in one?

>> No.12222379

that sounds good. prob too much garlic. I'll make that one

it was for marinating seitan, there isn't any fond.

>> No.12222388

this is what's up

>> No.12222397
File: 507 KB, 2560x1742, 101788-babar_car-original-1370942834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... you're a vegetarian or even possibly a *shudder* vegan, and you don't believe in fresh aromatics?


>> No.12222403

I am not a vegetarian or a vegan.

Fresh aromatics make 5-10% difference. The sauce I made was completely off. The status of the aromatics was not what made it completely off. The recipe being wrong was what made it off.

>> No.12222407
File: 2.84 MB, 640x360, nipon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he can just make our food not boring and get away with it
There WILL be consequences gajinn

>> No.12222417

>fresh aromatics are a meme
Compare fresh minced garlic, chopped rosemary, and grated ginger root to their dried counterparts and tell me again that there isn’t a difference,

>> No.12222433

if you're poor why do you have honey and maple syrup and mirin?
if you're not interested in going to effort to cook, why are you making obscure things?

this doesn't add up anon

>> No.12222435

>it was for marinating seitan,
Why would you use something like teriyaki sauce for a marinade? It's got far too much sugar and not enough of anything else for that job. It has little acid and no oil. It's a pretty fucking dumb choice for that.

Teriyaki sauce is brushed onto food to form a glaze while you're grilling it. It's a pretty lousy tool for marinading.

>> No.12222449

>teriyaki sauce

actual autism, like a literal symptom of real autism

>> No.12222457

>actual autism, like a literal symptom of real autism

Hey, you're welcome to cook however you want to. I just think teriyaki sauce is a poor choice for a marinade. If you disagree then explain yourself. If you can't do that and you picked it "just because", why are you snapping at me when I am trying to help you be less stupid in the future?

>> No.12222462

>If you disagree then explain yourself.

why does every young person on the internet think this way

no, you don't give me assignments, i don't do things for your benefit because you think i should.

the thread is already over, i got the recipes i need, thanks.

>> No.12222463

no, seitan is obscure
I have literally never heard of a non-vegetarian cooking seitan. Tofu, sure, i cook tofu pretty often myself.

It's not like meat, it doesn't need acid, or salt, it's more like dropping a tissue in a puddle, a sweet puddle.

>> No.12222476

the recipe you need is basically the bog standard recipe for a tare sauce which you could have found anywhere. I don't see why you're being defensive, they're giving you good advice

what, so you're a boomer ?

explain to me WHY a rich boomer, adverse to fresh aromatics (ie, a lazy shit cook) is making seitan of all things?

>> No.12222478

>I have literally never heard of a non-vegetarian cooking seitan.

well now you have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.12222482

>no, you don't give me assignments, i don't do things for your benefit because you think i should.
that guy fucking helped you, he gave you the recipe you wanted, and now he's 'imposing' on you? What a cunt you are lad

>> No.12222484

>explain to me WHY

see >>12222462

>> No.12222489

Yeah but why, what motivated you? Why aren't you making chicken teriyaki ?

>> No.12222492

it's not an 'assignment', i'm not telling you what to do, it's just a simple question, because i'm curious.

you've got some good advice, including what you wanted, so why not act on good faith and answer my question?

>> No.12222503

>why does every young person on the internet think this way
I couldn't tell you about young people. I'm pretty old. The reason I posted it is because I'm trying to figure out if you have a valid point which you are keeping to yourself for some reason, or if you're just a fucktard. Given your response here I'm going to assume the latter.

>> No.12222510

>It's not like meat, it doesn't need acid, or salt
If that's the case why marinade it as opposed to cooking it with aromatics or finishing it with a sauce?

the whole point of teriyaki sauce is that its high sugar content makes a glaze when it's cooked. that's pretty much the opposite of what someone would want for a marinade.

>> No.12222515
File: 1.67 MB, 3216x2136, Ladies-laughing-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get a pretty funny portrait of you just by searching seitan on this board, and seeing all the posts which are clearly you.

It boggles my mind that there are boomers who think they're adventurous with food and enjoy supposedly cooking new things and like to eat well, and yet are adverse to fresh aromatics and use fucking powdered garlic and ginger.

God I hate boomers lol

>> No.12222527

because they're a boomer retard who can't cook lol
and your reasoning and advice is a personal insult and makes them feel very threatened

>> No.12222535

>If that's the case why marinade it as opposed to cooking it with aromatics or finishing it with a sauce?

because i cooked it in the air fryer to get a certain texture, including a sugar shell on the outside.

>> No.12222543

>are adverse to fresh aromatics

that's what you said, not me. I use fresh aromatics more or less every day.

>> No.12222548

>fresh aromatics is a meme tbqh

>> No.12222555

and your op post is saying you used ginger powder and garlic powder in a fucking asian sauce lol
why else would you do that unless you didn't like using fresh ginger and garlic ?

>> No.12222569

see >>12222403

trheads over little guy move on

>> No.12222585

here's my first post ITT

I was trying to help you. I gave you some good advice.

And you're really just being an asshole since then. If you just wanted a simple answer to what teriyaki sauce actually is and not a discussion you didn't need to post here you could have just used google.

you know this is also an image board cunt, why don't you try actually posting some pictures of your shit one day.

>> No.12222610

do you know how to take a photo and put it on your computer?

>> No.12222619

I know this might blow your mind but consider this

I can come here and type out what I want and I will get correct answers

If people get upset and hurt feelings over it, it *doesn't affect me at all* and I'm more satisfied with the answers I've received than those I would've found by searching alone

Do you understand? :)

>> No.12222631

I am aware that humorless boomer shitcunts can come here and contribute nothing, yes

>> No.12222636

>go on /v/
>be a zoomer
>go on /ck/
>be a boomer

I have discovered the fountain of youth and time travel simultaneously

Yes, you understand-- I don't come here to "contribute" to you. I come here to exploit you as a resource, which you are, and you functionally served my purposes today. Thank you. Toodles.

>> No.12222642

If you just went on google, and scrolled down past the very first 'teriyaki sauce' recipe, to the first one with japanese characters next to the title, you would find the exact same actual recipe that me and the other anon gave you. Don't take recipes from all recipes. Or if you searched it on Serious Eats, you also would have found the same recipe.

So now your computer skills have increased slightly and you can't unlearn this.

>> No.12222655

I didn't want to do that. I have much greater "computer skills" than you and I am far more adept at finding information than you.

that's why I didn't use google. That's why I used you.

>> No.12222656

>I don't come here to "contribute" to you
and jokes on you, i enjoy utterly inane arguments

>> No.12222664

>i used literally the first recipe off allrecipes that appears first on google with a million red flags and wasted ingredients and time doing it
>i'm adept at finding information

pick one

>> No.12222678

A rational person tries different things to evaluate their likely shortcomings

I made you my mechanical turk and you're mad about it. I'm going to trader Joes now. Bye.

>> No.12222689

bye lad have fun

>> No.12222702

>That's why I used you.
"we" took a fuck of a lot longer than you would have using google, at least if your google-fu wasn't infant tier.

>I have much greater "computer skills" than you
You're surely referring to "shitposting" here, and you'll get no argument from me. I bow to the king of shitty recipes.

>> No.12222714

Cut out the cornstarch and replace the honey with brown sugar. Add ginger

>> No.12222717

sake is 100% essential if you want good tare
mirin is optional depending on what you're making, mirin, honey or sugar all have slightly different textures or flavors and none of them are bad, but real mirin is STUPID expensive and most all mirin sold (yes even the honmirin) is mostly dressed up corn syrup anyways

>> No.12222737

>but real mirin is STUPID expensive and most all mirin sold (yes even the honmirin) is mostly dressed up corn syrup anyways

Figures I have some Japanese brand

>> No.12222749

>but real mirin is STUPID expensive and most all mirin sold (yes even the honmirin) is mostly dressed up corn syrup anyways
It's not only expensive, it's hard to find.
That said, it is WELL worth getting, if you can find it. It's so much better than the usual stuff.

Strangely, I found that the quality of the sake doesn't matter much at all. I will gladly pay for real mirin but I use cheap sake.

>> No.12222753

This guy knows what's up, although I've had good results with cornstarch personally.
But brown sugar is definitely the best sweetener for teriyaki IMO. I've experimented with honey, plain sugar, pineapple juice, etc, and brown sugar just tastes best.
Add more ginger, fresh garlic, and chopped scallions for flavor.

>> No.12222762

most of those are corn syrup too, iirc there's only 1 manufacturer of "real" mirin left in Japan because even JP people can barely tell the difference and don't want to pay 5x as much for the real stuff


note that none of these branding reqs. apply to the US, so something can call itself honmirin here and have added sugar and not be honmirin, which is why I said that basically none of it was real

>> No.12222770
File: 22 KB, 355x340, 71ZU2n6bFbL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is best sugar for tare

>> No.12222772

these niggas kno wut it is

I dunno where the fuck you got that recipe but you're a fucking idiot. Maple syrup lmao are you fucking retarded. also if this is you >>12222569 you're a fucking cunt. Also Tamari is disgusting, it tastes like metallic piss. Regular soy sauce will have a proper level of sweetness. Fag

>> No.12222787

stop responding to the faggot, he's obviously embarrassed that everyone ITT is blowing him tf out so he's responded by trying to bait you

>> No.12222809

hakutsuru excellent junmai is my go-to for sake, it's $12/750ml or so, you definitely don't want to spend much more than that because you won't notice it

the times I've bought even cheaper CA made sakes it does turn out a little off, though, generally cooking with alcohol it will cook out the subtle good qualities and not the bad, so you want something just barely above skunk

>> No.12222829

The only thing I use sake for is cooking with so I tend to buy whatever my local Asian market has which a) comes in small bottles and b) is the freshest. It's given me the chance to try a lot of different ones.

>>just above skunk
I couldn't agree more.

>> No.12223233

I got some fresh ginger, a huge bottle of soy sauce, some Ozeki sake, and brown sugar :)))

I also got an 8oz top sirloin, I'm going to make that in the instant pot with the teriyaki sauce

oh yeah, I also got some egg & bonito furikake.

>> No.12223339
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190423_174512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, are u happy now u fukkin faygos?

>> No.12223344
File: 45 KB, 640x464, 1550731046801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not with that shitty attitude, lil buddy!

>> No.12223354

>fresh aromatics is a meme tbqh
You lose flavor during drying. It's good if you actually need them to be dry, like in a spice rub or if you're tossing them onto a dry snack, but for a sauce you'll want to use fresh.

>> No.12223355

your pot is on too large a hob. put it on a smaller one, all you're doing there is wasting energy heating your kitchen.

otherwise, it looks like you're on the path to some decent tare

>> No.12223384

it tastes like 50 times better than the shitty allrecipes style one

PS /ck/ i knew the allrecipes style sauce would be bad. I was 100% sure of it. I couldn't leave my house due to having to watch a dog for someone and i was doing what I could

don't discount the usefulness of making bad things, o rmaking things wrong, on purpose. It helps you understand deficiencies and helps you get a better understanding of flavors

is tamari honestly garbage also? I dont think ive liked it one time when i used it

>> No.12223448

tamari has a richer flavor but doesn't play nice with other ingredients in a mix
you can use it directly on rice or directly to mix stuff sometimes but for most applications normal soy is better

>> No.12223452

directly to dip things like gyoza, rather, don't mix tamari

>> No.12223455

>use complete shit recipe (honey and pancake syrup, seriously wtf?)
>my dish turns out to be complete shit
OP, I think you may genuinely be retarded.

>> No.12223466

Use brown sugar not maple syrup and honey.

>> No.12223746

Sounds good, post pics

>> No.12223845
File: 3.42 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20190423_184254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the fondening begin. 8oz cheap top sirloin in the instant pot in saute mode

>> No.12223857
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190423_184528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave it just a touch of brown on all sides and got some fond. Deglazed with teriyaki sauce then readded the sirloin on a trivet.

>> No.12223869
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190423_190909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 minute natural release then opened the pressure valve. Overdone. Will cook on meat mode for 8 minutes instead of 10 next time

>> No.12223878
File: 3.63 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190423_191438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basted with teriyaki from the pot with fond inclusions and broiled 3 minutes

>> No.12223882

holy shit you sound like a faggot jesus fuck

>> No.12223888
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190423_191742~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zojorushi GABA brown rice with furikake, sirloin. Not pictured: Roasted seasoned broccoli

Eat a dakkiemoss!

>> No.12223891
File: 24 KB, 480x623, 49787369_10156989494228055_1239718975433080832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fresh aromatics is a meme tbqh

>> No.12223910

>actual autism, like a literal symptom of real autism
I hate to break it to you but you are the autistic one in this scenario friend

>> No.12223922

You fucking idiot. 1 part soy sauce to your sake and mirin? That's way too much soy sauce for having no water. Soy sauce is fuckin potent man you do not need that much.

>> No.12223946

I made it just like that and it seems pretty much fine. Low sodium Kikkoman.

>> No.12223953

why are you using an instant pot when you obviously don't know how to use one properly? that looks like fucking garbage, you could get the same results better, faster, and easier in a fuckin saute pan. but that would require a bare minimum of cooking skills, so you need a fuckin robot to cook for you.

>> No.12223956
File: 857 KB, 848x476, 8837ee5c47ee3f936eda7302638d1086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fresh aromatics is a meme
This was a really stupid thing to say. The point of aromatics is to be fresh because the AROMA of AROMAtics comes from the natural oils of the food which don't stick around in powdered or preserved food.
Try this recipe for your dumb seitan marinade.
>1/4 cup soy sauce or half and half with the tamari if you like that
>1/4 cup pineapple juice
>2 Tbsp brown sugar
>F R E S H garlic and ginger, 2-3 cloves and about a thumb respectively
>I would also recommend fresh chilis as part of your aromatics here for fruity, spicy, and smoky flavor
>neutral cooking oil, with a splash of sesame oil if you have it
>fry garlic and ginger in the oil(s) for two minutes
>add chilis for another two minutes
>add 2-4 Tbsp water or stock to the pan just enough to deglaze
>add the soy and pineapple juice
>add brown sugar
>simmer until thickened

>> No.12224342

I think I'll stick to the recipe I have. Trying to avoid having random shit like pineapple juice around

Seitan is extremely porous, it doesn't need any acidity to marinate well

>> No.12224380

>my recipe turned out totally shit
>I'll keep it
>"random shit like pineapple juice"
>"fresh aromatics is a meme"
You're hopeless and I wish you would never come back to this board. The pineapple juice has to do with flavor, retard, not trying to tenderize fucking seitan. For being as clueless as you are, you sure seem confident.

>> No.12224391

Anon, read threads before you reply to them. This isn't /b/.

>> No.12224504

I obviously read the thread or I wouldn't have been able to quote the retarded shit you have said all throughout it.

>> No.12224507

but you missed the section where i literally made anons valid teriyaki sauce recipe tonight for dinner with like 5 pictures. congratulations, you have dementia

>> No.12224712

Got a sweet and sour/general tso's sauce recipe?

>> No.12224964

lol this turned out badly as well
do you not have a saute pan?

>> No.12225076

Yeah /ck/ is the fucking worst. There are a lot of rage baby autists here

>> No.12225543

>massively overcook beef
>still a tiny bit not dry
what do???
>cook it more

are you mentally retarded lol

>> No.12225679

God damn why are you elitist cunts still alive. Nothing will ever be good enough for you. Even on your deathbed you’ll be bitching at people for nothing that could ever matter.

>> No.12226385
File: 26 KB, 437x471, 1483631715350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where the fuck you got that recipe, but follow this. You can skip the water and chicken if you want, just add whatever pre-made chicken stock of your liking.

>> No.12226392

Genuine boomers not welcome, fuck off and take your "well"-done steak with you.

>> No.12226813

Lmao you autistic faggot. I'll stay here and keep triggering you till you neck yourself. Fat fuck