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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 153 KB, 976x651, gaywedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12220601 No.12220601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My boyfriend and I are true foodies and want to serve only seasonal, local fare at our early June wedding. It will be really small, only 20 people so we are going to make the food ourselves.

Any ideas?

>> No.12220604

Hot cock sandwiches are always in season.

>> No.12220605
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A bullet

>> No.12220607

Don't cook on your gay wedding day, being cheap is fine and all but spend the money you only get AIDS once.

>> No.12220613

Hmm. Going to need background or food tastes of the guests and of y'all. Otherwise you are going to just get the same stupid answers.

>> No.12220614

>wah wah gay people!

>> No.12220623

So like 12 family members and a few close friends. Most of us are Jewish but we don't mind experimental foods. We need a few vegetarian dishes, but no vegans I think.

I was thinking a bunch of appetizers (maybe some Asian and some Jewish-inspired, or a blend) and mini cakes.

>> No.12220624

There was really no reason at all to say you were gay, attention whore.

>> No.12220627

I'm not gay.

>> No.12220629

Honestly I think most gay people have a really sophisticated palate and I don't want to serve the same boring trash that most weddings have.

>> No.12220631

2 bullets

>> No.12220633

Serve a big hot steaming pile of semen infected with aids to satisfy your "sophisticated palate"

>> No.12220636

u are broably the most homo for them all

>> No.12220642

Try a southern BBQ. Surprise your guests with the unexpected.
>Grill some veggies
>sweet bbq beans
>spiced green beans
Some fresh fruits
>chocolate dipped bananas
Make some hunch punch in a cooler
>bunch of fruit in a cooler mixed with vodka or everclear.

>> No.12220649

>sophisticated palates
>eating dirty ass
>eating dirty cock non stop

>> No.12220651

I don't really think my family wants pork...

I was thinking a bunch of sophisticated small appetizers.

>> No.12220660
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Serve them the "unholy union with both parties bound for hell" parfait

>> No.12220661

Have you considered a bean buffet? Great Northern, Pinto, Baked, Kidney, Green, Lima, Black, etc. etc. The wife and I went all in for the sumptuous Bean Bonanza buffet for our own wedding feast. Every wedding I've been to since has been invaded by beans. I'm afraid I've somehow stumbled into becoming a trendsetter haha. There's no finer food whose variety caters to all ages and classes.

>> No.12220662

Doesn't have to be pork. All the meat products could be vegetarian meat. A lot of people come to a wedding to get drunk and eat good food. Rarely do they come to a wedding for "sophisticated" appetizers.

>> No.12220665

My family doesn't drink a lot. I want really nice high quality food, not sloppa-shit.

I just don't think bbq is to our or their tastes.

I was thinking maybe 8-12 different appetizers and a few small mini desserts.

>> No.12220670
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>> No.12220674

I don't think you came here for advice. I think you came here to have someone agree with your choices.

>> No.12220675

Why does it seem like this site is somehow more Christian and religious-leaning than it was before? I remember when nobody really gave a fuck about gay people, but the extreme hate on this site for gays seems to be way more noticeable than it was in the past???

I remember everyone here being atheists before

>> No.12220678

No, I am looking for inspiration.

I don't know, my family is basically nominally religious in that they don't sincerely believe in anything but we still do the important holidays as family meals.

>> No.12220679

welcome to the reactionary pendulum

>> No.12220680
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>> No.12220683
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>> No.12220697

This is not a smart time for this thread OP. The Australians rev up them shit posts about now.

>> No.12220700

This is such a bait thread

>> No.12220703

Bacon and rat poison wrapped scallops as an appetizer. For an entree, rat poison crusted dover sole.

>> No.12220710

"Atheism" became a buzzword like 15 years ago and coincided with the edgy fedora teen meme. If you've actually been around half that long you'd know that there were a couple events in the past 5-6 years that ironically brought a bunch of edgy teens to the site who actually missed the original irony of edgy teens saying nigger, hating on women, and saying hitler did nothing wrong. /pol/ (unironically reddit) is the biggest board on 4chan now, and they push this crazy narrative of being persecuted young white men who just want a traditional obedient virgin christian trump supporting wife, and it's unclear how many are even serious, but they all know that everyone hates them so they keep leaving their containment board because that's what edgy teen trolls do.

>> No.12220718
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For the desserts, you could get inspiration from the french "mignardises", mini pastries. A good choice: mini opera, eclairs (puff pastry), mini ispahan, mini fraisier (strawberry cream cake), mini tarte au citron meringué (lemon tarte).

Lots of fruits, especially berries, are in season in june, so you could also make some fruit salads, sorbets or integrate some strawberries in a salad. It will be hot so maybe it will be good to have cold dishes anyway ?

>> No.12220721

I think by June we will have cherries and strawberries will be gone so I guess I'd want some cherry recipes?

>> No.12220723

Macaroons aren’t that easy to make. At that point he might as well hire a professional kitchen staff to just do whatever.

>> No.12220742
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>> No.12220745

>chocolate-dipped bananas
sounds good anon

>> No.12220748

ruined with
>invaded by beans
try again next year

>> No.12220749

mountain oysters

>> No.12220757

motherfucker if you were a real card carrying gay mafia capital f flame on fuh-hucking faggot you'd understand those "sophisticated" palates pretty fucking thoroughly and wouldn't need to ask 4chan for advice

i don't know what pretentious art house white bread yuppie buttfuckers are willing to call food let alone what they'd actually be impressed by because quite frankly living such a stilted joyless little life to maintain a bullshit paper thin public image you picked up from movies and television doesn't seem like it's worth it to me

>> No.12220774

>sophisticated palate

more like selective palate, only thing I know that like dick in their mouth

>> No.12220798

>planning a wedding
>not using fiance
at least bait better, you mong

>> No.12220812

My cousin had a whole roasted pig at her wedding. I guess that could work for gays too.
Man, that was some good pig. I wish more people were getting married.

>> No.12220817

>Seasonal, local foods
The fact that you haven’t mentioned where you live (thereby informing us of the season and local area) plus the totally unnecessary mention of the fact that it’s a gay wedding tells me that this is yet another FUCKING SHITPOST.


>> No.12220831

Gays yammering on about their homosexuality when it has no bearing on the conversation is the same as women mentioning their gender when it has no bearing on the conversation.
Women get ‘tits or get the fuck out’, faggots get death wished upon them.

>> No.12220837

Because back in the timeframe you remember, gay people had a lot less impact on regular people's lives. The majority of that acceptance was based on the idea that gay marriage wouldn't affect normal people's lives at all. Gays have become a protected status however, which means that people who didn't want to deal with gay people have to now. The christian baker getting sued for not wanting to bake a cake for a gay wedding is a prime example. Gays are also intrinsically part of the LGBT community as a whole, and most people are a lot less ok with Transsexuals, especially when governments enforce treating them as their identified gender.

Tl;Dr the more you make people change their natural tendencies, the more reason they'll have to start disliking you

>> No.12220838

Cook up some cyanide gas and take deep breaths.
What are you expecting? Pasta or grilled food or something no one fucking cares what you serve. No one goes to weddings for food, they’re their for you. I fucking hate you disgusting ass gays, but I hope your friends and family aren’t so shallow that they’re gonna throw a fit about what you serve.

>> No.12220841

By sophisticated you mean whiny and bitchy uppity cunts, right? I’ve never met a gay who wouldn’t try to shove his cock down everyone’s throats. Such prissy bitches. You choke on dick everyday why are all of you vegan or vegetarian?

>> No.12220849

If you want inspiration, go to google and type in “sophisticated appetizers” but it’s just gonna be cocktail bullshit. Call your favorite faggot restaurant and just have them make a meal for 20 so you have time to do your nails.

>> No.12220873

I know this OP is bait, but cooking for your wedding requires a well-researched wedding venue. A lot of venues will cuck you out of serving food other than their shitty catering company they've struck a deal with. Getting married in a state park is the way to do it if you want it to be cheap and free to do with as you wish.

>> No.12220891

Nothing. That "wedding" is a farce and an attack against the sanctity of marriage. Repent and turn to the Lord for he is the only way to salvation. Your temporal pleasures are short lived and fleeting, why clutch at a waning tide when God is the post that stands forever?

>> No.12220906

get $200 bucks worth of KFC problem solved.
who says the reception has to be fancy?

>> No.12220914

Stop watching American TV series!

>> No.12220917

Gay jew >>> Hetero jew

>> No.12220916

>implying you need to be religious to dislike gays

>> No.12220919

Some german food with high gas Output.
Try Kasseler with Sauerkraut

>> No.12221039

I dunno, everything dick shaped? Or vagina shaped? Not certain which of the gays you are.

[spoiler] why wouldn't it be regular food? What dietary restrictions are needed for a gay person? Make everything out of semen?

>> No.12221100

I'm a pretty good cook and so is my boyfriend.

We make cakes and cookies and pies and doughs regularly.

I just like 4chan because I can talk to younger people here who have creative ideas.

Gay people inherently reject your cisheteronormative world of labeling to begin with honey.

Um yeah not for Jews.

East Coast US

>> No.12221111
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On the off chance you were serious next time you should mention where "local"

>> No.12221113

Don't wanna get doxed bro. I been here since Puddi.

>> No.12221122
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>Omg the big scawey 4channel is going to dox me if I tell them that my gay wedding some time in june is in Massachusetts or New York!

>> No.12221127
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>> No.12221138

Deviled eggs

>> No.12221140

Given the 50%+ divorce rate for hetero weddings they're all farces. Gays have a lower divorce rate than evangelical closeted homophobes, so gay marriages are less a farce than yours, hypocrite.

>> No.12221155
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>Local fair
> Doesn't mention locale
Is this what being a faggot is like?

>> No.12221172
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Dress up as the Banana Chiquita Lady, walk in the room and go

"RIIIIINNG, RIIIIING, HEEEELLLLOO ! THE QUEEEEEER TELEPHONE IS FOR YOU !!! then serve everyone bananas carved like Phallus's

>> No.12221180

>Gays have a lower divorce rate than evangelical closeted homophobes
Divorce rates are down in general, mostly due to people not getting married anymore.

>> No.12221287

4chan is inherently (and obnoxiously) counterculture. In the early 2000's it was hitting out at a mainstream right and now it is hitting out at a mainstream left.

>> No.12221292

>You have to be Christian to not like the gays
Go spend an hour at >>>/lgbt/ or >>>/r9k/ and let me know how you feel about the 4chan gays

>> No.12221306

Footlong hot dogs, sausages, footlong subs, metamucil at the bar for a cleaner anal sesh

>> No.12221308

I can't say I really like eggs as a celebratory food.

Gay men have a lower divorce rate than straight married couples but lesbians have a somewhat higher rate so far, judging on official Netherlands stats, the country that has had gay marriage the longest. Turns out women prefer divorce more than men in most cases.

>> No.12221317
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>> No.12221326
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Sorry that straight men don't get to dictate how everyone else lives anymore sweaty.

>> No.12221334

I dunno your budget, but what about stuff like prawns, charcuterie, deviled eggs, etc.

>> No.12221358

Again, Jews, so would be best as chicken or beef. I think fish might be more appreciated than shrimp. My parents had a salmon coulibiac at their wedding. I want to stick to appetizer portions though so I can offer more variety.

>> No.12221388
File: 591 KB, 908x727, disgusted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding brown and black to the lgbt flag

Nigger pride is its own flag and should stay segregated from lgbt!

>> No.12221404

>republicans control all branches of US government
>tories run UK & Australia
>yep, retarded christian conservatism is now super edgy and non-mainstream

>> No.12221414

Watch it anti-Semitism isn't tolerated on this board

>> No.12221475

East coast doesn't tell anyone anything you faggot. You could be in Georgia to fucking Maine, you're just wasting everyone's time by being this sanctimonious. Fuck you

>> No.12221483


a rate indicates per incidence not as a total dickhead

>> No.12221488

>>republicans control all branches of US government
confirmed for being retarded

>> No.12221495

>Gay people inherently reject your cisheteronormative world of labeling to begin with honey.
I'm gay too so I know you're full of shit, stop shitting up the cooking board with this shitty bait

>> No.12221496


>> No.12221522

>I just like 4chan because I can talk to younger people here who have creative ideas
A faggot likes talking to young boys. Stop the fucking presses

>> No.12221550

Lol yeah about food and cooking.

>> No.12221553

Well, what local ingredients do you have to work with? What does early June entail for your area? Congratulations by the way!

>> No.12221565

If you honestly wanted wedding food suggestions then you should have just said wedding, instead of specifying it being a gay wedding. You don't need special food for a gay wedding, last time I checked faggots eat just like the rest of us. I bet you're the same faggot that makes the weekly Chick-fil-a circlejerk thread too.
This bait is so low quality it gave me cancer
2/10 made me reply.

>> No.12221567
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Cherries, probably corn, fresh cheeses.

I want really gay fussy recipes.

>> No.12221582

>why are all of you vegan or vegetarian?
This is absolutely not the case in my experience.
t. 80% gay dude

>> No.12221599

Hmm, you could do a salad consisting of kale, romaine lettuce, arugula, shredded carrots, cucumbers, toasted walnuts, and a cherry vinegrette as one option. Grilled mushrooms stuffed with feta, olives, dill, and mint could be a solid appetizer.

>> No.12221617

I would prefer things that could be easily grasped by a hand.

>> No.12221624

Mushrooms, olives, feta, dill, and mint pate in little puff pastry cups.

>> No.12221641

mint pate?

>> No.12221650

Wienerschnitzel and fruitcake

>> No.12221654

Are you planning on serving a proper meal or just little bites?

>> No.12221661

A lot of little bites, but enough to cover a full meal's worth for each person with lots of variety.

>> No.12221666
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>this is what poltards actually believe

>> No.12221686 [DELETED] 

spiritcook some dead babies.

>> No.12221708

I'm gay, btw, I'm not sure it matters, but I thought I'd let you know.

>> No.12221732

Only phallic foods with cream sauces

>> No.12221885

I heard sodomites like Thai food

>> No.12222144

How are we supposed to give local recommendation if you cant even tell us what region you're in?

This has to be bait though.
>incredibly pretentious
>on 4chan so you can talk to younger men

Gotta admit you're sticking to the script though.

>> No.12222202

Pate made of all of those things.

>> No.12222341

I provided you a list of in season crops in June.


I meant younger people as in hearing what 20 and 30 something people like to cook vs catering companies probably ran by people in their 50s and 60s that are a bit more stodgy. I'm not on /ck/ to cruise younger men you dolt and I never stated that.

>> No.12223499

How come this thread stays, but I get b& for posting about my idea for a heterosexual cake company?

>> No.12223604

I'm gay btw and it doesn't matter. Not sure why I brought it up

>> No.12223832

Idk, possibly because you're a paranoid closeted homophobe with a persecution complex?

>> No.12224183
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You'll be served what is typically served at a wedding. You guys are equal now, what did you expect? Special treatment? welcome to equality.

>> No.12224193
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please tell me that pic is a meme

ofocurse white isnt there

>> No.12224245

if you were true foodies, you wouldn't need to ask the ugandan flipbook boards, would you?

Anyway, have a short ceremony and then immediately go into a cocktail hour with horse devours. After an hour have an unceremonious opening of a buffet line with warmed over chinese food from christmas. For dessert, have a orange spice cake topped with two half naked ken dolls.

>> No.12224249

Spritzers, sushi, pineapple, mangos, sticky rice, some fresh garnishes, nice meat cuts on a grill
Fag it up
wear straw hats and obnoxious Hawaiian print shirts

>> No.12224259

came here to say this

>> No.12224441

>UK tories who introduced sodomite marriage, introduced civil partnerships for hetero couples, are open to mass immigration, made it mandatory for schools to teach kids as young as 8 about fags and trannies, constantly appease Muslim invaders, and have no problem with women murdering unborn children are conservatives

>> No.12224561

Foodie is even gayer than gay wedding. Eat a bag of dicks for your wedding.

>> No.12224949
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You're not allowed an opinion on this board fudge packer. White people and straight people only. Fags don't have and never should have rights. Now shut your mouth you self hating white piece of shit.

>> No.12225272

holy fug based

no i want fancy, fussy gay food, food far beyond the comprehend of simple-minded breeders

sometimes you goys actually have really good suggestions, it is hit or miss here

I guess I do like the idea of exotic fruit but that's neither local nor seasonal

>> No.12225375


>> No.12225411
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>Um yeah not for Jews.
Neither is gay marriage. Might as well go all out and eat the Best Animal.

>> No.12225413

We are Reform. I don't keep kosher and my dad eats pork but my mom won't eat it so I wouldn't serve it out of respect for her.

>> No.12225447

Fuck local/seasonal, especially given you won't tell us where.

I'm assuming you're looking for light/receptiony food, not a sitdown meal plan.

deconstructed avocado toast (you could go a couple ways, but I'm thinking cubed toast, avocado, and tomato mixed together and served in parfait cups. make sure to season it you retard.)

Ceviche (skip the shrimp if it's a problem diet-wise; you people don't eat shellfish, yeah?)

some kind of green salad; arugula based, maybe? I dunno, I'm a total fag for arugula. probably keep it simple, maybe just seasoned not dressed.

meat could go a lot of ways; with what's listed here I'm thinking some kind of barbecue or maybe a roast, sliced thin, served cold with a sauce (either a cream sauce or a mint jelly type deal?). Alternatively you could go with a jewish deli meat of one kind or another; pastrami or whatever.

matcha creampuffs (creampuffs with matcha whipped cream, dusted with powdered sugar mixed with more matcha). alternatively, you could make creampuffs in rainbow colors (you'd have to source mix-ins of the appropriate colors, but it could be dope. food color if you're a lazy fuck, I guess.)

There you go, some instagram-friendly hipster-lite coastal fare.

>> No.12225450

I literally linked you a list of local foods in season in June when the wedding is.


>> No.12225458

I mean, you _can_ get local apricots and collards in new york or wherever but generally when people talk about "local fare" they usually mean stuff the region is known for.

>> No.12225620

No sorry i mean foods using local produce not well known recipes. I want adventurous cuisine.

>> No.12225625

Enough small appetizers to account for a hearty meal for those who wish to eat a lot. I dont want a fussy sit down dinner.

>> No.12225642

>I want adventurous cuisine.
in season, a little adventurous (not too adventurous; lap cheong just tastes like meat and rice wine, basically), flavorful, colorful, filling, fine served cold (don't have to juggle reheating/last-minute prep). I'd probably skip on the specifically-requested palm oil given you're a fuccboi looking for coastie cuisine. Lap Cheong are usually pork but you can find chicken Lap Cheong which are like 80% as good; if you care you should double check they aren't using lard anyway though, I've seen that before. Alternatively you could sub in another very flavorful meat option like, uhh, soujouk? that might be nice.

I stand by "offer some sort of green salad" and my statement that arugula is bomb af.

you mentioned cherries specifically, this looks pretty dope:

miso marinaded roast vegetables.

For dessert, if you want to emphasize "local produce" as a theme in the food maybe just go with local berries and some homemade whipped cream?

>> No.12225652


>> No.12225663
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here's another "adventurous" dish. I learned the basic recipe from the fantastic Thip Khao in DC, the only Laotian restaurant I've ever been to. In Lao it'd be Piing Hua Jai Kai

-butterfly chicken hearts, remove any blood clots
-marinate for an appropriate amount of time
-skewer them
-grill FAST on a hot grill, pull them fast or they'll cook through and get rubbery
-serve hot off the grill (eat hot or they'll, again, get rubbery)

obviously a no-go if you're hosting the party in an apartment or something, and probably something you'd want to wrangle a friend into doing day of; not something I'd want to do on my wedding day. But they're legit delicious, hearts symbolize love, and are rich in iron.

if you have to prepare in advance, grilling more normal cuts of chicken this way would be fine, but isn't really all that adventurous.

this recipe looks like it's got a good marinade, but really any SEA marinade would probably be fine:

in short:
-oyster sauce
-fish sauce
-lime juice
-sambal oelek (another chili paste would likely be just fine here)

pic related, Thip Khao's chicken hearts. they really are as good as they look, pure muscle, crunchy on the outside, moist and chewy on the inside, with a wonderful faint metallic flavor contrasting with the marinade.

>> No.12225736

That can be served as handheld appetizers and incorporate seasonal local foods.

>> No.12225927

>a rate indicates per incidence not as a total
Well aware of that, Melvin
>Less young people getting engaged frivolously
>larger portion of people getting married are the religious types that believe divorce isnt really an option
>Rate of divorce goes down
The generation that created serial divorcees (seriously how many people do you know who only have 1 ex wife?) is getting older and leaving the dating pool. Millenials dont care to get married when they know it isnt going to last forever.

>> No.12226060
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Because hearing "just leave them alone, they're not bothering anyone. They just want to be happy." all of our lives and living long enough to see it was absolute hogwash.

>> No.12226081

Because the site is the same and you changed

>> No.12226114
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boomers came from reddit during the election

>> No.12226206

Where's Cesar Romero?

>> No.12226413


>> No.12226419

Anti-freezer cocktails.

>> No.12226470

Nah he's right, when I was in school to become a med tech we learned that the reason why men who have sex with me are banned from donating blood is it reduces the risk of HIV transmission in the blood supply by 17x.

In b4
>dude just test it

>> No.12226482

Wheres the fucking location? Whats seasonal in Melbourne isn't seasonal in fucking Iceland dumbfuck

>> No.12226487

Complete and utter bullshit.


Model predictions were compared to the actual donor rate of HIV in three countries that went from a permanent to a temporary deferral: Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

Depending on the model, a temporary deferral should have increased the rate of HIV in the male donor pool by 73% to more than 3400%. In reality, the very low baseline rate of HIV before the change in these three countries (22 cases/year) remained unchanged 2 years after the revised policy (16 cases/year).

The real reason is because conservative evangelicals found a way they could stigmatize and fuck over gay people. The risk is tiny and all blood is tested anyways. They could easily change the criteria to having high risk sex vs having any msm sex which includes married gay couples as well. The point is to make life harder for gay people.

for local in season crops list

>> No.12226491

That's saved for the honeymoon ;)
pls go away

>> No.12226548

Dude I'm an accredited medical laboratory scientist who earned my degree in 2012, not in the 80s. You doing literally one search on PubMed does not negate FDA policy.

>They could easily change the criteria to having high risk sex
Wow, it's almost like fags are basically the only people who engage in this behavior
>The point is to make life harder for gay people.
Reality does that for them.

>> No.12226557

>im a lab tech

oh wow

There's absolutely no evidence singling out gay people vs high risk sex havers is somehow any more useful. The policy is a homophobic remnant of the 80s. There are places where gay people can give blood now and they haven't experienced any meaningful increase in HIV transmission from blood from doing so. There have been at most 2 entire cases in the past decade where someone got HIV from blood donations. The screenings of the blood itself are sufficient and this policy exists to stigmatize gay people. Working in the science field doesn't mean you are anything more than a garden variety homophobe.

>> No.12226563

yeah i dont care about all the faggotry but the couples making the food on their wedding day is kimd of fucked up
try to guilt someone into doing it

>> No.12226576

I assume you are referencing the Masterpiece Cakeshop. They entered a bakery open to the public, with no signage indicating an opposition to gay weddings, in a state where sexual orientation is a protected class under public accommodations law (businesses with publicly accessible physical storefronts) with no knowledge the baker/owner harbored anti gay prejudice and were denied service in violation of the law. The baker to this day no longer sells wedding cakes, which was his option from the start. What WASNT an option was to selectively sell goods in a way that denied access to members of protected classes.

There are ZERO cases of gay people DELIBERATELY TARGETING Christian-owned businesses and a couple cases of Christians deliberately targeting businesses to make hateful, anti-gay worded items.

>> No.12226612

You go girl(male)!

>> No.12226624

yea that was what i meant ...
how much free time do you have ?!?

>> No.12226630
File: 283 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much misinformation are you trying to spread?

>> No.12226781

4chan always hated gays, trannies, jews, and muslims more than christians.

>> No.12226806
File: 117 KB, 1280x1275, A9A32A00-5CA2-417B-8621-03E1A37F94EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you’d die

>> No.12227027

I trust a lab tech more than I trust a faggot with an internet collection when it comes to actual medical policy, sorry sweetie.

>> No.12227100
File: 40 KB, 1080x629, D4zLKZcXkAE2SyD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There have been at most 2 entire cases in the past decade where someone got HIV from blood donations.
Because faggots are still banned from donating blood you absolute retard. It's not just HIV either, faggotry is associated with a higher risk of all kinds of bloodborne or sexually transmitted diseases as well. They still won't allow you if you have a recent tattoo, I bet you think that policy is anachronistic too. Why not just do away with all of the screening questions while you're at it?

The number of accidental transmissions is near fucking zero for a reason, retard, it's because the screening policy is actually effective when combined with lab testing of all units.

>> No.12227110

Fuck you, some tranny drove from across the state to try and get them to make a gender reveal cake so they could sue them a second time.

>> No.12227111
File: 65 KB, 960x800, 1556031348819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bananas, sausages, popsickles, and chocolate lava cakes

>> No.12227115

Internet connection*

>> No.12227170

The key with wedding food is small portions of extremely flavorful foods with powerful tastes.

This is not something you can recreate unless you are a Chef yourself.

>> No.12227580

I love how religion fags are always going on about how their book is the infallible word of god until it is just the slightest bit inconvenient and then they somehow find a way around the rules.

>> No.12227675

spotted dick and roasted faggots

>> No.12227682

>sophisticated palate
is that why they eat ass?

>> No.12227720

>Not liking BBQ
>Not liking booze

As a Bisexual faggot who is currently converting to Judaism, go fuck yourself you pretencious turd.
Just enjoy life.

>> No.12227723


>> No.12227736


>> No.12227738

>translated to English:

>> No.12227764

1) That post was made 6 or 7 years ago
2) Political power is not cultural power. To argue the right has a hold on the culture is to be blind to the world around you

>> No.12228566

Then you would have seen an increase in HIV transmitted via blood donation in countries where gays are not banned from donating blood and that hasn't happened.

>drove from across the state


I do a fair amount of cooking.

I'm not religious.


Are you marrying a Jewish person?

>> No.12228639


>> No.12228967


>> No.12229011

Please die

>> No.12229074


>> No.12229122

Antifreeze margaritas

>> No.12229123

Serious suggestions only, please.

>> No.12229132

Antifreeze penis coladas

>> No.12229264


>> No.12229266

have gay sex

>> No.12229280

I mean sure after the wedding but I want to have a good meal first.

>> No.12229295

So your partners dick, balls, AND asshole aren't enough for you?? Typical insatiable faggot

>> No.12229313

Why do straight people think this sort of low-effort humor is funny?

>> No.12229333

Because time flies when you're a faggot!

>> No.12229334

You are wasting both your time and mine.

>> No.12229341

My time seems well spent wasting yours though?

>> No.12229353
File: 979 KB, 331x255, 1552765654696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to put that inside me

>> No.12229377
File: 19 KB, 220x165, 220px-Faggots-and-gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A traditional and easy to prepare dish from the UK, of course.

>> No.12229379


>> No.12229383

Seems messy to eat with your hands outdoors.

>> No.12229387
File: 123 KB, 224x239, 8f2c7d6d33e15088a1ce52bf08e0b173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12229404

>in 2018 it was estimated that "tens of millions" of faggots were eaten every year.
my fucking sides

>> No.12229417

Haha stay triggered homo

>> No.12229435

t. newfag who unironically started on /pol/

>> No.12229463

good one, fudgepacker

>> No.12229471

t. newfag of 1 hour

>> No.12229493

Masterful bait.

>> No.12229496

Gay marriage was a mistake.

>> No.12229499
File: 25 KB, 700x600, GayMarriageStability3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's odd you say that given that gay married male couples have a LOWER divorce rate than straight married couples.

>> No.12229506
File: 300 KB, 925x694, burning-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly women are the problem.

>> No.12229509

And yet laws against gay sex were rarely, if ever enforced against women and were usually designed to humiliate and punish gay men. Really makes you think.

>> No.12229511

Coq au vin, spotted dick,toad in the hole

>> No.12229526

don't be a faggot nigger, faggot nigger.
Yeah, suuuuuuure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweaty.
No, Patrick, AIDS jizz is not an appetizer. Hepatitis blood isn't an appetizer either.

>> No.12230553


>> No.12230788
File: 69 KB, 644x422, dia_sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bussy on a platter. You and your bf get to have first taste