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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12206051 No.12206051 [Reply] [Original]

What's with all the hate?

>> No.12206060

No hate m8. I get mine with japeno's too though.

>> No.12206061
File: 79 KB, 749x512, pineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't understand.

>> No.12206066

I want to bread this woman so badly

>> No.12206069
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Superior pizza coming through

>> No.12206072

Nobody really cares. It's just one of those ubiquitous things that's funny to rib people about, like ugg boots or nickelback.

>> No.12206075

That's a nice girl

>> No.12206094

she has FASD
she would be a terrible mother

>> No.12206095

Inadequate people police your personal dietary preferences to stimulate their delusions of grandeur. By acting as some form of unofficial authority on something inane (i.e.: pizza toppings) they are actively convincing themselves that they have valuable opinions are possess some form of status within a community.

>> No.12206098
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, a pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, posted the wrong pic.

>> No.12206102

Looks too dry.

>> No.12206105


>> No.12206111
File: 109 KB, 600x600, large_dc848cd0-b7ae-414f-ac17-662520c9d0f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you like great pizza. Look no further.

>> No.12206114

Nobody gave a shit before a manufactured controversy a few years ago. The hawaiian pizza is one of the most common sold for decades.

>> No.12206118

I still don't know if this is a meme or not. It's hard to tell because i've seen worse looking pizza's.

>> No.12206119

While people like you describe do exist the "hate" for pineapple pizza is mostly just a meme

>> No.12206126

Group think.
If their friends hate it they also have to hate it to stay cool. In reality though most of them eat it in secret. It's good pizza. It's better with pepperoni, bacon, green olives.

>> No.12206127

*black olives

>> No.12206130

Both are good but i prefer green. It's damned near impossible to find a large chain that actually has green.

>> No.12206315

Pineapples are fine. They just don't belong on a pizza.

>> No.12206403


Autism. Turns out putting sweet and salty together is fucking delicious, and memeshit like this wouldnt have spread throughout western society in a few decades if it wasnt fucking delicious. The people who say pineapple doesn't belong on pizza are being pretentious.

>> No.12206441

I generally hate sweet things on things that aren't sweet.

That said, pineapple pizza is pretty good if it also has jalapenos on it.

>> No.12206636

What hate?
It's universally loved.

>> No.12206642

yup green are under appreciated and even when you do find a chain that has them they either put way to many on or not nearly enough

>> No.12206668

Op, if there is one thing pizza should be, it's cheesy. Go ahead and take a chunk of pineapple and take a chunk of cheese. Toss them both in your mouth. It will taste like shit. When you put pineapple on pizza, all you will taste is pineapple and bread. Not to mention the juice from the pineapple will make the pizza breading all soggy and gross.

>> No.12206674

Chicken, anchovies, olives, and pineapple on pizza covers all food groups

>> No.12206711

so does tuna, prosciutto, mushroom, and jalapeno

>> No.12206742
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>> No.12206754
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It's hard to imagine leftypol false flagging this hard. But I guess it's true.

>> No.12206756

Imagine not liking the combination of sweet and savory. These are probably the same people that get skeeved out by any sort of Asian food.

>> No.12206758

Do americans really do this?

>> No.12206789

No worries I'll have both please

>> No.12206798

What shitty circle of friends do you have where having different taste in pizza toppings is shunned upon? Last time I went to a pizza place with my friends we talked shit about each other's orders all the way through.

>> No.12206805

for me, it's anything but this monstrosity

>> No.12206811

I'd try this. It looks and sounds vile but cheese and grapes do go together well.

>> No.12206866

Only the trump supporting morons

>> No.12206871
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>> No.12206925

either you're drunk or irish. But I feel you brother man, sweetness from pineapple and spicy from the japeno's, and the heartiness from the cheese, makes me want to come on /ck/ to tell people they're gay and can't cook

>> No.12206934

Pineapple does not belong on pizza. What's next? Beans in chili? No, thank you.

>> No.12207583

Pineapple pizza is pretty great but it has to be on the right type of pizza. Don't go dropping pineapples on an authentic New York slice, and I've never had it Chicago style, but it works best on a hand-tossed style crust, or if the pineapples are thin it's good on flatbread type thincrusts.

>> No.12207697

Yeah its not as if every food culture in the world puts fruit in savoury dishes.

>> No.12207708

It was a shitty meme and then a bunch of autismals started chirping in and taking it way too seriously