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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12197575 No.12197575 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything to the theory that

>immigrants brought hearty foods to replenish selves after long days of arduous manual labor. These foods were eventually commercialized and mass produced at the same time as our lifestyles began becoming more sedentary.

Combined with advertising that equates food with happiness and the seemingly limitless "fusions" of high starch/high fat foods, is this the reason America is so fucking obese?

pic 85% related

>> No.12197580

Not so much immigrants as every single working person back in the day.

>> No.12197591

>as our lifestyles began becoming more sedentary
this is why obesity has increased. larger portion size of high-calorie food hasn't helped.

>> No.12197597

>average american is overweight
people assume everyone is fat but fail to consider that the fattest are bringing up the averages just by themselves.
75% of blacks are overweight. 75% of blacks are on food stamps.
poor people are the fattest. they have no ambition and a monthly food allowance of almost triple what a normie spends on food leaves then with no self control. they have all day to eat and do just that.

>> No.12197619


This is true. I guess I was thinking more about the things we consider American staples today.

>Spaghetti and meatballs
A half pound of beef or more on top of a bed of pasta

A whole loaf of bread topped with fatty cheese and fatty/salty meats

Sweetish buns with a quarter pound of beef or more topped with fatty cheese and very often bacon

An entire loaf of bread stuffed with a pound of salty meats and cheese

>> No.12197629

mass produced food actually provides too little calories
ya'll eating but you're not getting food. undigestable cakes of salt, wear you down and make you thirsty for soda, and until you slurp up an extra 1000 calories of sugar water you can't function

>> No.12197635

Poor people are fat because healthy food is expensive. And I'm not talking about fancy rich kid vegan shit, I'm talking about real butter and real cheese instead of pretend shit that's made with residues and garbage.

>> No.12197637

don't live in america?

>> No.12197660


I always hear this, but is it true? I'm not a richfag by any means but what is considered "poor"?

Here in FL a pound of butter is like 3 bucks. This lasts a month or more. A pound of cheese is between 5 and 8 bucks depending on the variety. A head of lettuce is 2. Idk

>> No.12197682

Most commercial foods have between half percent to one percent salt added by weight and this does not affect the calorie yield by any significant margin.

>> No.12197695

stop shopping at publix you're being robbed

>> No.12197696

>450g of butter
>lasting more than a month
Absolute kek this lasts about a week at most in my house

>> No.12197703

>I eat butter faster than you
>absolute kek!
Really anon, is that an “absolute kek” from you? How humorous do you really find your butter consumption? I assure you, nobody else is absolutely kekking at how you eat butter.

>> No.12197714

Eh, debatable. I think it’s partially that healthy food is expensive but that’s only if you want healthy food that is also quick to make or pre-made. Buying meat, bread, and produce and making your own healthy meals is actually pretty cheap, but the time investment is moderate and you have to have the skills to pull it off. Your typical EBT user works all the damn time at shit minimum wage jobs just to pay rent, and usually come from a long line of people who did the same most of their lives. They’ve largely lost the tradition of home cooked meals and their total knowlege of how to cook comes from reading the instructions off boxes and cans.

>> No.12197721
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What are the alternatives? Winn Dixie? Anon I've been poor before and the amount you would save (if that's even true) is not enough to warrant feeling poor again.


It's only me and my wife in our house so idk what the average consumption is for a full family


Still overused, especially in the good goy aisles

>> No.12197727
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I disagree. The problem is culture and lifestyle has changed. It used to be you don't snack between meals so you don't spoil your dinner, and buildings would say "No Food or Drink Allowed". Now everyone has to carry around sugary granola bars in their backpack so they don't starve to death between breakfast and the free bagels left in the conference room. Now you go into any building like the library or a retail store and they are shilling Frappaccinos and muffins (cake).

The biggest problem is sugar which causes insulin resistance and metabolic disorders. It used to be soda was an occasional treat and the bottles were 6 ozs big, now people down multiple 2-liter bottles a day.

Why do people act like obesity it a mystery? Most fat people eat total garbage 24 hours a day.

>> No.12197728
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>lb of butter a week
>30 yr lifespan

>Your typical EBT user works all the damn time
youre a god damn fool

>> No.12197763
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True. Especially noticeable when you look at photographs of old gas stations. No cancerdog rollers, no 20 oz sugar bottles, no chips, chocolate or ice cream. Just automotive good and services, hence the name "service station"


based huhposter

>> No.12197784

A black of "nice n' cheesy" cheese-like slime compound isn't that much cheaper than the same amount of cheddar.
The only time I had to choose the first was when my fridge was broken for three months and I longed for anything that could break up the monotony of canned beans, rice, peanut butter, and ramen.

>> No.12197800

Most people on food stamps have jobs. If you want to make fun of niggers, try to make sure you aren't coming off as uneducated as they do.

>> No.12197804

your local farmer's market
if you live anywhere near sarasota, Detwiler's

>> No.12197805
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>Most people on food stamps have jobs
reddit's ignorance known no bounds

>> No.12197806

Careful. You might break his carefully constructed conservative echo chamber.

>> No.12197818

fuck you've found me out now I will have to plug my ears and scream the funny black people word to reconstruct my ego

>> No.12197825

Jesus fuck you're dumb

>> No.12197830

58-62% is neither most, nor is it few.
Within a deviation of 50% is some.

>> No.12197831
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people who work cannot afford food

>> No.12197849

>there is only one kind of job
Shit gets skewed by underemployment as well as what's considered a household.
The current figure is 58% of snap recipient households without kids have somebody who's employed, and 62% with kids have somebody who's employed.
But a lot of them are working dogshit job that should only really be for teenagers, like cart-pusher. Or they're too retarded to keep employment, or it's one tubby lady packing up and hauling her ass down to the DMV when the household includes herself, her three kids, her mother and father, her uncle and aunt- their adult son, his gf, THEIR two kids, etc etc.

>> No.12197858

reddit will literally argue with anything.

>> No.12197860

>58% of households have somebody who’s employed
Stopped reading right there. That’s more like 1/12 or less people who eat off snap are employed

>> No.12197879

its just reddit being reddit. everyone of them thinks their some kinda fucking genius on every single subject. meanwhile it only takes the smallest of brainlets to figure out people are on welfare because they dont work.

>> No.12197902

complex carbs has been a staple in the diet of every civilization in history

>> No.12197950

That's what I fucking say later on you nigger.
You have to stop being such a shithead boomer, because you're making us look like goofs next to the soyboys.
Stop grugposting 24/7.

>> No.12198194

Sure, but if you look at an American farmhouse diet from the early 20th Century you find close to 4k calories consumed per person in the form of bread, chicken and dumplings, pickles, pie, In season vegetables and potatoes cooked in salt pork. Industrialization changed the way we eat as much if not more than immigration. The foods we eat have changed in the direction of what's quicker to prepare since most households no longer have members dedicated to making food. But when you see what seems like outrageous portions you're talking the foods of laborers. The traditional country big breakfast? It's a hangover from the days when most country folks worked on farms. The hoagie? A workingman's lunch. You can make the case that spaghetti and meat balls and pizza were a celebration of poor Italians landing in a place where olive oil was hard to come by but tomato sauce, milk and ground beef were cheap. But if you look at the jobs the men in those families were working it was stuff like brick/stone/tile work and digging the fucking subway tunnels in NYC. They were fucking hungry.

>> No.12198244
File: 21 KB, 310x557, FT_13.07.12_FoodStamps_310px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12198254

>he's never been to a grocery store

>> No.12198255

More than 44% of SNAP recipient households have at least one working adult.
>inb4 that's AL stats
They compare AL stats to the national percents.


>> No.12198278

tasty new pasta

>works 4 hours a week
does reddit have any real life experience or is it just a life spent fighting tooth and nail to win an argument with online charts and stats?

>> No.12198283

How can you tell if somebody's on food stamps? People of all different races can go to the grocery store, you know.

>> No.12198293
File: 687 KB, 640x720, nigsnspix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve never been to a grocery store, just admit it. if you had you'd know you can spot the stampers instantly.
lemme illustrate it for you with this image, millennial brainlet.

>> No.12198311

I used to live in Chattanooga, TN and I saw plenty of white people on food stamps. What the fuck are you talking about guy?

>> No.12198321

>hours worked isn't mentioned in the article
But nice strawmanning, /pol/tard!

>> No.12198342
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its as if proportions are non existent to you. i applaud your overall stupidity and willingness to argue with anything
>because everyone working 40 hours a week cannot feed themselves.
its almost as if some people are failures in life regardless of what you do for them.
also hours arent mentioned because your precious stats would be useless. use your fucking head dipshit.
work + hours = money = food
damn looks like you win this round!

>> No.12198389

amish butter and local cheese are cheaper than the mass produced kind here in oregon

>> No.12198402

Almost everyone qualifies for foodstamps even if you have a job. You are leaving free money on the table i use my 200$ a month in free food to invest in bitcoin

>> No.12198472

>Almost everyone qualifies for foodstamps even if you have a job
not buying this at all.
>You are leaving free money on the table
you take it then, ill leave it for you and anyone else lacking a shred of dignity

>> No.12198510

>not buying this at all.
You do realize being either disabled or employed is a requirement for SNAP benefits? If you're unemployed and not legally disabled they literally will not give them to you.

>> No.12198546

>what are homeless

>> No.12198566

Niggah, there are a lot of teachers on foodstamps.

>> No.12198568

The exception.

>> No.12198596

they give them to anyone who asks you put homeless on the form

>> No.12198634
File: 42 KB, 248x381, GWPson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prices are what people are willing to pay for, not what the product cost to make.
The cheese costs to produce 98% of its in-store price.
The cheese-like slime costs half as much to produce as the cheese. However, people are willing to spend about the same price for a cheese or cheese-like slime. Therefore the cheese-like slime sets their price at 90% of the price of the cheese, even though it only costs them 54% of that price to produce the cheese-like slime. The cheese-like slime producer spends the rest of the money earned on the sale on branding, marketing, better shelves, R&D, paying off (((studies))), and so on.

The person on a budget visits his grocer. He's been advertised to that the cheese-like slime is the better product- it's healthier, better tasting, and he recognizes it from commercials and that makes his brain trust it more. The cheese-like slime is also marginally cheaper than the cheese. The person on a budget will almost always end up buying the worst product, even though they COULD afford the marginally more expensive but significantly superior product.

Replace cheese and cheese-like slime with peanut butter brands and you have literal truth. Not even product competition helps the consumer. The beneficial qualities of capitalism are an endless lie.

>> No.12198698

fuck off commie scum

>> No.12198749

No. Buying fresh veggies and meats is not expensive. In fact, unprepped foods are some of the cheapest things you can buy. The issue is time and effort. Poor people need to work all the time in order to have any money, so they don't have time to prep and cook a decent meal. So instead they buy whatever frozen boxed food laden with salt/fat that has next to no nutritional value. That's why poor people are fat. Now this wouldn't be a problem if they didn't have to work all the time, but companies do everything in their power to not pay workers fairly.

>> No.12198751

Yeah, American and British food was soooo healthy before them immigrants came. LMAO fuck off yank

>> No.12198831

You don't know shit. Meat varies a lot in price depending on the quality of the cut and the amount of fat in it. And that's not even considering the fact meat as a whole is a luxury item when you're genuinely poor. And then you have shit like margarine which, at least where I'm from, is significantly cheaper than butter and was sold as healthier but then it turned out to be worse than butter. And veggies are generally pretty expensive in terms of cost versus how much they fill you up, except maybe potatoes if they're cheap.

>> No.12198842

>Meat varies a lot in price depending on the quality of the cut and the amount of fat in i
Sure. But even a premium cut is cheap compared to processed meat. Prime-grade filet mignon is expensive, but beef jerky from the gas station is even more expensive.

>when you're genuinely poor
hardly anyone is genuinely poor. the "poor" in is country are generally obese--as in, they can afford so much food that they wear the excess 24-7.

>> No.12198861

He's clearly a liberal dipshit, much like you.

>> No.12198935

>the quality of food as related to price (economic incentive to eat garbage)
>in concert with the quality of the food supply
>in concert with environmental stressors including substances in food and water
little to do with "the recipes"

>> No.12199043

t. never eaten a vegetable in my life
Oh boy you fucking retard, you know how I know you're a fat ass? Veggies are quite literally the cheapest, most filling foods out there. A lb of broccoli costs around 1.50. Eat an entire pound of broccoli and then tell me you don't feel full. Oh and btw, it's way more healthy than the box of Kraft dinner you could have bought for the same price. Did you know that veggies are so healthy and filling, that there are people who base their entire diet around eating just veggies? Maybe neither being poor nor lack of time is the reason poor people are fat. Maybe it's because they're all uneducated retards like you.

>> No.12199539

>head of cabbage
>canned corn

>> No.12199804
File: 107 KB, 497x960, macdonalds-sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12199820

The poorest working people I know dont even pull 40 hours. They survive on handouts and yet still mismanage their time badly enough to waste it on fast food. For every poor 2 jobbed single mother getting by there are thousands of lazy fat scumbags who will never take responsibility for their lives.

>> No.12199854 [DELETED] 

I get what you're saying but that chart is bullshit. You can easily get 2 mcdoubles per person at $2.80. $11.20 for a meal that costs no additional time. I believe mcdoubles are 390 each so let's say your poor as fuck kids can't afford another meal, that's 780 calories for $2.80. I'm not saying anyone should do this but its bullshit to order premium meals at McDonalds and pretend it's more expensive to eat at McDonalds than to make your own food when it comes out about the same.

>> No.12201248

a man's gotta eat anon

>> No.12201262


>> No.12201285

some of those prices are unrealistic

>> No.12201922

Spotted the vegan.

>> No.12201925

>poor people eat at mcdonalds every day

>> No.12202770

why would you eat anon?

>> No.12203953

Who’s anon?

>> No.12204754

i'd gladly become a fat fuck for this sandwich...

>> No.12204773

>>lb of butter a week
>>30 yr lifespan
>What is France?

>> No.12204805

a muslim caliphate

>> No.12204827

>what are food deserts

>> No.12204828

yeah, a muslim caliphate that has a massive per capita butter consumption and a long average lifespan (if you remove outliers like beheadings and trucks of peace)

>> No.12204832

and cholesterol count of 200+

>> No.12204854

It's all the (1) eating out and (2) time saving processed food meals. Poor people are less likely to make food from scratch.

>> No.12204873


>> No.12204883

Really?! OOOO_____OOOOOO

>> No.12204887

It's also because poor people usually have hard labor/mentally straining jobs. So when they get off work, they're too exhausted to go through the chore of shopping, cooking and cleaning.

>> No.12204902

Not true.
You need to run for half an hour to burn 300 or so kcal. If you have one frappucino or whatever, those kcals come right back.
We're just eating too much and there's way more food readily available. We're drinking too much soda as well. A few decades ago, one would drink a single small coke and be satisfied with that. These days people have replaced their water intake with sugary beverages. Candy is everywhere. Frozen dinners are filled to the brim with sugar, fat and salt so they can at least have some flavor.

You cannot outrun your diet.

>> No.12204937

this anon is right, a healthy weight is determined in the kitchen not the gym

>> No.12204948

Wasn't chicken a luxury food in the early 20th century? There's a reason why Hoover promised 'a chicken in every pot' as a symbol of wealth as part of his campaign slogan.

>> No.12204949

Concerning obesity you can eat all the same damn things but in smaller quantities and you'll lose weight.

>> No.12206419

That's completely retardedly FALSE. I can buy 3 weeks of food for 2 people at the closest supermarket (Las Vegas, USA) for $50 dollars as long as I stick to fresh in-season produce, fresh meat and fish, dried beans and rice and skip prepackaged stuff. Yes, quality cheese can be pricey when you're on a tight budget, but imagine this: don't buy cheese if you can't afford it. Like are you retarded? Besides, I can get some super low priced, real, quality, fresh Mexican cheeses at my store. If I can't find a small enough amount in the cheese fridge counter thing, then I can ask the attendant to bag me just 4 oz of this and 4 oz of that. Although I'm not a fan of mass produced prepackaged cheese, grocery stores do sell many legitimate mass produced cheeses. Lets tackle butter. I can buy an entire pound of pure sweet cream salted or unsalted butter for $2.88. Please enlighten me as to how you need more than a $2.88 pound of butter per month on a strict budget where you clearly aren't splurging on making cakes and cookies.

You are just a lazy fat piece of shit that uses the tired and false "healthy food is expensive" trope to garner sympathy.

>> No.12206428
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>not running 10 miles daily and having 1000 free carbs
Takes less than an hour if you're good.

>> No.12206432

The poboy is probably closer to what you're talking to than the pizza, which is more because of ww2 gets coming back with their crazy Italian food ideas.

>> No.12206484

Yeah now imagine you can't make rent every month and your food budget is negative dollars, so every cent you spend on food is a cent you're not using on something else you need. Also you're feeding an entire family and not two people.

>> No.12206492

What do you buy to have 3 weeks of food for under 50? I just spent 200 for a month. Also how many people does your food feed in 3 weeks?

>> No.12206531

It would be stupidly easy to buy bags of cheap flour and make hardtack. Even easier would be spending a few hours scavenging dumpsters or going to soup kitchens which are found practically everywhere. Or eating local plants, or trapping cats and oppossums and cooking them well enough you don't get too sick. It's not hard to feed a family, especially if your wife dedicates her time to getting the food while you work to pay rent and utilities. Fucking hell, get the oldest kids to drop out and start scavenging for food too with mama.

>> No.12206533

>What do you buy to have 3 weeks of food for under 50?
Beans and rice.
>Also how many people does your food feed in 3 weeks?
2. Learn to fucking read.

>> No.12206536

Is this a joke? I can no longer tell nowadays.

>> No.12206546

>Combined with advertising that equates food with happiness
dopamine and serotonin are synthesized in your gut retard, eating food MAKES YOU and CONTINUES TO ENABLE YOU to feel happy

>> No.12206567
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If the goal is to feed your family and have a roof over their heads, then what's so difficult? Work your minimum wage jobs (preferably under the table, to minimize taxes), and utilize every possible source of calories and the labor of your own children and wife. The problem in our world is expectations. Papa Jose works the fields while Mama Maria and her 14 beanlets eat Takis and drink mango soda, taking her kids to the ER for their diabetes shots and vitamins from malnutrition. That's not living. Instead of being parasites, they could be independent of the systems put in place to trap them in sick lifestyles by just changing their attitudes toward work. I mean, Jose knows work pays but the beanlets sure don't.

>> No.12206647

So what's your point here? Do you mean to say that when you are pinching pennies you'd rather buy a $10 combo meal at McDonalds over eating rice, beans, inexpensive mean, and in season vegetables for may $1-2 per meal?

>> No.12206658

>Poor people are fat because

If they were actually poor, they wouldn't have enough food to get fat

>> No.12206664

>whose anon?

>> No.12206670

This. Real poor people don't know in the morning from where their dinner is coming. Fat Americans are not poor

>> No.12206706

this is the dumbest post i've read on /ck/ in a while. 10/10

>> No.12206797

Why do you fags seem to assume poor people eat at McDonald's? Also I wonder what country do you all live on that fresh produce is the cheapest thing you can live off of.