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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.61 MB, 2880x2160, 20190418_162810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12199258 No.12199258 [Reply] [Original]

You boys like chicken thighs?

>> No.12199269
File: 2.35 MB, 2880x2160, 20190418_163443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time starting up the grill this season.

>> No.12199276
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Ahh. Look at that sweet sweet cancer inducing flavor.

>> No.12199281

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaahhhhh booooii

>> No.12199289
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We're shooting for about 260-275 for this cook.

>> No.12199294

its cheaper than breasts. similar flavor

i buys em a lot

>> No.12199296

yes but lots of asians have moved to my area and the grocery store caught on so they cost more than breasts now

>> No.12199302

I went to the store the other day and they were completely out of thighs FUCK YOU

>> No.12199303

I want to sit on that road cone.

>> No.12199304

Chicken power levels, this is objectively correct btw
Breasts > Legs > Drums > Flats > Gizzards >Thighs

>> No.12199305
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Slap those dirty whores on the grill
That sucks man. 4 and half pounds of thighs are about $4-4.30ish

>> No.12199316

I'm no longer jealous because if your thighs are around $1/lb they're dogshit quality

>> No.12199324
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Now we kick back for 45 minutes.

>> No.12199325

Thighs are the best, what are you talking about?

>> No.12199333

Sorry to hear about your poverty anon

>> No.12199334

Yeah. Way superior to the breast. I do usually take the skins off though.

>> No.12199335

they went from 1.19 to 2.36 a lb for tyson it sucks

>> No.12199341
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I think they were on sale, plus grocery store rewards card or whatever. But yeah these aren't the greatest. I usually buy Purdue but they were sold out.
Traffic cone-tan is not for lewd

>> No.12199356

mmmm poisoned chicken

>> No.12199362
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Everyone feel free to post things you've grilled, smoked, barbecued or whatever while we wait.

>> No.12199386

those aren't anywhere near done dude

>> No.12199388

Slow cook them, even the cheap ones turn out good.

>> No.12199404
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I disagree. I made these months ago. They were pretty much exactly how I wanted them. Tender but not fall off the bone. Smoked for 5-5.5ish hours.

>> No.12199411

>I made these months ago
Amazing that they aren't visibly moldy yet. Still, I wouldn't eat them. No way they are still good.

>> No.12199412

I thought you said "You chickens like boy thighs right" haha wouldnt that be weird

>> No.12199432

>he doesn't dehydrate and rehydrate his ribs
It's like you're not even trying to prepare for the apocalypse.

>> No.12199433

you have almost no pulling off the bone, they're not done
if you like meatier ribs you should make country style ribs, not ruin a rack

>> No.12199437

Dark meat>white meat

>> No.12199474 [DELETED] 
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Reminds me of my toe.

>> No.12199479

They were fine when I ate them and everyone else liked them. I'll try to make them better for you next time anon.

>> No.12199481
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you motherfucker

>> No.12199495

ok thanks
you should definitely try some country style ribs though because they're cheaper and cook faster and the texture would probably be more to your liking

>> No.12199503
File: 1.66 MB, 2880x2160, 20190418_174350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to rotate the thighs. Skins are starting to tighten up a bit. It's pretty windy so I'm going to lose heat for a bit. This grills pretty good ay bouncing back.
I've done country ribs before and wasn't a huge fan. But that was before I had a smoker. Maybe I'll give them another shot. Thanks anon.
Delete this.

>> No.12199600

Rotating again. This time we flip them though. Now just wait for them to get up to temp.

>> No.12199613
File: 1.73 MB, 2880x2160, 20190418_181415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appearance hasn't changed much.

>> No.12199658

They look like fake boobs

>> No.12199673

They're just about done. I'll be taking them out in a few minutes.

>> No.12199696

Well this thread is heading towards sewage really fast

Not hating OP but I don't think these are gonna turn out well

>> No.12199697
File: 1.85 MB, 2880x2160, 20190418_184053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All done. Now time to let them cool off a bit before I pull the meat off the bone.

>> No.12199708


>> No.12199721

Can you all give me your best chicken thigh recipes for poorfags? I'm in between jobs right now and chicken things are really cheap where I live. I have a fully stocked spice cabinet so all I need are some recipes to make some thighs last a while.

>> No.12199730

Nigga that shit takes max 20 mins to prep. Rub any kind of spice then sear on SCOR hung hot pan for 2 mins each side and Chuck them in oven preheated at 400F and you have juicy AS FUCK food every night

Please do not do what disgusting OP has done

>> No.12199745

Internal temp on all of them was 165. They're fine. Smoked chicken often has a bit of pink.

>> No.12199746

this is barely removed for just asking for "recipes", there are hundreds of things you could do

the easiest will be marinading or rubbing them and then baking them, my personal favorites are curries or stir frying

>> No.12199838
File: 1.46 MB, 2880x2160, 20190418_191355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turned out delicious. Thanks for watching everyone

>> No.12199872
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I made shishkabobs last weekend. it was alright but I want a steak now,

>> No.12199878

Marinade? They look pretty good.

>> No.12200052

Unironically based

>> No.12200096

Pellet grill. Lazy fuck.

>> No.12200137

hell yeah brother

>> No.12200143

more forgiving for longer cooking times too

>> No.12200144

>your lazy if you don't needlessly toil
odd flex, but ok

>> No.12200172

It was a gift and it works well enough for my purposes. I like it.

>> No.12200332

check dis

>> No.12200344

i hope those were brined you pleb

>> No.12200395

Thighs aren't breast. They'll be perfectly fine without brining

>> No.12200400
File: 458 KB, 1166x1276, IMG-1210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been eating chicken thighs almost every day for months now. fucking tasty. what kind of spices do you use op?

>> No.12200408

still gives them a ton of flavor and makes them juicier than a whores pussy

>> No.12200421

I used one of those Weber blends today. But I often use paprika, garlic powder, chili powder and cayenne. Every once in a while I'll look up a recipe for a new blend.

>> No.12200429

Ordinary I brine them for a couple of hours but I made these on short notice so I didn't this time. Brining definitely gives a fantastic flavor though.

>> No.12200434


>> No.12200446

ive always been a bit wary of blends like that but do you like weber enough to recommend?

>> No.12200476
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I'll post a few that I like.

>> No.12200483
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There's one more that I can't remember the name of. I'll take a picture of it in a few minutes.

>> No.12200493

thanks bro, ill keep an eye out for them next week during my grocery run

>> No.12200530

Real nice, op.
I'm not a rich fag, but the guy I work with is. We use spiceology for some of our rubs so they can be on the pricey side for some things, but they do put out top tier for what u might be looking for.

>> No.12200534
File: 1.47 MB, 2880x2160, 20190418_213242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is fantastic for brisket. If you ever find yourself in Lowes head over to the grill section. They sell all of the weber seasoning there.

>> No.12200538

Got pictures of anything you've made?

>> No.12200547

Also making your shit from scratch is better, but the rare day I'm off and have time to do what u did. I just salt/pepper hickory chips.

>> No.12200588

Like I said I make my stuff from scratch sometimes. I need to invest in some better quality spices though.

>> No.12200590

Not really. I post on a 25 dollar tablet and have a grandpa phone I don't even use for texting.

>> No.12200611

Cool. You are never wrong if u put your heart into it. Thanks for posting your work.

>> No.12200623

fuck off tripfag

>> No.12201029

>I've never smoked meat before but here's my 2 cents anyway don't forget to remember my name
fuck off

>> No.12201056
File: 38 KB, 600x600, IMG_0155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad. Even though it looks 'pretty' to mix meats and veggies in the same stick, they have different cooking times so it's easy to burn one and undercook the other; I grill them at different times and with different seasonings then just make a big pile of all the grilled stuff when done.
Do it right and it's guaranteed pussy; bitches love that stuff.

>> No.12201060

your posting privileges have been revoked for 12 hours

>> No.12201181
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>> No.12201188


Last Thanksgiving. I'll only smoke my turkeys here on out

>> No.12201194
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>> No.12202227

Looks delicious

>> No.12202688


>> No.12202696

>preferring the dry white breast over the tender wings and juicy leg and thigh
Were you born gay, or did it develop over time?

>> No.12202796
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Imagine pretending to be a tripfag

>> No.12203505

Bone in skin on chicken thighs and drumsticks are my go to for chicken. Their high fat content and low price makes them very cost efficient. Pair with a rice/quinoa/your favourite carb and add some green veg for a solid staple meal. I use an enameled cast iron pan to get a good sear on the skin before popping it into a 425° oven to bring it up to temp. My spice blend is usually something like this although I usually eyeball the measurements:
1-2 tbsp salt
1/2 tbsp pepper
1/2 tbsp garlic plus
1/2 tbsp paprika
1/4 tbsp cayenne

>> No.12203544
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>it costs more so its better

>> No.12203547
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>> No.12203598

you pay what you get for

>> No.12203731

>more flavor is a bad thing
Are you retarded?

>> No.12203859

Wholeheartedly incorrect.

>> No.12205534
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Hell yea bro! But I prefer the leg attached. Cheap cut of chicken. So delicious. Skin on bone in. I rub olive oil w/garlic, thyme, rosemary, salt under and on the skin & bake @475 for 20min or more. Crisp skin. So easy. Cheap. Good. $2.50 for 2 leg quarters. Roast some beets with it. Carrots, onions & potatoes. Get a fantastic meal for two for a few bucks.

>> No.12205548

I saw leg quarters in the store when I was buying the thighs. Maybe I'll buy them next time. Haven't had chicken legs in a pretty long time.

>> No.12205552

Not really.