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12198888 No.12198888 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.12198899


>> No.12198905

Eternal salvation and spiritual peace if you accept God's word and the faith

>> No.12198906

The taste of nothing, but the body of Christ.

And maybe the manky wine, if you're feeling brave for mouth STDs.

>> No.12198915

This is the Word of the Lord.


>> No.12198923

Ass rape.
Nice quadz, tho.

>> No.12198939

A lifetime of closeted alcoholism and homosexuality, as well as your Sundays going down the shitter.

>> No.12199146

a huge fucking scam

>> No.12199154


>> No.12199159


>> No.12199231

i think there are different wafers in the cup, seriously.

i went to mass, thinking the guy would pull out any random one... like they are all the same - then he looked down in the cup, searched for something, i saw a tightly packed mini back row and he pulled out one of those for me. seems like there is different stuff going on in the cup

also flavorless pringle is fair

>> No.12199264

Many churches keep gluten free wafers on hand for people with allergies, might of thought that's what you needed.

>> No.12199288

>infinity quads
God wills it

>> No.12199292

>being allergic to the body of christ

I hope they string these demons up

>> No.12199306

He gave you the sugar free one cuz nigga you fat

>> No.12199340

I went to an xmas mass one time as a non-catholic and it was so crowded the priest had no idea I was an excommunicated heretic atheist when I took communion. I thought that was the height of postmodern irony, lol!

>> No.12200201

kind of meh
wine is ok though

>> No.12200281

Eternal damnation for trannies and salvation for normal people

>> No.12200305

An obligation to donate money towards the reconstruction of a burnt down cathedral even though it belongs to one of the wealthiest institutions in the world.

>> No.12200313

There’s the big one that the priest cracks up on stage then there are the mass produced (no pun intended) ones that are perfect circles

>> No.12200315

prawn cracker minus the prawn

>> No.12200499

Most catholics aren't closeted homosexuals. Let's tone down the projection, shall we?

>> No.12201135

>been attending some Evangelical bullshit recently and they only did Communion last week
>had to dig around the dish for my own host
>everyone snaps the shit in half when thegrape pastor says "he broke the bread"
>everyone chews the shit
>the Blood is just grape juice in small acrylic cups
>friend keeps asking why I spent the first half of "worship" fixated on the dish that held Communion because it was the closest thing to a tabernacle in the building and the only object with a crucifix on it
>the stuff isn't even consecrated
Tasted the same though, flavorless cardboard. All in all, I don't think any of it made a difference. Culinary travesty through and through.

>> No.12201152

Technically it's "low-gluten", as the whole of wheat is necessary matter for valid transubstantiation into the Body of Christ.

>> No.12201155

Protestant communion is way better. Leavened bread and you don’t have to do anything to receive it except show up.

>> No.12201159

Right, most are pretty open about their child rearing to the brothers

>> No.12201284

Based strokeposter

>> No.12201314
File: 73 KB, 739x315, 1514746542205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin quads

>> No.12201331

Notre Dame belongs to the French government not the Catholic Church faggot

>> No.12201351
File: 600 KB, 1356x1500, cathofu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the baptists who are closteted alchies. Catholics are open about loving booze

>> No.12201401

The holy retribution of the prophet unless, inshalallah, you repent to the all mighty Allah.

>> No.12201465

>shitty mass-produced little communion waffer

The absolute state of catholicism.

>> No.12201923

Evangelicals do not believe in the transubstantiation and therefore are not consuming the everlasting flavour of eternal salvation and forgiveness in the kingdom heaven like the filthy fucking heretics they are

>> No.12201950

It's supposed to go in cleavages not in your mouth

>> No.12201953

Only technically. All real rights and responsibilities fall upon the Catholics.

>> No.12201965
File: 8 KB, 275x183, This+is+your+left+thats+your+left+this+_961e9a41d43b13ce894336395fddb2e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Catholic is going to Hell

>> No.12201984

Which shitty protestant denomination do you come from?

>> No.12201987

What does that have to do with Catholics being superstitious retards who believe in magic?

>> No.12201999

The only ones who would say catholics are going to hell are other christians with a poor understanding of the bible, i.e. protestants.You couldn't be orthodox because they believe in even more superstition.

So which sect are you?

>> No.12202013
File: 45 KB, 1057x641, D0awrURX0AEtzXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had sects with your mom last night

>> No.12202018

Burn in hell, adulterer necrophile.

>> No.12202033

Keep thinking you need to eat a magic cracker to go to Heaven

>> No.12202067

>still too afraid to mention his denomination
Just admit the Catholic Church is the one true Church and you're just jealous.

>> No.12202119

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich Pope to pass through the gates of heaven.

>> No.12202161 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 586x960, 7456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if Satan is real, the Catholic Church is his greatest evil accomplishment. Misleading and abusing humanity for millennia.

>> No.12203703

Only people with a poor understanding of the Bible think Hell even exists in the first place. That shit didn't show up until 500 years after Jesus died.