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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 530x356, Costco-Membership-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12198023 No.12198023 [Reply] [Original]

Who /executive/ here? All Costco friends report in to laugh at the poorniggers. Gold members begrudgingly welcomed, but please state your rank in the name field.

>> No.12198032

>takes pride in membership that litteraly pays for itself

>> No.12198043

Between gas and tires executive membership is cheaper because at the end of the year I get more cash back than what the membership costs, and still save money on actual cost of goods. Might buy a heat pump through them this summer if the local HVAC company's aren't significantly lower. that'll be a nice payoff at the end of the year.

>> No.12198047


>> No.12198080

>seething because he couldn't afford the upfront cost

>> No.12198844

based and redpilled

>> No.12198858
File: 57 KB, 615x820, Russian-Roulette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we only have bj's & sams here and fuck walshart

>> No.12199090

Sam's has a business membership that offers cash back as well. I cover the cost just by my volume of purchases.

>> No.12199095

i stopped jerking off recently. im 39 years old and i really dont get horney anymore.

not sure why. maybe its just old age.

>> No.12199112

What does executive do?

>> No.12199135

It’s $100 annual fee but it gives you 2% cashback on purchases, so if you spend more than $2500 a year at Costco it’s actually cheaper than a gold star membership which is $50 but no cashback.

>> No.12199140

its cause youre a fat fuck

>> No.12199176

i'm Rich Galanti, i'm shitposting. By that I mean I'm browsing ck on my phone while i'm taking a shit. ama you dumb retards

>> No.12199240

not according to the usa guidelines. im 5'9 and 230 lbs. not quite obese.

>> No.12199242
File: 1.41 MB, 1067x1897, IMG_20190312_125859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pay for gold just because I like the store and only buy a few small things, not to save money by buying in bulk. you're the poor one for spending a ton a costco and not at whole foods or some other high end grocer

>> No.12199278

Whole foods is not a high end grocer, they sell the same shit as everyone above Kroger, they just gouge you on price more for it.

>> No.12199299

sure some of it is the same but they definitely have higher end items than like Publix or some shit, if you can't tell then you're retarded. And it's not even that much more expensive anymore, especially compared to publix which literally sells the same brand shit as walmart for twice the price.

>> No.12199311

Their bulk foods are fairly priced and many of them can't be found at other grocers including large international markets. Keep an open mind and stop basing your grocery judgement on their targeted demographic. You're literally worse than an sjw.

>> No.12200292

This is why I didn't want Gold cucks in my thread.

>> No.12200391
File: 30 KB, 547x409, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOT obese

>> No.12200489

enjoy your cash back "exp" or whatever the poors are calling credit card rewards these days. keep scraping those singles off the floor so you can afford a 10 pack of knee pads

>> No.12200526

Executive member reporting in. Got me three half gallons of whiskey and shit load of beef, rice and beans a few days ago.

>> No.12200543

how long does food court food last? can it be refrigerated?

>> No.12200553


all they sell in their food court is available to purchase in bulk

>> No.12200564

i'm 6'0 and 170 and i feel like a fatass. i can't imagine how you must feel looking in the mirror every morning, you walking butterball

>> No.12200787

Imm ripped bro
The line is always super fucked at costco though. I save like 20 cents a gallon but I burn like 10 or 15 minutes of time

>> No.12201407


I'm 6'1 and 240 and feel like a fucking baby boomer who has multiple vacation properties. We gotta get in shape 'naw im sain?

>> No.12201433


>> No.12201438

I'm 6"3 and 250 and definitely obese you lying fattie

>> No.12202454

>Electronic payments only
This is legal?

>> No.12202465

This thread feels like it was made by an advertiser. Something about it seems inorganic and calculated.

>> No.12202500

I live about a 5 minute walk from Costco, they have the best pizza and hotdogs.

>> No.12203830


>> No.12203858

Not their buns though

>> No.12203865

I've only shopped there twice, but it's nice for snacks and cheap wine. I borrow my mom's card to go because I'm a plebian.

>> No.12203877

>thinks he's a richfag
>buys Kirkland knockoffs and bulk buys

>> No.12203975

Lose 100lbs

>> No.12205192

Low testosterone due to poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.

>> No.12205222

lol bragging about a costco membership as making you rich is almost as bad as bragging about a Walmart membership, keep being poor.

>> No.12205250

I'm 5'8 and 160. I'm a chubby fuck. The hell you ain't obese.

>> No.12205253

Technically yes
Some cities have passed or are considering regulations. Philly's done it, though their law exempts Costco and other membership-based stores

>> No.12205260

The self service kiosok is electronic payment only but you can pay cash at the cashier dummies

>> No.12206761

Will Costco special order me shit if I ask a manager or something.

>> No.12207568

Costco will do anything for a based Executive Member!

>> No.12207584

it's like having a concierge but for life

>> No.12207852

Little brother goldies can't compete.
>my turn in line and I whip out my BigBlackCard
>cashier gets nervous and bites her lips
>hand my BigBlackCard over
>there's a hefty weight to it in the cashiers hand
>2 boomers behind me knows what's up and starts nodding in approval
>Korean beta stands in the next line over holding his cash cards like a bitch
>the hapa the next line over flashes his BigBlueCard and nods in approval

Goldies get your shit together. But yea executive is pretty worth it if you have a family of 4 or more, my kids go through meat and veggies like crazy

>> No.12208039
File: 117 KB, 379x220, img-card-art-hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks his BigBlackCard matters

Heh.... Pails in comparison to my GRAY card

>> No.12208453


I'm 6'2" and 195 and i've got some fat around my midsection. You're a tub of lard.

>> No.12209462

If that's true I just might get one.