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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 183 KB, 2048x1691, straya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12194291 No.12194291 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Australian cuisine.

>> No.12194296

its shit

>> No.12194305
File: 8 KB, 275x183, ascendance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at last I truly see

>> No.12194526

Based heavily on Brit classics and incorporating some native ingredients until the early 1900’s.
Between WW1 and 1950 quite austere due to Great Depression and rationing.
1950-1980 the age of processed food coincides with the destruction of the nuclear family and the loss of a a full time home maker in every home. Obesity rates and diabetes soar.
1980-today: mass migration from cultures with a traditional patriarchal model gives ‘new Australians’ a leg up in the health and living expense field. White Australians continue to eat processed shit and junk food while new immigrants take advantage of the amazing fresh produce and have wives who can cook.
The elites now have access to ‘mod oz’ food which uses some of the world’s best ingredients and borrows techniques from many other cultures.

If you are serious about wanting to know more theres a book called ‘one continuous picnic’ that’s a great read.

>> No.12194654

Sand cooked abbo meat is not food.

>> No.12194661

Their candy names sound like racial slurs

>> No.12194665

Australians don't eat food. They only have sand and rocks over there.

>> No.12194674

The Outback

>> No.12194693

australia is just britain with an old hat on it. They eat a lot of lamb, some indonesian stuff, bullshit like fairy bread

>> No.12195383

#12194291 [subject: ausfood stinks]

ausfood is a shitty as the people making it. they're all fatass drunkards too

>> No.12195396


>> No.12195411
File: 86 KB, 433x427, 1539487986665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh fairy bread
>muh vegemite sandwich
>muh sausage sizzles
>muh chiko rolls
>muh tree grubs
It's boring. There's a reason why you won't find "authentic Australian" restaurants.

>> No.12195413

Freshest seafood in the fucking world.

>> No.12195420

kangaroo steak poisonous lizard breast and native aboriginal meat

>> No.12195431

Australian here, australian "Cuisine" doesn't really exist like french or italian food does, seeing as australia has only been a settled country for a bit over 200 years, there's no real deep history or culture, so currently our quinine is primarily a bunch of sweets (Lamingtons, pavlova, misc australian goodies) and not much else.

>> No.12195435

When i was in germany i saw one. it was just a pub with an australian theme

>> No.12195437

Dumb cunt

>> No.12195451
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Maybe it's the US variants but Tim Tams blow.

>> No.12195466
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>Chicos (racially segregated chocolate flavoured jelly babies)
>Freckles (chocolate drops with hundreds and thousands)
>Nigger boy licorice (pic related)
>1488 gas the jews race war now brand chewing gum

>> No.12195471
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>ausfood is a shitty as the people making it. they're all fatass drunkards too

As much as I wish I could disagree, I'm an Australian former chef who is fat, drunk and shitposting on /ck/ at 10:35am.

>> No.12195478

Based! Show fat belly pic!

>> No.12195480

Don't start this again you sheepfucking nematode.
When more of your population lives in Australia than Aotearoa, the point is moot.
PS thanks for 'Police ten seven', what a great show, sometimes you even see white people on it.

>> No.12195495


>> No.12195500

I lived in Aussie for 4 years and I miss it,Some of the most welcoming cunts I've met,back home now and I now realise why Aussies call kiwis the poms of the Pacific.

>> No.12195505
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>> No.12195516

Awesome one pack.

>> No.12195521

He fucking did it the absolute madman

>> No.12195530

>I have a six pack
>It's in the bag with the rest of the week's groceries

>> No.12195541


You're not fat, you're just a little husky is all. You were built to crush pussy in America.

>> No.12195543

>niggers begging for the rope
Oh this is just too good.

>> No.12195552

mmm I remember the 1488 soda came out

>> No.12195557

Truly a great man.
We have much to learn from you.

>> No.12195579

I just bought 4 and am working on my ab right now.

>> No.12195583

What the photo doesn't show is that I'm 6'4" and 330lb so yeah, I'm fat. But I can bench press a full keg of beer, drink a slab in three hours without breaking a sweat, and lift literally anything I can get my hands around.
I used to bend six inch nails as a bar bet.
I once carried a 240kg motorcycle (BMW R1100GS) off a road after its clutch cable snapped. So yeah, I don't listen to scrawny vegans when they start talking about health.

>> No.12195680
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>> No.12195686

Your daily reminder that women who reject you for dad bod are not worth your time.

>> No.12195741

Actual "Australian" food is comfy tier party food. The actual best thing about Australia is that unless you're in a complete shit-tier outback village you're likely to have multiple good, authentic regional restaurants around. Greek, italian, viet, thai, jap, all sorts of middle eastern, balkan and indian are very common and if you're in a major city there's likely going to be at least a handful of places for all but the most obscure type of food.

>> No.12195767

You must be white, because all Australians are apparently virulently racist and xenophobic.
>Majority of Australians oppose expanded immigration
>more than 50% of Australians are foreign born or have at least one parent who is foreign born
>Australians are racist for not wanting more immigration
>but it's only the outnumbered white minority who are racist xenophobes

>> No.12195959

Fucking based! Wtf, I luv aussies now!

>> No.12195976

That's the kind of belly that is hard when you push it. The manual labor alcoholic combo.

>> No.12196008

whats your favorite meat pie recipes? also arent ANZAC biscuits and coconut oatmeal cookies the same thing?

>> No.12196050

Based Aussies

>> No.12196496
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sup newfag

>> No.12196690

Tell me more about Balkan cuisine in Straya.
I'm curious to know what kinds of dishes do they serve there, what with me being from the Balkans, and all that...

>> No.12196748

Living there now. The actual 'cuisine' of the country is pretty minimal, aside from some iconic things like Lamingtons and meat pies with tomato sauce that everyone knows about there's very little original stuff. Fairy bread is only ever a cheap, quick thing for childrens birthday-parties, I haven't seen it anywhere else at all. A few years ago people tried to push the 'bush tucker' thing with stuff like bush tomato relish and shit, but it never really caught on, all you can expect is overpriced shit. Abbos never made ANYTHING good to eat and still don't, but rich and stupid people will pay top dollar to go on tours where they can walk around the bush picking shit and watching someone spear a duck or fish before it's thrown on a charcoal fire, because it's authentic.

The good news is that in spite of the lack of native cuisine, the restaurant-quality is very diverse and very good, though food and the cost of living here is ridiculous compared to most European countries and America. Oddly enough, fine dining here is comparatively cheap and just as good as the fine dining I've tried in other places, upmarket restaurants in Sydney and Canberra cost less and tasted better than a Michelin star restaurant I went to in the states and were about as good as some in Singapore.

>> No.12196762

Quality post, my man. How is abbo/abo spelled? Is it considered a slur? Are the abbos really as bad off as we see them depicted in the media? Have you had their food? Sorry for all the questions, just really interested in aboriginals.

>> No.12196766

you might want to clean your mirror and then shave your chest

>> No.12196777

Not that guy but I am Australian. It's "abo". I don't get why people fuck that up a lot. Is it because they don't actually know it's short for aboriginal?

>> No.12196790

Not that guy either but the majority are degenerate addicts that rely on the state for every need.

>> No.12196794

British and American food with fried eggs and beetroot added.

>> No.12196802
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>> No.12196810

Thanks. I've only ever heard it spelled Abbo, and it's considered somewhat rude but not inherently abusive, one of those words that white liberals care more about than the people it applies to.

The ones that are generally accepted to be the worst are the outback ones who I've never met and can't comment on, but I've heard shitloads of horror-stories in pubs and stuff, like a coworker who claimed that a policeman told her that she shouldn't stop under any circumstances while driving through a certain town, my landlord used to work with a group that focused on educating them so they could learn to be rangers and educators and was very frustrated with the lack of progress, etc. When I walked past a reserve for them in Queensland it was covered in trash. Again though, it's all hearsay, the ones I've personally met from the cities have been pretty decent though there are definitely slummy parts in Sydney full of them, I'm friends with a mixed girl who's father was one of the stolen generation she and her family (including the father) are all nice, upper-middle class people who seem lowkey embarrassed about the reputation their race has.

I've had their food, and the authentic stuff isn't very good at all - seafood and kangaroo, historically it would've included other animals which are protected now - thrown on a charcoal fire, some native fruits which range from inoffensive but not fantastic to bad, and some native vegetables which aren't particularly exciting. They never had much technology at all so virtually all of their cooking revolves around roasting over charcoal fires, there was never any sort of frying, no soupy dishes etc. No seasoning, minimal flavoring, very limited cooking-techniques.

The inauthentic stuff which uses their ingredients while incorporating modern cooking methods is infinitely better, like an ash-rubbed kangaroo loin served alongside some saltbush with some native dukkah,

>> No.12196825

Fridge is short for refrigerator, even though refrigerator doesn't have a D in it, this is because otherwise people might think it was supposed to be pronounced 'freege' with a soft G instead of 'fridge'.

'Abo' has a hard B, so it's pronounced 'ABB-o', and I suspect that's why a lot of people spell it that way. Writen as 'Abo' you could think it had a hard A.

>> No.12196839

Thanks a lot, that's fascinating. Abos get a lot of shit but I've always admired their ability to survive in the bush and their deep respect for the land. Ray Mears' BBC shows about aborigines are exceptional and I can't recommend them enough.

>> No.12196856

>Abos get a lot of shit but I've always admired their ability to survive in the bush and their deep respect for the land
Mate, abo culture is fucking dead. Every strain of everything they once were, good and bad, is fucking obliterated.

These days they're just another strain of domestic abusers, school bludgers and drunken sots with more melanin than the usual sort. If you leave a modern abo out in the bush they'll be dead by morning, and they're responsible for 4/5s of the silver pillow littering you'll see.
Not the poster you're replying to, but I've lived in fairly rural areas all my life and every single stereotype of the modern abo is 100% accurate.

>> No.12196870

I'll consider giving them a look, thanks for the rec.

And yeah, for better or worse, they were basically the most 'natural' humans on the planet - some of the oldest homo sapiens remains have been found here, I learned that a lot of the theories on caveman society are based around studying their culture because of how it remained essentially unchanged for tens of thousands of years.

Obviously that's not going to be conductive to integrating into modern society (Particularly given that most of them died of diseases shortly after Australia was colonized, they had absolutely no exposure to them before and it really fucked them up) or making good food (in my opinion, at least) but it's really cool to learn about.

>> No.12196872

They know how to fry an onion.

>> No.12196893

We have the same problem in America with our natives. They're by far the most pitable and sorriest motherfuckers in the country. A primitive people removed from their culture and given all of our western vices. >>12196870
Check out Les Hiddins aka The Bush Tucker Man as well.

>> No.12197032
File: 1.01 MB, 2080x1560, P90129-190829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuthin beats a damn good home made pie on a cool summers eve mate

>> No.12197049

Baked potato top crust is incredible, looks great mate.
I love also substituting it with a fried egg for the top crust. Throw a hashed brown layer underneath for the full breakfast treatment.

>> No.12197050

They only moved here about 20 years ago, it's still basically the same stuff they made over there, the capsicum dip sauce, cevapi, their neat little pastries, it's not even really passed the "my old dead grandma made them this way" stage, the old grandmas are still mostly around.

>> No.12197059

they are similar but different. anzacs have golden syrup in them, and they use rolled oats instead of oatmeal. there's also no eggs. anzacs are much closer to the british version of a biscuit compared to the american notion of a cookie.

>> No.12197068

>Is it considered a slur?
It is very much a slur. if you aren't black then calling someone an abbo is like 97% of the way to just calling them a nigger. what the reaction will be depends on where you are, but it's better to just not say it at all.

>> No.12197071

Well we definitely like our seafood.

Other than that I couldn't really tell you.

>> No.12197091

Then what do you call them? Is black fella acceptable?

>> No.12197096

to be fair 99% of white people in australia have nothing to do with abbos so you usually are only interacting with one at a time so their name I guess.

>> No.12197137

Call them whatever the fuck you want, you're just going to get "yeah ight mate can I get sum bus change just need $5" in return.

>> No.12197183
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basically simmilar to NZ cuisine

>>except: pavlova wasnt australian. it was written in her diary that she was served the desert in NZ!

australia does this takes credit for a kiwis work.

pies are a truely thing that kiwis and aussies share they think we are weird for liking cheese in our pies

a pie isnt the size a dinner plate. its about the round-ness of a mug filled with a savoury filling in gravy such as mince or steak.

the other thing that difference is you can have flavours like emu or crocodile

the other thing aussies have embraced is vietnamese and lebonese food.

their four n twenty pies taste ghastly. at least kiwi have a pie awards for the best bakery

you either like vegemite or marmite
>>yes there is a difference

we have the filled roll: long roll filled with meat and salad eg
>>ham, lettuce, cheese, tomato, slither of boiled egg sometimes beetroot and mayonaise.

pic related called the long cream donut

the corndog is a hot dog, the hot dog is a american hotdog and is boiled but not grilled.

grilling is BBQ. bbq is called meat smoking.

>> No.12197196

>When i was in germany i saw one. it was just a pub with an australian theme
A bunch of fat 50 year old guys in shorts that stay at mid thigh doing nothing but drinking mid-strength ale while watching horse races?

>> No.12197209
File: 1.82 MB, 1581x921, Australian cuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic should tell you all

>> No.12197223

fairy bread is served at kids parties

>> No.12197233

Why are Americans so obsessed with fairy bread? It's a shitty cheap bread with shitty sprinkles and butter for lazy people to give their kids as a treat.

>> No.12197236

Because it's kinda weird, where-as the rest of it is just kinda there. Lamingtons and anzac biscuits might be infinitely more common but visually they're not too striking.

>> No.12197246

yes its sugar on bread but 5 and 6 year olds dont really care what their eating...
google kids party food and you will see most of its sugar so the kids can burn it off

>> No.12197256
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we make some great nachos

>> No.12197258

you forgot "also everyone is asian now"

>> No.12197269

why aren't you upside down?

>> No.12197274

Substitute crackers for doritos and that is exactly what I grew up with.

Sydney and Melbourne may as well be a different country now. Hear that Tasmanias not far behind.

>> No.12197277

I'm an american and I grew up eating cheddar "cheese" (american cheese food product) melted on saltine crackers as a snack. I loved that shit as a kid.

>> No.12197291

Based cunt

>> No.12197315
File: 112 KB, 1000x666, Easy-Lamington-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lamingtons are the best
you only put jam in it if your sponge sucks

>> No.12197328

Basically yeah

>> No.12197382

>former chef
>filthy kitchen, literally zero self respect
>spreadable marge

cafe chef maybe lmao

>> No.12197411

I usually forget this word exists but occasionally it will flash through my mind as I'm doing something random and I'll stop and agonize over where I heard it and what it could possibly mean. Why not use a normal word for that?

>> No.12197466

nigga it's australia, you can't keep butter or margarine outside because it'll fucking melt and get ruined. so you have to keep in the fridge which means it doesn't spread.

>> No.12197493
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this is a typical australian meal and is considered a national treasure to most. Non whites will claim otherwise.

>> No.12197528

Because "coconut and chocolate sponge cake" isn't nearly as fun.

>> No.12197532
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yeah you see food you eat it slobbo

>> No.12197571

good one dad

>> No.12197583

stop being a tranny and come home son.

>> No.12197927


>> No.12197970

>A bunch of fat 50 year old guys in shorts that stay at mid thigh doing nothing but drinking mid-strength ale while watching horse races?
I feel like I'm at my local pub already

>> No.12198679

And your just the typical kiwi cunt.

>> No.12198683

Faggot kiwi.

>> No.12198956
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So do aussies really do this or is it just a meme?

>> No.12198993
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>> No.12199040


Do you realize how fucking stupid you are? read that again

>> No.12199937

>O N
>B A R B I E

>> No.12200068

>muh pies
Christ on a bike, this has to equal the underarm incident for shit kiwis don't stop sobbing about. Aus and NZ have the same food standards, guaranteed your bargain basement servo pies are as shit as ours.

The dishonest Kiwi has to big their bakery pies up by by comparing them to our garbage, pretty shameful.

>> No.12201325

Because much like pavlovas and sandwiches it's named after a person.

>> No.12201364
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Kiwi here, just enjoying a traditional New Zealand treat

>> No.12201383

upper middle class white faggots eating shit italian food

>> No.12201709

You cunts claiming Fairy Bread now?

>> No.12201718
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What do you expect from a penal colony together with gas-sniffing primates?

>> No.12201726
File: 426 KB, 600x791, 58908A9F-1400-43F8-9116-999DEDE0878B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Strayan mad cuz their only original dish has been stolen
I’d be mad too

>> No.12201732

The convict population was heavily displaced during the gold rush, btw. The rush of immigration basically nudged the prisoners out of existence. Then most of their descendents were culled during WWI, leaving very little of our proud prisoner ancestry.

>> No.12201739
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As far as I can tell Australian cuisine is actually BACKWARDS from British cuisine. There's stuff in the homeland that is very rare or does not exist here.
Although it's always possible some of those things were invented and popularized after we left.
We don't have developed cuisine as much as we have a historical tradition of cheap, good quality meat and fish.
Real "meat and two veg" culture.

>> No.12201743

>our proud prisoner ancestry.

I have to push back on that. While the convict ancestry stuff gets heavily exaggerated in seppo banter and by Muslim on ABC and SBS programs it may also be that a lot of people simply chose to forget or suppress their convict ancestry simply because no one was proud of that. It's my understanding that it was historically embarrassing to have convict ancestors.

>> No.12201745

Yeah, it was delicious too

>> No.12201750

Why are Australians so bad at picking up sarcasm? You all take yourselves so damned seriously.

>> No.12201765
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>Australian cuisine
pick one

>> No.12201766

Sarcasm never works well in text, you may be on the spectrum if you assume it can.

>> No.12201779

You're definitely on the spectrum if context isn't enough for you.

>> No.12201908
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it's called culture sweaty, try get some in the future instead of being a complete mish mash of nothingness.

>> No.12202011

Guillaume Brahimi, Neil Perry. Matt Moran. Curtis Stone. Stephanie Alexander. Hideo Dekura. Ben O’Donoghue. Tobin Puttock. Bernard King. Peter Kuruvita. Kylie Kwong. Ian Parmenter. Peter Russell-Clarke. Maggie Beer. Peter Gilmore. Justine Schofield. Charmaine Solomon. The list goes on. Believe me, Australians punch well above their weight when it comes to fine dining.

>> No.12202019

>Florida: The Country

>> No.12202144

enjoy having a commie horse as a PM

t. kiwi moving to aus

>> No.12202178

>talks like criminal 19th century bongs
>«oy mayt we wur gold diggas, cant»

>> No.12202196

Pipi Foremun. Tilly Dombo. Versei Glint. Sard Charupial. Bees Togg. Gomez Fortuna. Lip Corundum. Sisko Peefs. Jelly Mantra. Marty "Tiny" Delgado. Yabby Hoskins. Dick Wort-Bog. Billy Sizztuck. Jo Rogan. Splash Hendersen. Don't mess with Texas, bitch.

>> No.12202208
File: 49 KB, 729x410, HSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halal Snack Packs are fuckin' amazing

>> No.12202215

someone one might but i normally pull the shit tube out and eat them raw

>> No.12202244

Total meme.

We mostly just eat them at ambient temp with whatever seafood dipping sauce. Only cooked prawns I've had have been in a pasta, on pizza, or in a seafood bake.

>> No.12202334
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I love Dick!

>> No.12202392

You forget about west australia and NT.
Sydney and mebourne abos are fuck all compared to proper abos

>> No.12202414

It''s an AB.

>> No.12202678

We don't even call them shrimp.

>> No.12202687

Splash Henderson would make a great pornstar name